KFAN's Paul Chryst fiasco

KFAN is Horrible Entertainment

So you would rather have a radio station act as sycophants and completely suck up to the sports teams in this town that don't deserve it? I have the feeling if that were the case, you would be on these forums complaining about that too.

All of the radio shows are horrible to listen to. They are like 8th grade humor constantly. No talent on their programs. The morning show is pathetic humor. I actually prefer PA to the others. Dan Cole is as bad as I have ever heard anywhere.Barrero is a whiner , constantly stammering in his sentences. He is always bitching about everything --- always -- never satisfied with anything in life. He never has players as guests because he rips them. He usually has on other sports writers from other parts of the country. He kisses up to them. They mock the Gophers every day.

On Chryst, I wonder if Maturi was trying to land Barry Alvarez and Alzarez turned him down and made him promise to interview Chryst. I am only speculating. Another ex Badger coach on the Vikings is Hueber. I think both he and Bevell are Chryst backers. I wish there was a more balanced sports show on KFAN that is positive and negative when its called for -- not the format for every show.

So you would rather have a radio station act as sycophants and completely suck up to the sports teams in this town that don't deserve it? I have the feeling if that were the case, you would be on these forums complaining about that too.

No, the issue is that there is no informed "talent" on KFAN. And the problem with that is that a largely uninformed listening audience will trust them and base their reading, watching, listening and ticket buying on how different teams are projected by that "talent".

Barriero was decent to Kill in his interview yesterday but he asked Kill about his accent and then later in the broadcast proceeded to intimate that Kill had created a phony accent. I long for a drive home where the host was informed and less negative about Minnesota sports.

Trust me, that is how many people talk in the rural areas of Kansas, Oklahoma, and the western half of Nebraska for sure. Kill, much like Gary Patterson are just small town Kansas boys. They are who they are and they won't change.

KFAN is a Viking shill station. If you like the Vikings you will love KFAN. Everything else is an afterthought.
The on air "talent" does imply they offer authoritative analysis but they really are just shooting from the hip. They cover their inadequacies and inaccuracies by saying it's commentary and opinion.

Who likes em? Locker room humor aficionados, fart jokes lovers and champions of the repetitive punch line ie. "13 14" or "you are either onto something or you are on something".etc.

As for PA...he's just a younger more hip version of Dark Star. More "bit" than substance. He does know his Viking material and should know a lot about horse racing but I would not trust him on any other topics.


He's a good track announcer. I wish he would have stayed at Canterbury.

I've been driving around a lot for my job and caught both snippets of PA and Barreiro today (Tuesday). PA seemed supportive of Kill today, but he did backtrack a ton from comments he admitted saying Monday (I didn't hear those comments).

I caught part of Barrerio's interview with Kill yesterday and thought Kill did well. As an aside, I am really starting to like Kill. He's going to engage the press, but to this point, I don't think he's going to be made captive by them nor will he try to cow them.

Today, Barreiro was insufferable (Gaard is a total toola nd I say that as someone who has listened to sports radio off and on for years. I have yet to hear Dan to tell Gaard to go pick up his dry cleaning, but that may be next.). Today it was all, Bruininks is an idiot. Maturi is an idiot. Adam Kelly is a chowder, but his only crime is being a scapegoat for Bruininks and Maturi, who are the true incompetents. Then, it's why not Leach for a minute or two. Louie comes on and calms him down and says the probable reason Leach wasn't hired is that there's a lot more there other than the Adam James incident.

Paul Allen is Matt Millen. He thinks that if he sounds authoritative everyone will believe he is an authority.

Both have been proven otherwise.

I miss Dubay too. Wish he hadn't screwed up so bad. It's still my sports station of choice, since the old neighbor is so bad, and 1500 only really talks sports from noon-2 and at night when I don't listen.

I went back and checked the tweet in question, because I didn't remember it - here it is from Sunday at about 3:05 (must've been from some pressbox source): "Steam from some coaches and media members at Dome is that Wisc OC Paul Chryst will be named #Gophers FB coach tomorrow."

Don't know if that qualifies as an actual report that Chryst was coming or not. I know Doofie has an axe to grind with KFAN so he says that's a confirmation. To me, it looks like a half-hearted effort to report what others were saying. But maybe since I prefer them, I might not be reading it right.

I'm really sad about the whole Dubay situation. I feel bad about it foremost as a person, because he's a human being that got sucked into drug addiction, and hasn't been able to get his act together. I hope he ends up okay.

As a sports fan, I really miss him because despite the negative connotation from the FAN, he was "one of us." So are guys like Reusse, Soucheray, Chad Hartman, Rosen, even failures like Gelfand, but Dubay was the "one of us" for guys from my generation - the guys who are 30-40 years old. He's the only guy ever on the FAN who gave a damn about the Gophers and about hockey. Since he went away, PA's show is the drizzling sh*ts. It's just more Viking shill garbage like the morning show (which is still better than Common's crapfest). Reusse is excellent (and Souch too before the stale GL at 4), but I miss decent local sports talk in the mornings here.

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