Kent's blog: Brewster says Carter to play Saturday

I promise to never comment on how Iowa/Wisconsin, etc. punish their athletes from this point forward.

Beat Illinois! Orlando or San Antonio please!

ha ha unbelievable isn't it.

maybe more to the story than we know.

Still dumb move on many levels if true about Carter.

Can you "handle" the situation after the season is over?

Maybe the holier then thou, Punky is a stern disciplanarian and ______________ is not garbage will end now.

Then again, it probably won't.

Surprised the AD does not have a policy on this. At Wisconsin, he would have been immediatley suspended per AD policy.

I sense Brew being much more lax then Tubby and I don't like it. Combine this incident with Whaley's being 'handled internally' with the complete lack of discipline on the field and I am quite concerned about Brewster's handle on this football team. He should have been suspended for a minimum of two games, period and so should Whaley. This 'handled internally' stuff is BS. The only thing that matters to these guys is playing time. Any other punishment you dish out is small potatoes.

Welcome to big time college football and the way those programs are run. Agree or not, that's the way it is.

Whaley played against Syracuse.

Besides, there's no reason you'd use an injury excuse when you are actually disciplining an athlete. Right or wrong...handling internally looks bad to the general public.

Brunicks better get involved and put a stop to this! Look at the National outrage over the Florida LB "only" getting suspended for a 1/2 over something less than brawling with police. This is going to provoke a firestorm against the U of M.

The bottom line is he needs to be suspended. Then again, Brewster has been fairly lax on these types of things in his tenure.

Incredible!!! I didn't know all you guys were there!!!

Seriously, how many times has the STrib been right on anything? It will be interesting to see what happens, just to find out the TRUTH. If the allegations are true--deal with it; if not, don't appease the know-it-nots. I'm waiting to hear what happened and what will happen.

Until then, it's really none of our business. If you really object, don't donate $ to the U and give up your tickets--that's a real stand; not this blog-a-be stuff...

I think you should change that whole statement to, "based on what I read from the Star Tribune and my primal urge to believe that police officers are antagonistic, the umpd helped escalate the whole situation to a level it really didn't need to go."

The police report was vanilla. An officer will never intelligently write anything about themselves that will bring their actions into question (Maybe in the south) Everything they do is procedural or in reaction to another's actions, and it may be hard to believe, but they do have significant training. Considering the force continuum and Carter's actions, use of a takedown and wielding a taser were acceptable means to gain compliance.

If you think all cops are out to get someone, quit kidding yourself. The amount of education to get a police job in this state requires a 2 year degree and pretty much necessitates a 4 year degree because of competition. I don't think anyone with a grudge is going to consider it worth the tens of thousands of dollars. Also, law enforcement is far from the good 'ol boy system it used to be. It's a profession. Quit watching tv and basing your opinions on it.

Your kidding, right? You are VERY naive if you honestly believe your 'never' and 'always' comment. Remember, these ARE the Minneapolis cops, who in recent months and years have done little to give the public much faith in them. You know, the cops that raided the wrong house and came damn close to shooting the homeowner? Those same cops that are being probed by the FBI for beating a man on video and describing something else in their 'report'? Those same cops that recently got busted lying about a traffic stop that was luckily caught on video? You've heard of the Gang Strike Force, haven't you? I could go on and on (and on and on). These are HARDLY isolated incidents. It's absolutely naive to believe that cops are somehow of higher moral substance than the average joe. If it's in their best interest, they'll lie, lie, and lie some more. Unfortunate, but true.

Those are all anecdotal examples tato, individual data points that while troubling cannot be used to make a judgment of the police in this situation or the police in general.

My suspicion is that the truth lies much closer to frozengopher's side than yours. He was being intentionally hyperbolic when saying never and always while your points sound alarmist. Especially in the face of what was by all accounts a fairly routine arrest not some gang strike force action.

And there were witnesses to all of this. This didn't happen in a dark back alley. If we're going to give Carter the benefit of the doubt until the facts are known heck shouldn't the police get it too?

Being angry at the cops without any actual evidence or indication they were in the wrong here is misdirected anger imho.

The bottom line is he needs to be suspended. Then again, Brewster has been fairly lax on these types of things in his tenure.

He needs to be suspended because you say so? The Coaches are taking care of it in a manner that they deem fit and that is good enough. Whether he gets suspended or has to run laps is up to Brewster, it is none of our business and it should never have been made public to begin with. If Carter was just another student at the U it would never make the paper and it should not make the paper just because he is an athlete at the U. And what evidence do you have about Brewster being lax on these things? Kids have been kicked of the team, kids have been suspended multiple games, where exactly is the laxness?

There have been other incidents this year and there have been no suspensions. As an Iowa fan, you guys rightfully give my program a lot of grief for our embarrassing off the field demeanor. This is a similar situation to what typically happens to Iowa players with the exception of a select few idiots. (Dominique Douglas, Abe Satterfield, etc.) Gopher fans like to say so many drinking violations is an example of a program with no discipline, where the players have no implications for their actions. Of the five or so drinking violations in the past year, all these players have been suspended. This includes simple minors, or PAULA's, similar to Carter's. Drinking is a college thing, no doubt about that. The actions of players are magnified so much because of all that they are given: a free college education. What is known is that Carter was drinking and received a minor during the season, that right there deserves a suspension.

This issue is nobody's business but Michael Carter's, his parents, and Coach Brewster's. When your kid gets in trouble should a bunch of strangers email you and tell you what the punishment should be? Or email you and demand harsher punishment?

What incidents? Gary Tinsley did nothing wrong, He could have been swinging the 2x4 to keep everybody under control and to make sure the fights did not escalate. The Kevin Whaley incident was last year and he did not play, which is as good as a suspension. I may be forgetting other non incident "incidents"

This issue is nobody's business but Michael Carter's, his parents, and Coach Brewster's. When your kid gets in trouble should a bunch of strangers email you and tell you what the punishment should be? Or email you and demand harsher punishment?
Of course not, but that's also not a fair comparison. Brewster and Carter are both representatives of a public institution. Boosters, fans and everyone else who contributes to the program have every right to express their opinion on the conduct of the team and its players.

I disagree. Brewster is is a representative of the school as an employee, Carter is no more representative of the school than any other student at the U.

I disagree. Brewster is is a representative of the school as an employee, Carter is no more representative of the school than any other student at the U.
Even were I to accept that assertion the decision of whether or not to suspend Carter is part of Brewster's job and is still fair game for reasonable criticism.

Your kidding, right? You are VERY naive if you honestly believe your 'never' and 'always' comment. Remember, these ARE the Minneapolis cops, who in recent months and years have done little to give the public much faith in them. You know, the cops that raided the wrong house and came damn close to shooting the homeowner? Those same cops that are being probed by the FBI for beating a man on video and describing something else in their 'report'? Those same cops that recently got busted lying about a traffic stop that was luckily caught on video? You've heard of the Gang Strike Force, haven't you? I could go on and on (and on and on). These are HARDLY isolated incidents. It's absolutely naive to believe that cops are somehow of higher moral substance than the average joe. If it's in their best interest, they'll lie, lie, and lie some more. Unfortunate, but true.

thank you

Those are all anecdotal examples tato, individual data points that while troubling cannot be used to make a judgment of the police in this situation or the police in general.

My suspicion is that the truth lies much closer to frozengopher's side than yours. He was being intentionally hyperbolic when saying never and always while your points sound alarmist. Especially in the face of what was by all accounts a fairly routine arrest not some gang strike force action.

And there were witnesses to all of this. This didn't happen in a dark back alley. If we're going to give Carter the benefit of the doubt until the facts are known heck shouldn't the police get it too?

Being angry at the cops without any actual evidence or indication they were in the wrong here is misdirected anger imho.

I know I am going to regret getting in the middle of this but, you took the time to email the coach of the Gophers based on your suspicion of an incident that you were neither apart of nor witnessed. I don't think I am going out a limb in assuming you have not even met Michael Carter, Kenny Watkins,or any of the other individuals involved. You state "If we're going to give Carter the benefit of the doubt until the facts are known heck shouldn't the police get it too? You have already emailed Coach Brewster suggesting Carter be suspended, how is that giving him the benefit of the doubt? Have you also emailed the chief of police suggesting the officers involved in this incident be suspended?

The only factual information most of us have to go on is that Michael Carter drank some amount of alcohol on the night in question and was not willing to comply with certain police commands. Should Carter be suspended for his M.I.P.? My initial thought was yes, but I don't think it is completely black and white. If the student code of conduct is similar to when I was in school a few years ago, a first alcohol violation calls for something like going to an alcohol awareness class and writing a paper. You could still argue that, as a student-athlete, Carter should be held to a higher standard and be suspended.

What incidents? Gary Tinsley did nothing wrong, He could have been swinging the 2x4 to keep everybody under control and to make sure the fights did not escalate. QUOTE]

"Spin your head! Spin your head!"

Is suspension the only punishment that would be viewed as acceptable to all of you? What if the coach came out and announced that he is not suspending the player in question because he doesn't feel the entire team should be punished for the actions of one player. He explains that he doesn't think it's fair to the rest of the team to jeopardize their success on the field for the actions of one player. He then says that the player will be punished internally, and he assures everyone that the player will suffer extremely unpleasant consequences for his actions. Assuming that the player's offense is the "being stupid" misdeeds, and not the more serious offenses where lawyers are needed, would non suspension punishments be acceptable to you?

Is suspension the only punishment that would be viewed as acceptable to all of you? What if the coach came out and announced that he is not suspending the player in question because he doesn't feel the entire team should be punished for the actions of one player. He explains that he doesn't think it's fair to the rest of the team to jeopardize their success on the field for the actions of one player. He then says that the player will be punished internally, and he assures everyone that the player will suffer extremely unpleasant consequences for his actions. Assuming that the player's offense is the "being stupid" misdeeds, and not the more serious offenses where lawyers are needed, would non suspension punishments be acceptable to you?

I've experienced a coaching staff that believed in punishments other than suspensions. I played D2 ball, and the coaching staff hardly ever suspended players. Instead their punishment usually was lots and lots of running after practice along with community service. Most times they learned their lesson.

Our off-season lifting/conditioning program started at 6am, four days a week. The first thing we did every morning was a killer ab workout lasting about 10-12 minutes. If someone showed up late (happened a lot early on), we would stop the ab workout and start all over. And it would be even tougher the 2nd time. But the person that was late just stood in the middle watching everyone else. Let's just say everyone would get really pissed at him. After the first week or two, we never had anyone late.

Who knows what Brewster and his staff are thinking. I'm certainly not saying that his decision is okay because of my experiences. Obviously none of us knows the whole story. But there are other ways to punish than suspensions. And in many cases, they can be more effective.

Some of you guys are funny. Anyone notice that Maturi recently described his department as an "asylum" when referring to the "snowballing" of troubles with Gopher student-athletes? I wonder why he used that word? NOT!

Carter is playing this week because you guys need a win. Plain and Simple!

Some of you guys are funny. Anyone notice that Maturi recently described his department as an "asylum" when referring to the "snowballing" of troubles with Gopher student-athletes? I wonder why he used that word? NOT!

Carter is playing this week because you guys need a win. Plain and Simple!

he used the term in relation to how some "over-reactors" in the general public might view the dept. at this point in time. he wasn't giving his own personal viewpoint of his dept. but, i am sure you completely missed that very clear distinction on purpose since it is just not as funny to a becky troll the other way around. :rolleyes:

btw - how are the windows in that glass house of your's myles? uw is not a school to that should do much talking when it comes to running a perfect little program.

now go away and take some more lewd photos of college cheerleaders and then post them on beckyville for your becky circle jerk crew. you do seem to be really good at THAT. you turd. do you have children? if so, i fear what they would think if they knew their dad was up to that kind of sick stuff.

.055? This is a case of a kid getting drunk for the first time. It only took a couple beers.

Hopefully he learned his lesson via humiliation.

If I understand it correctly .055 off the charts drunk, but .055% would not be.

.....btw - how are the windows in that glass house of your's myles? uw is not a school to that should do much talking when it comes to running a perfect little program.

When Badger Student-Athletes are arrested in situations like Carter was, they are immediately suspended. It's school policy with no discretion. Apparently, it's different up there. Hey I get it, the Gophers aren't bowl eligible yet. Brewster needs all the help he can get. I understand this.

When Badger Student-Athletes are arrested in situations like Carter was, they are immediately suspended.

please! how is lance smith (former uw footballer who was not suspended by the uw team for far worse discretions) doing these days?

yep. you keep on telling yourself that myles.....if it helps you sleep at night in your becky footie-pajamas.

please! how is lance smith (former uw footballer who was not suspended by the uw team for far worse discretions) doing these days?

yep. you keep on telling yourself that myles.....if it helps you sleep at night in your becky footie-pajamas.

I have no idea how he is doing, but he was indeed suspended, as he should have been. You are an embarrassment to the truthful, decent posters on this board.


I promise to never comment on how Iowa/Wisconsin, etc. punish their athletes from this point forward.

Beat Illinois! Orlando or San Antonio please!

Combined, our football and basketball arrests are catching up with our neighbors in Wisconsin and Iowa. No one on this board should be throwing stones right now. Maturi and Brew are just like their colleagues in WI and IA. They have situations to deal with, and a business to run. Right now, they have to win... and a lack of depth...

The holier than thou thing is over - accept it. It's not always pretty.

What incidents? Gary Tinsley did nothing wrong, He could have been swinging the 2x4 to keep everybody under control and to make sure the fights did not escalate. QUOTE]

"Spin your head! Spin your head!"

MNCH, I was not aware you were there and were a star witness to the events. I am glad you know how things went down and know exactly what Gary Tinsley was thinking and doing. Have you testified yet? Just because something gets written in a police report or the star tribune does not mean it is true. Police embellish reports often and the Strib has been known to publish complete crap and intend to smear.

just because something is public record does not mean it is everyone's business

LOL. KInda like blame the cops for using unmarked cars to patrol with a better chance of sneaking up and catching bad people doing bad things, right? Some of you guys are incredibly dense on this board.

The fact that it can be everyone's business through the public record is exactly why such records are public.

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