Keep Tracy Claeys as the Head Coach of the Minnesota Gophers Football Team


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
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In light of the recent calls for Coach Claeys head.....and a related petition.....I've started a competing petition. Not created in order to undermine their efforts.....but make them look like real dummy heads. They have about 400 signatures. I'm shooting for 20,000. Please sign and help to drain the swamp.

HamburgerSandwich said:
Subject: Keep Tracy Claeys as the Head Coach of the Minnesota Gophers Football Team


Justice in the face of stupidity.

That's why I created a petition to All the people + those other guys, The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, Governor Mark Dayton, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama, which says:

"Tracy Claeys is an upstanding man with the determination and moxie to lead the Gophers to ANOTHER National Championship. His undeniable energy and ethical integrity regarding his players unfair treatment throughout the bungled EOAA suspension process is a testament to his character."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:



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Only 19,996 left! [emoji23]lmao

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I signed. Gave a false address tho- don't want spam

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Done and forwarded / shared.

Be sure to tweet the link. Should spread fast on the twittar.

done, but could have done without the MoveOn stuff

47 signatures, 20k is just around the corner. Can't wait!

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Can't get my name on a mailing list but if TC is not retained as coach I will drop my season tickets of 33 years.

47 signatures, 20k is just around the corner. Can't wait!

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20k was obviously a joke. Not surprised that it went over your head. Anyways......thanks for the multiple bumps! This petition will quickly elapse that "Fire Claeys" petition with your help.

In light of the recent calls for Coach Claeys head.....and a related petition.....I've started a competing petition. Not created in order to undermine their efforts.....but make them look like real dummy heads. They have about 400 signatures. I'm shooting for 20,000. Please sign and help to drain the swamp.

Claeys needs to go. The body is a temple and he treats his like a dumpster. The fat and obese have self control issues. If one cannot control their weight then how can they control a college football team? I know Harbaugh's players would not have held a boycott......

Claeys needs to go. The body is a temple and he treats his like a dumpster. The fat and obese have self control issues. If one cannot control their weight then how can they control a college football team? I know Harbaugh's players would not have held a boycott......

Just keep in mind Claeys wouldn't be the only person fired. There are several other coaches and dozens of family members who would also be "fired."

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Just keep in mind Claeys wouldn't be the only person fired. There are several other coaches and dozens of family members who would also be "fired."

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So why fire any coach ever? It's the industry don't get into coaching if you aren't prepared to be fired.

So why fire any coach ever? It's the industry don't get into coaching if you aren't prepared to be fired.

Yes. No NFL or college coach should ever get fired because they have families and despite making hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, the family of those people who the head coach gave jobs to in a field such as "football coaching" would normally provide 40 years of solid employment with pension, so us firing Claeys would be abnormal.

People working in the public sector... they don't have other people working for them, so when they get fired it's okay because their salary was maybe $50k or 100k. Their family will be fine.

It's not just the head coach it impacts, the whole program

So why fire any coach ever? It's the industry don't get into coaching if you aren't prepared to be fired.

I don't think we have enough information about this head coach in order to pass judgement to fire or the entire staff.
When you boot the head coach you affect the entire program, especially the player and their family's. We have not really given this head coach enough time to prove himself and to see if the program can grow under him and he can grow as a leader. Yes there has been a lot of adversity and testing in this first season, but to me the painting is unfinished and the outcome truly unknown.

If anything this season has taught us, it is the head coach needs to find people that he can really trust at all levels to carry out his vision even the student athletes. I'm of the opinion that even though he was slightly tainted by the scandal that the head coach has done the best job he can do in trying to support the players and coaching staff, and to not let everything completely implode. He let the players have their voices heard against what they thought was complete injustice to U administration and authority figures even his boss. Some of the suspended players even, at least one told the guys come to your senses and play the games for yourself and take the reward. Really at the end of the day the bowl and the vacation was one of the few rewards they would all receive, even if a slightly undeserving President get's to tag along.

Making change for change sake, and firing head coaches has been done ad naseum at the U, at what point do you finally say, give the person in charge a chance to dig out and see if they can make things better? I still think if we ride it out this coaching staff and the players have a chance to be successful. Tossing everything aside cast doubt on all of that. I would like to see how they come out of the off season, and with the recruiting and at least one more season with this head coach in place to see if he and the staff can right the ship and move it forward.

Just keep in mind Claeys wouldn't be the only person fired. There are several other coaches and dozens of family members who would also be "fired."

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What is your point? If they are good at what they do, then they will land somewhere. If not, I am sure they can land a job teaching gym class somewhere. Coaching football is far from a noble profession. Not exactly aspiring to cure cancer, eh?

Claeys needs to go. The body is a temple and he treats his like a dumpster. The fat and obese have self control issues. If one cannot control their weight then how can they control a college football team? I know Harbaugh's players would not have held a boycott......

Boy, I bet you're perfect. you have 0% body-fat, you never smoke, drink or eat sweets, and you drink nothing but rainwater. Give me a freakin' break. some overweight people have legitimate medical issues - and for some, food is as big an addiction as booze or drugs. As far as I'm concerned, a person with no compassion for others is just another name for an a**hole. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Boy, I bet you're perfect. you have 0% body-fat, you never smoke, drink or eat sweets, and you drink nothing but rainwater. Give me a freakin' break. some overweight people have legitimate medical issues - and for some, food is as big an addiction as booze or drugs. As far as I'm concerned, a person with no compassion for others is just another name for an a**hole. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Oh right, obesity is now due to legitimate medical issues and food addiction now. Let me guess, people who spend more than they make and rack up credit card debt have a spending addiction, right? How about people that lie, a lying addiction? Addiction is just another term for lacking self control.

Best of luck battling your "addictions", you are going to need it.

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