Kaler knows he is getting fired. Claeys screwed him over by winning the bowl game. The players have screwed him over by letting the truth out. I hope they don't wait for May to fire him. He costs the U more money in law suits by the day.
Can't disagree. Firing Claeys was a travesty. But hiring Fleck looks very good, although MAC coaches don't always succeed at the higher level. Fleck's strengths seem motivation and recruiting.Kaler is a horrible leader. He again used the terminology "sexual violence (assault) victim" when only the U's EOAA determined she was a victim. He is a disgrace and should be relieved of his duties
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Dude needs to shutup while we're ahead
Not a word from Kaler that he could have done more, but no hesitation to kick the previous while they are down. More of that great leadership on display.