Kaler: U of M 'did the right thing' in suspending players, firing Claeys

Kaler knows he is getting fired. Claeys screwed him over by winning the bowl game. The players have screwed him over by letting the truth out. I hope they don't wait for May to fire him. He costs the U more money in law suits by the day.

Kaler seems to have a really good pulse for where the culpability of the scandal should lie and how to gracefully handle a situation like this.

Signed Nobody

Kaler is a horrible leader. He again used the terminology "sexual violence (assault) victim" when only the U's EOAA determined she was a victim. He is a disgrace and should be relieved of his duties

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Can't disagree. Firing Claeys was a travesty. But hiring Fleck looks very good, although MAC coaches don't always succeed at the higher level. Fleck's strengths seem motivation and recruiting.

Kaler sounds like a bully that is gloating about beating and robbing a little kid of lunch money. I am happy we now have Fleck, but I really hope Kaler and Coyle get kicked out the door.

I just read the story in actual paper formatting. The title is "We've stood up for the victims of sexual violence."

When I finished the story I nearly puked in my mouth.

Kaler takes zero blame; cites privacy laws for him not doing more himself, which isn't entirely accurate; uses present results to justify past actions; and holds himself up to be the hero of everything by saying he would gladly accept dismissal for standing up for victims of sexual assault.
(typing that almost made me puke a little).

This is classic PR spin. There is zero pushback by the reporter. She js nothing more than a stenographer. Kaler is in full blown CYA mode here. What a complete slimeball.

Fire him now.

Not a word from Kaler that he could have done more, but no hesitation to kick the previous while they are down. More of that great leadership on display.

Nearly all the posts in the Comments Section said that too. Now there are only 4-5 in there. One guy noted that there were 70 in there last night.

Not surprising that the Strib wiped-out those comments. It's what they do.

No, the really surprising thing is that there were rational comments in there to start with.

Yeah, the Strib deleted all the comments bashing Kaler & Coyle for being lying scum bags. The Red Star is appropriate for that communist propaganda rag.

I came into this wanting think we had a solid President at the U, but now I get the dislike for the guy.

Maybe this came from good intentions and wanting to reach out to the large group of angry anti Mn football fans (I have a few on my Facebook feed), but he is clearly part of the communication problem that exists.

I don't pretend that his job in these situations is easy (of course, that's why he gets paid as much as he does), but this latest from Kaler seems more like virtue signaling than anything else, and an attempt to avoid having Minnesota compared to Baylor, where what happened was far worse. Did they stand up for victims when they let the players subject to the restraining order play in road games? And what, exactly, did Coyle (who, remember, knew about this before Claeys, since the cops called him first, and most likely knew just as many details as Claeys if not more) do during the season to stand up for victims? Did Kaler ever apologize for hiring a pervert as AD? The way they seem to be portraying themselves as cleaning up a program of degenerates which put any woman in the city of Minneapolis in grave danger is getting very tiresome.

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