Join the GopherHole community on Facebook!

GopherHole Staff

GopherHole Admin
Staff member
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
We appreciate the suggestions we received from many of you to start a GopherHole Group on Facebook and we are finally up and running! Please see the link below for the FB page and we hope to add many of your as “friends” in the coming days! Join the GopherHole group today! Facebook Group

Why didn't Gopherhole start a Facebook page vs. a group?

A Facebook page allows you do much much more... publish in the newsfeed etc.

Just curious.

Good question - we debated between doing a fan page, group, or a person. We actually wanted to do a fan page, but after it was created, it did not allow you to invite any people. So, we debated between group and person - it would nice to be able to have status updates that a person would have, but the benefits of the group were that, people could all invite their own friends, and we could expand our network. Otherwise, it would pretty much just be a few of us looking up names, and inviting them. It is also nice to be able to message all the members, if there is anything very noteworthy. Plus, with a group you can make a few admins, that can help update the page if we choose to do that.

There is also an option to make a GH Facebook page as well. From your personal opinion, aside from being published in the news feed, are there any real advantages? We really just wanted to take some of the feedback that was given to us and act on it - we can always act on more!

I think the advantage is Facebook cares more about the fan pages. A group is more about the group.

They are really trying to work Pages into Facebook.

The biggest difference is a Page treats the Gopherhole as a entity. A person almost. So you can put your stories right into my newsfeed as well as reminders.

I think you can still create events etc...

I just think it allows GopherHole more ability to do PR. Pages are meant for websites etc. You can put breaking news into the feed, general comments and reminders. Etc. It allows you to interact with your public vs. the group just existing.

I would personally do both and see what fits the needs. I would guess in the long run, the Page would be the better option.

A page can have multiple admins (i know this because i have done it), and you can also just let the page promote itself. If I become a fan, any of my friends will be a fan if they see it pop up in their feed.

Also, you can help it group on the GopherHole itself. Just put a link somewhere.

Great points, Anti! Thanks for the ideas - so, if we do make GH a fan page...will you help promote it? I think your advertising experience can come in handy, haha!

Ask, and you shall receive!

I personally would love to see news that I care about flow into my feed from GopherHole.

Great idea, Anti - I expect you to be the 1st fan! If you'd like to join the GH fan page on Facebook, here's the link: Facebook Fan Page

If you do become a fan, we'll do our best to get articles and pertinent information up there as quickly as we can (for having full time jobs).

Any more great suggestions, keep 'em coming!

People ask if athletes check out the Hole. Look at some of the group members. There are quite a few athletes including Mr. Gray. Recruits definitely check out the site. Keep the positive vibes flowin'.

People ask if athletes check out the Hole. Look at some of the group members. There are quite a few athletes including Mr. Gray. Recruits definitely check out the site. Keep the positive vibes flowin'.

So true! So do current athletes, families, coaches, etc. It's amazing how many people read GH - it always surprises me. I'm not saying to not be honest when expressing your opinions, and for everyone to drink the kool-aid, but I just kind of follow the rule that, I won't say anything online that I wouldn't say to these kids in person.

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