John Wall accused of breaking and entering

A little breaking & entering. ... all in a good night's fun! Continue to be amazed how dense some of these guys are.

Why would he do that. He has it made. In 12 months he is going to be a top 5 draft pick and sign a $80 million contract. All he has to do is not allow any red flags to pop up but guess what a red flag just went up.

If it's a legit charge. ...

will be worth noting which schools, if any, withdraw their scholarship offers.

Brainless fool. What could you possibly be thinking to do something that stupid with all he has on the line?

It sounds like the house in question was a foreclosed & vacated property with an unlocked door.

I'll give him a pass on this incident.

Even if that's the case. ...

so by all indications he's a guy with a bright future (at least on the basketball court), the decision he makes is to enter property that is not his? I would think a lightbulb would go on in his head at some point, hey, maybe I shouldn't do this?

Even if that's the case. ...

so by all indications he's a guy with a bright future (at least on the basketball court), the decision he makes is to enter property that is not his? I would think a lightbulb would go on in his head at some point, hey, maybe I shouldn't do this?
I did stuff like that as a kid ("exploring" an empty house). OK, maybe I was in 5th or 6th grade at the time, but...

Anyway, the big concern with some college programs would be if jail time interfered with practice and games. Just as long as a good work/study (i.e. game/practice) release schedule could be worked out, no problem.

How do you "break" into a place that is already open? lol

A vacated or forclosed home is still property of the bank and is just as much a crime as if someone was living there. Having seen first hand the damage that can be done to forclosed homes and the amount of time and money it takes to repair them for resale, I have no sympathy for these punks.

Very interesting story out of Raleigh today.

After reading through, I don't think it's that big of a deal. He went into an old abandoned house...not a big deal. I did that with friends as a 24-year-old last summer all the's something to do when you live in the middle of nowhere (like I did) or probably even fun to do in a city (like Wall).

Jail time? They didn't even arrest him. This hardly seems like the heinous crime that some of you are making it out to be. Granted he needs to understand the situation of having a lot to lose and little to gain; but he's still a kid. I think there's much worse things he could have done. Imagine having TV stations report some of the stupid things we've done in our youth.

That doesn't let him off the hook, it just puts things in perspective.

Why hasn't this kid decided where he is going yet?!?!? Not that I care whether he goes to Duke, UNC, etc, but how long does it take to decide?

Perhaps there is some extenuating circumstance that I am not aware of.

I'm not even sure he's qualified yet, which may be the issue as well.

After reading through, I don't think it's that big of a deal. He went into an old abandoned house...not a big deal. I did that with friends as a 24-year-old last summer all the's something to do when you live in the middle of nowhere (like I did) or probably even fun to do in a city (like Wall).

I believe there's a difference between trespass and breaking and entering. I'd guess many of us as kids might have done a little trespassing in unsecured property just out of curiousity. Breaking and entry (forcible entry) involves overcoming the security--and maybe some type of destruction. I certainly wouldn't have done that, and I'll bet most people here didn't, either.

I believe there's a difference between trespass and breaking and entering. I'd guess many of us as kids might have done a little trespassing in unsecured property just out of curiousity. Breaking and entry (forcible entry) involves overcoming the security--and maybe some type of destruction. I certainly wouldn't have done that, and I'll bet most people here didn't, either.

Breaking and Entering doesn't necessarily involve damage. The "breaking" of the threshold of a residence is what the breaking refers to. You can accomplish this by simply pushing on an unlocked door and by entering you have committed the B and E. The issues of "force" when committing the breaking part is very loose and doesn't always involve a whole lot. Where it gets tricky is when it involves intent. You can be charged with a more serious crime if the purpose of the B and E was to commit another act like theft, vandalism, rape etc. Then it goes from a simple misdemeanor to a felony. All this varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction of course but most states, where no intent is shown, classify B and E as a statutory misdemeanor.

Wall should have known better but kids are kids and considering a girl was with them...I can say I had a similar situation when I was in high school but mine was for trespassing. They woke my parents up at 2:00 in the morning to come and get me and my car. I had to go in front of a judge and explain what I was doing at 2:00 in the morning with a group of girls on private property (the property being the gravel parking lot of a power station) and a 100 hours of community service later I had the charge dismissed.

And if I'm wrong, don't blame me. Blame my lawyer wife.:D

Breaking and Entering doesn't necessarily involve damage. The "breaking" of the threshold of a residence is what the breaking refers to. You can accomplish this by simply pushing on an unlocked door and by entering you have committed the B and E. The issues of "force" when committing the breaking part is very loose and doesn't always involve a whole lot. Where it gets tricky is when it involves intent. You can be charged with a more serious crime if the purpose of the B and E was to commit another act like theft, vandalism, rape etc. Then it goes from a simple misdemeanor to a felony. All this varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction of course but most states, where no intent is shown, classify B and E as a statutory misdemeanor.

Wall should have known better but kids are kids and considering a girl was with them...I can say I had a similar situation when I was in high school but mine was for trespassing. They woke my parents up at 2:00 in the morning to come and get me and my car. I had to go in front of a judge and explain what I was doing at 2:00 in the morning with a group of girls on private property (the property being the gravel parking lot of a power station) and a 100 hours of community service later I had the charge dismissed.

And if I'm wrong, don't blame me. Blame my lawyer wife.:D

OK. Ask your wife about the distinction (if any) between B&E and forcible entry. Maybe that's what I was thinking of. Maybe FE is the same as B&E with vandalism intent.

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