John Shipley: Tracy Claeys has to go; this isn’t about X’s and O’s


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Shipley:

Reflection is fine, but this is no time for the university to take its eye off the ball.

The Gophers’ 17-12 victory over Washington State on Tuesday night should have no bearing on Claeys’ future at the University of Minnesota. Nor should the team’s 9-4 record, its best since a 10-3 season under Glen Mason in 2003. This is not a football issue, and Claeys has to go.

One can debate whether a football coach can control more than 100 players under his charge, and one can forcefully argue that Claeys is in no way culpable for an incident in which some of his players were among the 10 to 20 men accused of sexually assaulting a classmate on Sept. 2. What cannot be debated is whether Claeys appropriately handled the U’s suspension of 10 players, and subsequently his team’s threat to boycott the Holiday Bowl.

Rather than take charge, Claeys let his misguided, ill-informed players hijack the program.

If Claeys couldn’t see which side he should have been on, that’s a problem. If he jumped on a grenade for his players, it was a mistake. It’s important to tell your children when they’re wrong.

In either case, Claeys’ credibility is shot — with the administration, the fans and, whether they know it or not, his players. The Gophers rallied around the coach and played well on Tuesday night, but they also probably got him fired.

Is that any way to treat someone you respect?

Go Gophers!!

What a pathetic op-ed by Sh!tley. Like so many lazy journalists, he refuses to take the time to understand the reason for a boycott. Instead he just runs with the false narrative his progressive feminist friends are blowing up his @$$.

Oh, now it's up to 20 players. Nice.

Anther definition of what the press and other losers are doing is "lynch mob". Going along with the mob is easy. Finding out what really happened and why and dealing with that is hard.

Don't you just love righteous indignation?

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john shipley can go f*ck himself all the way back to iowa city.......the dude is a self righteous twat.

I can't wait until the other side of the story is told and the realization that maybe people should have waited to judge, I'm sure we will hear a few canned "sorry" statements come out and a few "oh I get why now" will be revealed. This piece is not good writing to say the least, everyone is taking the easy way out on these stories. People are better and smarter than that. People that need to be punished will be punished. Let's not destroy the whole program because people feel vindictive about the actions of few.

just another $hithead and his opinion

Unfortunately, this sentiment is often much more than simply a sh¡tty opinion.

The "Fire Claeys" movement is becoming a place where Minnesota's biggest racists are flocking. This feels so good to them, like a good old-fashion lynching. The thinly-veiled "we need leadership" mantra is such obvious racist code for "we need someone who will crack the whip".

He's a University of Iowa grad. Why would anyone listen to this ignorant jackel? Ill-informed, indeed. Disgraceful column.

per Shipley:

Reflection is fine, but this is no time for the university to take its eye off the ball.

The Gophers’ 17-12 victory over Washington State on Tuesday night should have no bearing on Claeys’ future at the University of Minnesota. Nor should the team’s 9-4 record, its best since a 10-3 season under Glen Mason in 2003. This is not a football issue, and Claeys has to go.

One can debate whether a football coach can control more than 100 players under his charge, and one can forcefully argue that Claeys is in no way culpable for an incident in which some of his players were among the 10 to 20 men accused of sexually assaulting a classmate on Sept. 2. What cannot be debated is whether Claeys appropriately handled the U’s suspension of 10 players, and subsequently his team’s threat to boycott the Holiday Bowl.

Rather than take charge, Claeys let his misguided, ill-informed players hijack the program.

If Claeys couldn’t see which side he should have been on, that’s a problem. If he jumped on a grenade for his players, it was a mistake. It’s important to tell your children when they’re wrong.

In either case, Claeys’ credibility is shot — with the administration, the fans and, whether they know it or not, his players. The Gophers rallied around the coach and played well on Tuesday night, but they also probably got him fired.

Is that any way to treat someone you respect?

Go Gophers!!

Can someone explain how he didn't appropriately handle the suspension? What the hell does that even mean?

Saw on Twitter GopherHole took Shipley to task for sensationalizing the numbers and Shipley agreed with GH and changed his article. Nicely done GH.

Piece of **** article. Tracy Claeys is a good man. He doesn't deserve this.

The hierarchy of rage probably varies from person to person but in this incident flows generally as follows:

1) outrage over the alleged rapes
2) outrage the players defended their teammates, regardless of reason via the boycott
3) outrage the players didn't mention the feelings of the accuser (whom they disagree with)
4) outrage the players didn't mention women's rights, or anti-rape affirmations in their first speech
5) outrage over Claeys supporting said players right to voice their views
6) outrage over Claeys not voicing anti-rape affirmations in his tweet
7) outrage about football
8) outrage about football players
8) outrage about jock culture
9) outrage about football stealing money from other sports or the U (this sentiment is real)
10) men
11) Claeys weight

Gee, did this windbag continually ask for soupcan's head when he went after Kill because of his medical condition? This guy's life must be pretty miserable to put out bitter diarrhea like this column. Must not have been hugged enough when he was young. What a clickbait...

What a garbage article. No thought, no substance, just sensationalization. How is he employed?

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He's written basically the same article 4 times since 12/13. He's either on a self-righteous crusade or, since he's a hack writing for a dying newspaper, more likely he's trying to get attention anyway he can.

Now add in the unreasonable columns on the subject from Powers and Soucheray, and the St.Paul paper is trying to get as out front as they can with the "hang them all" crowd.

No reason to give them any "clicks " at all.

With all of this passion for Gopher football you would think we play in an 80,000 seat stadium. All of these people go to all of the games right? Oh ok.

Unfortunately, this sentiment is often much more than simply a sh¡tty opinion.

The "Fire Claeys" movement is becoming a place where Minnesota's biggest racists are flocking. This feels so good to them, like a good old-fashion lynching. The thinly-veiled "we need leadership" mantra is such obvious racist code for "we need someone who will crack the whip".
Thank you. I've been saying all along that this is a clear case of racism. I have been mistreated by a number of folks on the GH for stating the obvious.

This BS article is the problem. Just to get upset I went and read some tweets folks send to Doogie, AP Sports Guy, etc. on this topic. They all talk about the rape, rapists, guilty players, etc. Articles like this are the problem - all the uninformed idiots hear something in the media and roll with it like it is fact. Just like all the people who are so mad at TC's tweet, because the media says they should be. Then more losers that label you as pro-rape if you don't assume it is all true. It is so easy to see the EOAA's agenda and the sad part is they succeed due to the ignorance of so many in this new PC World. Man I hope Hutton destroys them.

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Pioneer Press Editors...two can play this game, load up their emails folks with your thoughts about this hack! Maybe ask for fair play since they splashed the opposing petition as their lead story for pure clickbait purposes.

Mike Burbach, editor, 651-228-5544, [email protected]
Mike Decaire, deputy editor/news production, 651-228-2125, [email protected]
Jen Westpfahl, deputy editor/digital news, 651-228-5510, [email protected]

OK. I'll ask you. Please explain to me what is so bad about that tweet.

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Never been more proud of your football team for boycotting the suspensionsame of 5+ players being accused of sexual assault? Don't think a coach should ever publicly support a boycott that would cost the college/university millions especially with an issue as controversial as this one.

Never been more proud of your football team for boycotting 5+ players being accused of sexual assault? Don't think a coach should ever publicly support a boycott that would cost the college/university millions especially an issue as controversial as this one.

Your second point is fine, although I would argue a coach should stand up for his players if no one else at the U does. And to be clear he wasn't standing up for the 10 in that tweet, but the 110.

As for your first point you should probably educate yourself on what the boycott was for.

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Never been more proud of your football team for boycotting the suspensionsame of 5+ players being accused of sexual assault? Don't think a coach should ever publicly support a boycott that would cost the college/university millions especially with an issue as controversial as this one.

It's 10 players, dolt. They didn't boycott back in Sept over the original suspensions. Ya think something changed Jonny? Maybe the players know more about the situation and the woman than you do and feel the punishment doesn't fit the alleged crime, or the entire thing is a crock. Nothing has been decided on whether a crime occurred. There's a significant chance there was a crime on some sort of new age "lack of positive affirmation every step of the way" scale upwards to traditional violent rape but there is a chance there wasn't.

Now go back to ironing your wife's clothes. Don't forget to get her to sign the waiver tonight either. You never know.

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