John Shipley: Tracy Claeys has to go; this isn’t about X’s and O’s

Last I checked there wasn't a single white male involved in this incident. And many on this message board, I'm guessing both black and white, but could really care less about the color of their skin, have serious questions regarding how some of the young men are being treated. Do you think that's funny?

Sorry, I didn't mean to bring race into the discussion, I misspoke.

Many of us have serious questions about how some of the players are being treated. The point I keep trying to make is how many posters are very quick to assume that wacko fascists are out to destroy our society.

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The young men involved are not "white males".

It was meant to be a general response to the comments regarding fascists attacking the status quo for men. I did not mean to bring race into the discussion and it was not about this particular incident.

Again, there are many problems with the investigation and the recommendations from the committee. And I think the boycott was successful in raising the visibility to the point that there is a better chance that some of players will get treated fairly.

There has been a lot of spitting into the wind in this discussion and I have been called all kinds of names with numerous ridiculous assumptions of my beliefs.

I don't assume any of you are pro-rape, no sensible person could make that assumption. We do not know if a rape took place, obviously the law enforcement agencies do not be their is enough evidence. I started by pointing out that the old days of men getting away shagging anything that moves are gone.

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I started by pointing out that the old days of men getting away shagging anything that moves are gone.

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We all celebrate those days being long, long, long gone. All the sensible posters are asking is that nut jobs like you stop ascribing guilt to young men, and wait for the facts to come to light.

This has been my take the entire time. There is a portion of the board that reads what I have written as "pro-rape". I've had to dumb down every post and start it out with "if it wasn't consensual, they should be arrested, kicked off the team, etc.". That should be a given, but I know how these arguments are made. You ask for a fair process in the investigation of a serious incident - - pro-rape. I have been consistent with my opinion of the situation the entire time.

Why would it be hard for you to believe that she wanted more than 1 person? It seems like she agreed to 3 or 4 guys, at what point does it become hard for you to believe? I am not judging her and if she is a victim in all of this, I feel awful for her. There are people into this type of thing. As much as it is not part of your life, people do this. It is a thing.

By the way, you just said "I do not assume it was rape, but (I find it hard to believe it wasn't rape)".
Ya know Bob, while I tend to agree with you, I wonder--
1. Are you aware how condescending you sound, and if you do...
2. Do you care?

The pro rape thing is getting tired. At worst, you have been accused of being a jock sniffer who is willing to give boys a pass. If you can quote the pro rape accusation, I will say I am very sorry. But this is at least the third time you have used that, and YAWN.

We all celebrate those days being long, long, long gone. All the sensible posters are asking is that nut jobs like you stop ascribing guilt to young men, and wait for the facts to come to light.

Now look who is making judgments without any facts. I have never said the young players were guilty. There have been many posters that continue to attack the motives of the investigation just because they disagree with the outcome. And you call me a nut job because I object to them being called feminazis, radicals, etc... And they think King Don will save them from the evil progressives.

This is a new investigation process and let's hope that the boycott has given some pushback on what the final penalties will be on the second group of players. I really hope the U extends Claeys. I think he is our best option and has tremendous team unity.

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