Joey King - Hats off to Thee!!!!!

Just wanted to say congrats for a great win for you all. The emotion and heart showed during the game and after w Pitino and Kings interviews are what college basketball is all about. I personally didn't like Costello's over the top in-game celebrations when MSU beat us at MSU .... but that's the college atmosphere that makes it great.

Awesome display and a great reminder that these are college kids and seniors are taking the floor for the last time.

Well said and thanks for the congrats. Good luck the rest of the season.

. ... I personally didn't like Costello's over the top in-game celebrations when MSU beat us at MSU.

Ditto for Melo's over the top jerking of his head every time someone breathes on him. He's too good of a player to do that stuff, but if the refs continue to fall for it I guess I can't blame him.

Ditto for Melo's over the top jerking of his head every time someone breathes on him. He's too good of a player to do that stuff, but if the refs continue to fall for it I guess I can't blame him.

I agree to an extent. Most players do something to highlight contact, whether its flailing your arms up when in the post or flicking your head back when driving. Melo did it a lot last year. Not as much this year. But if I was an opposing fan, man that would be annoying. Like battier getting awarded charges every single dang time.

This year his fta are down from 6.9 last year to 4.7 this year. Melo is having a bad month and half. Really bad. Speculation is he is dealing with a chronic lower back issue but no body knows for sure what is bothering him. Poor decision making, missing open looks, bumbling ball handling. You saw it at the end of the game against Minny.

Best case scenario - he gets back on track and the terps go far in the tourney.

Worst case scenario - he continues to play poorly and he comes back for his junior year.

I agree to an extent. Most players do something to highlight contact, whether its flailing your arms up when in the post or flicking your head back when driving. Melo did it a lot last year. Not as much this year. But if I was an opposing fan, man that would be annoying. Like battier getting awarded charges every single dang time.

This year his fta are down from 6.9 last year to 4.7 this year. Melo is having a bad month and half. Really bad. Speculation is he is dealing with a chronic lower back issue but no body knows for sure what is bothering him. Poor decision making, missing open looks, bumbling ball handling. You saw it at the end of the game against Minny.

Best case scenario - he gets back on track and the terps go far in the tourney.

Worst case scenario - he continues to play poorly and he comes back for his junior year.

I heard someone speculate on BTN that Melo might be injured and they're not saying anything. Any chance of that?

I heard someone speculate on BTN that Melo might be injured and they're not saying anything. Any chance of that?

Honestly, lots of speculation. Only known fact is - he is not right. He had hammy issues at the beginning of B10 play and would be seen getting worked on before, during and after games. Speculation ranges from hammy to lumbar to someone slept w his girlfriend to his introvert personality of a young guy thrown into a national spotlight. His mom said he has a terrible fear of public speaking and crowds etc. A very quiet dude.

It looks like he has decent lift on his jumpers which indicates it might not be a physical thing but then he leaves his jumpers short which indicates it might be a physical issue. It looks like he has speed but he doesnt have that change of speed when driving to the basket any more.

MD biggest problem is that they rely on high screens w pick n rolls and I think teams have seen enough tape to defend. Now when Melo drives defenders dont foul, close off the passing lanes and leave melo floating in the air without a play to be made.

Its just odd and its been going on too long to be a simple funk.

edit - just read a good article talking about Melos woes. and it seems he has a hammy and back issue to go along with teams defending the high pick and roll better and not fouling him.

good luck the rest of the way. Wouldnt mind getting a chance at some payback in the B10 tourney! Actually would love the opportunity.

Honestly, lots of speculation. Only known fact is - he is not right. He had hammy issues at the beginning of B10 play and would be seen getting worked on before, during and after games. Speculation ranges from hammy to lumbar to someone slept w his girlfriend to his introvert personality of a young guy thrown into a national spotlight. His mom said he has a terrible fear of public speaking and crowds etc. A very quiet dude.

It looks like he has decent lift on his jumpers which indicates it might not be a physical thing but then he leaves his jumpers short which indicates it might be a physical issue. It looks like he has speed but he doesnt have that change of speed when driving to the basket any more.

MD biggest problem is that they rely on high screens w pick n rolls and I think teams have seen enough tape to defend. Now when Melo drives defenders dont foul, close off the passing lanes and leave melo floating in the air without a play to be made.

Its just odd and its been going on too long to be a simple funk.

edit - just read a good article talking about Melos woes. and it seems he has a hammy and back issue to go along with teams defending the high pick and roll better and not fouling him.

good luck the rest of the way. Wouldnt mind getting a chance at some payback in the B10 tourney! Actually would love the opportunity.
The Gophers may have to win at least two games in the tournament to give you that wish. Our kids put together an exceptional effort against your terps. I wouldn't count on the Gophers being consistent enough to set-up a rematch.
On a side note, I find myself disliking Maryland fans whenever I see the terps play at home. Perhaps it's an east coast obnoxious culture, but I find it comes across as incredibly obnoxious. Not your problem, but just an observation.

Trust me, MD alum are not too fond of the student sections choice of chants. If you dont trust me, read the comments from testudo times when MD played Iowa and students chanted "you are ugly" to uthoff. It really started in 1998 imo (maybe bc i went from 98 to 00?). With Steve Francis it put the terps on the national scene again. Things were exploding on campus. At the time, we were duke's red headed step child and Duke would dominate us and their student section were the first that I know of that would plan and practice chants before games. In their newsletter, they would have the chants for the up coming game.

We did the hold the newspaper over your face when the opposing team was introduced and the PA would play that song "duh duh .. hey you suck" and we would say "were gonna beat the hell out of you and you and you" x5. the PA stopped playing the song a long time ago but the students still do it themselves. funny when an opposing team splashes an early 3 when they are doing the "you suck" chant. wish they would stop doing that.

The environment was a powder keg. so maryland students tried to equal duke students. only, where duke fans were clever, we were just drunk and out of control. to this day, i think the students pride themselves on being the most hostile. but that was in the old cole house. i honestly havent been to the xfinity center yet. but ti was built for maximum home court advantage. trust me - terps students have gotten a lot better. when i went, the Admin started to address the issue. things were out of control then.

But, like how duke elevated us to get loud and organized, i think the terps student section is doing for B10. I love the curtain of distraction at ASU.

"east coast obnoxious thing" - i dont know about all that and I wouldnt generalize that much but ... the terps current student section is a direct result of trying to match duke's. that and cole field house was right on campus and you could get hammer time drunk and walk over with nothing but you student id to get in.

I have to say this then I am done. It seems a lot of b10 teams do not like maryland. maybe bc we got a lot of accolades from BTN last year and im sure other fans are tired of hearing "how great terps student section is" .. but we bring a lot to the conf. good academic school, huge school. we excel at mens and womens bball, lax, baseball, soccer. last year i was tired of all the terps can do no wrong talk. but idk ... especially iowa fans.

Joey is a true mensch.

Mensch is Yiddish for a person with integrity & honor. A gentleman to the nth degree.

Appreciate the info, MD Native. I found that very interesting, particularly the stuff about Melo. Last year I remember thinking, "Wow, this guy is so smooth and effortless and seems to really control the tempo of the game." I haven't seen him play much this year, and it's only been during his rough stretch, but he didn't look recognizable. Your reasons seem plausible. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if that lower back rumor is true since he did have a hamstring injury. Those issues are often related.

I have to say this then I am done.It seems a lot of b10 teams do not like maryland. maybe bc we got a lot of accolades from BTN last year and im sure other fans are tired of hearing "how great terps student section is" .. but we bring a lot to the conf. good academic school, huge school. we excel at mens and womens bball, lax, baseball, soccer. last year i was tired of all the terps can do no wrong talk. but idk ... especially iowa fans.

Well, you guys are a much better addition to the conference than Buttgers, that is for certain.

Another great interview last night.

I think he has a future in broadcasting.

Another great interview last night.

I think he has a future in broadcasting.
Look out, Spenser!

I think that lots of fans are having trouble with the shift in the traditional rivals. And btw, Amelia said that the over-confident student section in MN started chanting 'over-rated' prematurely with 10 minutes left in the game. In fact, they were chanting 'over-rated' to Trimble when he was at the line shooting free-throws.

Because I'm a basketball fan first and since Delany was hell-bent to expand the B1G brand, was glad to see Maryland added to the conference. Great hoops tradition and a passionate fan base.

Nevertheless -- unlike Rutgers which was thrilled to join the B1G -- have never sensed Maryland fans want to be here, and I understand that. Maryland is ACC through & through, so I can see why the B1G isn't their cup of tea. I hope that changes over the years, but at least right now Rutgers fans are thrilled to be in the B1G (as they should be, their conference affiliation change was like going from Hamburger Helper to filet mignon) while Maryland fans are not.

When Nebraska was added to the B1G, that one made sense, and I think by & large Cornhuskers fans are glad to be here. It became apparent pretty quickly that Nebraska fit. To this point I can't say the same about either Maryland or Rutgers.

Because I'm a basketball fan first and since Delany was hell-bent to expand the B1G brand, was glad to see Maryland added to the conference. Great hoops tradition and a passionate fan base.

Nevertheless -- unlike Rutgers which was thrilled to join the B1G -- have never sensed Maryland fans want to be here, and I understand that. Maryland is ACC through & through, so I can see why the B1G isn't their cup of tea. I hope that changes over the years, but at least right now Rutgers fans are thrilled to be in the B1G (as they should be, their conference affiliation change was like going from Hamburger Helper to filet mignon) while Maryland fans are not.

When Nebraska was added to the B1G, that one made sense, and I think by & large Cornhuskers fans are glad to be here. It became apparent pretty quickly that Nebraska fit. To this point I can't say the same about either Maryland or Rutgers.

Thank goodness for Maryland & Rutgers, as otherwise the Gophers are O-fer vs the "traditional Big10". 3-0 vs the ACC & Big East combined! I am not counting Rutgers 1 year stay in the AAC.

Rutgers has always seemed like a last second fill-in for Notre Dame. There are other schools which would have fit in better with the B1G than Rutgers and Maryland but that is based on athletics. The Big Ten was originally set up as a conference affiliated for academics first and required membership in the Association of American Universities. Both Rutgers and Maryland are part of the 62 schools which are members. Nebraska is not. They lost their membership in the AAU due to cuts in their medical school and are the true outsider in the Big Ten.

Pittsburgh would have been a good choice for membership with better athletics than Rutgers and AAU membership. Obviously, West Virginia didn't cut the academic requirement and the push for Maryland and Rutgers was to get into the DC and NY markets for recruiting and television.

Because I'm a basketball fan first and since Delany was hell-bent to expand the B1G brand, was glad to see Maryland added to the conference. Great hoops tradition and a passionate fan base.

Nevertheless -- unlike Rutgers which was thrilled to join the B1G -- have never sensed Maryland fans want to be here, and I understand that. Maryland is ACC through & through, so I can see why the B1G isn't their cup of tea. I hope that changes over the years, but at least right now Rutgers fans are thrilled to be in the B1G (as they should be, their conference affiliation change was like going from Hamburger Helper to filet mignon) while Maryland fans are not.

When Nebraska was added to the B1G, that one made sense, and I think by & large Cornhuskers fans are glad to be here. It became apparent pretty quickly that Nebraska fit. To this point I can't say the same about either Maryland or Rutgers.

Yeah, has to be tough to head to another conference after being in the ACC for all those years. Founding member, strong rivalries, etc.

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