Joel Maturi with Barreiro

He has done the same for a trip to South Bend, etc. He is taking an interest, likely a combination of own interest and station management encouragement, to cover the Gophers more in-depth... whether it does anything for them remains to be seen. Obviously I'm biased, but I will continue to say that between the web and on-air, 1500 ESPN will be the place to go for legit Gophers talk... all sports... and it may not always be positive... but hopefully if one of us goes at a certain player or coach, we properly back-up said statement.

Since you're logged on, I'll let you know that Reusse is on air now, laughing at the thought that the game vs. MTSU won't be a laugher in favor of the Gophers.

I understand that he is not a college football fan, much less a Gopher football fan, as evidenced in his statement that he saw a few idiots in "yellow" walking their kids to the stadium. He also stated that there were about 1500 people-total at the fan fest.

Hardly passes as "legit Gophers talk".

Since we're apparently on the topic of age:

There is a huge cultural shift taking place as Gen-X starts continues to age. Like the Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers are obsessed with how young they all are long after they aren't young anymore at all. When they see new things emerge that they are unfamiliar with, they mistake them for old things.

It's important for people about 35+ to understand that if you grew up watching Seinfeld, Friends, and the Daily Show, and think sarcasm and cynicism are just the most hilarious forms of humor, and you personally witnessed an amazing catch by Rany Moss at the Metodome.... then you're not young anymore!

Hey, I did all those things and I'm not even 30 yet.

Since you're logged on, I'll let you know that Reusse is on air now, laughing at the thought that the game vs. MTSU won't be a laugher in favor of the Gophers.

I understand that he is not a college football fan, much less a Gopher football fan, as evidenced in his statement that he saw a few idiots in "yellow" walking their kids to the stadium. He also stated that there were about 1500 people-total at the fan fest.

Hardly passes as "legit Gophers talk".

A Big Ten team vs. a Sun Belt team should be a laugher most of the time... to suggest that is not completely off-base... and the game very well may turn into a laugher. I think the Gophers will win by double-digits. Privately, they feel very, very good about their chances... and I agree with them.
As for fan fest, I heard estimates between 1,000 and 3,000 people... he might be citing that trying to figure out for a broad audience how many people care about this season... on this board, we all are passionate... but many local sports fans don't care at all for Gophers football... some evidence: TV ratings of games... the lack of an audience last Sat. ... tickets being available for the South Dakota & No. Ill. games... media coverage, etc.

1500 ESPN will be the place to go for legit Gophers talk... all sports... and it may not always be positive... but hopefully if one of us goes at a certain player or coach, we properly back-up said statement.

Bolded - care about
Italized - not going to bother me

Some of you guys are F$%#@%! A$$!#$&s!!! Someone stated he would pay money to B-slap the S#$@ out of Gaard. Why cuz hes a Iowa fan? wtf is that? for real? Get a life. It sports. Sports your not even involved in. Dont listen to Kfan if you dont like it. There are plenty of Vikings, Twins and other sports even gopher fans (like me) who will keep listen. It entertaining. This is not a Gophers states and never will be unless the Vikings move states. Which wont happen. Kfan is trying to cover more college football. Who do people want to hear about though. Adam freakin Weber? or The best QB or all time Brett Favre? Daune Bennett? or Argueably the best RB in the NFL Adrian Peterson? Jared Allen or Hageman? Get the picture? Unless you really follow college football closely people probably dont want to hear about it. The more Gopher coverage the better. But im not gonna b!tch when there isnt alot.

I think the ticket availability went something like this: Ohio State, Iowa and USC sold all of their away allotment. PSU and Northwestern sold some, but not all of their allotment. SoDak and NI sold the least of their allotment. They paired PSU and NU with SD and NI to generate the most sales for SD and NI, and now they are selling the remaining SD and NI tickets. It has everything to do with away fan demand, and nothing to do with home demand.

Since we're apparently on the topic of age:

There is a huge cultural shift taking place as Gen-X starts continues to age. Like the Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers are obsessed with how young they all are long after they aren't young anymore at all. When they see new things emerge that they are unfamiliar with, they mistake them for old things.

It's important for people about 35+ to understand that if you grew up watching Seinfeld, Friends, and the Daily Show, and think sarcasm and cynicism are just the most hilarious forms of humor, and you personally witnessed an amazing catch by Randy Moss at the Metodome.... then you're not young anymore!

IDK about that. I'm barely 20 and witness alot of great receptions from Randy Moss.

Who do people want to hear about though. Adam freakin Weber? or The best QB or all time Brett Favre? Daune Bennett? or Argueably the best RB in the NFL Adrian Peterson? Jared Allen or Hageman? Get the picture? Unless you really follow college football closely people probably dont want to hear about it. The more Gopher coverage the better. But im not gonna b!tch when there isnt alot.

This has been my understanding of why I think having the Vikings in town sucks potential revenue from our college team. In an arms race we are handicapped that entertainment dollars are being prioritized what is perceived as better entertainment. (I don't want to argue about what is better entertainment, but I do believe in general the perception is that NFL provides better entertainment -- hopefully that was enough explanation to stop the side track).

This kind of apathy toward the program leads toward a self-fulfilling cycle of: Media figures out that nobody is interested in Gopher Football, and Gopher Foobtall fans go to other sources to get information, then the media figures out that Gopher Football isn't moving the dial, and Gopher Football fans realize they can't get quality information from the media, and then the media... and so on.

People need to learn how to take a joke and understand that not all critisim is negative in nature

I think people here can take a joke quite well. After all, your posts are tolerated and responded to in a fair, thoughtful manner.

He has done the same for a trip to South Bend, etc. He is taking an interest, likely a combination of own interest and station management encouragement, to cover the Gophers more in-depth... whether it does anything for them remains to be seen.
It is just embarrassing that in a state of 3 million people, with probably several hundred thousand gopher fans and alumni, that Gaardsie is who the main sports station in town has chosen to cover the local football team. It's just a flat out embarrassment. It's an embarrassment to have a tennis player covering football, ignoring that he's a diehard Hawkeye fan. I'm sure he's a nice kid but this isn't a good fit. Do you think Columbus stations would dare have a diehard Wolverine fan covering OSU football? honestly, they would have to fear for their life.

I think the ticket availability went something like this: Ohio State, Iowa and USC sold all of their away allotment. PSU and Northwestern sold some, but not all of their allotment. SoDak and NI sold the least of their allotment. They paired PSU and NU with SD and NI to generate the most sales for SD and NI, and now they are selling the remaining SD and NI tickets. It has everything to do with away fan demand, and nothing to do with home demand.

True and false. There are tickets available b/c of lack of away fan demand. They are still on the market b/c of a lack of Gopher fan demand. That said, I think the bigger issue is that the U doesn't seem to have a creative game plan in place to sell out the returned allotments for games like these.

Since we're apparently on the topic of age:

There is a huge cultural shift taking place as Gen-X starts continues to age. Like the Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers are obsessed with how young they all are long after they aren't young anymore at all. When they see new things emerge that they are unfamiliar with, they mistake them for old things.

It's important for people about 35+ to understand that if you grew up watching Seinfeld, Friends, and the Daily Show, and think sarcasm and cynicism are just the most hilarious forms of humor, and you personally witnessed an amazing catch by Rany Moss at the Metodome.... then you're not young anymore!

YOU BAS+ARD!!!!!!! :p

I am a Gen X'r (40 and not bitter BTW) and I think that one thing has changed culturally over the years. I look at my dad and father-in-law and while they fit the stereotype of gruff old guys, they still have the can-do attitude of their generation. They may piss and moan about stuff but generally they have a solution with details. Today, and I think the media as a whole is largely responsible, we've replaced the attitude mentioned above with cynicism. It is an easy and simple formula to ridicule and say no to everything. You can get the benefits of looking smart if things go wrong/bad without having to actually have any knowledge or invest time learning (see KFAN's treatment of college football). If you are wrong, people other than those you've criticized tend to forget. If per chance one of the people ridiculed later calls you out on it, you simply reply that you were being "realistic" and that person is "bitter". It is a simple formula for lazy thinking and a lack of intellectual curiosity. I think its prevalent in my generation, but much less prevalent in generations before and after mine. I will admit that I periodically fall into that thought process as well, its easy to when you have a busy, stressful life. Everyone works with people like this and they drive you nuts. At my company its our IT folks. I had a manager in that area tell me that the reason my Wi-Fi didn't work was because I changed the settings and someone was trying to hack my network. Adamant. Finally went to another person in the dept and forced them to actually look- go figure the transmitter on my laptop got fried. I went back to the original IT guy and called him on his lazy arse work and guess what, his reply was that he was that I was just bitter that they didn't drop everything for me. Sounds a lot like the "realists" at the FAN.

I also should acknowledge that I enjoy Reusse, PA and Common when they aren't talking Gopher football (the Common Viking record schtick is still a fave: Vikes went 13-0-0-2-1-2 (W-L-T-Ran out of time-Refs screwed us-Didn't lose, beat ourselves)).

If it's so bad, why are you here?

i'm here because i am an avid gopher fan who wants people to stop focusing on the past. B i t c h i ng and moaning about how KFAN and "local news media" does injustices to the gopher football/athletic program does no good. Too many people here need a little lesson about how to forgive and forget. This is why I was refering to the site as " the bitter old men hole".

i'm here because i am an avid gopher fan who wants people to stop focusing on the past. B i t c h i ng and moaning about how KFAN and "local news media" does injustices to the gopher football/athletic program does no good. Too many people here need a little lesson about how to forgive and forget. This is why I was refering to the site as " the bitter old men hole".

You are really obsessed with penises and old man holes. I know you're going through a strange and confusing time right now, but a male-dominated sports-themed message board is not the place to work out those frustrations.

I'm sure this guy could help you out with those urges:


You are really obsessed with penises and old man holes. I know you're going through a strange and confusing time right now, but a male-dominated sports-themed message board is not the place to work out those frustrations.

I'm sure this guy could help you out with those urges:

herbert-picture.jpg you must have no life. Congrats on being the biggest TOOL in the shed.

Too many people here need a little lesson about how to forgive and forget.

Way to stay classy, and above the fray c'monman you must have no life. Congrats for being the biggest TOOL in the shed.

LOL...nice argument. That bitter old man syndrome really has you by the neck.

Try Viagra next time, I heard it does wonders for "men" with your "condition".

I'm glad you got it. "Small mans" personality must suck huh?

you are so dumb I don't know where to start...Get a life. d o u ch e

LOL.....did you even play sports in junior high?

what?? have you ever played sports competitively?

dude you are one classless piece of *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^! u c he bag.

wow, just when I thought you could not get any dumber.

I forgive you. And I'm trying my best to forget you.

i'm here because i am an avid gopher fan who wants people to stop focusing on the past. B i t c h i ng and moaning about how KFAN and "local news media" does injustices to the gopher football/athletic program does no good. Too many people here need a little lesson about how to forgive and forget. This is why I was refering to the site as " the bitter old men hole".

You're not a KFAN employee, you're Denny Green!:eek:

C'mon guys, Grampa Dad Danny Barreiro should be alright in the future. Heck, his kid will be ordering from the childrens menu and him from the seniors...I always.

i'm here because i am an avid gopher fan who wants people to stop focusing on the past. B i t c h i ng and moaning about how KFAN and "local news media" does injustices to the gopher football/athletic program does no good. Too many people here need a little lesson about how to forgive and forget. This is why I was refering to the site as " the bitter old men hole".
Why should we forgive behavior that has not been apologized for and continues? How can I forget behavior that continues this very day? I'm in my mid 30s and not bitter at all. I wouldn't have brought this up if Gaard and Doogie weren't over here trying to increase their audience. I'm telling them why I will not tune in. If I were the station manager, I would pay money for the information I and others are freely offering up.

C'mon guys, Grampa Dad Danny Barreiro should be alright in the future. Heck, his kid will be ordering from the childrens menu and him from the seniors...I always.

barreiro is an old father, no doubt.

Why should we forgive behavior that has not been apologized for and continues? How can I forget behavior that continues this very day? I'm in my mid 30s and not bitter at all. I wouldn't have brought this up if Gaard and Doogie weren't over here trying to increase their audience. I'm telling them why I will not tune in. If I were the station manager, I would pay money for the information I and others are freely offering up.

You state that your not bitter but then say "why should I/we forgive behavior that has not been apologized for and continues?" .....and you don't see the contradiction in this statement?

You have every right not to listen to them. However, they have every right to crack jokes every now and again as well. Like I said earlier, not all criticism is negative in nature. "Tough Love"

You state that your not bitter but then say "why should I/we forgive behavior that has not been apologized for and continues?" .....and you don't see the contradiction in this statement?

You have every right not to listen to them. However, they have every right to crack jokes every now and again as well. Like I said earlier, not all criticism is negative in nature. "Tough Love"

You are obviously very young, so I will help you with understanding the meaning of words. You are asking me to "forgive" KFAN for their past "jokes". But the problem is, they aren't apologizing. See, normally, someone apologizes for something, and then hopefully the person they apologize to forgives them and moves on. Had they apologized, and stopped taking constant cheap shots at the gophers, and a year later I still complained about it, I could see your point that I was being bitter. That hasn't remotely happened. Do you understand now young fella? So no, I'm not contradicting myself at all. Now, yes, I have every right not to listen to them. And yes, they can rip on gopher football non stop for the rest of my life. But they are coming into a forum I frequent asking me to be a part of their audience. So I am simply replying here in this public forum to explain why I continue to not listen to their program, you can think of it as a "to whom it may concern" letter. Now, since you seem to be interested in the concept of rights, here are a couple. I have every right to post that I do not like having JG cover gopher football and why. And you have every right to not read my posts and not participate in this thread if you don't like what is being discussed. Or are you just bitter? you must have no life. Congrats on being the biggest TOOL in the shed.

This is your 4th post today starting with LOL. Guess who else starts half their posts with LOL? Art Vandelay. Sure you don't know him? LOL!

You are obviously very young, so I will help you with understanding the meaning of words. You are asking me to "forgive" KFAN for their past "jokes". But the problem is, they aren't apologizing. See, normally, someone apologizes for something, and then hopefully the person they apologize to forgives them and moves on. Had they apologized, and stopped taking constant cheap shots at the gophers, and a year later I still complained about it, I could see your point that I was being bitter. That hasn't remotely happened. Do you understand now young fella? So no, I'm not contradicting myself at all. Now, yes, I have every right not to listen to them. And yes, they can rip on gopher football non stop for the rest of my life. But they are coming into a forum I frequent asking me to be a part of their audience. So I am simply replying here in this public forum to explain why I continue to not listen to their program, you can think of it as a "to whom it may concern" letter. Now, since you seem to be interested in the concept of rights, here are a couple. I have every right to post that I do not like having JG cover gopher football and why. And you have every right to not read my posts and not participate in this thread if you don't like what is being discussed. Or are you just bitter?

Section2, this makes way too much sense. I bet he doesn't even respond to it.

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