Joel Maturi with Barreiro

So what you're saying is, in a hypothetical world in which the Gophers win Big Ten titles and compete for national titles, KFAN wouldn't want/need to give more coverage?

the key word is need......and that is a BIG Hypothetical world you are living in.

the key word is need......and that is a BIG Hypothetical world you are living in.

Let's make a deal. You stay in whatever world you live in...period.

[jeez, I wish they didn't have the internet in his world]

Let's make a deal. You stay in whatever world you live in...period.

[jeez, I wish they didn't have the internet in his world]

ahhh....another bitter old man on gopher hole. Try Viagra next time, I heard it does wonders for "men" with your "condition".

ahhh....another bitter old man on gopher hole. Try Viagra next time, I heard it does wonders for "men" with your "condition".

Oh! I get it! A dick joke!

Or wait...are you admitting that you get a boner when listening to Danny B?

that is a BIG Hypothetical world you are living in.

That is beside the point. The fact is that it could happen someday, and someday soon (the low likelihood notwithstanding). If that does happen, KFAN will be begging at the trough to get players/coaches on, at which point they will be laughed off the phone. What purpose did it serve to be snarky d*ckwads all these years? They make fun of the hapless T-Wolves, but the difference is that they actually are one of the 2-3 worst teams in the NBA, and consistently have been for the last few years. The Gophers are only perceived to be, when in fact they are middle-of-the-road, and with a few exceptions, have been so consistently for the last several decades. Further, while they mock and ridicule the Wolves as well, they are still upbeat for the future of that team, and talk about the "exciting" changes that have been happening. Whenever the Gophers are brought up, there is no positivity whatsoever. Nothing save derision. And again, what purpose did that serve? I admit that certain bits like "Dinkytown Drama", "Touchdown Jackrabbits" and "Basement Brew" were funny the first one or two times, but beating them into the ground makes it go past the point of humor quickly, and immediately goes past the proper level of propriety. As long-time Gopher fans, we are the first to poke fun at ourselves, and we can take a joke. We just want the joke-tellers to be balanced, deal in reality, and also give a little positivity, once in a while. Again, what purpose has it served to have their piss-poor attitude all these years? It's just bad business sense. The worm is turning, and they will (if they haven't already) wish they would've been different.

I'm 32 years old and cannot stand Barreiro for multiple reasons. Mostly his holier than thou attitude is what bothers me. Does that make me a "bitter old man"? I don't think 32 is really all that old and I'm not really bitter about much if anything. But since I don't like Barreiro or KFAN, I guess that makes me a "bitter old man".

ahhh....another bitter old man on gopher hole. Try Viagra next time, I heard it does wonders for "men" with your "condition".

Some more good old fashioned KFAN P.R. from the "non-name caller" himself? :clap:

Actually you've got it wrong, not surprisingly but wrong none the less.

Below are the DL survey results. The Gopherhole Demo (cue dip-stick, snide remark) is close to what KFAN would want. The numbers though are so small your obsession with getting people from here to listen is rather odd. With it being a Gopher site and many of the members being season tickets holders why in the world would you be surprised that Barriero, a guy you said who speaks his mind and also famously said before a Gopher/ Purdue (or MSU game) that he hoped that the Gophers would be destroyed, why are you so upset that people around here don't want to listen to him?

Thank you to all who participated in this year's GopherHole Unscientific Survey. There were 174 respondents! (There was one other; however, it was not included since the only answer given in the demographic portion was his age.)

Previous years:

2009: 171 respondents.
2008: 179 " "
2007: 228 " "

The following are the results of this year's survey:

1) Age: The average age for this year's survey is 36.14 years.

2009: 36.42
2008: 34.16
2007: 37.55

2) Gender: 171 males and 3 females. (The gender question was not in the 2009 survey.)

3) The # of years as a Gopher fan (average): 25.66. (2009: 24.48 years)

4) Minnesota Native: Yes - 131 (75.28%) No - 43 (24.72%)
(2009: Yes- 131 (76.61%) No - 40 (23.39%))

5) Current Address:

Metro - 102 (58.64%)
Outstate - 21 (12.06%)
Other States - 48 (27.58%) See listings later
Outside the U.S. - 3 (1.72%) See listings later

(2009 Survey)

Metro - 97 (56.73%)
Outstate - 17 (9.94%)
Other States - 49 (28.65%)
Outside the U.S. - 7 (8.77%)

6) Post Secondary Schools and Degrees:

University of Minnesota: 74 (42.53%)
Other Colleges: 71 (40.80%)None or enrolled: 29 (16.67%)

2010 is the first year in the running of the survey that there are more U respondents than other colleges. (2009: U of M - 72 (42.11%) Other Colleges: 75 (43.86%))


145 - BA/BS
40 - MA/MS
Doctorate - 8
Associate Arts -7
None - 5

Working Toward Degrees:

High School Diploma - 5
BA/BS - 12
MA/MS - 4
Doctorate - 3

7) Attend at least one Gopher Game per year (2010 Survey):

Yes - 152 (87.36%)
No - 22 (12.64%)

Football - 138
Basketball - 77
Hockey - 6

(2009 Survey)

Yes - 138 (80.70%)No - 33 (19.30%)

Football - 124
Basketball - 78
Hockey - 8

8) 2010 Season Ticket Holder:

Yes - 118 (67.82%)
No - 56 (32.18%)

Football -81
Basketball - 7
Both Football and Basketball - 29
Football, Basketball, and Hockey - 2
Hockey - 1

(2009 Survey)
Yes - 111 (64.91%)
No - 60 (35.09%)

Football - 99
Basketball - 45
Hockey - 5
WBB - 1

Note: In the 2009 Survey I didn't have "Both" listed, however, many respondents had both football and basketball season tickets, a couple had football, basketball and Hockey and/or WBB.

9) Age Brackets:

15-20: 10 (5.75%)
21-30: 63 (36.21%)
31-40: 48 (27.58%)
41-50: 26 (14.94%)
51-60: 17 (9.77%)
61-70: 9 (5.17%)
71-80: 1 (.58%)

The youngest respondent in this year's survey is 15 years of age, the eldest is 74.

(2009 Survey)

16-20: 5 (2.92%)
21-30: 72 (42.11%)
31-40: 43 (25.15%)
41-50: 28 (16.37%)
51-60: 15 (8.77%)
61-70: 8 (4.68%)

In 2009, the youngest respondent was 16 and the eldest was 69.

Are there 'holers who are down on both Brewster and the TC media? It seems like so many on here get so bent out of shape about the local media and feel the need to defend Brewster at every turn. Is it possible that both the media as a whole and Brewster have both done a poor job? How long is this tire spinning battle going to continue? Let's remember that the 'Fan rips the Twins consistently and they lead the central division. As a diehard Minnesota sports fan I understand that when I listen to the 'Fan (Barriero specifically) I have thick skin for negativity or I am turning to another station.

That is beside the point. The fact is that it could happen someday, and someday soon (the low likelihood notwithstanding). If that does happen, KFAN will be begging at the trough to get players/coaches on, at which point they will be laughed off the phone. What purpose did it serve to be snarky d*ckwads all these years? They make fun of the hapless T-Wolves, but the difference is that they actually are one of the 2-3 worst teams in the NBA, and consistently have been for the last few years. The Gophers are only perceived to be, when in fact they are middle-of-the-road, and with a few exceptions, have been so consistently for the last several decades. Further, while they mock and ridicule the Wolves as well, they are still upbeat for the future of that team, and talk about the "exciting" changes that have been happening. Whenever the Gophers are brought up, there is no positivity whatsoever. Nothing save derision. And again, what purpose did that serve? I admit that certain bits like "Dinkytown Drama", "Touchdown Jackrabbits" and "Basement Brew" were funny the first one or two times, but beating them into the ground makes it go past the point of humor quickly, and immediately goes past the proper level of propriety. As long-time Gopher fans, we are the first to poke fun at ourselves, and we can take a joke. We just want the joke-tellers to be balanced, deal in reality, and also give a little positivity, once in a while. Again, what purpose has it served to have their piss-poor attitude all these years? It's just bad business sense. The worm is turning, and they will (if they haven't already) wish they would've been different.

so many untrue statements in this post. 1) "Further, while they mock and ridicule the Wolves as well, they are still upbeat for the future of that team".-Do you listen Dan B talk to Kahn ever on KFAN?
2)"Whenever the Gophers are brought up, there is no positivity whatsoever"-paul allen just was talking last week about how he likes the new offensive coordinator with the gophers
3)"Touchdown Jackrabbits" and "Basement Brew" were funny the first one or two times, but beating them into the ground makes it go past the point of humor quickly, and immediately goes past the proper level of propriety" twins player referred to constantly as "Moon Shot Scott" is not O.K either? Last time I checked the twins were in first place but the majority of fans still think this is funny. However, if you are dealing with gopher football, who have had a recent tradition of not being relevant on the national scene, bitterness/lack of humor comes out of the woodwork .
4)"Again, what purpose has it served to have their piss-poor attitude all these years?" Umm maybe a little winning would (like contending for national championships) have changed the sarcastic nature of there jokes? Additionally, THEY ARE THERE TO ENTERTAIN AS WELL.


Now THAT'S the point!:clap: Ridicule, "put down", Rickles wanna be humor can be very, very funny it's not so funny to the people being ridiculed.

How can you possibly not see that, unless of course you have a vested interest.

ahhh....another bitter old man on gopher hole. Try Viagra next time, I heard it does wonders for "men" with your "condition".

Viagra jokes? Seriously? I love the irony of you questioning someone's sense of humor and throw that one out there.

Oh no, calling some random people old men while insinuating they must use Viagra without actually knowing the age of said persons. You sure got them!

As for Barrerio and whatever his sidekick's name is: What is it like to go through life purposefully trying to tick people off? Do you wake up in the morning eagerly knowing there has to be someone out there you haven't gotten under their skin yet? At the end of the day, are you proud that you did your best to aggrevate a segment of the population? What is it like to maintain your consistent sarcastic negativity for multiple hours every day? Is it challenging to prevent yourselves from displaying any objectivity? Hypothetically(because we know the former would never happen on your show), what's worse?: Being called a homer by some despite an attempt at an objective position/take or being considered the world's worst person? That last question has got to be your Sophie's Choice, doesn't it?

As usual I'm amazed at how desperate the KFAN groupies are for approval on this site.


Obviously KFAN sees some value in the Gopher fanbase. Chad Abbott has tried for over a year to increase coverage in general, they have increased the coverage of gopher Hockey through outside experts since dubay's unfortunate run in with drug addiction, they are making small attempts to talk college football, and they have Dan's sidekick coming on here to try to get listeners. With no NFL in 2011 they are going to need something to talk about, I think they understand that and are trying to smooth over the relationships before then. $0.02.

Some more good old fashioned KFAN P.R. from the "non-name caller" himself? :clap:

Barriero, a guy you said who speaks his mind and also famously said before a Gopher/ Purdue (or MSU game) that he hoped that the Gophers would be destroyed, why are you so upset that people around here don't want to listen to him?


I'm not upset at all that people don't listen to him! Im upset at the piss poor "whiny/bitter old man" attitude that a majority of the "gopher hole" posters have when it comes defending the Uof M football program. People need to learn how to take a joke and understand that not all critisim is negative in nature. People also need to understand that media people (especially radio personalities) are in the business to entertain not just report news. Additionally my lost comment should indicate to you about how I feel in regards to barrieros comment about Purdue.

so many untrue statements in this post. 1) "Further, while they mock and ridicule the Wolves as well, they are still upbeat for the future of that team".-Do you listen Dan B talk to Kahn ever on KFAN?
2)"Whenever the Gophers are brought up, there is no positivity whatsoever"-paul allen just was talking last week about how he likes the new offensive coordinator with the gophers
3)"Touchdown Jackrabbits" and "Basement Brew" were funny the first one or two times, but beating them into the ground makes it go past the point of humor quickly, and immediately goes past the proper level of propriety" twins player referred to constantly as "Moon Shot Scott" is not O.K either? Last time I checked the twins were in first place but the majority of fans still think this is funny. However, if you are dealing with gopher football, who have had a recent tradition of not being relevant on the national scene, bitterness/lack of humor comes out of the woodwork .
4)"Again, what purpose has it served to have their piss-poor attitude all these years?" Umm maybe a little winning would (like contending for national championships) have changed the sarcastic nature of there jokes? Additionally, THEY ARE THERE TO ENTERTAIN AS WELL.

Blah, blah, blah. Again, none of this is relevant. The point is that there is no balance whatsoever. Discussion of all other teams is balanced with at least some positivity. Gophers discussion is constant bashing. (And no, PA's token "thumbs up" to Jeff Horton doesn't count.)


Obviously KFAN sees some value in the Gopher fanbase. Chad Abbott has tried for over a year to increase coverage in general, they have increased the coverage of gopher Hockey through outside experts since dubay's unfortunate run in with drug addiction, they are making small attempts to talk college football, and they have Dan's sidekick coming on here to try to get listeners. With no NFL in 2011 they are going to need something to talk about, I think they understand that and are trying to smooth over the relationships before then. $0.02.

Agreed. An NFL lockout could make things very interesting around here, in a lot of ways. Especially if 2011 is the sort of breakout season for the Gophers that many are predicting. Could be a serious turning point for the program.

Dan Barriero is simple to understand. He worked in the sausage factory of sports for so long, he no longer wants anything to do with them. He feels that he is above discussing them, and wants to talk about the "important stuff." But he forgets that most of us deal with that crap at work, and listen to sports radio to escape from that and get a dose of what entertains us: sports. We don't need to be verbally beaten down by someone who has demonstrated repeatedly that despite covering sports he has no clue about them and clearly doesn't care any more. I appreciate the attempts by KFAN to increase coverage of the Gophers, but they need to flush the toilet to get most people they've lost back.

I'll say the one complimentary thing I can about the "talent" they currently have: 30 seconds of listening to Common Man can take me right back to high school, because he's attempting the same shtick now that he was in 1997.

Viagra jokes? Seriously? I love the irony of you questioning someone's sense of humor and throw that one out there.

Oh no, calling some random people old men while insinuating they must use Viagra without actually knowing the age of said persons. You sure got them!

As for Barrerio and whatever his sidekick's name is: What is it like to go through life purposefully trying to tick people off? Do you wake up in the morning eagerly knowing there has to be someone out there you haven't gotten under their skin yet? At the end of the day, are you proud that you did your best to aggrevate a segment of the population? What is it like to maintain your consistent sarcastic negativity for multiple hours every day? Is it challenging to prevent yourselves from displaying any objectivity? Hypothetically(because we know the former would never happen on your show), what's worse?: Being called a homer by some despite an attempt at an objective position/take or being considered the world's worst person? That last question has got to be your Sophie's Choice, doesn't it?

Seriously . What a young person cant have ED?

Blah, blah, blah. Again, none of this is relevant. The point is that there is no balance whatsoever. Discussion of all other teams is balanced with at least some positivity. Gophers discussion is constant bashing. (And no, PA's token "thumbs up" to Jeff Horton doesn't count.)

LOL...nice argument. That bitter old man syndrome really has you by the neck.

LOL...nice argument. That bitter old man syndrome really has you by the neck.

Let's pretend for a moment that I'm your boss. I rip on you incessantly for years, calling you fat, ugly, lazy, stupid, question your choice of a wife, your choice of a town to live in, call you worthless, question your work ethic, etc., etc.

Then, after having worked for me for several years, on a random Tuesday, I say to you "nice job on the Johnson account."

Does that make all my mock and ridicule of the past several years go away?

(P.S. I chose "Johnson" because you are clearly obsessed with penises.)

JG is a die-hard college football fan... not sleeping on some Saturdays after driving back-and-forth from Iowa City... just to make it back in town for his work duties on Sundays is dedication... Barreiro is as talented a talk-show host as there is in the Midwest... he knows how to entertain, and certainly can rile up the masses.

I agree that Barriero is immensley talented. He is very knowledgeable and insightful when it comes to news, law and politics. He engages his callers on those topics and is (mostly) respectful whether they agree or disagree with him. In fact, he invites disagreement. However, it is clear that sports bore him. And I have thought for many years that he doesn't like Minnesota's sports teams and has utter contempt for Minnesota sports fans. Fans of all teams, not just the Gophers. He doesn't like any of them.

He belongs on WCCO or some other talk radio venue where he doesn't have to suffer sports fans -- the "rubes," a term that the rest of the station uses with affection, but one he uses with derision.

Dan Barriero is simple to understand. He worked in the sausage factory of sports for so long, he no longer wants anything to do with them. He feels that he is above discussing them, and wants to talk about the "important stuff." But he forgets that most of us deal with that crap at work, and listen to sports radio to escape from that and get a dose of what entertains us: sports. We don't need to be verbally beaten down by someone who has demonstrated repeatedly that despite covering sports he has no clue about them and clearly doesn't care any more. I appreciate the attempts by KFAN to increase coverage of the Gophers, but they need to flush the toilet to get most people they've lost back.

I'll say the one complimentary thing I can about the "talent" they currently have: 30 seconds of listening to Common Man can take me right back to high school, because he's attempting the same shtick now that he was in 1997.


He wants to be beyond a sports personality & known in a much more broad spectrum. A Keith Olbermann wannabe.....

Since we're apparently on the topic of age:

There is a huge cultural shift taking place as Gen-X starts continues to age. Like the Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers are obsessed with how young they all are long after they aren't young anymore at all. When they see new things emerge that they are unfamiliar with, they mistake them for old things.

It's important for people about 35+ to understand that if you grew up watching Seinfeld, Friends, and the Daily Show, and think sarcasm and cynicism are just the most hilarious forms of humor, and you personally witnessed an amazing catch by Rany Moss at the Metodome.... then you're not young anymore!

JG is a die-hard college football fan... not sleeping on some Saturdays after driving back-and-forth from Iowa City... just to make it back in town for his work duties on Sundays is dedication... Barreiro is as talented a talk-show host as there is in the Midwest... he knows how to entertain, and certainly can rile up the masses.

All that means is he is a "die-hard" Hawkeyes fan. Why should we (Gopher fans) care about that?

He has done the same for a trip to South Bend, etc. He is taking an interest, likely a combination of own interest and station management encouragement, to cover the Gophers more in-depth... whether it does anything for them remains to be seen. Obviously I'm biased, but I will continue to say that between the web and on-air, 1500 ESPN will be the place to go for legit Gophers talk... all sports... and it may not always be positive... but hopefully if one of us goes at a certain player or coach, we properly back-up said statement.

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