Jim Delany: Still 'a little premature' to reduce Penn State sanctions


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Nov 11, 2008
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per CBS:

"We wouldn't reconsider [the Big Ten's sanctions] unless something were to change," he told the Post-Gazette. "But I think right now we're focused on, as a member of the tri-party agreement, to get Penn State where they are comfortable with it and we're comfortable with it. And as I said, great strides are being made in that regard. I think we're moving it ahead."

His comments to the AP were in a similar vein.

"We're only in the first year of a four- or five-year process," he said. "I think it's a little premature, but there's a process for that if the time is right."


Go Gophers!!

The Penn State board is in meltdown mode about what Delaney said just like they are every time they get bad news about the NCAA sanctions and the ongoing criminal and civil legal proceedings. They are in complete denial about what most of the rest of the country thinks about PSU's misplaced priorities. And many of them are more concerned about clearing Paterno's name than restoring PSU's reputation. For them the sun rose and set on Joe Paterno. It is a great example of what is wrong with big time college sports.

You nailed it Pope. PSU admin's misplaced priorities and pedestalization of Paterno put them in this situation, and ever since the Joe-bots and mouth-breathers have been in outrage mode. Frankly considering any lightening of sentence is more than premature, it's ludicrous. It was decades of hero-worship and misplaced priorities that led to Sandusky getting a blind eye, 1 year of sanctions is hardly enough to change the culture in a place that badly infected.

per CBS:

"We wouldn't reconsider [the Big Ten's sanctions] unless something were to change," he told the Post-Gazette. "But I think right now we're focused on, as a member of the tri-party agreement, to get Penn State where they are comfortable with it and we're comfortable with it. And as I said, great strides are being made in that regard. I think we're moving it ahead."

His comments to the AP were in a similar vein.

"We're only in the first year of a four- or five-year process," he said. "I think it's a little premature, but there's a process for that if the time is right."


Go Gophers!!

How much more can you reduce a slap on the wrist?

How much more can you reduce a slap on the wrist?

This is what my PSU friends don't understand. They think they were punished like no other when, in fact, many including myself think their punishment was merely a slap on the wrist. Now, add in the millions in settlements coming as we speak and the criminal indictments and it all combined seems about right...but to reduce the NCAA/B1G sanctions in any way would be a travesty and I would be one of many vocal opponents.

That PSU is playing on TV and getting BTN money during this 5 year punishment is ridiculous and shows the complicity the NCAA and B1G Conference plays in the policy of money before student welfare.

This is what my PSU friends don't understand. They think they were punished like no other when, in fact, many including myself think their punishment was merely a slap on the wrist. Now, add in the millions in settlements coming as we speak and the criminal indictments and it all combined seems about right...but to reduce the NCAA/B1G sanctions in any way would be a travesty and I would be one of many vocal opponents.

That PSU is playing on TV and getting BTN money during this 5 year punishment is ridiculous and shows the complicity the NCAA and B1G Conference plays in the policy of money before student welfare.

While a tragic case altogether, the only people other than Sandusky - who was not employed by PSU at the time of the worst transgressions, but given access to PSU property as an emeritus - who have been accused of wrong-doing here are either dead or have claimed innocence. As far as I'm familiar, no one other than Sandusky has been convicted in a court of law. Yet, the NCAA (and Big Ten Conference, to some degree) laid out massive sanctions regardless while damning the name of the University. In this light, PSU fans and the student body indeed have reasons to be upset. Who's being more emotional here - the PSU fans and student body or you, as part of the torch and pitchfork crowd?

While a tragic case altogether, the only people other than Sandusky - who was not employed by PSU at the time of the worst transgressions, but given access to PSU property as an emeritus - who have been accused of wrong-doing here are either dead or have claimed innocence. As far as I'm familiar, no one other than Sandusky has been convicted in a court of law. Yet, the NCAA (and Big Ten Conference, to some degree) laid out massive sanctions regardless while damning the name of the University. In this light, PSU fans and the student body indeed have reasons to be upset. Who's being more emotional here - the PSU fans and student body or you, as part of the torch and pitchfork crowd?

Glad to see you put the victims first.

If Delany does anything to reduce the very lame B1G sanctions, he should be required to go before a committee consisting of the victims to explain his rationale for doing so.

I still don't understand how a school can't receive the death penalty for a coach molesting little kids for years and everybody above him knowing about it. They got off too easy....Protect our kids!

I still don't understand how a school can't receive the death penalty for a coach molesting little kids for years and everybody above him knowing about it. They got off too easy....Protect our kids!

Money talks, and Bull**** walks, to quote Bobbi Flekman. There is way too much money involved today to ever see another death penalty for a major football program.

I still don't understand how a school can't receive the death penalty for a coach molesting little kids for years and everybody above him knowing about it. They got off too easy....Protect our kids!

What do you think about the 'sanctions' against the Catholic Church for similar deeds and cover-ups?

What do you think about the 'sanctions' against the Catholic Church for similar deeds and cover-ups?

Does the Catholic Church have sports teams? Are you seriously going there???

While a tragic case altogether, the only people other than Sandusky - who was not employed by PSU at the time of the worst transgressions, but given access to PSU property as an emeritus - who have been accused of wrong-doing here are either dead or have claimed innocence. As far as I'm familiar, no one other than Sandusky has been convicted in a court of law. Yet, the NCAA (and Big Ten Conference, to some degree) laid out massive sanctions regardless while damning the name of the University. In this light, PSU fans and the student body indeed have reasons to be upset. Who's being more emotional here - the PSU fans and student body or you, as part of the torch and pitchfork crowd?

What! Were you asleep in class the day the evidence of a loss of institutional control was introduced, discussed, examined, and challenged? There is a substantial bo... Oh, you're hopelessly behind. Get crib notes from somebody else.

While a tragic case altogether, the only people other than Sandusky - who was not employed by PSU at the time of the worst transgressions, but given access to PSU property as an emeritus - who have been accused of wrong-doing here are either dead or have claimed innocence. As far as I'm familiar, no one other than Sandusky has been convicted in a court of law. Yet, the NCAA (and Big Ten Conference, to some degree) laid out massive sanctions regardless while damning the name of the University. In this light, PSU fans and the student body indeed have reasons to be upset. Who's being more emotional here - the PSU fans and student body or you, as part of the torch and pitchfork crowd?

As has been noted on many, many, many, many, many occasions before, the NCAA & B1G Conference are not courts, they are voluntary member institutions and do not have to abide by the same rules as courts. These organizations have their own rules and bylaws and under those rules and bylaws, PSU was punished.

Regarding my emotional state...your an idiot.

Let's keep this board sports and not religion station13.

I still don't understand how a school can't receive the death penalty for a coach molesting little kids for years and everybody above him knowing about it. They got off too easy....Protect our kids!

If the purpose of punishment is to prevent it happening again, the sanctions should be reduced.
Sandusky is in jail and the people who covered it up will likely never be involved in any sort of education again. If they reduce the penalties I don't think schools around the country will all of a sudden think its okay to cover up child rape.

If the purpose of punishment is to extract revenge on those responsible, nobody currently at penn state was responsible. All of those in the know are no longer with them. And you can claim that their attitudes of winning at all costs caused it, but if you did make that claim you'd just be making stuff up.

What would your version of accountability be?

Really?!? Well how about for starters kicking out pedophiles rather than protecting them by such actions as the classic shell game of relocating pedahile priests to new parishes? i guess banishment would be admittong wrong doing so i see what's coming next, playing the denial card. Gotta love that not so secret society of pedophiles. In the mean time, old and new victims wait to hear what constitutes accountability.

What is the purpose of the punishment given to penn state?

The only purpose punishment serves is to appease the mob

Really?!? Well how about for starters kicking out pedophiles rather than protecting them by such actions as the classic shell game of relocating pedahile priests to new parishes? i guess banishment would be admittong wrong doing so i see what's coming next, playing the denial card. Gotta love that not so secret society of pedophiles. In the mean time, old and new victims wait to hear what constitutes accountability.

Feel better now?

What is the purpose of the punishment given to penn state?

The only purpose punishment serves is to appease the mob

I am totally fine with that. If the child was mine, punishment would have been served with my Glock.

Punishment, by its very nature, is only valuable as either revenge and/or deterrent and/or appeasement to a group and/or public relations. In this case, I think it is all four and I am totally fine with it. So many were involved in the cover up, they allowed it to continue, they didn't call the police and many more children were harmed because of these actions of the leadership of this institution. Hell yes they should be punished and I hope it hurts.

Killjoy should you really be the one talking about another worshiping a head coach?

LOL - Yes I do like coach Kill because he has both excellent leadership and managerial skills along with an obsessive focus on making it happen. If he didn't he wouldn't have been able to turn around Minnesota's APR score and retain his staff for so many years. I don't know and have never said that he will turn this program around. What I have said is he probably has a better or as least as good a chance as any other coach that the Gophers are capable of hiring to do this. If you don't agree with this why don't you say why instead of whining about me being a coach Kill and a Gopher fan. By the way, you may not have noticed but there are more and more people that think coach Kill is an outstanding coach also. I saw a lot of them on Saturday.

LOL - Yes I do like coach Kill because he has both excellent leadership and managerial skills along with an obsessive focus on making it happen. If he didn't he wouldn't have been able to turn around Minnesota's APR score and retain his staff for so many years. I don't know and have never said that he will turn this program around. What I have said is he probably has a better or as least as good a chance as any other coach that the Gophers are capable of hiring to do this. If you don't agree with this why don't you say why instead of whining about me being a coach Kill and a Gopher fan. By the way, you may not have noticed but there are more and more people that think coach Kill is an outstanding coach also. I saw a lot of them on Saturday.

I actually believe Kill and his staff are good football coaches and that Kill knows how to run a program. In my view the biggest question about Kill and his staff when hired and still the biggest question is whether or not they will be able to recruit well enough to move the program up within the conference standings. I understand only 2 full recruiting classes for this staff and more time is needed. My feeling is over the next few years the program under Kill will improve but not significantly enough that the gap between Minnesota and the better teams in the conference will be a whole lot different than it is today.

I actually believe Kill and his staff are good football coaches and that Kill knows how to run a program. In my view the biggest question about Kill and his staff when hired and still the biggest question is whether or not they will be able to recruit well enough to move the program up within the conference standings. I understand only 2 full recruiting classes for this staff and more time is needed. My feeling is over the next few years the program under Kill will improve but not significantly enough that the gap between Minnesota and the better teams in the conference will be a whole lot different than it is today.

That wasn't so difficult was it?:D You asked the $64,000 question that only time will answer. Being an optimist I certainly lean towards yes but whatever the answer turns out to be I am going to enjoy the journey.

If the purpose of punishment is to prevent it happening again, the sanctions should be reduced.
Sandusky is in jail and the people who covered it up will likely never be involved in any sort of education again. If they reduce the penalties I don't think schools around the country will all of a sudden think its okay to cover up child rape.

If the purpose of punishment is to extract revenge on those responsible, nobody currently at penn state was responsible. All of those in the know are no longer with them. And you can claim that their attitudes of winning at all costs caused it, but if you did make that claim you'd just be making stuff up.

Exactly - the punishments doled out were nothing more than to appease the mob that is the torch and pitchfork crowd looking for someone - something - tangible to burn aflame. And anytime one makes a reasonable statement about the situation and the overreach that has occurred by the emotional mob, the mob simply says "look at you, ignoring the victims!" As if these sanctions are going to somehow help the victims, who now have become infamous (and not that they necessarily wanted that), and who for the most part are Penn State football fans (which played a part in the whole ugly problem to begin with).

The guy who did the crimes is paying for them, people. No one associated with this mess remains at Penn State, and so who are those sanctions really punishing? An innocent student base? An innocent fan base? This doesn't make sense.

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