Every time anyone says anything that goes against the grain, they are called a nut job.
Carter may very well be that. But, the things quoted in the OP are not wrong.
I didn't really see the players pouring their hearts and souls into those last two games. Maybe that was just the appearance, and they were playing their ass off. But, the way Fleck would publicly rant about how bad they are after every loss to make himself look better, I couldn't blame them for quitting on him. To me, the lack of success was handled pretty poorly by Fleck in that regard. You don't sell your team out under any circumstances. You always say you believe they can be great for morale purposes, whether you really believe it or not.
The thing about Claeys is spot on. They destroyed a good man's reputation in order to make the change. He put his kids first above all else. If I had a son in Winfield's position for example, I would be lauding Claeys for publicly advocating for due process. But, they University officials lied, twisted words, and stacked the deck to paint the man in the most negative light possible so they could make the switch without public backlash.
Frankly, I'm tired of admiration of Claeys and Fleck being mutually exclusive, especially from guys like JB and GWG. You can admit Claeys got absolutely screwed, but still like what Fleck's doing. I'm in that boat. Fleck isn't the snake in the grass that I wouldn't feel comfortable exposing my back to....it's the administration.