jewhan edwards' twitter sounds like hes leaving

Jewhan felt he was being unfairly singled out by Coach Kill at the team meeting last Sunday night when the coach announced a (long overdue) crackdown on "inappropriate" Facebook posts and the like. Coach Kill's quote was that if he saw any of those sorts of things continuing, he would give the player "an apple and a map" (i.e., hit the road). So this could be a response to that.

Jewhan felt he was being unfairly singled out by Coach Kill at the team meeting last Sunday night when the coach announced a (long overdue) crackdown on "inappropriate" Facebook posts and the like. Coach Kill's quote was that if he saw any of those sorts of things continuing, he would give the player "an apple and a map" (i.e., hit the road). So this could be a response to that.

As far as Jewhan Edwards goes, I think Coach Kill has a point. I never really started following these kids until the heat of the coaching search (3 weeks ago) and Edwards does need to be much more careful with what he puts on a public forum. He was openly talking about getting high, fighting Walker Lee Ashley (kind of funny actually), and other stuff.

I think it's a bit unfair because I understand JEwhan Edwards probably wasn't expecting a bunch middle aged guys reading his twitter so maybe it's just as easy as setting it to private.

People all over the world are learning to be very careful with what the post on social media. Every day, you hear about people getting in trouble with their employer over facebook posts. Employers also look you up on Facebook when considering people for a job. Anything that people expose to the world can be used against them. People have to remember to either keep it private or be willing to share it with everyone.

As far as Jewhan Edwards goes, I think Coach Kill has a point. I never really started following these kids until the heat of the coaching search (3 weeks ago) and Edwards does need to be much more careful with what he puts on a public forum. He was openly talking about getting high, fighting Walker Lee Ashley (kind of funny actually), and other stuff.

I think it's a bit unfair because I understand JEwhan Edwards probably wasn't expecting a bunch middle aged guys reading his twitter so maybe it's just as easy as setting it to private.

Why on earth was he talking about fighting WLA?

Also, hopefully Jewhan develops a little thicker skin....

What's with these kids and their Twitterbook and Facespace?

Apparently Jewan fd WLA's girl, Jewan called him a Gopher wannabe n WLA claimed he has a rose bowl ring sitting in a safe?? Did he even attend Ohio State? Let alone have a Rose Bowl ring? Thought it was pretty funny.

I think he probably got his Rose Bowl ring (if he has one) at USC. I don't know if he ever stepped foot on any campus, he seemed to constantly be bouncing all over the place.

Back in my day, we didn't have Twitspace and Bookface, we had semaphore and secret decoder rings. I remember way back in WWI having all kinds of nice conversations with some Germans using semaphore. They wanted to know how I was doing, and how General Perhsing was doing. They must have been big fans of his. Then someone invented the telegraph, and all the kids were listening to the hit parade over the telegraph. My favorite was dot dot dash, I loved that one.

Heard that Kill confirmed Edwards is leaving. Just checked Edwards Twitter @JewJewParty account and see it doesn't exist anymore.

he deleted his twitter acct. I believe...

Back in my day, we didn't have Twitspace and Bookface, we had semaphore and secret decoder rings. I remember way back in WWI having all kinds of nice conversations with some Germans using semaphore. They wanted to know how I was doing, and how General Perhsing was doing. They must have been big fans of his. Then someone invented the telegraph, and all the kids were listening to the hit parade over the telegraph. My favorite was dot dot dash, I loved that one.

Just read this - genius! I actually laughed out loud, didn't just type it!

Back in my day, we didn't have Twitspace and Bookface, we had semaphore and secret decoder rings. I remember way back in WWI having all kinds of nice conversations with some Germans using semaphore. They wanted to know how I was doing, and how General Perhsing was doing. They must have been big fans of his. Then someone invented the telegraph, and all the kids were listening to the hit parade over the telegraph. My favorite was dot dot dash, I loved that one.

Didn't I see you run away like a little girl at the Ardennes!

Is he quitting football or school?
There is no shame in walking away from extra curriculars in the off season. Quitting school and the chance to complete your degree...well you might have a few more regrets.

If he deleted his twitter account, wouldn't that be a good sign?

I hope Edwards can see through the fog and stay and kick some badger booty next year!!!

btw, I hope he strapped a 2x8 to his arse so he would not fall in!!!!

Pretty sure he reached the point of no return.

Yeah, posting a pic of you giving the middle finger to the camera and having the caption read "F**K YOU COACH KILL" would pretty much indicate the bridges are burned. Best of luck in life, JewJewParty.

Yeah, posting a pic of you giving the middle finger to the camera and having the caption read "F**K YOU COACH KILL" would pretty much indicate the bridges are burned. Best of luck in life, JewJewParty.

Ha ha wow

Yeah, posting a pic of you giving the middle finger to the camera and having the caption read "F**K YOU COACH KILL" would pretty much indicate the bridges are burned. Best of luck in life, JewJewParty.

Seriously?! He did that? How do you even wish him 'best of luck in life'?! lol

BTW, probably should post that pic for proof, though..

Yeah, posting a pic of you giving the middle finger to the camera and having the caption read "F**K YOU COACH KILL" would pretty much indicate the bridges are burned. Best of luck in life, JewJewParty.

I am rather loquacious by nature, but this leaves me speechless.

Is it really that surprising?

Maybe I'm just old, but if you post a pic flipping the bird to the new coach after you've done absolutely nothing in the classroom during the previous semester, I think it signifies either mental illness or extreme hubris. What I'm saying is, I just don't get it.

If Edwards wants to play more football, who gives him a chance after a stunt like this?

He obviously doesnt want to, he has moved on to explore his jamaican roots, yah mann.

JewJewParty wants to be unhindered by scholarship football.

This should give him more street-cred and prop up his gangsta image. Perhaps his goal in life is to be a rapper or thug. Football and an education were hindering that. //sarcasm off

My prediction is the story of "JewJewParty" will be used by the coaches in future years as a real life example of stupidity played out.

IDK how sure this is, but ive heard that this has alot to do with academics amoung other things. Ive personally never met him, but my GF and her friends have hung out with him a few times in the past and stopped hanging out with him after he tried getting with them all.. They have all said he is really really unintelligent... So academics does make sence.. I also heard BK might be on his way out if he doesnt get his academics straight also..

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