Jerry Kill says he'd still be coaching if not for pressure after Teague scandal

Just ordered it! Everything happens for a reason. What he did for this program is amazing, particularly considering what he had to deal with and his health condition. He will always be my favorite Gopher!!!

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Sometimes Jerry reminds me of Kevin Garnett. Hard worker, professional, but he sure liked to be sure everyone knew that he had challenges where he worked.

They didn't warn him about the parking Nazis at the U?

Jerry Kill we love ya!!! But the Gopher nation is extremely excited to see how good the Claeys era will be ..

Ugh, so tired of Kill inserting himself into the news every couple weeks. Please focus on your new job and shut up.

Ugh, so tired of Kill inserting himself into the news every couple weeks. Please focus on your new job and shut up.

He's selling a book, and this is the local news folks writing a story about it.

I don't think he's inserting himself in this case, and if he was, he's selling a book...

Ugh, so tired of Kill inserting himself into the news every couple weeks. Please focus on your new job and shut up.

I know what you mean, but let's cut him a little slack. This book aside, when he's in the news it's because a reporter is seeking him out. Should he just say "no comment"?

A guy with a pretty amazing journey that has a well-documented knack for inspiring people is writing a book....ugh! Not this again!

Sometimes Jerry reminds me of Kevin Garnett. Hard worker, professional, but he sure liked to be sure everyone knew that he had challenges where he worked.

He sure got a lot done though didn't he? Maybe you need to let the people know the sh^t that is, so you can garner the support to fix it?

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Ugh, so tired of Kill inserting himself into the news every couple weeks. Please focus on your new job and shut up.

For miserable people like yourself I wish another Brewster was hired. Amazing how you can be so dense as to not realize that the writers and reporters, ala Joe, are calling him for comment.

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My takeaway from that is what a cluster**** the department was. Give the man a parking spot. Don't assign an epileptic to do the athletic director's job, during football season no less.

Of course, OL' Jerry has that doublespeak that only someone that's been around the block has mastered. The U was good to me, but they weren't (but it pays well) Teague is a POS, but had good attributes. My coaching days are over, but I'd still be coaching if not for Teague. I give it 2 years.

Jerry Kill we love ya!!! But the Gopher nation is extremely excited to see how good the Claeys era will be ..

Thanks captain obvious. I'm sure Coach Kill had no idea. I don't know if you can comprehend this, but I'm going to guess Jerry Kill is extremely excited as well. He's said as much! Geesh!

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I can't wait for Lucia's book, and Pitino's.

Kill had a lot to deal with, that's for sure. I'm not sure any of us know how bad it really was when he got here. Below is my favorite Kill press conference, which was right after getting killed at Michigan in 2011. The fact that in the following regular seasons we went 6-6, 8-4, 8-4 is extremely impressive. Can't say for sure that he would still be coaching but for Teague, but his health had seemed to turn the corner before the University and Teague put him in a very difficult situation.

kill is a ball coach. its in his blood.

Kill is kidding himself if he thinks that but for the Teague situation he would still be coaching. The Teague situation, hastened the return of his epilepsy, but the pressures of coaching, would have eventually triggered it again.

Kill had seizures on the sideline before the Teague scandal.
He was not compliant with his anti seizure medicines because of their side effects interfered with his energy level and his ability to coach at the level that he wanted to.
When he finally faced the choice of control of his seizures or death he chose the wiser option and stopped coaching.

Kill was a beloved figure just last year. I wonder how quickly Claeys support will erode if the Gophers lose a couple games that they shouldn't?

Jerry needs to stay at a Holiday Inn Express more often.

What Kill accomplished here was amazing. He was so good for the U football program words can't describe it. With that said, the Kill-bobos that attack any negative statement about him are equally annoying. If you don't think Kill is behind his constant presence in this market while trying to get a job and now sell a book then you are so dense that you have zero chance in life. Plain and simple.

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Just ordered it! Everything happens for a reason. What he did for this program is amazing, particularly considering what he had to deal with and his health condition. He will always be my favorite Gopher!!!

We're all entitled to our opinions. Mine is Mason did a much better job. He took over after 35+ years of complete ineptitude and won 10 games. That said, I'm thankful Jerry came, he was a breath of fresh air after the disaster Brewster was. I don't see many "what could have been's with Jerry" as we'd still be stuck with Limegrover.

Kill had a lot to deal with, that's for sure. I'm not sure any of us know how bad it really was when he got here. Below is my favorite Kill press conference, which was right after getting killed at Michigan in 2011. The fact that in the following regular seasons we went 6-6, 8-4, 8-4 is extremely impressive. Can't say for sure that he would still be coaching but for Teague, but his health had seemed to turn the corner before the University and Teague put him in a very difficult situation.
Wow, that's gold. Reminded me why I loved Coach Kill so much! I think some people have a hard time remembering where the program was at during this time. But I'll be damned if not two years later I wasn't sitting in Michigan stadium watching our Gophers absolutely embarrass the home team. Hell, nobody's perfect, but people can be perfect for a time, place, moment...that was Coach Kill for those years.

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Kill had a lot to deal with, that's for sure. I'm not sure any of us know how bad it really was when he got here. Below is my favorite Kill press conference, which was right after getting killed at Michigan in 2011. The fact that in the following regular seasons we went 6-6, 8-4, 8-4 is extremely impressive. Can't say for sure that he would still be coaching but for Teague, but his health had seemed to turn the corner before the University and Teague put him in a very difficult situation.

Thanks for sharing that Press Conference. If you juxtaposed that 2011 game with 2014 & 2015 games, you can certainly see the progress the program had made. Outcomes aside, the 2 most recent games vs Michigan were extremely physical ball games where our kids believed in themselves, made plays, and didn't back down. That 2011 game was painful to watch - literally saw people throwing in the towel and Coach replacing them with kids that were outmatched but were buying in to the philosophy / mental toughness he was trying to bring.

Ugh, so tired of Kill inserting himself into the news every couple weeks. Please focus on your new job and shut up.

We are all appreciative of what Jerry did for us and a tweaked version of his regime is still in place, but I tend agree that it is getting kind old hearing to keep another gee whiz from Kill.

He is the one who "wrote" the book, so don't go saying he is just responding to media requests.

Isn't being humble and out of the spotlight part of the old down home stick?

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We're all entitled to our opinions. Mine is Mason did a much better job. He took over after 35+ years of complete ineptitude and won 10 games. That said, I'm thankful Jerry came, he was a breath of fresh air after the disaster Brewster was. I don't see many "what could have been's with Jerry" as we'd still be stuck with Limegrover.


Sorry....Kill did more harm than good. He put a lot pressure on a lot of people within the University infrastructure because he refused to deal with his health issues letting football supercede his condition. After the New Mexico State incident my wife and I were very uneasy sitting in the stands when Kill was on the sidelines.

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