Jerry Kill says Gophers are "close on some big gifts" for the Athlete's Village


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Nov 11, 2008
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Jerry Kill says Gophers are "close on some big gifts" for the Athlete's Village

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Great news. Glad to see it's still moving forward after the Teague departure (they said it wouldn't slow down but to see it in action is a good thing).

Great news. Glad to see it's still moving forward after the Teague departure (they said it wouldn't slow down but to see it in action is a good thing).

Exactly. No matter if it was true or not this was going to be their response after Teague's departure, but to see it in action is a whole different story. Great news.

JK also confirmed today on the Gopher Football Weekly show what I said earlier this week in the discussion about his demeanor in his weekly press conference, that he's been spending valuable time fund-raising and intimated he'll be shifting focus a bit more to FB. I think his charm and charisma are extremely valuable in raising support, but he's a pretty darn good football coach and I think other B1G coaches probably aren't leaned on as much for getting the money as winning games. Anyone else have any insight here?

My HS alma matter, Jordan, just opened a brand new field last Friday night. Brand new turf field, expanded track, new concession stands and ticketing booths, etc. The field was donated by Dick Ames, a big Gopher booster who resides in Jordan. The field was named Ames Field after Mr. Ames who donated $1 million and his company did the work themselves if I am not mistaken.

Anyways, Coach Kill was in Jordan last Friday night with Dick Ames and the two spent the majority of the game standing on the track/field talking and watching the game. I would imagine Kill would have rather been at home either resting after a late night against TCU or reviewing that game and preparing for CSU.

Not sure if this is what he was referring to, but probably something the Head Coach should not be a part of. Regardless, great to see Coach Kill out in Jordan.

Gophers find home for track, another $5M for Village
By Marcus R. Fuller

University of Minnesota interim athletics director Beth Goetz announced Thursday at a Board of Regents meeting that the school's track teams will have a new home, and that an additional $5 million has been raised for the Athletes Village project.

Goetz, accompanied for her presentation by associate AD Dan O'Brien, said the men's and women's track teams are expected to have a new home on the East Bank of campus as part of the master facilities plan.

Goetz also presented the final schematic designs for the Athletes Village. The Regents will vote on whether the project can break ground at its Oct. 9 meeting.

Hmmmm final schematics, you say? Wonder when we'll get a look at those?

Vote will take place 2 days after my birthday, hopefully it will be a late birthday present!

Gophers find home for track, another $5M for Village
By Marcus R. Fuller

University of Minnesota interim athletics director Beth Goetz announced Thursday at a Board of Regents meeting that the school's track teams will have a new home, and that an additional $5 million has been raised for the Athletes Village project.

Goetz, accompanied for her presentation by associate AD Dan O'Brien, said the men's and women's track teams are expected to have a new home on the East Bank of campus as part of the master facilities plan.

Goetz also presented the final schematic designs for the Athletes Village. The Regents will vote on whether the project can break ground at its Oct. 9 meeting.

Awesome news on the first bold part!!!

Curiosity to where on East bank and how much it impacts past renderings of the Athletics Village. There's not a lot of free space on East bank.

Awesome news on the first bold part!!!

Curiosity to where on East bank and how much it impacts past renderings of the Athletics Village. There's not a lot of free space on East bank.

I'm betting on Lot #37.

Beavcoon predicted this and other possible donation announcements a little over a month ago. I hope no one was surprised by this...

Will Gopher Warrior be part of of the ground breaking crew?

Awesome news on the first bold part!!!

Curiosity to where on East bank and how much it impacts past renderings of the Athletics Village. There's not a lot of free space on East bank.

Hopefully they can put the track right next to the Athletics Village from past renderings right where the current intramural fields are. These intramural fields can move down to the river flats which has plenty of room.

Gophers find home for track, another $5M for Village
By Marcus R. Fuller

University of Minnesota interim athletics director Beth Goetz announced Thursday at a Board of Regents meeting that the school's track teams will have a new home, and that an additional $5 million has been raised for the Athletes Village project.

Goetz, accompanied for her presentation by associate AD Dan O'Brien, said the men's and women's track teams are expected to have a new home on the East Bank of campus as part of the master facilities plan.

Goetz also presented the final schematic designs for the Athletes Village. The Regents will vote on whether the project can break ground at its Oct. 9 meeting.

O'Brien was there in his role of SADA in charge of facilities.


"In his current role, O'Brien oversees the Minnesota football and men's golf programs. He is also charged with day-to-day management of all of Minnesota's athletic facilities and is a department liaison with the Minnesota Vikings."

Hopefully they can put the track right next to the Athletics Village from past renderings right where the current intramural fields are. These intramural fields can move down to the river flats which has plenty of room.

Wonder if they'd be able to use the current building that's the entrance for the rec dome. Does anyone know if the dome is used by varsity teams for winter practices? Maybe things will change once the Vikings' glass boat is finished.

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I'm hoping this isn't in reference to the donation request letter I just got in the mail from Kaler. Jerry's going to be dissappointed, I already gave at the Bank.

Quick note-

One of the unique things at the U is the power of Rec Sports. The areas mentioned above - rec dome, intramural fields, ect- are own by Rec sports, thanks to Mr. Maturi. One option for the track was the intramural fields. However, Rec sports fought it to the death. The St. Paul site was fought to the death by retired U professors who live near by. Only places left is the parking lots on East Bank, as Parking didn't have as much power.

As an ex track guy, I'm mildly disappointed in the final location. Had it been in St.Paul, word was track was going to get a new indoor facility to go with the new outdoor track. Would have been sweet.
Now, I'm resigned that it is going to be squeezed into a small footprint, making it hard to hold major meets.

However, I'm just glad the rest of the project gets to move forward. Football, Basketball, and Hockey supports us non revs, so what is good for them is good for us!

One thing I don't understand about the track situation. Couldn't they rent time from Augsburg while they built a new facility? It's pretty much contained within the U of M campus. Not that Concordia or Hamline are that far away.

One thing I don't understand about the track situation. Couldn't they rent time from Augsburg while they built a new facility? It's pretty much contained within the U of M campus. Not that Concordia or Hamline are that far away.

Does Augsburg have a track? I thought they used the U of M facilities for track and field.

I read that the U has purchased the land near the football stadium that the grain elevator is on where the girl fell and died. Right now some authority isn't allowing the elevator to be torn down because it's "historic" and so the U can get out of the purchase agreement. Maybe they're planning the track for there, or moving the rec sports there. I think it's embarrassing that our track team doesn't have its own facility.

With a pistol and a can of spray paint, track events can be held anywhere.

I read that the U has purchased the land near the football stadium that the grain elevator is on where the girl fell and died. Right now some authority isn't allowing the elevator to be torn down because it's "historic" and so the U can get out of the purchase agreement. Maybe they're planning the track for there, or moving the rec sports there. I think it's embarrassing that our track team doesn't have its own facility.

How by any meausre is this "historic" as determined and argued by the Minneapolis Community Planning and Economic Development staff recommending HPC deny the application and establish interim historical protection and studies designating the property as historic. Old? Yes > Functional? No > Architecturally significant? No > Stupid idea by "staff"? Yes > Historic? No

Hopefully they can put the track right next to the Athletics Village from past renderings right where the current intramural fields are. These intramural fields can move down to the river flats which has plenty of room.

I thought the river flats or least the parkng area was Minneapolis Park Board property.

With a pistol and a can of spray paint, track events can be held anywhere.

+2 and it can be as far away as needed. Track and field events are tied for worst events possible to attend, right alongside dance competitions and swimming.

The track terrorists get their way. Imagine they all are pretty proud of themselves right about now.

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