I have a great deal of respect for Jerry Kill, in spite of some strong disagreements I have with the way some things were handled here, both while he was coach and after he retired. Many people bring up, naturally, how coaching affects his health. That is, does coaching cause his seizures to become more frequent and strong - or do they occur at roughly the same rate anyway? I prefer to look at it a different way - to me, how his coaching affects his health is beside the point. If he wants to take an increased risk (assuming that one even exists), he is an adult and is making an informed decision. I think the thing that gets frequently overlooked is - how does this affect the people around him? Is it fair of him to continually ask others to cover for his responsibilities owing to his compromised health status? I feel that it's not fair to others for him to go on coaching this way. Of course, Ash didn't have to hire him, but he needs to be the one to fully retire, take himself out of consideration for jobs, and stop putting other people in such a difficult position.