Jerry Kill: “Do I miss it as a head coach? Hell yes.”

It doesn’t feel to me that people do it any more so than they do it for Brew or Mason. Do you disagree?
The unwritten rule when a coach leaves a program for any reason is to take your buyout check, thank everyone for the opportunity/support and move on with your life. Mason and Brewster have largely followed this rule and, as a result, there isn't much to talk about. The difference with Kill and, to a lesser extent Claeys, is that for whatever reason they have continued to weigh in on issues related to the institution, administration and their successors. That's why, IMO, Kill is discussed more here than the others.

The unwritten rule when a coach leaves a program for any reason is to take your buyout check, thank everyone for the opportunity/support and move on with your life. Mason and Brewster have largely followed this rule and, as a result, there isn't much to talk about. The difference with Kill and, to a lesser extent Claeys, is that for whatever reason they have continued to weigh in on issues related to the institution, administration and their successors. That's why, IMO, Kill is discussed more here than the others.
Has Claeys really said anything since he left? I don't remember hearing anything.

People seem to enjoy keeping track of him, more so than other ex Gopher football coaches. Not sure why.

You really don't know why? LOL. Because he's the most recent and he is in the news quite a bit for moving around a lot.

People tracked Brew and Mason quite a bit too.

The unwritten rule when a coach leaves a program for any reason is to take your buyout check, thank everyone for the opportunity/support and move on with your life. Mason and Brewster have largely followed this rule and, as a result, there isn't much to talk about. The difference with Kill and, to a lesser extent Claeys, is that for whatever reason they have continued to weigh in on issues related to the institution, administration and their successors. That's why, IMO, Kill is discussed more here than the others.

There were constantly threads about Brew's next job. I think there is probably one on his recent move from North Carolina to Florida.

We track old coaches because they are part of our history.

We track Kill more than the other coaches because he is (along with Claeyes) considered to be the most recent and he brought us out of the dark ages. It's similar to Mason. Post-Mason, this message board was filled with fights between the Brew crowd and the Mason crowd.

As to the why?

by the time Brewster left, the program was at its lowest point since the end of the Salem era. Fans were looking for someone to 'save' the program, or at least get it out of the dumps. Kill came in and was the opposite of Brewster. Kill was folksy, came off like more of a regular guy that MN fans could relate to. Also made big points of discipline and academics. he and his wife worked to help kids with epilepsy. and, after a rough 1st year, Kill brought the program back to where the team was winning 8 games and appearing in decent bowl games - by playing defense. A Gopher team playing defense. Wow!

Remember - hindsight is 20-20. When Kill was forced to leave MN due to his health, no one could have predicted that Fleck would come in here and win 11 games. There was a lot of concern about the program maintaining the level that Kill had established. Now, it's easy to say Fleck is better than Kill. But, when Kill left, we didn't know what was going to happen.

So, at that point, Kill had earned some good will. Then, he took offense to some of the comments by Coyle and Fleck. One can argue that Kill is too thin-skinned and took offense where none was intended. I still maintain that there is something below the surface between Kill and Fleck dating back to when Fleck was an assistant under Kill. I don't think this just came out of the blue.

As to the why?

by the time Brewster left, the program was at its lowest point since the end of the Salem era. Fans were looking for someone to 'save' the program, or at least get it out of the dumps. Kill came in and was the opposite of Brewster. Kill was folksy, came off like more of a regular guy that MN fans could relate to. Also made big points of discipline and academics. he and his wife worked to help kids with epilepsy. and, after a rough 1st year, Kill brought the program back to where the team was winning 8 games and appearing in decent bowl games - by playing defense. A Gopher team playing defense. Wow!

Remember - hindsight is 20-20. When Kill was forced to leave MN due to his health, no one could have predicted that Fleck would come in here and win 11 games. There was a lot of concern about the program maintaining the level that Kill had established. Now, it's easy to say Fleck is better than Kill. But, when Kill left, we didn't know what was going to happen.

So, at that point, Kill had earned some good will. Then, he took offense to some of the comments by Coyle and Fleck. One can argue that Kill is too thin-skinned and took offense where none was intended. I still maintain that there is something below the surface between Kill and Fleck dating back to when Fleck was an assistant under Kill. I don't think this just came out of the blue.

Jerry CHOSE to leave.

The U was very clear that he had the option to take a leave or do whatever he needed to do and still could remain HC.

Maybe he felt he had to, but that was a choice.

He chose to leave.
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Jerry appears to be a hypocrite. The other past coaches appear to have represented themselves as they really were....but Jerry...'well, to be perfectly honest with you.' So, i'll admit it's absolute blast to get after JK from here to eternity.

Has Claeys really said anything since he left? I don't remember hearing anything.
Not really other than the weather comments on the way out the door. I think that there was a newspaper article and some social media posts from his sister during the transition and PJs first year.

GopherHole is like YouTube comments. You get the same recycled responses over and over again. Who’s here in 2020?

You really don't know why? LOL. Because he's the most recent and he is in the news quite a bit for moving around a lot.

People tracked Brew and Mason quite a bit too.
I just don’t really see the point in caring if he moves from one school to another. Mason still cares to keep his ties to the U of M, even if it’s only saying nice things about our program on BTN on Saturday’s. So I can understand wanting to keep tabs on him, because he keeps tabs on us. Kill parted ways, and then burned some bridges. He says he won’t come back here ever again, so why should we care about where he goes?

I just don’t really see the point in caring if he moves from one school to another. Mason still cares to keep his ties to the U of M, even if it’s only saying nice things about our program on BTN on Saturday’s. So I can understand wanting to keep tabs on him, because he keeps tabs on us. Kill parted ways, and then burned some bridges. He says he won’t come back here ever again, so why should we care about where he goes?

Mason says good things about us - OK
Kill says bad things about our coach - not OK

Maybe we can limit the Kill posts to that site you suggested a bit back for all non-positive posts. Then we can get GH dialed in on just the posts you like.

I just don’t really see the point in caring if he moves from one school to another. Mason still cares to keep his ties to the U of M, even if it’s only saying nice things about our program on BTN on Saturday’s. So I can understand wanting to keep tabs on him, because he keeps tabs on us. Kill parted ways, and then burned some bridges. He says he won’t come back here ever again, so why should we care about where he goes?

It seems like you're intentionally be confused as to why people would be keeping tabs. People keep tabs for good and bad reasons - - essentially anyone that generates interest. Have you seen the threads on Brad Davison? He is just a kid from MN, we keep tabs because it's interesting. I started a thread on Aaron Hill around the Super Bowl.

Whether we like it or not, Jerry Kill is part of the Gopher football fabric. He is one of our most successful coaches and some of his comments are controversial. Of course people are going to follow him and talk about it here. Even if he hadn't said the controversial things about Fleck, he would be followed on here.

I just can't imagine anyone would be confused as to why Jerry Kill is being followed by this board.

Jerry appears to be a hypocrite. The other past coaches appear to have represented themselves as they really were....but Jerry...'well, to be perfectly honest with you.' So, i'll admit it's absolute blast to get after JK from here to eternity.

I didn't take you as someone who would devote your life to "getting after" people on the internet.

Mason says good things about us - OK
Kill says bad things about our coach - not OK

Maybe we can limit the Kill posts to that site you suggested a bit back for all non-positive posts. Then we can get GH dialed in on just the posts you like.

It seems like you're intentionally be confused as to why people would be keeping tabs. People keep tabs for good and bad reasons - - essentially anyone that generates interest. Have you seen the threads on Brad Davison? He is just a kid from MN, we keep tabs because it's interesting. I started a thread on Aaron Hill around the Super Bowl.

Whether we like it or not, Jerry Kill is part of the Gopher football fabric. He is one of our most successful coaches and some of his comments are controversial. Of course people are going to follow him and talk about it here. Even if he hadn't said the controversial things about Fleck, he would be followed on here.

I just can't imagine anyone would be confused as to why Jerry Kill is being followed by this board.
Mason says good things about us - OK
Kill says bad things about our coach - not OK

Maybe we can limit the Kill posts to that site you suggested a bit back for all non-positive posts. Then we can get GH dialed in on just the posts you like.
Kill also said he won’t come back here ever again. That’s more than just “bad things about the coach”, that’s being bitter towards the entire U of M campus area. That’s saying Coyle and Fleck could be long gone, and he still won’t come back. Even if we wanted to honor him for his contributions to the program.
Mason- mature, not bitter, good ties
Kill- childish comments, very bitter, burned bridges

never said people can’t talk about Kill, please tell me where I said they can’t. I simply said I don’t know why people want to commit any time to talking about an ex-Gopher coach that wants nothing to do with us and has been quite vocal about that.

Kill also said he won’t come back here ever again. That’s more than just “bad things about the coach”, that’s being bitter towards the entire U of M campus area. That’s saying Coyle and Fleck could be long gone, and he still won’t come back. Even if we wanted to honor him for his contributions to the program.
Mason- mature, not bitter, good ties
Kill- childish comments, very bitter, burned bridges

never said people can’t talk about Kill, please tell me where I said they can’t. I simply said I don’t know why people want to commit any time to talking about an ex-Gopher coach that wants nothing to do with us and has been quite vocal about that.

I never said you said they can't. I'm saying your surprise at people's interest is not genuine. You fully understand why people have threads about him and talk about him. Maybe you're surprised by his support, but you surely are not surprised by the interest.

I never said you said they can't. I'm saying your surprise at people's interest is not genuine. You fully understand why people have threads about him and talk about him. Maybe you're surprised by his support, but you surely are not surprised by the interest.
No I am genuinely surprised that people care where he ends up, at this point. It’s obvious the guy is looking to work for a new team in all 50 states before his career is over. His one year stints at various universities don’t come across as very newsworthy. If he does something big somewhere that makes a lasting impression on the game of football, that’s different.

No I am genuinely surprised that people care where he ends up, at this point. It’s obvious the guy is looking to work for a new team in all 50 states before his career is over. His one year stints at various universities don’t come across as very newsworthy. If he does something big somewhere that makes a lasting impression on the game of football, that’s different.

You're surprised that people follow the career of a former Gopher football on a Gopher football message board? Especially one who has his strengths (brought us out of the dark ages) and his controversies (comments about Fleck).

There are threads on these boards about recruits who never even played for the Gophers. Yet, you're shocked that the face (literal and proverbial) of the program for 5 years piques people's interest. Wow. Ok, any chance you're looking to get into a poker game?

Two people who nobody cares about their opinions but they always feel the need to publicly announce them anyway:

Lebron James and Jerry Kill

You're surprised that people follow the career of a former Gopher football on a Gopher football message board? Especially one who has his strengths (brought us out of the dark ages) and his controversies (comments about Fleck).

There are threads on these boards about recruits who never even played for the Gophers. Yet, you're shocked that the face (literal and proverbial) of the program for 5 years piques people's interest. Wow. Ok, any chance you're looking to get into a poker game?
Well I mean people continue to bring up Kill, resulting in arguments about him, and it’s just beating a dead Badger at this point. Every thread related to Kill seems to escalate into arguing over the same issues. Keep talking about him all you want ha

For anyone thinking Jerry Kill threads are beating a dead horse... you clearly weren't around back in the Seantrel Henderson days. Now THAT was a dead horse that took a beating for years. I swear right up until the day he was drafted, there were people on GH that thought he might transfer to the U and become its all time best lineman. We had Seantrel Henderson threads on top of Seantrel Henderson threads on top of Seantrel Henderson polls.

Well I mean people continue to bring up Kill, resulting in arguments about him, and it’s just beating a dead Badger at this point. Every thread related to Kill seems to escalate into arguing over the same issues. Keep talking about him all you want ha

The fact that people are interested in Kill makes perfect sense. He was the head guy here for 5 years and has been on a whirlwind cross country tour of colleges over the past few years. The problem is how every thread about Kill's latest exploits inevitably turns into a shouting match between a handful of posters, rehashing events from a few years ago. What starts as a unique thread quickly becomes the same old song and dance we have all heard a million times and are getting sick of.

With that said, the discussion around Kill has evolved and changed as the years have gone on.

Initially there was a very vocal crowd that viewed Fleck as all flash and no substance. They looked fondly on what Kill had done and feared it was all going to fall apart under Brewster 2.0. As time has gone on, Fleck has proven he knows what he is doing so even those that couldn't stand him initially have come around quite a bit on him and at the very least tolerate the theatrics because they can see there is a method to his madness and it gets results. At the same time, Kill has burned a number of bridges and been exposed some for maybe not being the person he portrayed himself to be during his time here. Most still respect the job he did here but he isn't revered the way he was by a lot of people during his time here and shortly after it ended.

Speaking in very general terms of course as everyone will fall into different places in regards to how they view Fleck and Kill.

The fact that people are interested in Kill makes perfect sense. He was the head guy here for 5 years and has been on a whirlwind cross country tour of colleges over the past few years. The problem is how every thread about Kill's latest exploits inevitably turns into a shouting match between a handful of posters, rehashing events from a few years ago. What starts as a unique thread quickly becomes the same old song and dance we have all heard a million times and are getting sick of.
But this thread on Kill has evolved into a whole new argument.

But this thread on Kill has evolved into a whole new argument.

Agree, the tone has changed significantly in these threads as the years have gone on. Still a lot of rehashing of the same stuff over and over but the overall feel is very different as opinions about the people involved have shifted.

Agree, the tone has changed significantly in these threads as the years have gone on. Still a lot of rehashing of the same stuff over and over but the overall feel is very different as opinions about the people involved have shifted.
he failed at identifying a quality quarterback to start for the Minnesota Golden Gophers.

you are welcome.

Agree, the tone has changed significantly in these threads as the years have gone on. Still a lot of rehashing of the same stuff over and over but the overall feel is very different as opinions about the people involved have shifted.
It has. Jerry has not done himself any favors with his actions since leaving here. Too bad - it makes people forget the great accomplishments and progress he had here.

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