Jeremy Tyler's Israel Experience Thus Far A Failure


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Nov 20, 2008
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In the catagory of " how's that workin' out fer ya? "

His coach calls him lazy and out of shape. The team captain says he is soft. His teammates say he needs to learn to shut up and show up on time. He has no friends on the team. In extensive interviews with Tyler, his teammates, coaches, his father and advisers, the consensus is that he is so naïve and immature that he has no idea how naïve and immature he is. So enamored with his vast potential, Tyler has not developed the work ethic necessary to tap it.,200966

I thought one of the Yahoo comments summed it up pretty well-

The sad thing is that a scumbag filled his head with ideas that he could do this. What does Vaccaro care? If he succeeds he can make bank off him; if he fails he just moves on to the next naive 16 year old. The man is scum.

It's really a sad situation.

The problem is Brandon Jennings went through alot of the same problems and now he is blowing up in his rookie season so those "scumbags", and I think that term is an insult to real scumbags when used to describe Vaccaro, will point to his as proof that there experiment was a success. Of course you could just as easily say he would of done just as well had he played 30+ min a game at Ariz. and instead of being miserable in some foreign. cold European city with no friends, he could of been living it up in sunny Tucson and as a Big man on campus.

I wonder if Royce read this piece? I wonder if maybe a year or two overseas with no one holding his hand wouldn't toughen Royce up mentally?

I wonder if Royce read this piece? I wonder if maybe a year or two overseas with no one holding his hand wouldn't toughen Royce up mentally?

Highly unlikely that he would straighten his act up. His track record is with adult supervision and a support system here in MN is bad enough, I can only imagine how much trouble he would get in in a country where he didn't speak the language, have any friends, or have anyone with any interest in him succeeding.

The problem is Brandon Jennings went through alot of the same problems and now he is blowing up in his rookie season so those "scumbags", and I think that term is an insult to real scumbags when used to describe Vaccaro, will point to his as proof that there experiment was a success. Of course you could just as easily say he would of done just as well had he played 30+ min a game at Ariz. and instead of being miserable in some foreign. cold European city with no friends, he could of been living it up in sunny Tucson and as a Big man on campus.

Tyler got bamboozled by Vaccaro. He won't be the last.

I wonder if Royce read this piece? I wonder if maybe a year or two overseas with no one holding his hand wouldn't toughen Royce up mentally?

Eighteen year olds don't and can't understand. Their frontal lobes are not fully developed. (That's why they so willingly go off to war.) KG was the rare, brilliantly talented exception. Guys like Royce can have a positive impact at the collegiate level, but in the NBA they would as noteworthy as Kris Humphries at best.

Somebody recently posted about Jon Williams and his interesting, truly important job. Anybody who can get through to Royce (or Trevor or Devron or a half dozen other guys on the team) about anything other than hoops is a hero.

Eighteen year olds don't and can't understand. Their frontal lobes are not fully developed. (That's why they so willingly go off to war.) KG was the rare, brilliantly talented exception. Guys like Royce can have a positive impact at the collegiate level, but in the NBA they would as noteworthy as Kris Humphries at best.

Somebody recently posted about Jon Williams and his interesting, truly important job. Anybody who can get through to Royce (or Trevor or Devron or a half dozen other guys on the team) about anything other than hoops is a hero.

LeBron James was even more rare (and more talented) than Garnett was.

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