Jeff Dubay

Regardless of what you little people think of Glen Mason...

Well, it's not exactly a Rose Garden getting it from Killjoy either.

He KNEW how to take prexy b and badger joel macturi to the wood shed AND the cleaners when it came to negotiating that contract at the end of the 2005 season after they had let his contract wind down and they suddenly found themselves in dire straights with the naming rights deal for the Stadium and even for selling the foolish State Legislators on the idea that they HAD to take care of the University BEFORE they could shell out all that state money to the billionaire owner of the twins for their baseball factory. prexy b even had to BORROW money from the General Fund of the U of M when one year later he FOOLISHLY and vindictively decided to BUY OUT the contract that Mason and his brilliant agent had FORCED the foolish prexy b to give the good coach just the year before. It cost millions and millions of bucks the athletic department did NOT have. prexy b and bjm had to really PAY the price for having crawled on their hands and knees to BEG Mason to stay at the U at the end of the 2005 season. It was so incredibly funny watching prexy b and bjm in that helpless, hopeless situation they had put themselves into. Mason and his agent MADE them SHOW HIM THE MONEY! It really was one of the finest moves a coach in these parts had EVER made. It was rivaled ONLY by Mike Lynn's brilliant move to force the vikqueens to give him a cut of the suite revenue for such a LONG time after Lynn was no longer connected to that organization.

It's so much fun to watch the administrators and/or owners get the short end of the stick!

:Clap: :CLAP: :CLAP and that's NO crap...right e.bigelow AND killjoy. Say, killjoy, will the Coach and his staff figure out how to go bowling again this year? I sure am hoping so. A football season just doesn't seem right if there isn't a bowl game to travel to at the end of the year. You DO go to bowl games when my Gophers are invited, don't you killjoy? Keep these people honest Dr Don...and while you are at it, give that killjoy dude/dudette, which ever the case may be a "dose" of his own medicine... ; 0 )

Way to publicly proclaim that you're not on the University's side, Wayne. Good job getting on your knees for St. Glen.

Way to publicly proclaim that you're not on the University's side, Wayne. Good job getting on your knees for St. Glen.

dopodoll: So you are STILL longing for more brewball and smooching macturi and kow-towing to prexy b? You think that those U of M amdinistrators didn't make a LOT of mistakes with everything they did re: my Golden Gopher Football Program? How about those MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars prexy b. had to borrow from the U's General Fund to buy out Mason's contract just a year after he was willing to do ANTHING and EVERYTHING that Coach Mason and his agent DEMANEDED after the 2005 season when he so desperately NEEDED Coach Mason signed, sealed and delivered for the TCF Naming Rights Deal and the presentations to sell the stadium deal to the State Legislators. dopodoll, dopodoll, dopodoll: are you still carrying on with your main man badger joel macturi. prexy b and macturi REALLY fouled up...what a living, breathing, walking, talking SNAFU macturi will be. You always did apologize for that pair of administrators.

^^ you do realize that Mason is no longer part of YOUR GOLDEN GOPHER FOOTBALL PROGRAM, and he can't get YOUR GOLDEN GOPHER FOOTBALL PROGRAM any more BIG TEN WINS, right?

^^ you do realize that Mason is no longer part of YOUR GOLDEN GOPHER FOOTBALL PROGRAM, and he can't get YOUR GOLDEN GOPHER FOOTBALL PROGRAM any more BIG TEN WINS, right?

Yeah but Wayne has a TIME MACHINE... He goes BACK regularly and revisits all THOSE BIG TEN Conference Wins OVER and over AGAIN!!! They really add up FAST doing it THAT WAY!

Coach Mason has moved on

dopodoll: So you are STILL longing for more brewball and smooching macturi and kow-towing to prexy b? You think that those U of M amdinistrators didn't make a LOT of mistakes with everything they did re: my Golden Gopher Football Program? How about those MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars prexy b. had to borrow from the U's General Fund to buy out Mason's contract just a year after he was willing to do ANTHING and EVERYTHING that Coach Mason and his agent DEMANEDED after the 2005 season when he so desperately NEEDED Coach Mason signed, sealed and delivered for the TCF Naming Rights Deal and the presentations to sell the stadium deal to the State Legislators. dopodoll, dopodoll, dopodoll: are you still carrying on with your main man badger joel macturi. prexy b and macturi REALLY fouled up...what a living, breathing, walking, talking SNAFU macturi will be. You always did apologize for that pair of administrators.

coach Mason seems to have moved on quite well from the past in his current Big10 Network job and seems to be doing well. He was a good football coach at the Unviersity of Minnesota.
Let's live in the now, we can't change the past or what happened as fans, and let's seee the Gophers beat Northwestern Saturday. The Gophers need a Big 10 win against a tough Big 10 opponent but have a good opportunity to win. Go Gophers always.

Yeah but Wayne has a TIME MACHINE... He goes BACK regularly and revisits all THOSE BIG TEN Conference Wins OVER and over AGAIN!!! They really add up FAST doing it THAT WAY!

I NEVER bring up Glen Mason. YOU people do that. You continue to bring him up and take shots at him thinking it will make more recent coaches look better. However, it ALWAYS makes the more recent coaches look LESS than because you always have SO many excuses for the more recent coaches.

So, don't try to blame me for discussions on Coach Mason. When YOU PEOPLE try to trash him, of course, I am going to join in the discussion to present a more fair and balanced discussion about the man, the teams he coached and the fact that he won MORE Big Ten Games than a hell of a lot of the other coaches...the current ones included. And, believe me, I support Coach Kill and his staff. But I will not let you people by with your "less Conference wins is more..." b.s.

How often do some of you start Coach Mason threads or Coach Mason bashing session and then comment: "...I wonder how long it will be until wren has something to say about this?" So, personally, I think YOU people who bring up Coach Mason all the time should be severely sanctioned by the administrators. YOU people bring Coach Mason up and then you TRY to complain about what I have to say. The truth of the matter is that it is YOU people who can not LIVE without talking about the Coach Mason Years at the U of M. And, unfortunately, no coaches who have replaced him have come any where near in terms of turning out All-American and All-Big Ten Players, winning some bowl games and just being more competitive within conference play. It wasn't enough...but it WAS a lot better time to be a Golden Gopher Football Fan who liked to make road trips and have a little chance to see a road win... Don't EVER try to tell me that the "less" we are currently experiencing was better than the "more" that we did experience.

dopodoll: So you are STILL longing for more brewball and smooching macturi and kow-towing to prexy b? You think that those U of M amdinistrators didn't make a LOT of mistakes with everything they did re: my Golden Gopher Football Program? How about those MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars prexy b. had to borrow from the U's General Fund to buy out Mason's contract just a year after he was willing to do ANTHING and EVERYTHING that Coach Mason and his agent DEMANEDED after the 2005 season when he so desperately NEEDED Coach Mason signed, sealed and delivered for the TCF Naming Rights Deal and the presentations to sell the stadium deal to the State Legislators. dopodoll, dopodoll, dopodoll: are you still carrying on with your main man badger joel macturi. prexy b and macturi REALLY fouled up...what a living, breathing, walking, talking SNAFU macturi will be. You always did apologize for that pair of administrators.

I'm not exactly sure what all of that means. However, I am very impressed with your creative use of the "shift" key and punctuation.

Regardless, you know your golden boy is responsible for the worst collapse in the history of bowl games, right? I think it is time that we "DEMANEDED" something better than that.

I'm not exactly sure what all of that means. However, I am very impressed with your creative use of the "shift" key and punctuation.

Regardless, you know your golden boy is responsible for the worst collapse in the history of bowl games, right? I think it is time that we "DEMANEDED" something better than that.

Sure, now we either don't go or we know we will lose. At least Mason beat Oregon, Arkansas and Alabama in bowl games. He lost some too. I'm sure that made you very happy.

Personally, I had a great time going to bowl games back in those days. How about that really nice fumbled away loss to iowa state a few years ago. I was in Houston when Texas Tech came from behind to beat us last December. It looks as though it wasn't ONLY Mason who lost some late leads in bowl games.

Spin it maroonandgold. Do we need to DEMAND more than what we have been given in the years 2007 through 2013? I'm a big Coach Kill and Staff Fan. You will have to come through me to DEMAND that he quit losing late leads in bowl games. Now, we just need to figure out a way to get an invitation to a bowl game in this 2013 season...right bleedsmaroonandgold...

Sure, now we either don't go or we know we will lose. At least Mason beat Oregon, Arkansas and Alabama in bowl games. He lost some too. I'm sure that made you very happy.

Personally, I had a great time going to bowl games back in those days. How about that really nice fumbled away loss to iowa state a few years ago. I was in Houston when Texas Tech came from behind to beat us last December. It looks as though it wasn't ONLY Mason who lost some late leads in bowl games.

Spin it maroonandgold. Do we need to DEMAND more than what we have been given in the years 2007 through 2013? I'm a big Coach Kill and Staff Fan. You will have to come through me to DEMAND that he quit losing late leads in bowl games. Now, we just need to figure out a way to get an invitation to a bowl game in this 2013 season...right bleedsmaroonandgold...

I think I'm on the record being pretty upset about the blown lead last year as well as our performance so far this year. You don't need to convince me that neither are acceptable. We do need to DEMAND better Wren. I am past the point where I consider a success to be winning 25% of the conference games, but scheduling an easy enough out of conference slate to get to six wins that way. I am still hoping that Kill gets us where I want us to be. I know that, despite a lot of time, Mason did not get us there. If Mason really is as good as it can possibly get for this program, then I need another graduate degree with a new alma mater. However, I don't believe that is the case, and I am going to continue supporting this program until we get there.

I think I'm on the record being pretty upset about the blown lead last year as well as our performance so far this year. You don't need to convince me that neither are acceptable. We do need to DEMAND better Wren. I am past the point where I consider a success to be winning 25% of the conference games, but scheduling an easy enough out of conference slate to get to six wins that way. I am still hoping that Kill gets us where I want us to be. I know that, despite a lot of time, Mason did not get us there. If Mason really is as good as it can possibly get for this program, then I need another graduate degree with a new alma mater. However, I don't believe that is the case, and I am going to continue supporting this program until we get there.


If someone starts a Glen Mason Thread in the forest, and Wren is not there to hear it, does it make a sound?

I NEVER bring up Glen Mason. YOU people do that. You continue to bring him up and take shots at him thinking it will make more recent coaches look better. However, it ALWAYS makes the more recent coaches look LESS than because you always have SO many excuses for the more recent coaches.

So, don't try to blame me for discussions on Coach Mason. When YOU PEOPLE try to trash him, of course, I am going to join in the discussion to present a more fair and balanced discussion about the man, the teams he coached and the fact that he won MORE Big Ten Games than a hell of a lot of the other coaches...the current ones included. And, believe me, I support Coach Kill and his staff. But I will not let you people by with your "less Conference wins is more..." b.s.

How often do some of you start Coach Mason threads or Coach Mason bashing session and then comment: "...I wonder how long it will be until wren has something to say about this?" So, personally, I think YOU people who bring up Coach Mason all the time should be severely sanctioned by the administrators. YOU people bring Coach Mason up and then you TRY to complain about what I have to say. The truth of the matter is that it is YOU people who can not LIVE without talking about the Coach Mason Years at the U of M. And, unfortunately, no coaches who have replaced him have come any where near in terms of turning out All-American and All-Big Ten Players, winning some bowl games and just being more competitive within conference play. It wasn't enough...but it WAS a lot better time to be a Golden Gopher Football Fan who liked to make road trips and have a little chance to see a road win... Don't EVER try to tell me that the "less" we are currently experiencing was better than the "more" that we did experience.

This is so true. There is a crowd who plays loose with the facts that are hard to deny. And, they always like to box in you in as something less than themselves. Thank you for posting.

This is so true. There is a crowd who plays loose with the facts that are hard to deny. And, they always like to box in you in as something less than themselves. Thank you for posting.

Dean S: you have restored my faith that there are still a few people who read this board who have the ability and willingness to see what happens here. Providing an honest and insightful description of what you see transpiring hopefully will not bring you any negative consequences from the "gang" that somehow does appear to dominate this board in any way they wish. However, the other side of the story MUST be told and the only way to tell the other side of the story is to just tell it. I sometimes have been "voted off the island..." by those who want only their version of things allowed. Still, the moderators do open the forum for my contrasting opinions. I would highly encourage anyone...everyone to speak their mind. It is only by having the will to state an opinion that "mob-rule" does not totally dominate a site such as GOPHERHOLE.

At the current time, even the local sports columnists know that the little gang that dominates GOPHERHOLE can very easily be brought to their own level of distraction and incompetence and extreme angst with simply a column or two that flies in the face of what that little gang attempts to speak...convey...and dictate.

Stand up...say your piece...describe what you see happening. This site ONLY works if there is a collection of thoughts, observations and ideas. Thank you for being really "stand up..." Dean S. And, NEVER let that little gang get you down..."

Well, I need to get ready to shove off for Evanston and the game at Ryan Field tomorrow.

May our Gophers bring home a win tomorrow. If it happens, I'll be there to witness it! In the end, all the people can NOT be fooled all the time. Common sense is entirely too uncommon, but it does exist...

I NEVER bring up Glen Mason. YOU people do that. You continue to bring him up and take shots at him thinking it will make more recent coaches look better. However, it ALWAYS makes the more recent coaches look LESS than because you always have SO many excuses for the more recent coaches.

So, don't try to blame me for discussions on Coach Mason. When YOU PEOPLE try to trash him, of course, I am going to join in the discussion to present a more fair and balanced discussion about the man, the teams he coached and the fact that he won MORE Big Ten Games than a hell of a lot of the other coaches...the current ones included. And, believe me, I support Coach Kill and his staff. But I will not let you people by with your "less Conference wins is more..." b.s.

How often do some of you start Coach Mason threads or Coach Mason bashing session and then comment: "...I wonder how long it will be until wren has something to say about this?" So, personally, I think YOU people who bring up Coach Mason all the time should be severely sanctioned by the administrators. YOU people bring Coach Mason up and then you TRY to complain about what I have to say. The truth of the matter is that it is YOU people who can not LIVE without talking about the Coach Mason Years at the U of M. And, unfortunately, no coaches who have replaced him have come any where near in terms of turning out All-American and All-Big Ten Players, winning some bowl games and just being more competitive within conference play. It wasn't enough...but it WAS a lot better time to be a Golden Gopher Football Fan who liked to make road trips and have a little chance to see a road win... Don't EVER try to tell me that the "less" we are currently experiencing was better than the "more" that we did experience.

You only have something to say though when someone brings up Mason, it is extremely rare to hear your opinions on non Glen Mason matters, football or otherwise

This is so true. There is a crowd who plays loose with the facts that are hard to deny. And, they always like to box in you in as something less than themselves. Thank you for posting.

I'm honestly not sure what this means. I'm not trying to troll or attack you, I'm actually curious what "loose with the facts" refers to. Are many posters on here optimistic, maybe unreasonably so at times? Yes, well of course - this is a fan forum. I think the problem is that, closely tied to optimism for the program is a feeling that we CAN be better than where Mason had us. This makes it rather annoying when one poster won't quit babbling on about the Mason years acting like they were the best the program ever has or will see.

Yes, some good things happened during Mason's tenure. But if you don't believe things will ever be better than that, why do you even watch the games? People want to look to the future and keep hoping for brighter days ahead for the Gopher program, not get sucked into one guy's tedious recaps of the "Mason glory years"

To Wren: sometimes I get a little troll-ish with you, and I apologize, but the above is why, and I suspect it's why many others on this board get annoyed with you as well. That said, go Gophers! Beat the Nerds!

Dubay is a Gopher fan, I'll give him that. He doesn't just pretend to play one on the radio.

However, the move doesn't make sense to me. I don't hate the idea of Schiano as much as most people probably do but I think the Mason thing has run its course. It reminds me of the Flip stuff, MN sports talk just being incestuous with the ole coaches because they are nice to us.

I doubt Glen's shortcomings could improve with age.

PS: I ran into Glen Mason's kid (Pat) a few weekends ago, he told me he was a really big Badger fan (he was checking to find the Badger-OSU score on his phone). I thought it was weird, I was drunk and annoyed. He told me that he was always kind of a Badger fan, it wasn't just cause his dad got canned. It bugged the hell out of me. I know, I know . . .I can't prove it. I'm just throwing in a relatively interesting little Gopher football nugget, you can believe it or not, doesn't matter.

I tell you one thing, though. I sure would take Mason's offense over anything we have seen the last 8 years, that's for sure!!!!

For the record, Jeff Dubay said this would be three touchdown win for NW. For the record, Jeff Dubay is a felon.

For the record, Jeff Dubay said this would be three touchdown win for NW. For the record, Jeff Dubay is a felon.

Don't worry, he'll counter with Mark and Colter being out, while completely ignoring coach Kill being out for the past couple of weeks.

Don't worry, he'll counter with Mark and Colter being out, while completely ignoring coach Kill being out for the past couple of weeks.

I'd counter with anyone with half a brain who hadn't recklessly abused illegal narcotics knew both players were not likely to play.

Wasn't this dude a crackhead?

Man Twin Cities sports media is objectively sh*t.

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