Jedd Fisch interview


I agree with you, I wish Fisch would have said a different adjective to describe the coaching. Maybe he was just talking about the spring game. I did not even think of that, thank you!!

Brew and his staff may not have had the team ready for that Hogeye game, but let's remember, a couple of Hawkeye fans weren't ready for the ramifications of their actions either. LOL

Haugey#33: I am merely attempting to apply some high expectations to the Coach Brewster Era. I certainly do hope that we all have higher expectations of the Coach Brewster Era than we have displayed to date. Believe me, Haugey#33: I have much more than a clue. I actually take the outcome of the games into consideration. Wins vs. losses tell the tale.

One thing I will say (and I support/supported both Brewster and Mason) is that I have actually heard Brewster blame a couple losses on himself. I don't ever remember Mason doing that, although I can't say I know that for a fact.

This is a perfect example why coaches can never say the right thing. If he acts totally confident, then his is ripped and if he does coach speak he is ripped.

Sarcasm at the end, obviously...and said without facial hair.

You are dead on. Honestly, I don't have a problem with Fisch coming off this way. I'd rather have other teams underestimate us and surprise them. I'm also a big fan of under-promising and over-achieving. Look at Tubby, he came in to the U, got ripped by many fans for not being public and "out there" enough...he chalked up a 20 win season, and his 2nd year went to the tourney. Personally, I'd like to hear more from him - but I'm ok with him keeping things on the DL as long as we win.

I like Jedd Fisch, personally. I hope he can really prove himself, he's young, motivated, and has a lot of potential.

Until I see how we do on offense next year, I'm not going to judge him.

I liked the Fisch interview, I don't see any issues with it. I liked that he mentioned being in different formations, different personnel groupings, etc. I was having nightmares of a very conservative vanilla offense with some of the things I heard last moth. The only concern I have is his quote about their not being much difference between what pro players can learn and what college players can. It's possible he might not believe that, but just wanted to publicly praise his players.

The "average coaching" line, was just that: a line. I can't believe there is a discussion about that.

I don't know how this thread turned in bashing Brewster for getting outcoached, but he certainly has been at times. The coaching in the Wisconsin game at the Dome where Kucek dropped the ball was awful, but the vast majority of the mistakes were made before that play ever happened. Even if he doesn't drop that ball, Wisconsin still wins that game because the Gophers couldn't stop anything at that point.

I don't know how this thread turned in bashing Brewster for getting outcoached, but he certainly has been at times. The coaching in the Wisconsin game at the Dome where Kucek dropped the ball was awful, but the vast majority of the mistakes were made before that play ever happened. Even if he doesn't drop that ball, Wisconsin still wins that game because the Gophers couldn't stop anything at that point.

I believe that was a Mason coached team.

The coaching in the Wisconsin game at the Dome where Kucek dropped the ball was awful, but the vast majority of the mistakes were made before that play ever happened.

Like not going for it and not running Gary Russell. Even Loon was pissed at Mason for that decision.

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