Report back on how all the piss and vinegar works out for you. (Hint: You are the only one it will affect. Well, and those around you who will grow tired of the incessant bitching. Been there. Done that.)
I also feel the outlook is not great based on what I've seen. I can wail and gnash my teeth until I'm blue in the face and it won't change a damn thing. That is the brutal truth. It will get fixed one way or another and in a time frame I cannot control. In the meantime, I'd definitely stop patronizing the product and I'd probably stop watching the shitshow if it is that upsetting.
I have one child who is somewhat directly impacted by this three ring goat rodeo. I am anxious for this crap to get right and fly straight for their behalf. But, I'm also remaining calm in the face of massive uncertainty. I'll tell you the same thing I told them - when they make it personal, their happiness is directly tied to the successes and failures of a group that is completely out of their control. If they give any group that power - pro, college or otherwise, they are going to be let down more often than not by people who don't know them and could give two shits less about their happiness.
Your mileage may vary.