Jamison Battle to enter the Transfer Portal

Its never Ben's fault, he is simply the victim of everything: circumstance, nobody listens to him, NIL, weather, Pidtino, allergies, climate change, unfair expectations, Williams arena, AAU coaches, and that's just for starters.

Kinda like when lots of people were glad to see Marcus Carr go because he was a ball hog and didn't play defense, has anyone seen him play for Texas, those problems don't seem to exist anymore, maybe Carr wasn't the issue? Just like Battle isn't the issue now.
This fan base has a long history of crapping on transfers out, it's never a coaching issue and the athlete summarily has their character called into question.

Its never Ben's fault, he is simply the victim of everything: circumstance, nobody listens to him, NIL, weather, Pitino, allergies, climate change, unfair expectations, Williams arena, AAU coaches, and that's just for starters.

Kinda like when lots of people were glad to see Marcus Carr go because he was a ball hog and didn't play defense, has anyone seen him play for Texas, those problems don't seem to exist anymore, maybe Carr wasn't the issue? Just like Battle isn't the issue now.
More time more excuses.

Am I seeing right that he's heard from Indiana and Arksnsas, among others? He's going to have high-major opportunities. Shit , dude's gonna dagger us at Assembly Hall, isn't he?
We’ll kidnap his Grandma 👵

And people are ignoring the fact that the Big Ten was unusually deep this year. After Ohio State (who proved they could play at a high level)....the third to last place teams (Wisconsin & Nebraska) were tied with a 9-11 conference record. Hell.....Wisconsin was on the NCAA bubble as a Weakling Wednesday team. Then you have historic seasons out of Northwestern and Penn State as two teams heavy with seniors. I just think there is going to be a lot more middling teams this next year.....whereas outside of the Gophers.....and Ohio State for a portion of the year.....there really weren't any bad Big Ten teams.
No really good ones, either

Payne, Garcia, Ola-Joseph, and Carrington all shot at a higher percentage than Battle and all will be better next year.

Not necessarily !!!
They will all at least be mentioned in scouting report, thus improving is necessary just to be at this years level.

I talked to someone who knows the family. Battle came back to Minnesota and is going to graduate with two degrees but Minnesota didn’t have his initial major from GW. He wants to explore pro options but if he’s going back to school wants a masters in analytics and had been told Carlson isn’t keen on athletes in masters program when he inquired.
#1 - Good for Battle. Get the degree you want.

#2 - BJ. BJ. BJ. Dude. You gotta go kick someone's ass. Unacceptable that a dedicated and talented young man serving the U as an athlete and role model can't get the degree he wants. It's not like he's asking for admission to medical school, for God's sake. This is doable, and you have to kick someone's ass. Won't change things with Battle, but this sort of thing can't happen again.

I talked to someone who knows the family. Battle came back to Minnesota and is going to graduate with two degrees but Minnesota didn’t have his initial major from GW. He wants to explore pro options but if he’s going back to school wants a masters in analytics and had been told Carlson isn’t keen on athletes in masters program when he inquired.
Typical U of M

I talked to someone who knows the family. Battle came back to Minnesota and is going to graduate with two degrees but Minnesota didn’t have his initial major from GW. He wants to explore pro options but if he’s going back to school wants a masters in analytics and had been told Carlson isn’t keen on athletes in masters program when he inquired.

Sorry, but that sounds like horseshit to me. I'm not saying you're spouting horseshit. I'm saying that so called friend of the family doesn't know what he's talking about. Perhaps they don't have a graduate degree in business analytics (I'm a bit surprised by that if that's true) but no graduate admissions committee is going to discriminate because someone is an athlete. If anything, being a good student and an athlete is viewed very positively. Carlson has very competitive admissions, though, particularly at the graduate level. It's quite possible that Battle didn't have the grades and/or the GMAT scores (if that's the test that is required for his program of interest).

I talked to someone who knows the family. Battle came back to Minnesota and is going to graduate with two degrees but Minnesota didn’t have his initial major from GW. He wants to explore pro options but if he’s going back to school wants a masters in analytics and had been told Carlson isn’t keen on athletes in masters program when he inquired.
Sounds fabricated

Sorry, but that sounds like horseshit to me. I'm not saying you're spouting horseshit. I'm saying that so called friend of the family doesn't know what he's talking about. Perhaps they don't have a graduate degree in business analytics (I'm a bit surprised by that if that's true) but no graduate admissions committee is going to discriminate because someone is an athlete. If anything, being a good student and an athlete is viewed very positively. Carlson has very competitive admissions, though, particularly at the graduate level. It's quite possible that Battle didn't have the grades and/or the GMAT scores (if that's the test that is required for his program of interest).
He made all BigTen academics

I talked to someone who knows the family. Battle came back to Minnesota and is going to graduate with two degrees but Minnesota didn’t have his initial major from GW. He wants to explore pro options but if he’s going back to school wants a masters in analytics and had been told Carlson isn’t keen on athletes in masters program when he inquired.
Can't imagine the UofM Business School doesn't have a Masters in Analytics if that's what he wants to pursue. Why would the Business School administration care if an athlete was a student in the grad program? There must be some else... Regardless, would like to see Battle back in uniform for another year.

Not necessarily !!!
They will all at least be mentioned in scouting report, thus improving is necessary just to be at this years level.
Everybody who plays is mentioned in scouting reports. They are all better shooters than Battle.

They are all better shooters than Battle.
This is so fundamentally stupid as to boggle the imagination.

Payne never shoots from more than 6" away. Joseph rarely.

Battle was clearly the best shooter on the team. We had so few offensive options he was forced to.chuck up bad shots on about every third possession.

Watch what happens next season, nimrod.

I talked to someone who knows the family. Battle came back to Minnesota and is going to graduate with two degrees but Minnesota didn’t have his initial major from GW. He wants to explore pro options but if he’s going back to school wants a masters in analytics and had been told Carlson isn’t keen on athletes in masters program when he inquired.
I will take him as my apprentice and train him in the ways of analytics. And none of that pansy-ass business analytics crap. Nosiree. We are going deep and we are going hard. He will never lose the ball again as his fingers will be super strong from all the code he'll be writing. He'll be able to visualize 25 points a night and plot key performance metrics real time in his head. Come Jamison. This is the way.

This is so fundamentally stupid as to boggle the imagination.

Payne never shoots from more than 6" away. Joseph rarely.

Battle was clearly the best shooter on the team. We had so few offensive options he was forced to.chuck up bad shots on about every third possession.

Watch what happens next season, nimrod.
This. I hope to God we find a transfer the caliber of Jamison Battle, but I don't like our chances.

Jamison staying at the U should be the easiest recruiting of Ben’s career. But nope. Some reason Ben appears to make everything appear extremely difficult.

He made all BigTen academics

I looked up the criteria for All Big Ten academic status. It's only a 3.0 average. The substantial majority of successful applicants to a graduate business program at Carlson likely have GPAs well above that. Then there is also the matter of test scores if they are required.

Why would the Business School administration care if an athlete was a student in the grad program? There must be some else...

They wouldn't and if Battle was denied admission to a graduate program there was some other reason.

Payne, Garcia, Ola-Joseph, and Carrington all shot at a higher percentage than Battle and all will be better next year.
Perhaps you've answered the Battle transfer best. Instead of being the 1st option he was the 2nd with the self realization next year he might be the 3rd or 4th option.

lol....you can't make it up.....

The Brewster hire has been universally looked at as a horrible hire that didn't work out at all and led to Brewster getting fired halfway through his 4th year.

Are you and some others so desperate to bash Johnson that you can't even handle him being compared to another failed coach who didn't work out and was viewed as a train-wreck?

Good lord...some of you have gotten so negative about things that you are sticking up for Tim Brewster....holy crap.... :)
Sorry but this is a terrible take and you know it. Brewster was an awful coach but his teams at least won some games. Hell Brewster won as many Big Ten games as Ben Johnson has so far...hell Brewster finished tied for 6th in the conference in 2008 Ben Johnson hasn't sniffed anything close to that.

The comparison works because of the background, but that is where it ends. Ben Johnson's career is worse than Brewsters and there is no way you can even pretend otherwise. GWG and I hardly agree on stuff but he is spot on here.

You don't see your logical fallacy...you think because GWG is saying Ben is worse that somehow is a compliment towards Brewster. It isnt. He was a 4 alarm fire, a full on disaster that set the program back. The problem is Ben Johnson would need to improve leaps and bounds to just be a 4 alarm fire. He has coached 2 years and won 6 conference games. That is a .154 winning percentage in conference. Brewster also won 6 conference games in 4 years (disgusting) but they play way less so his winning percentage is almost double. In Brewster's second year his squad improved from 1-11 (oy vey) to 7-6. (and at one point they were 7-1 with only a loss to Ohio State) Johnson went from 4-16 in the conference to 2-17. They both stink but Johnson is worse.

Neither should have been hired. Barring a miracle though Johnson will be the worse of the two if he is canned next year.

Sorry but this is a terrible take and you know it. Brewster was an awful coach but his teams at least won some games. Hell Brewster won as many Big Ten games as Ben Johnson has so far...hell Brewster finished tied for 6th in the conference in 2008 Ben Johnson hasn't sniffed anything close to that.

The comparison works because of the background, but that is where it ends. Ben Johnson's career is worse than Brewsters and there is no way you can even pretend otherwise. GWG and I hardly agree on stuff but he is spot on here.

You don't see your logical fallacy...you think because GWG is saying Ben is worse that somehow is a compliment towards Brewster. It isnt. He was a 4 alarm fire, a full on disaster that set the program back. The problem is Ben Johnson would need to improve leaps and bounds to just be a 4 alarm fire. He has coached 2 years and won 6 conference games. That is a .154 winning percentage in conference. Brewster also won 6 conference games in 4 years (disgusting) but they play way less so his winning percentage is almost double. In Brewster's second year his squad improved from 1-11 (oy vey) to 7-6. (and at one point they were 7-1 with only a loss to Ohio State) Johnson went from 4-16 in the conference to 2-17. They both stink but Johnson is worse.

Neither should have been hired. Barring a miracle though Johnson will be the worse of the two if he is canned next year.
As I have said Ben is by far the worst major sports coach at the U in my watching lifetime.

Typical U of M

It is almost certainly BS. I went to the U a long time ago but Carlson never had any issues with athletes at any level and I highly doubt they do now. That is some serious spin to cover up the real reasons...

Typical message board rumor mongering.

It is almost certainly BS. I went to the U a long time ago but Carlson never had any issues with athletes at any level and I highly doubt they do now. That is some serious spin to cover up the real reasons...

Typical message board rumor mongering.
Maybe. I say it would be typical of the U of M to make zero accommodations for the men's sports teams. I am not saying it is right or wrong, it's what they do. At a lot of sports powers, Lynch would have been playing, the Ganglehoff story gets buried, Monson's recruit Washington, gets cleared, Royce White gets to play, Pryzabilla gets through, etc.

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