It's Not That Complicated

Was the talent in Brewsters highly ranked class really top half talent in the Big Ten? How many NFL players did it produce?

Might want to wait until all the players are out of college before you ask that question. But as of right now, one for sure is on an active roster (Brock) and two others have been on practice squads (Simmons and Lawrence). Gray will be playing in the NFL, and guys like McKnight, Tinsley, Stoudermire, and Cooper have a chance. Edwards could be playing on Sunday's if he wasn't such an idiot. Maresh probably the same thing.

Oh give me that ol' time religion, with a side of fire and brimstone. Coaches who sit on the seat watching the game like they purchased a ticket do nothing for me as a fan. I want chairs thrown across The Barn and right across the street to The Bank. The guy could at least wear a boa and do a cage match with his opposite for the money we pay him. What we need for Tubby is a nurse on the seat next to him with a shot of adrenaline the next time the opposing team goes on a run. Maybe he needs testosterone treatment. The guy needs to show he is not content being a doormat. He shows me nothing. Maybe if he collapsed on the sideline once in a while we would know he had a pulse at one point in the game. Just saying that at times the team reflects the coach.

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