This cop is so biased. He sees evidence that she said no, terms it sarcastic (from the woman who is reporting rapes and can't clearly remember much because she was so wasted....and there is no forensic evidence supplied that I saw that determined that she was sober enough to legally give consent). The slapping sound is determined to be playful...not a drunk girl trying to keep a rapist at bay.
While understand you want justice and feel there was rape, that doesn’t mean everything portion needs to be nefarious.
The cop is not showing bias here, you are. Even the EOAA determined she was sober enough to give consent.. A finding that she lacked consent is defeated by the later video transcript, coupled by the girl’s admission that this portion was consensual.
The EOAA asked for the police report but the police wouldn't release it to them according to the EOAA.
Interesting that they don’t have it, but you and I do. Find out why first, or at least come up with a rebuttable presumption. Maybe they didn’t charge right away, because they needed time. Notice they didn’t arrest. Consider that may have been a tactical position in order to prevent jeopardy from attaching or they knew with time they could roll a witness. An arrest would have started the process. is reported on the 3rd but no one even starts looking at it until this 6th...when evidence is quickly slipping away. It is easy to see how the rapists get off....Coyle is contacted to get ahold of the guys...and wink wink...
You do understand the Girl was reluctant, right? Maybe, they actually needed a story from her first so they had something to investigate.
As for the condoms on the floor, is there anyone you’ve ever met that would leave other people’s condoms on the floor for more than few hours after waking up?
They can’t and shouldn’t force a potential victim of rape to come forward. Maybe you don’t realize that this is potentially scary for the girl too???? I think you do.
the condoms were gone and the players all had attorneys
The attorney portion is factually untrue. They met Djam outside of class and he provided a statement with no lawyer. Like it or not the players didn’t hire lawyers until after police talked to Djam, as they thought they clarified that she was OK with what went down.
While Coyle is a huge ******, he didn’t wink wink cover it up. That is a silly and baseless accusation. He called Coyle, informed him, and found out where to wait for Djam. Djam, came out of class and was not made aware by Coyle previous to that meeting.
The young woman was at the police office before she was probably fully sober.
Yup, maybe that’s why the delay occurred. Maybe the Girl was tired, considering the time of day and maybe drunk…. We know she went to Hudson and back and had a SANE exam. Guess what, that’s a lot of time right there. 1.5 hours to drive it. A couple hours for the exam.
Think of it like this, if I called the police right now and said CoMN raped me at CoMN's place, do you think the police should rush there? Maybe, they should establish probable cause first? Perhaps get a warrant?
All in all, we share some of the same opinions on the matter, but I just want to implore you to take a step back. I understand why your emotional, me too. However, you need to let them go, they are clouding your evaluation.