Is Minnesota a stepping stone job?

Is Minnesota a stepping stone job

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 48.1%
  • No

    Votes: 56 51.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Seems like the question should be asked differently. Some said yes, it is a stepping stone job. Most of the ones that said no, seem to indicate we are not even a good enough to be a stepping stone. Currently, we are not a 'final destination' or 'dream job' for anyone.

I agree. Since Murray Warmath it's been a coaching graveyard.

No. If you are good enough to bring us out of the hole that our football program currently resides, you most definitely deserve the JoPa treatment. The question is, will the AD and Pres give you said treatment?

"stepping stone job" for him? Will Dave dump maturi and head off to assist another, higher profile AD with pr at the first opportunity? Don't worry about who Dave helps maturi hire...all fans will be monaized and totally happy with the hire. Dave has become the difference maker and the key player during this most recent football coach search process conducted by maturi. Don't worry though, as maturi clearly indicated to Mona, "...I'm not your stepping stone..." So, I doubt if we will lose Mona to a higher bidder.

Having a p.r. guy on his staff was a pure act of genius and will make all the difference in the world with this new football coaching search adventure...I am sure.

Maybe Mona will be the next AD????

Kaler will determine who the next AD is. Bruininks has done enough damage to the football program and revenue sports in general. We have Tubby despite Bruininks and Maturi. We were his escape hatch. I want to keep Tubby and Kaler is our opportunity to accomplish that, but he needs to get rid of Maturi.

Building a beautiful stadium without building a program takes a lot of the sheen off the facility. Kill is a very good hire and we need to make sure he will get the support of the U that he needs to build a winner and build it quickly.

Kaler is the key to whether TCF is a rocking stadium or a mausoleum. If you have attended games at the winning Big Ten venues, you know what I mean. End of rant. Nope, fire Maturi.

You can call me Shirley

As far as the program succeeding, we never have had a real long range vision for the athletic department or the football team. We need an administration that will write up and support a strategic vision and then get out there and show its support for it. We need the same kind of leadership about academics and research. The roadmap is in place for some key research areas, but not enough has been done for the academic and sports communities. Sports is a source of revenue for scholarships and we need to fully fund that program. We know we are failing in the sports arena when general funds are still subsidising sport and not the other way around. We need to get better across the board with football leading the way. I would like to see attendance up around 5 - 7 percent in all sports each of the next 3 years. That takes considerable planning and support.

I don't think a Big Ten school can be a stepping stone job. You usually don't see successful coaches from a Big Ten or any other BCS conference leave to go to a bigger school. I suppose this is because if you are successful at Big Ten school you are playing in big time bowls games. Whether this would translate here remains to be seen. No one seems to have been successful enough to test the theory. If we were to become successful enough that someone wanted our coach we then should have the resources to make them a better offer. MAC and other non-AQ conference schools are stepping stones BCS conference schools are not and shouldn't be.

I think its more accurate to ask the question of whether or not Minnesota is seen as a coffin job? Don't come here because its tough to be successful and if you aren't your career is dead. This is probably what scared away a lot of the top candidates, their fear that they could not be successful here. I don't believe it but its out there. Hopefully Kill changes this appearance and if he does hopefully he is here a long time.

I see it as more of a trap job then a stepping stone. If you come in and win enough, to be attractive to other programs, you can get nearly the same compensation level, with less pressure, then any other equivalent school. The helmet schools whould bring more prestige and compensation but at an insane level of expectation and pressure. If you don't win it's of to the coaching graveyard.

I don't think a Big Ten school can be a stepping stone job. You usually don't see successful coaches from a Big Ten or any other BCS conference leave to go to a bigger school. I suppose this is because if you are successful at Big Ten school you are playing in big time bowls games. Whether this would translate here remains to be seen. No one seems to have been successful enough to test the theory. If we were to become successful enough that someone wanted our coach we then should have the resources to make them a better offer. MAC and other non-AQ conference schools are stepping stones BCS conference schools are not and shouldn't be.

I think its more accurate to ask the question of whether or not Minnesota is seen as a coffin job? Don't come here because its tough to be successful and if you aren't your career is dead. This is probably what scared away a lot of the top candidates, their fear that they could not be successful here. I don't believe it but its out there. Hopefully Kill changes this appearance and if he does hopefully he is here a long time.

How about Sabin from MSU to LSU, to Miami (NFL), to Alabama.

LSU, Alabama, and Texas are helmet schools, at the time Barnett went to Colorado they were a borderline helmet school. Michagan and Ohio State are helmet schools, in the B10, coachs may leave for a helmet scool but no one else. Some coachs just have egos big enough, that nothing less than the chance at a National Championship every year, is sufficent.

LSU, Alabama, and Texas are helmet schools, at the time Barnett went to Colorado they were a borderline helmet school. Michagan and Ohio State are helmet schools, in the B10, coachs may leave for a helmet scool but no one else. Some coachs just have egos big enough, that nothing less than the chance at a National Championship every year, is sufficent.

If you are not at one of those helmet schools than you are at a stepping stone job, IMO. Being that there are only a few major/helmet programs in the big ten then it is definitely possible for a big ten job to be a stepping stone job unlike what one poster said. In regards to Minnesota however as others have states it is more of a graveyard job until coaches can prove that winning can be possible here and coaches have the opportunity to move on to bigger jobs. With the exception of Holtz, this has by been a job that coaches have been able to use a stepping stone for anything other than the unemployment line.

I don't believe it "needs" to be a stepping stone. It is a Big Ten, BCS school. If it starts winning, it has the same opportunity as any other BCS schools.

If, Just If, anyone believes that Jerry Kill thinks this is a stepping stone??? You people are frikking nuts. The University of Minnesota Gophers are a new pardon to be reckoned with.


Of course, Don. Coach Kill has no history of quickly repairing a program and then stepping up to a better school. The BT has tOSU, Mich, PSU, and now Nebraska for helmet schools. Pretty stiff competition.

Plus Wisky, Iowa, MSU, and few other competitive programs. You can't take a program at the bottom and turn it into a winner no matter how good you are without luck and then good luck staying there.

Stepping if you are extremely good and very lucky. Otherwise, graveyard. The U and the AD have to really step up if Coach Kill is to have a chance to have this a stepping stone.

The last Big Ten Championship was 3 stadiums ago. Most of you weren't even born.

Please give me the logic behind pittsburgh being a better job, same with TCU. They are both closer to talent, granted but they also have real detriments that we don't have. TCU has a very small alumni base and is surrounded by Texans loyal to other schools in the state, there attendance will not grow much. It is a better program only as long as Gary Patterson is there. Wannstedt is not going to win any more games for Pitt. I was surprised Wannstedt got fired, but Pitt is delusional, so we'll see how Hayward does. Patterson will go to a helmet school when the right one calls, until then he will stay at TCU and beat up on teams without a chance. He is a very good coach, and he can build a great team for that conference by building up undersized guys who can run. There are a lot of those kids in Texas.

The Minnesota job for the past fifty plus years has been a...

graveyard for coaches and certianly has not been a "stepping-stone job..." Anyone who takes this job had better be in it for the long haul IF he is hoping to stay in coaching as a head coach at the Big Ten level. Other than lou hoax who fired the University of Minnesota and stepped all overhimself getting out before his 2nd season was done here on his way to Notre Dame and then eventually South Carolina, no other coaches have used the Minnesota job as a path to greener pastures.

Bierman, Fessler, Warmath, Stoll, Salem, Gutey, Wacker and Mason... That brewster character? At best he is a career tight ends/used car salesman/odd-job dude.

The University of Minnesota job can be a good job for a coach who wants to make the program better and hang on when the administrations crumble and the fickle fan-base decides they want to mob and bash and trash. At BEST, the good ones hang on for more than six years and turn it into a pretty good coaching gig (Bierman, Warmath, Stoll and Mason.) One of them ran away to greener pastures. (hoax.) And the restwere eaten up, chewed up and spit out...(Fessler, Salem, Gutey and Wacker.)

I think that coach Kill probably has the right situation for him. He can improve this program that brewster screwed up just by evaluating the talent he does have, putting that talent into the right systems and schemes and by instilling tough, hard-nosed DISCIPLINE. He can coach. He is a coach. He will coach.

Plenty of the fans will try to be on his case for not being flashy enough with the mouth and the fantasy star recruiting stuff...but...a lot of the fan base will realize that since he can coach, he is worth fighting with the mobbers, bashers and trashers who like the fantasy recruiting stuff and motor-mouth talk too much.

But, make no mistake: this job has been pretty much a graveyard of coaching job rather than a "stepping stone" job. Just look at the history of this program since 1950. Some, who managed to hang on for more than six seasons made this a pretty darn good gig: Bierman, Warmath, Stoll and Mason. (Murray even managed to win a NC in 1967, go to two Rosebowls and then tie for a final Big Ten Championship in 1967. AND: he still got run off from that job only to never coach again. Only hoax went "stepping on up..." And the rest: Fessler, Salem, Gutey and Wacker were eaten up, chewed up and spit out. brewster? Only time will tell, but things aren't looking too good the more that some of you learn about him. It was always pretty obvious that he was way over his head here to some...

Nope. I'm quite certain the Gophers have won Big Ten championships since they moved from Northrop Field in 1924.

The Bank, The Dump, The Brickhouse. 4 decades. Millions of excuses.

Must be another Maturi man.

What the hell are you talking about? How the f*ck did Joel Maturi even enter into this conversation?

Why can you not accept that you are wrong?


thewalrus has it right. Minnesota is far from a stepping stone job in coaching. If anything its where coaches go to die. Anyone want to throw out a name over the past 20 years or more who has gone on and done anything after coaching for the Gophers. Lou Holtz is it.

I think the whole question hinges on the coach. If the coach wants to be here, it can be a top tier job. If he's looking to be somewhere else, it would be a stepping stone. Mason clearly would have used MN as a stepping stone to get to tOSU if the opportunity had presented itself. On the other hand, I think Brewster potentially would have stayed here indefinitely no matter how successful he got. I don’t think most people would see Tennessee as a stepping stone job, but Lane Kiffin certainly did. Like I said, it all depends on how committed the coach is to the program.

There are more desirable jobs out there, but if the Gophers do better, this will become a much more desirable job.

brewster tried to circulate his own name as a candidate for Kansas and Tennessee. How pathetic was that?

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