Is it a money issue or a off work issue?

I've been to damn near every game this fall, and this trip would almost equal the costs for all of those other trips combined. I would LOVE to be able to get down there for the game, it just looks like it isn't the the cards this year. Thanks for telling me how to spend my money and time though.

Been a season ticket holder for 25 years and when the University dropped North Carolina I was so embarrassed/mad I did not attend another game the rest of the year. I'll be shocked if the Gophers sell 1500 tickets to this blowout. Until they start recruiting 4-5 star athletes and play quality non conference teams I say BAH HUMBUG :)

and how the f do you suddenly expect this to happen. Talk about unrealistic expectations....

By the way, what top D I coach did you want us to hire who wanted to come here.....this should be good...

If your a season ticket holder, I can't believe it is a money issue. Work issue? Unless you work retail, most companies I know are pretty much shut down over the Christmas holidays and it is pretty easy to get time off. I mean really, a Friday night game ( 8:00 pm ) on Dec 28th you have Sat and Sunday to get home. I think
Teague put his nuts on a chopping block in lobbying for the Gophers to be in Houston. I think every Gopher fan if they have the ways and means shouldn't be making half- hearted excuses on why they can't go JMO.....

It is a money issue. The issue is that I could find about 100 things to spend that $ on over a trip to Houston.

Also, there is no way in hell I am using any vacation days to travel to Houston. Many people will work 3 or 4 days Xmas week.

I'm saving up for when we go to the Rose Bowl.

I'm in the majority of the posts in this thread. I'm not spending thousands (4 in my family) to go watch a matchup of 7-5 and 6-6 teams.

I've been to the Sun Bowl, Insight and Music City Bowls and I hate to say it but other than the Sun Bowl vs Oregon I would almost rather have watced the game at home and catch the other bowl games.

as Parski1 said I will be there with bells on if the Gophers make a more prestigious bowl or play a better team. And yes I do realize how much of a fair weather fan I sound like.

As a proud veteran who can't afford the trip this year, I am buying 2 tickets and donating them to the service personal located in the Houston area. Maybe the U could start a fund for people to buy tickets to be donated to service personal, or children in Houston.That might help them sell their 12000 tickets

Valid reasons from many of you, but also condescending remarks from many of you regarding the quality of the bowl, the city, the team ( I'm not spending that kind of money to see them get beat by 4-5 touchdowns) I'm laughing, because of all the comments of: " Hey, we'e going bowling " I hope Teague doesn't read this site it would be the ultimate Debbie Downer. Welcome to Gopher football folks!!

Not hiring an Division I coach from a top program two years ago and then dropping their only decent non conference opponent I'm 50/50 on renewing my season tickets next season. Spending a $1,000 to fly into a toilet city like Houston then watching them lose by four touchdowns - No Thanks

Wrong on all counts. Kill was a Division I coach when hired here, and had been for many years. "They" didn't drop "their" only decent non-conference opponent. No one cares whether you renew your season tickets. You can fly into Houston for much, much less than $1,000 at virtually any time, even if you book with less than 24 hours notice. Houston is not a toilet city. The Gophers will not lose by 4 TDs. No one cares whether you go.

Aside from all that, this thread is idiotic and borderline offensive.

Not hiring an Division I coach from a top program two years ago and then dropping their only decent non conference opponent I'm 50/50 on renewing my season tickets next season. Spending a $1,000 to fly into a toilet city like Houston then watching them lose by four touchdowns - No Thanks

what a jackass!

As a proud veteran who can't afford the trip this year, I am buying 2 tickets and donating them to the service personal located in the Houston area. Maybe the U could start a fund for people to buy tickets to be donated to service personal, or children in Houston.That might help them sell their 12000 tickets


Wrong on all counts. Kill was a Division I coach when hired here, and had been for many years. "They" didn't drop "their" only decent non-conference opponent. No one cares whether you renew your season tickets. You can fly into Houston for much, much less than $1,000 at virtually any time, even if you book with less than 24 hours notice. Houston is not a toilet city. The Gophers will not lose by 4 TDs. No one cares whether you go.

Aside from all that, this thread is idiotic and borderline offensive.

I wholeheartedly agree with your railing of MagicMike, but I'm confused why this thread is idiotic and borderline offensive? Ruppert asked what the reasons people had for not going - money, time, both, or other. Why is it offensive that some people can't afford to go?

I also disagree that a flight between 2 airports without many direct flights (no shared hubs) in the week between 2 major holidays is easy to find 2 tickets within a 24 hour notice under $1,000. Sure, as some pointed out the cheapest they could find was $360 round trip per person, 3 weeks in advance and requiring long layovers (I still haven't found said option yet), but I doubt that price will be there the day before the flight.

Houston is not a toilet city, you are right, but it certainly is not in most people's top 10? 20? tourist destinations in the US (I'd put San Antonio, Austin, Corpus Christi and Dallas in Texas alone ahead of Houston as far as tourists are concerned, but that's just me..). It's not a sh!thole but the point people are making is that it's not Tampa, Orlando, New Orleans, San Diego, etc either and spending $1,500 between air/hotel/tickets/ground transport for 2 people is a bit high for most people with regular jobs (and/or kids).

I wholeheartedly agree with your railing of MagicMike, but I'm confused why this thread is idiotic and borderline offensive? Ruppert asked what the reasons people had for not going - money, time, both, or other. Why is it offensive that some people can't afford to go?

He didn't "ask" anything. He pretty much stated that people who are season ticket holders but aren't going to the bowl game have no excuse. Obviously, if you can afford $220 for a season ticket to attend 7 games (i.e., $31/game), you clearly can afford at least 3 or 4 times that for airfare, hotel, taxi, food, etc., etc. (i.e., hundreds if not thousands of dollars for 1 game). That's sound logic in ruppert's world. It's not offensive that some people can't afford to go. It's borderline offensive that he insinuates I'm some sort of excuse-making lowlife because I'm not rolling in the pharmaceutical dollars like he is.

this thread is turning into a rather strange pity party for some to air grievances or whatever. if you can't go, fine. most understand and it is too bad. wish we all could go. but do we really need multiple 4,000 word essays as to why? if you can't, you just can't. no shame in that. if you are going, make sure you are at least buying your game tickets directly from the U of M ticket office and do your part there.

that said, i certainly hope to see all of you and your sudden ability to afford a bowl trip when we play in any city but houston next year. or whatever other overly personal stipulation you have that has apparently been met and makes the team now worthy of your presence. apparently houston is now third-world or something when in fact it is a beautiful city for the most part. ahh the minnesota pro/college sports fan and some of the stuff they come up. sorry, couldn't help myself. ;)

He didn't "ask" anything. He pretty much stated that people who are season ticket holders but aren't going to the bowl game have no excuse. Obviously, if you can afford $220 for a season ticket to attend 7 games (i.e., $31/game), you clearly can afford at least 3 or 4 times that for airfare, hotel, taxi, food, etc., etc. (i.e., hundreds if not thousands of dollars for 1 game). That's sound logic in ruppert's world. It's not offensive that some people can't afford to go. It's borderline offensive that he insinuates I'm some sort of excuse-making lowlife because I'm not rolling in the pharmaceutical dollars like he is.

He sure did: "If your a season ticket holder, I can't believe it is a money issue. Work issue?" Yes, he made a lot of statements, but the gist of the OP was to question the reason many couldn't (or decided not to) attend the bowl game and provide his stupid take on why it is BS.

I understand what you mean by offensive now, and I actually agree. I don't think people coming here to respond and educate him on the finer points of the total cost of a trip make it unfeasible for many people.

I thought your statement of the thread being idiotic and offensive was aimed at the responders since you pointed out tickets can be much cheaper and gave Houston a little credit as a city. My bad :)

this thread is turning into a rather strange pity party for some to air grievances or whatever. if you can't go, fine. most understand and it is too bad. wish we all could go. but do we really need multiple 4,000 word essays as to why? if you can't, you just can't. no shame in that. if you are going, make sure you are at least buying your game tickets directly from the U of M ticket office and do your part there.

that said, i certainly hope to see all of you and your sudden ability to afford a bowl trip when we play in any city but houston next year. or whatever other overly personal stipulation you have that has apparently been met and makes the team now worthy of your presence. apparently houston is now third-world or something when in fact it is a beautiful city for the most part. ahh the minnesota pro/college sports fan and some of the stuff they come up. sorry, couldn't help myself. ;)

Ruppert brought it up and insinuated we are less of Gopher fans for not choosing to go, and made a horrible correlation between the cost of a full season of games and the cost of 1 trip to a large but mostly boring town for a bowl game during the week between 2 major holidays. So people came on and do what message board posters do - have a discussion and defend their personal decision.

If the Gophers were to go to a much better bowl next year (or any future season) as you say, I would bet that the win total would be stacking up early in the season - ie no losses to Iowa and Northwestern to kick off the BT season (2 of our more winnable games). At that point I figured a bowl game was long shot or likely not a destination worth my money, so I made other plans for said money and the time during Christmas (something I'm sure many others did). If the Gophers are 7-0 at the end of next October, I will be putting aside money and blocking off time for a potential Florida bowl game.

Ruppert brought it up and insinuated we are less of Gopher fans for not choosing to go, and made a horrible correlation between the cost of a full season of games and the cost of 1 trip to a large but mostly boring town for a bowl game during the week between 2 major holidays. So people came on and do what message board posters do - have a discussion and defend their personal decision.

If the Gophers were to go to a much better bowl next year (or any future season) as you say, I would bet that the win total would be stacking up early in the season - ie no losses to Iowa and Northwestern to kick off the BT season (2 of our more winnable games). At that point I figured a bowl game was long shot or likely not a destination worth my money, so I made other plans for said money and the time during Christmas (something I'm sure many others did). If the Gophers are 7-0 at the end of next October, I will be putting aside money and blocking off time for a potential Florida bowl game.

+1. Well Said Rail. Couldn't agree more. I am in the same boat as you and would do things pretty similar if that is the case next October.

I said, " valid reasons for many of you" I asked a simple question In two parts, nothing more, nothing less. This has turned into what this site is famous for, selective reading.

I said, " valid reasons for many of you" I asked a simple question In two parts, nothing more, nothing less. This has turned into what this site is famous for, selective reading.

That might be what you think you did, but what you actually did is "anticipate the objections", and basically dismiss them as invalid "excuses". How and if any of us spend our money is none of your business, and shame on you for insinuating that those with lesser resources are inherently worse fans.

bingo. ruppert. Unless the GopherHole would have a Dr.Don to Houston fundraiser, I do not have the ways and means to be there.

After all, booze isn't free.

That might be what you think you did, but what you actually did is "anticipate the objections", and basically dismiss them as invalid "excuses". How and if any of us spend our money is none of your business, and shame on you for insinuating that those with lesser resources are inherently worse fans.

You are delusional and completely off base. Spin doctoring at it's finest.

You are delusional and completely off base. Spin doctoring at it's finest.

BS. You've started 2 threads to talk sh1t to other Gopher fans and to call everyone who can't/won't go a bunch of skinflint losers. If I'm so delusional, let's all note the rush of people coming to defend Ruppie and take his side.

BS. You've started 2 threads to talk sh1t to other Gopher fans and to call everyone who can't/won't go a bunch of skinflint losers. If I'm so delusional, let's all note the rush of people coming to defend Ruppie and take his side.

i am going to go with the classic passive-aggressive, shiite response that "both sides are right and both sides are wrong here". all of you need to just shut your yappers and move on. :D

I know these are financially challenging times. Does anybody know if the u is arranging a bus trip? You could bus it and scalp a $5 ticket at the stadium. Sleep on the bus or a shelter. It would be very cool to see reliant stadium become tcf west.

If your a season ticket holder, I can't believe it is a money issue. Work issue? Unless you work retail, most companies I know are pretty much shut down over the Christmas holidays and it is pretty easy to get time off. I mean really, a Friday night game ( 8:00 pm ) on Dec 28th you have Sat and Sunday to get home. I think
Teague put his nuts on a chopping block in lobbying for the Gophers to be in Houston. I think every Gopher fan if they have the ways and means shouldn't be making half- hearted excuses on why they can't go JMO.....

One might conclude from reading this thread that there is at least one bowl game too many at the end of the college football season...:p

One might conclude from reading this thread that there is at least one bowl game too many at the end of the college football season...:p

Totally agree. What are there, 35 of them? There should be 20-25 of them...

One might conclude from reading this thread that there is at least one bowl game too many at the end of the college football season...:p

Yeah, but they're going to play the Rose Bowl anyway..

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