Iowa fans

The two Iowa posters in this thread are from or are currently in Minnesota based on their usernames. It pretty much echoes would everyone has already said, the Iowa fans in Minnesota are much much worse than the fan base in Iowa. Everyone else seems to get the rivalry except these wackos that try and fill TCF every other year.

Had a blast the entire weekend. Went to bars Friday night wearing Gopher gear...talked to tons of people. Everyone was friendly...99% of the people realize it's just a game. Tailgated in Myrtle for over 6 hours...lots of good natured back and forth- I would expect no less- fans were great. Kinnick atmosphere was fantastic. I only have 2 complaints-

1. I sat in the Visitors section at game and the Late 40'ish Gopher fan that was beyond hammered who kept asking me after every play if we had gained 3 or 4 yards and kept hitting me on the shoulder and going to the bathroom every 15 minutes and falling into the row in front of us every time he did. I got up and moved after a quarter. So my worst experience at the game was with a fellow Gopher fan- who should have been old enough to 'know when to say when'. He must have thought the Vikings were playing.

2. I was absolutely stunned at the way Hawkeye fans littered and trashed Tailgating lots and lawns around Kinnick. Rather than throw anything in a trash or recycling- we saw numerous people just chuck their garbage on the ground. If that happened at the U- they would cancel tailgating for the rest of the year and make people take a pledge before entering the lots- and maybe rightfully so. It was truly stunning.

Say, while you were with your hospitable tailgate neighbors, did you repeatedly tell them how much you hate them?
Did you stop your game of corn hole every time a group of Hawkeye fans would walk by to chant, "We hate Iowa!" at them?

For a fan base that embraces hate, has made it a part of the Minnesota brand, and takes every opportunity to make sure that hatred is expressed, collectively, there seems to be a thin grasp or an outright denial of the consequences. Contrast the game day experience you had at Kinnick with the atmosphere at TCF for the unwelcomed and hated Iowa fans.

I was sitting in Section 132 at Kinnick. I witnessed Gopher fans (particularly two men who were in their 50s or 60s) screaming at Iowa fans and ridiculing them for living in the state of Iowa. My g/f went to Notre Dame and we have both experienced our share of stupid and mean-spirited fans. She was horrified. There are bad Iowa fans, undoubtedly, but some of the Gopher fans in Section 132 were most hateful I've ever experienced.

Had a blast the entire weekend. Went to bars Friday night wearing Gopher gear...talked to tons of people. Everyone was friendly...99% of the people realize it's just a game. Tailgated in Myrtle for over 6 hours...lots of good natured back and forth- I would expect no less- fans were great. Kinnick atmosphere was fantastic. I only have 2 complaints-

1. I sat in the Visitors section at game and the Late 40'ish Gopher fan that was beyond hammered who kept asking me after every play if we had gained 3 or 4 yards and kept hitting me on the shoulder and going to the bathroom every 15 minutes and falling into the row in front of us every time he did. I got up and moved after a quarter. So my worst experience at the game was with a fellow Gopher fan- who should have been old enough to 'know when to say when'. He must have thought the Vikings were playing.

2. I was absolutely stunned at the way Hawkeye fans littered and trashed Tailgating lots and lawns around Kinnick. Rather than throw anything in a trash or recycling- we saw numerous people just chuck their garbage on the ground. If that happened at the U- they would cancel tailgating for the rest of the year and make people take a pledge before entering the lots- and maybe rightfully so. It was truly stunning.

We took a Taxi from the stadium to the Express train lot and rode with a couple of Hawkeye fans. They noticed all the garbage strewn about as well. It was a real mess. I wonder if having the wrestling match and all the fans that stayed around all day long made that a bigger problem? Also, my 7-year-old son and I sat in a Hawkeye section with our Gopher gear on and didn't hear anything that made us uncomfortable. Same while walking around the stadium before the game.

The two Iowa posters in this thread are from or are currently in Minnesota based on their usernames. It pretty much echoes would everyone has already said, the Iowa fans in Minnesota are much much worse than the fan base in Iowa. Everyone else seems to get the rivalry except these wackos that try and fill TCF every other year.

I'm sorry that you believe I am much much worse than than the Iowa fans in Iowa.
I intended to respectfully provide the perspective of a Hawkeye fan currently living in Minnesota in regard to the fan experiences at Kinnick and at TCF.

Had a blast the entire weekend. Went to bars Friday night wearing Gopher gear...talked to tons of people. Everyone was friendly...99% of the people realize it's just a game. Tailgated in Myrtle for over 6 hours...lots of good natured back and forth- I would expect no less- fans were great. Kinnick atmosphere was fantastic. I only have 2 complaints-

1. I sat in the Visitors section at game and the Late 40'ish Gopher fan that was beyond hammered who kept asking me after every play if we had gained 3 or 4 yards and kept hitting me on the shoulder and going to the bathroom every 15 minutes and falling into the row in front of us every time he did. I got up and moved after a quarter. So my worst experience at the game was with a fellow Gopher fan- who should have been old enough to 'know when to say when'. He must have thought the Vikings were playing.

2. I was absolutely stunned at the way Hawkeye fans littered and trashed Tailgating lots and lawns around Kinnick. Rather than throw anything in a trash or recycling- we saw numerous people just chuck their garbage on the ground. If that happened at the U- they would cancel tailgating for the rest of the year and make people take a pledge before entering the lots- and maybe rightfully so. It was truly stunning.

Glad you enjoyed Myrtle! I intended to make it over there but Fireball and Apple Pie shots kept me in a Melrose backyard.

I'm not going to excuse the litter but the five cent can deposit creates a business for non-profits, "entrepreneurs", and hobos to pick up cans for cash. Think of Kramer and Newman taking their cans to Michigan for cash!

I was sitting in Section 132 at Kinnick. I witnessed Gopher fans (particularly two men who were in their 50s or 60s) screaming at Iowa fans and ridiculing them for living in the state of Iowa. My g/f went to Notre Dame and we have both experienced our share of stupid and mean-spirited fans. She was horrified. There are bad Iowa fans, undoubtedly, but some of the Gopher fans in Section 132 were most hateful I've ever experienced.

Sorry you had that experience. There are bad ones in every fan base. I've seen and experienced much worse unfortunately.

You are right; I have never had anything but a positive experience at Kinnick. I am glad that most of you got to experience the same thing there this weekend.
I am not trying to start anything here on GopherHole. I just offered some perspective on why the game day atmosphere is different when the game is in the Twin Cities, that's all.

I disagree. You definitely tried to start something

Had a blast the entire weekend. Went to bars Friday night wearing Gopher gear...talked to tons of people. Everyone was friendly...99% of the people realize it's just a game. Tailgated in Myrtle for over 6 hours...lots of good natured back and forth- I would expect no less- fans were great. Kinnick atmosphere was fantastic. I only have 2 complaints-

1. I sat in the Visitors section at game and the Late 40'ish Gopher fan that was beyond hammered who kept asking me after every play if we had gained 3 or 4 yards and kept hitting me on the shoulder and going to the bathroom every 15 minutes and falling into the row in front of us every time he did. I got up and moved after a quarter. So my worst experience at the game was with a fellow Gopher fan- who should have been old enough to 'know when to say when'. He must have thought the Vikings were playing.

2. I was absolutely stunned at the way Hawkeye fans littered and trashed Tailgating lots and lawns around Kinnick. Rather than throw anything in a trash or recycling- we saw numerous people just chuck their garbage on the ground. If that happened at the U- they would cancel tailgating for the rest of the year and make people take a pledge before entering the lots- and maybe rightfully so. It was truly stunning.

Yes! We walked back to the commuter lot and thought the same thing about the garbage! It...was...everywhere! We got back to our car and our spots (3 cars) were picked up and left it how we found it. Across the way where it was all Hawkeye fans were at, completely trashed. That was a bit surprising....

I hate the "We hate Iowa" chant. I hate "Hate Week".

Say, while you were with your hospitable tailgate neighbors, did you repeatedly tell them how much you hate them?
Did you stop your game of corn hole every time a group of Hawkeye fans would walk by to chant, "We hate Iowa!" at them?

For a fan base that embraces hate, has made it a part of the Minnesota brand, and takes every opportunity to make sure that hatred is expressed, collectively, there seems to be a thin grasp or an outright denial of the consequences. Contrast the game day experience you had at Kinnick with the atmosphere at TCF for the unwelcomed and hated Iowa fans.

Relax. I'm an Iowa alumnus that is now a Gopher fan. When I've sat in the stands at Gopher games, I've never heard any adult people chanting that. That's just something that the kids do. Kids riot, kids tear down goal posts, kids date rape. Responsible adults don't do those things. Why base your generalizations on the irresponsible urges of children?

We bought tix through the Iowa office and had 4 seats surrounded by hundreds of (almost exclusively) Iowa fans. The majority of the fans were great, but there were a few. There always are. I had 2 twelve year olds with me that didn't stop a couple adults from their approach. There are bad apples in every group and overall it wasn't too bad. However, this was my 4th trip to IA. I've also been to WI multiple times and 6 or 7 other B1G stadiums and to this day I would say IA fans are the worst in the B1G.

Relax. I'm an Iowa alumnus that is now a Gopher fan. When I've sat in the stands at Gopher games, I've never heard any adult people chanting that. That's just something that the kids do. Kids riot, kids tear down goal posts, kids date rape. Responsible adults don't do those things. Why base your generalizations on the irresponsible urges of children?

I don't quite get this post. If adulthood begins at 18, then aren't the vast majority of college students adults, and not children?

Made the trip with a group of four--two adults and two teens. No problems outside the stadium before or after the game. Sat in the north end zone, surrounded almost exclusively by Iowa fans. Pleasant conversations with the groups to our left, right and in front of us. Biggest issue was a Gopher fan who loudly complained about every call or non-call imagineable in the first quarter to the point where the young Iowa fan next to him asked who he was yelling at or to? That shut him up and the rest of the game was enjoyable.

The atmosphere inside and outside the stadium was highly charged, but friendly and respectful. Even the drunken college kids were jovial, not hostile. It was a great night for football in "historic" Kinnick Stadium. (I think they call it historic because the PA system is from the 40's.) Only complaint is that the bleachers are ridiculously uncomfortable. Not only are the seat numbers too close together, but the rows are far too narrow and some have chair backs clamped to them, reducing the width of the rows even further. It made me a little claustrophobic and appreciate our modern stadium even more.

I sat in section 105 row 11. 50 yard line seats on the Gopher sideline. I went with my friend, his wife, and his dad. All hawkeye fans. I sat on one end. I was immediately "greeted" by another Hawkeye fan who had glossed over eyes and said, "Welcome to my stadium!" and then started pinching me and unzipping my jacket. I moved down 3 seats and the guy felt bad and apologized to both my friend and myself. Exiting the stadium was miserable. Took 2 hours to get back to North Liberty, 10 miles from Iowa City.

Only complaint is that the bleachers are ridiculously uncomfortable. Not only are the seat numbers too close together, but the rows are far too narrow and some have chair backs clamped to them, reducing the width of the rows even further. It made me a little claustrophobic and appreciate our modern stadium even more.

This is an understatement. I am NOT a tall person (5' 10") and I was physically uncomfortable the entire game... knees in my back the entire game, with my knees in the back of the person in front of me.

Yes, stadium was extremely uncomfortable. Many people ended up standing in top row

Relax. I'm an Iowa alumnus that is now a Gopher fan. When I've sat in the stands at Gopher games, I've never heard any adult people chanting that. That's just something that the kids do. Kids riot, kids tear down goal posts, kids date rape. Responsible adults don't do those things. Why base your generalizations on the irresponsible urges of children?

Wait, what?

Made the trip with a group of four--two adults and two teens. No problems outside the stadium before or after the game. Sat in the north end zone, surrounded almost exclusively by Iowa fans. Pleasant conversations with the groups to our left, right and in front of us. Biggest issue was a Gopher fan who loudly complained about every call or non-call imagineable in the first quarter to the point where the young Iowa fan next to him asked who he was yelling at or to? That shut him up and the rest of the game was enjoyable.

The atmosphere inside and outside the stadium was highly charged, but friendly and respectful. Even the drunken college kids were jovial, not hostile. It was a great night for football in "historic" Kinnick Stadium. (I think they call it historic because the PA system is from the 40's.) Only complaint is that the bleachers are ridiculously uncomfortable. Not only are the seat numbers too close together, but the rows are far too narrow and some have chair backs clamped to them, reducing the width of the rows even further. It made me a little claustrophobic and appreciate our modern stadium even more.

Holy smokes, that was me who asked him what he was yelling at and I'm glad others didn't think I was out of line. He was absolutely insufferable!

I've been to 30+ games in Kinnick and Saturday was the first time I'd sat in the north endzone -- thank god they're renovating it! Seats elsewhere have much, much more leg room, even for a 5'8'' guy.

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