Iowa fans


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Apr 6, 2015
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I know there is a rivalry and internet trolls don't help but I've road tripped kinnick twice now and well say their fans are very hospitable

Our tailgate neighbors fed us (we let gopher fans down and lost at corn hole) and were awesome

Outside of one drunk student who didn't realize we won last year I can t complain..

Seems like the ones who live in Minnesota have severe issues though.

Other than that one guy who seemed to have an obsession with isis, Iowa fans were great, very smart on college football. Not really sure who they send up here, but they are not the ones who actually go to Kinnick.

I would say the Iowa fanbase, in general, has improved somewhat over the past few years. I've gone to Iowa City for every Gopher game for the past 10+ years. This year certainly seemed different from past years. We had a handful of Iowa fans approach us, welcome us to Iowa City, ask us if we were being treated well, etc. That has NEVER happened in past years. Never. Honestly, it seemed like some of their fans were trying to be more like Nebraska fans....perhaps an unintended benefit of the Huskers joining the Big 10.

That said, there were also still a handful of really obnoxious, rude, ignorant, and disrespectful fans, but certainly fewer than in past years.

Iowa fans were fine, a good number of them wished us luck and thanked us for being there. I think most of them understand they are not a top 5 team. Give credit where and when it is deserved though.

But man, are they slobs! I couldn't believe all the garbage that was strewn around the stadium as well as Melrose Street.

Seems like the ones who live in Minnesota have severe issues though.

This is correct.
The only Iowa fans who have ever been idiots to me were the ones from Minnesota.

Wisconsin fans are at times bad in both places. But in my experience the WI fans from Minnesota are worse as well.
Nebraska fans from Minnesota are definitely better than Nevraska fans from Nebraska.

Other than the students who thought that section 220 was the student section, we had no problems.

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I thoroughly enjoyed my 1st road trip to Iowa. (did I really just say that?)

Most of the fans I met were 1st class, way better than Wisky fans. I'm not sure who they send to games up here, but it really changed my perspective.

Went to the Airliner and had a great time and saw quite a few Gopher fans as well.

PH gives them a bad name. They've got a 10-0 team, let them enjoy it.

I agree with others in that my experience with the visiting fans has almost always been better when at Iowa and at Wisconsin than when we play Iowa and Wisconsin at home.

I've been to all but 1 of the gopher games at Kinnick over the past 15 years and would agree with the poster who said something has changed with the culture there over the past few years. Definitely more hospitable. Our group was treated great yesterday, both before and after the game. That was one nervous fan base before the game, so I was expecting to take a lot of abuse afterwards, but that was not the case. Great game in a great atmosphere,

I know there is a rivalry and internet trolls don't help but I've road tripped kinnick twice now and well say their fans are very hospitable

Our tailgate neighbors fed us (we let gopher fans down and lost at corn hole) and were awesome.

Say, while you were with your hospitable tailgate neighbors, did you repeatedly tell them how much you hate them?
Did you stop your game of corn hole every time a group of Hawkeye fans would walk by to chant, "We hate Iowa!" at them?

For a fan base that embraces hate, has made it a part of the Minnesota brand, and takes every opportunity to make sure that hatred is expressed, collectively, there seems to be a thin grasp or an outright denial of the consequences. Contrast the game day experience you had at Kinnick with the atmosphere at TCF for the unwelcomed and hated Iowa fans.

Say, while you were with your hospitable tailgate neighbors, did you repeatedly tell them how much you hate them?
Did you stop your game of corn hole every time a group of Hawkeye fans would walk by to chant, "We hate Iowa!" at them?

For a fan base that embraces hate, has made it a part of the Minnesota brand, and takes every opportunity to make sure that hatred is expressed, collectively, there seems to be a thin grasp or an outright denial of the consequences. Contrast the game day experience you had at Kinnick with the atmosphere at TCF for the unwelcomed and hated Iowa fans.

Well said.

Every fan base has their loonies.

My buddy and I took a cab from our hotel to Kinnick Stadium on Saturday and the cabbie was a little confused about where he could drop us off, so stopped and started on the street next to the stadium a couple of times before finally pulling off to the side of the road for us to get out. A pickup was behind us and honked 2 or 3 times as our cab was hesitating. I turned and saw the truck and immediately my blood started boiling that these Hawkeye fans could be so impatient. Literally, it was a 10-15 second stop and start. As we got out and I was handing my credit card to the cabbie, the guy in the passenger side of the truck, rolled down his window and started dropping F-bombs and yelling about being stupid we were, etc. I was ready to return fire with some unkind things and then looked up to find the truck was full of Gopher fans. I was embarrassed for our fan base and let the truck move on without comment.

I do not think I will ever go to Kinnick stadium again, I had such a bad experience with fans there and other people we were with also had problems with Iowa Fans. I was with my dad and we were cheering the Gophers on and people started yelling at us and trying to cause a fight with us. We were with some other people but they sat in a different section then us and they left the game because Iowa fans were trying to cause a fight with them. It was not a good experience and I dont know if I will ever make the trip again due to this occasion

I do not think I will ever go to Kinnick stadium again, I had such a bad experience with fans there and other people we were with also had problems with Iowa Fans. I was with my dad and we were cheering the Gophers on and people started yelling at us and trying to cause a fight with us. We were with some other people but they sat in a different section then us and they left the game because Iowa fans were trying to cause a fight with them. It was not a good experience and I dont know if I will ever make the trip again due to this occasion

This is what I expected to happen on our first trip down to Iowa City. But, it couldn't have been more of the opposite. Friendly fans. The obviously garbage talking but that is expected, and part of the fun.

Great fans, great football town. . . . Even though, it kind of pains me to say it a tiny bit :) :)

I was expecting some garbage talking as it should come with going to rival stadium wearing the away teams colors, We just experienced some bad fans and it kinda ruined a very entertaining game for my dad and I

Good to hear a change is in the wind. Its been 15+ years since a trip to Iowa City and I vowed it would be the last as fans were aggressive and rude (thought I was at an NFL game!). Its college football - some pride and smack talk is to be expected, but sportsmanship was nowhere to be found. Maybe a good beat down from time to time is needed for a change.

Say, while you were with your hospitable tailgate neighbors, did you repeatedly tell them how much you hate them?
Did you stop your game of corn hole every time a group of Hawkeye fans would walk by to chant, "We hate Iowa!" at them?

For a fan base that embraces hate, has made it a part of the Minnesota brand, and takes every opportunity to make sure that hatred is expressed, collectively, there seems to be a thin grasp or an outright denial of the consequences. Contrast the game day experience you had at Kinnick with the atmosphere at TCF for the unwelcomed and hated Iowa fans.

For something you all think is stupid, you sure do get pretty butthurt about it. It is a rivalry for crying out loud. Most people don't wish physical harm on anyone, you're taking it way too literal.

I was shocked when the Gophers ran onto the field Saturday night and your fans booed! So much hate! How dare you! My friends who are Iowa fans never make jokes or express any "hate" towards Iowa St., Minnesota, or Wisconsin.

I've been to six Gophers-Iowa games in my life. Three at Kinnick and three in Minneapolis. My worst experiences with Iowa fans has always been at the games in Minneapolis. I don't know why, it just has been.

When did the Who Hates Iowa thing start? I love the rivalry but I'm not a fan of the chant.

As Ronald Reagan said, in college football you're allowed a "clean" hatred - sportsmanlike and intense. I only hate Iowa when the Gophers play them...or when I'm driving across the state.


Say, while you were with your hospitable tailgate neighbors, did you repeatedly tell them how much you hate them?
Did you stop your game of corn hole every time a group of Hawkeye fans would walk by to chant, "We hate Iowa!" at them?

For a fan base that embraces hate, has made it a part of the Minnesota brand, and takes every opportunity to make sure that hatred is expressed, collectively, there seems to be a thin grasp or an outright denial of the consequences. Contrast the game day experience you had at Kinnick with the atmosphere at TCF for the unwelcomed and hated Iowa fans.
You do realize there isn't really much actual hatred behind the chant right? Almost everyone that I've seen doing it likes it because the chant is fun to do and Iowa fans get so butthurt about it. That's why the students do it at games against San Diego State or whatever, it's fun to do. We hate Wisconsin much more than you people.

You do realize there isn't really much actual hatred behind the chant right? Almost everyone that I've seen doing it likes it because the chant is fun to do and Iowa fans get so butthurt about it. That's why the students do it at games against San Diego State or whatever, it's fun to do. We hate Wisconsin much more than you people.

So is this the correct response:
"Iowa fans in attendance at IA/MN games at TCF Bank Stadium are just playing along with you, all in good fun, as it is a rivalry. It's too bad that Gopher fans get all 'butthurt' about it. And it's great that even during games where the Hawkeyes are not involved, Iowa has a permanent place inside your head."

So is this the correct response:
"Iowa fans in attendance at IA/MN games at TCF Bank Stadium are just playing along with you, all in good fun, as it is a rivalry. It's too bad that Gopher fans get all 'butthurt' about it. And it's great that even during games where the Hawkeyes are not involved, Iowa has a permanent place inside your head."
A chant about a school is one thing, local Hawkeye fans berating people personally and using profanity toward families is different, both personally experienced at TCF Bank Stadium from Iowa fans, but not on the road at Iowa City where people seem to be more civil. Of course one bad egg spoils the rest and not everyone is like that but the Hawkeye fans in the MSP area are much worse than the ones encountered on the road.

I'm confused. All but one person in this thread has come on here, explaining how well they were treated, and how nice and welcoming the fans in Iowa were. I also will share the same reactions. We had a few playful trash talking fans, but nothing remotely over the line. I very much enjoyed our time in IC this weekend for the game.

But here we are, there are two Iowa fans come on here that try and start up something? After we've complemented how nice their fans were this weekend, even after beating us? Maybe after I heard a few people chant "f--- the Gophers" I should have been more offended. I mean, they were obviously directing that phrase directly at me, wishing ill harm on me, just like our silly "Who Hates Iowa?" chant. Oh, the horror. How could I let something I knew was a jab at the colors I was wearing just mean so little to me? I'll make sure to be rude, crude, and disgusting to the next Iowa fan that jokingly chants how Iowa is "better" than Minnesota.

Iowa fans were fine, a good number of them wished us luck and thanked us for being there. I think most of them understand they are not a top 5 team. Give credit where and when it is deserved though.

But man, are they slobs! I couldn't believe all the garbage that was strewn around the stadium as well as Melrose Street.

I was shocked by this too, no respect for their own campus

Say, while you were with your hospitable tailgate neighbors, did you repeatedly tell them how much you hate them?
Did you stop your game of corn hole every time a group of Hawkeye fans would walk by to chant, "We hate Iowa!" at them?

For a fan base that embraces hate, has made it a part of the Minnesota brand, and takes every opportunity to make sure that hatred is expressed, collectively, there seems to be a thin grasp or an outright denial of the consequences. Contrast the game day experience you had at Kinnick with the atmosphere at TCF for the unwelcomed and hated Iowa fans.

I personally try to be welcoming to Iowa and other visiting fans.

So is this the correct response:
"Iowa fans in attendance at IA/MN games at TCF Bank Stadium are just playing along with you, all in good fun, as it is a rivalry. It's too bad that Gopher fans get all 'butthurt' about it. And it's great that even during games where the Hawkeyes are not involved, Iowa has a permanent place inside your head."

It's amazing that you don't know the difference between good natured ribbing and personal attacks, using profanity towards people, trying to start fights, etc. Each fan base has the bad apples that go too far. But if you think people yelling they hate Iowa is going too far, then I would arguing booing is as well.

I'm confused. All but one person in this thread has come on here, explaining how well they were treated, and how nice and welcoming the fans in Iowa were. I also will share the same reactions. We had a few playful trash talking fans, but nothing remotely over the line. I very much enjoyed our time in IC this weekend for the game.

But here we are, there are two Iowa fans come on here that try and start up something? After we've complemented how nice their fans were this weekend, even after beating us? Maybe after I heard a few people chant "f--- the Gophers" I should have been more offended. I mean, they were obviously directing that phrase directly at me, wishing ill harm on me, just like our silly "Who Hates Iowa?" chant. Oh, the horror. How could I let something I knew was a jab at the colors I was wearing just mean so little to me? I'll make sure to be rude, crude, and disgusting to the next Iowa fan that jokingly chants how Iowa is "better" than Minnesota.

You are right; I have never had anything but a positive experience at Kinnick. I am glad that most of you got to experience the same thing there this weekend.
I am not trying to start anything here on GopherHole. I just offered some perspective on why the game day atmosphere is different when the game is in the Twin Cities, that's all.

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