Interesting article in another prep headed to Europe


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Nov 13, 2008
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First Brandon Jennings, now Jeremy Tyler. . .and it seems Tyler's planning this out better than Jennings. It will be interesting to see if this trickle begats a flood. Remember it was Garnett one year, Bryant & O'Neal the next, followed by McGrady. . .and then the doors opened wide. As much as this could hurt the college game, I admire the course Tyler and his father are charting. They're going into it prepared, looking to advance his game, and prepare him the best they can for his future endeavors. Rick Pitino's gotta be feeling the sting a bit on it though-rough week for him.

Sounds like a good plan to me. If this becomes a trend look for college athletes to start getting paid.;_y...5nYcB?slug=dw-tyler042209&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

First Brandon Jennings, now Jeremy Tyler. . .and it seems Tyler's planning this out better than Jennings. It will be interesting to see if this trickle begats a flood. Remember it was Garnett one year, Bryant & O'Neal the next, followed by McGrady. . .and then the doors opened wide. As much as this could hurt the college game, I admire the course Tyler and his father are charting. They're going into it prepared, looking to advance his game, and prepare him the best they can for his future endeavors. Rick Pitino's gotta be feeling the sting a bit on it though-rough week for him.

Good for him. Of course there are guys like him that this will work out for. Of course there will also be players doing the same thing that have no business doing it (just like before the age rule for the NBA).

Why is it good for him. He has the rest of his life to focus on working in the real world. He has one year left of high school. Thats it, it will never come back again. I don't understand the rush to get out in the work a day world. Even basketball becomes a job.

I wonder what type of contract he'll be given. I have to think that these European teams will be more reluctant to give these kids seven-figure contracts after Brandon Jennings' unremarkable season.

I seriously doubt that this will become a trend. Brandon Jennings had a terrible season in Italy and hurt his draft stock by not going to college.

Jennings is not the only American that signed a big deal in Europe last year. NBA vet Josh Childress had an ordinary season with a Greek team.

Childress averaged 8.7 in the EuroLeague (15 games) & 14.1 in the Greek HEBA A1 league after averaging between 10.1 to 13.0 pts in his four NBA years.

What I'm taking from this is that we Americans underrate the European game, even after getting our heads handed to us in some recent international competitions. Going to play in Europe is no cakewalk whether you're heading there from high school or even the NBA.

That was the family's point, though. That the competition and more importantly the coaching (with few restrictions) there will make him a better player, whereas playing another year with an underwhelming HS team will do little for his game development.

Valid points to debate are his readiness for this level (at least one anonymous NBA exec seems to think he is), and the sacrifices to be made in giving up the HS experiences, which the article intimates he doesn't seem to concerned about. It seems to be a gamble to be sure.

Hope he talked to jennings and Childress about there experiences in Europe as both have had miserable times on and off the court and can't wait to get back to the US. Basketball is only a small part of it, living in europe is a huge adjustment for anybody, not to mention a 17 year old. I think it's a really stupid idea but it is his right to do so. Wonder if Brandon Jennings would switch places with Tyreke Evans, rated about the same last year and look how there seasons turned out. Some of these kids are in such a hurry to grow up. Wonder how much this has to do with agents in his families ear about the NBA making it two years out of high school to go pro, which sounds like it may happen soon.

If Sonny V is involved, run away. I guarantee the one who will get paid the most from this is Sonny.

I don't see any problem with a family sitting down and making a decision.

As I read Wetzel's article it seems a lot of thought went into going to Europe. It also seems that the Tylers have a good plan to educate Jeremy.

As for Jennings vs Evans, we will see the June and fall how Europe vs NCAA round 1 fares.

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