I personally hate 11:00 AM start times and much prefer 1:00-3:00 start times or prime time.
However, I'm not sure why everyone is so upset about this.
Realistically, the same 35,000 fans are going to attend most of this game whether it's at 11:00 AM or 3:00 PM. The student section will show up later but not leave as early. So revenue will likely be equal regardless.
If by doing this they can have some other revenue generating function and not have the issues we had in 2010 (I remember what a cluster that was after the game), I guess I'm fine with it. I do think it's a little odd the athletic department doesn't know what it is, but if it is a political event that would make some sense.
It could also be a concert that hasn't been announced yet, but you would think they'd at least know/say it's a yet to be announced concert.
I can't think of anything that would take place at TCF without more than a couple hours preparation after the game, so I can't believe it'd be a concert or event there.
I do question how they have hockey games and/or basketball games start not long after football games sometimes, but this event is different? What could it be that would draw enough people that would make it worse than that?