"Inconsiderate" people in 231

The thing about standing vs. sitting I agree fully with what people have stated on here. Did I like blocking the view of the people behind me. No. However if people are standing in front of me, I am going to stand. I work PT at Target Center and this is an issue that always comes up with concerts with people that are standing vs. sitting. What we state is the customer pays for the seat and walkway in front of them.

So with that in mind I was not going to ask the people to sit in front of me as I fully believe that it is everyone's right to stand at the game.

I wish they would come up with a section that if people want to stand the whole game they can. I sat down in the 4th quarter and was far more colder sitting than standing.

I get that people in front of your were standing. What I don't get is your OP where you are PROUD of blocking the view of a family of four. I'm assuming this family included kids. It's one thing to say "ya know, it sucked that their view was blocked but I had to stand in order to see myself." Its another to say:
I have a family of four that sits behind me and they have bitched the past two weeks. I finally turned around and told him this is not the opera. What did these people expect sitting right next to the student section?!?
They don't deserve common courtesy because in your mind they are stupid enough to expect it from other adults? There's a way to handle your situation (view blocked unless you stand) without being a jacka**. Your OP suggests you chose not to take the high road.

The "people have the right to do what they want" argument is all well and good except for one thing. When you stand all game you make it impossible for others to "do what they want" if that thing is sit for part of the game. Its called being an inconsiderate dbag. It's not lame to understand the effect your behavior has on others. I'm 6'9". I'd love to stand more than I do. I also know that I block the view of not just the row behind me but the next row as well. I'm able to be loud all game long even though I typically sit on 1st and 2nd down. 3rd down and big plays I'm the first on my feet and I think the folks behind me understand/respect that. Why? Because I'm not being a giant dbag the rest of the game.

Well stated tikited.

I am one of the old farts who has hung in there for decades.

What concerns me is the "I will do what I damn well please and others can go to hell" attitude. Some have absolutely no respect or concern for others who have the paid for the right to watch the game and not some ones backside. I can cheer just as loud in a sitting position and am perfectly fine with standing when the situation warrants it.

The old fart that was yelling behind me is the d-bag and family that leaves with 10 minutes to go in the game to avoid traffic. Yeah that sure sounds like a dedicated fan who for hung in there.

The old fart that was yelling behind me is the d-bag and family that leaves with 10 minutes to go in the game to avoid traffic. Yeah that sure sounds like a dedicated fan who for hung in there.

Ah yes...eye for an eye superfan style. I'm betting he'd leave early anyway but I'm going to play devil's advocate for a second...maybe he feels that there is no point in hanging around given the fact that he can't see the game anyway?

Standing is actually louder...

I am not taking sides here because I don't go to football games (just basketball) but standing is louder for what it is worth. That is why choirs stand, better projection. Not only is your diapragm more free to controll air motion but when a sound source is higher off the ground more of the sound wave can travel outward, unimpeded.

Common sense should prevail

I agree with Bayfield & Tikited. This is all about common sense & respect for others. Standing for key plays, that's fine, go with the flow of the game. But this nonsense about standing all game when there are people behind you (and not all "old" mind you, some are there with young kids) who would like to watch the game without having to stand the whole time is bogus. Have some respect for the people behind you, ESPECIALLY if they're older people.

I'm bringing my folks (in their 70's) to the Michigan State game & this thread already has me worried about some of the jerks I'll be dealing with in our section. My parents (my dad has an artificial hip) aren't spring chickens anymore, and they shouldn't be required to stand the entire time to see the game. My dad has been around the block, he's been to a few games in his lifetime, he understands people are going to stand at key junctures, but it's pure crap if we'll have to call on security to get a few yahoos to sit down in front of us. Common sense & respect for others, people, that's all it is.

A football game is like a Van Morrison concert. I expect the drunk chick in front of me to be out of her seat during Wild Night and Domino, when she's dancing and yelling at the top of her lungs during Tupelo Honey, that's when I get annoyed.

Brewster could eat live puppies with less uproar

You are a complete idiot. I'd rather lose you as a fan than have to deal with people like you. Who do you think helped get TCF built? You? I'm going with the die hard fans who are now up there in age. I just don't get how stupid of a comment that was. Run out the actual fans that have stuck with this program for 40+ years just so some moron can stand on a first down and ten. These old farts, as you call them, have kept the very low flame alive. They are the ones who stayed through Salem-Wacker-the Big Fraud-etc.. Without their fan support there wouldn't have been support for a stadium. Respect your elders jerk.

I guarantee you the top third of 231 didn't do one thing to build this stadium. Nary a donation, letter, phone call or email. These are the absolute last people on board this thing as JBB points out. They aren't die hard fans by any stretch of the imagination. At best they gave up and came back into the fold, if they ever had tickets before. So let us stop pretending that they are the heart and soul of Gopher Nation.

So let us say I try to sit more, which I guess given the Gopher Hole's heart felt humbug, I could try to temper my enthusiasm.

My issue remains that, despite this crime against humanity I am apparently committing, I am not going to sit down to provide a good example if others are standing around me, and there seems to be at least 60 who have the mind to stand. I am also not going to sit on a sub freezing aluminum bench just to satisfy the fool who is, as that has absolutely no appeal.

I wish we could get this much passion out of you guys when Brewster just shat another rivalry game down his leg...:rolleyes:

A football game is like a Van Morrison concert. I expect the drunk chick in front of me to be out of her seat during Wild Night and Domino, when she's dancing and yelling at the top of her lungs during Tupelo Honey, that's when I get annoyed.

This is such a good posting on so many levels.

People's blatant disregard for anyone else is stunning to me.

And, as I said before, I understand that some people chose to sit in 231. I also think it has great views etc. The point I was trying to make is that by saying that everyone in 231 should expect this behavior because it's so close to the student section is rediculous! Whether it's a johnny-come-lately or a fan for the last few decades is irrelevant, you don't have the right to screw someone else over just because they had the misfortune of sitting behind you.

For the record, I am a student who bought tickets over here so I could go to the games with my pregnant wife and other family members. I am more than capable of standing the entire game if I needed to and probably would prefer that at times. I choose not to because I don't want to screw over the people behind me. I cheer loud, I get pumped, I jump up when it's called for. For some reason I felt the need to state my opinions here on behalf of the old-timers who have been fans for several decades who get their gameday experience ruined by a selfish few. YOU are the johnny-come-latelys, not them. Show some respect.

As I stated earlier, this should be a non-issue for those of us in 231 as there are plenty of open seats in section 230 where you could stand, sit, do a handstand, or whatever else floats your boat. This argument may be relevant for anywhere else in the stadium, but for 231 its just stupid.

I guarantee you the top third of 231 didn't do one thing to build this stadium. Nary a donation, letter, phone call or email. These are the absolute last people on board this thing as JBB points out. They aren't die hard fans by any stretch of the imagination. At best they gave up and came back into the fold, if they ever had tickets before. So let us stop pretending that they are the heart and soul of Gopher Nation.

So let us say I try to sit more, which I guess given the Gopher Hole's heart felt humbug, I could try to temper my enthusiasm.

My issue remains that, despite this crime against humanity I am apparently committing, I am not going to sit down to provide a good example if others are standing around me, and there seems to be at least 60 who have the mind to stand. I am also not going to sit on a sub freezing aluminum bench just to satisfy the fool who is, as that has absolutely no appeal.

I wish we could get this much passion out of you guys when Brewster just shat another rivalry game down his leg...:rolleyes:

You responded to me so I will respond to you.. I'm not worried what section 231 does. I don't sit anywhere near 231. I could care less about section 231. I'm pissed at the attitude displayed by Purple Pride (worst moniker ever by the way). Purple P wants the old farts run out of the stadium. I called him/her out which was deserved. I'm not getting into other posts about "sit down" or "go to the opera". I'm just calling out Purple P's idiotic statement. If you agree with him/her.. you might be one as well.

Just so you know, this has now become an issue in the local media. Dan Barreiro will be spending part of his show tomorrow taking call from Gopher fans who are unhappy about people who never sit down during the game. Today I heard acall from a young mother who complained that her children could not see any of the action on Saturday

This has now become a significant local issue. And if you are familiar with Minnesota politics, there are more than a few state legislators who will be very happy to enact the first "Football Fan Code of Conduct" in the United States. If that happens, we will have the assholes in Section 231 to thank for it.

For people who can't stand there is special handicap seating.

And what about folks who have temporary issues (knee surgery) who don't need to have accessible seating for the rest of their days at TCF but who won't be jumping up and down for a while? That's just one of many examples of someone who won't be standing not because they don't care, aren't a good fan, or because they're old but because of some other circumstance.

We are all in 231 because we didn't have season tickets last year and we were down 700 to 900 spots on the waiting list. That includes you, so quit acting like ultra die-hard fans.

I'll jump on this one too. I picked in the first half of the seat selection process and there were plenty of seat backs available. I picked 231 because it's close to the students and that's usually the most exciting place to sit in any stadium.

I've been saying that you should be considerate of the people behind you and talk to them first. The fact that this is such a polarizing issue is hilarious to me. Quit whining about people standing, there's a damn football game going on.


Alright, I give, I give...I'll sit for the whole darned game. I won't even get up at halftime to get a hot dog...it probably would be good for me anyways. I'll even advocate for everyone around me to sit down, too. And if they don't, I don't care; I'll miss the game. I'll take the heat; I'm in the wrong.

Let's just please end this stupid debate (again) and get back to football.


I'm amazed at how much people talk about standing.
1. Stand the entire game if you are a student.
2. Stand only on crucial defensive downs if you are not. (3rd and 4th downs, goalline stands, etc)
3. Stand only on crucial offensive plays if you are not (goalline formations, after a big turnover, etc)


Completely agree. I'll stand for the plays you mentioned. I'm one of the non-insane Sec 231 members. There really is a lot of selfishness and self righteous views on being "better" fans because they stand the whole game. And no, I will never cheer "2-3-1."

if people cant see behind you

sit your fat asses down

my gawd

and no......those of you who think you have to stand and block them.......you're not as big a deal as you think you are

For people who can't stand there is special handicap seating.

And for people that want to stand for every second of the damn game, there are plenty of open seats in the student section. That's what you want anyway, right? To be like the cool young students? So go stand in their section and fill in the ugly open areas. Everyone wins.

agreed, show respect and common sense! stand when others are standing at logical times, otherwise sit your butts down and enjoy the game

Hey you guys in section 231 did you ever get your super special cool t-shirts made? What section slogan did you guys finally settle on?:rolleyes:

Let's hear ya! 2......3.....lame!

Anyone out there think that people should stand the whole game? Does someone out there think that people should stand on third downs and key defensive plays but sit the rest of the game? Do some people out there think common courtesy should take precedent and people should be sure not to block the views of others? Anyone out there feel like they need to flame those who don't stand up again? Who thinks it's their right to stand or sit or enjoy the game however they sit fit? Maybe someone thinks they should call someone else a name? Anyone? Who out there thinks they should paint Section 231 with a broad brush and lump everyone in as being juvenile or rude?

Honestly, I thought I would get sick of this thread really quickly when it first opened, but 80 posts saying the same six things over and over again just haven't done it for me. Screw 80, let's get this thing to 800!!

Well Maturi will be on KFAN in a few minutes. Everyone should try to follow whatever policy he sets forth going forward. Can we agree on that?

Hey, I saw a 231 tshirt at Sally's before the game on Saturday. I nearly said "hi" and introduced myself but got distracted and then rushed off to the game.

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