"Inconsiderate" people in 231

Im in the top row of 208 so I dont have any one yelling at me to sit down! :)

Our group was in 231, and we didn't hear of this altercation that many of you speak of.

Standing the whole game yesterday had less to do with the game (although it certainly didn't hurt) and more to do with the fact that aluminum benches suck the warmth right out of you if seated on them for any length of time.

What about all the drunk fools that left in rows 6-8 right in front of you? They came halfway through the first quarter and left after the third. The only thing more annoying was the clueless anti-gopher fan behind me in row 11.

Amen, MNFootballFan. I'm in a similar situation. I tend to stand quite a bit at the games, but it seems like a lot of the people in my section stand just so they can say they STOOD THE WHOLE GAME. I understand both sides of this argument, but I just think sitting to accommodate elderly fans shouldn't be a chore, or require such negativity.

Glad that this is an argument taking place though...at least the enthusiasm is high!

Let me put it another way: Inconsiderate JERKS in Section 231. They are like Peter Pan - they never want to grow up. They are the type of guys you see hanging out in bars reliving the glories of their high school football careers. They can break down offenses and defenses as well as most coaches, but they haven't read a book since they left school. And their favorite thing to do is to get stinking drunk before games and then do their best to ruin the experience of attending Gopher games for any fan unfortunate enough to be sitting near them. Well done, guys. Your mothers would be proud of you.

In my opinion the people who stand the entire game are that wish they were still a student in the student section. I will gladly stand on 3rd downs, key plays, goal-line stands, touchdowns, the rouser, but when I take my 80 year old Grandpa to a game because he used to take me games when I was a kid growing up, I DON'T like making him stand the entire game!!

Very well said!

Maybe those that are leaving the games early are doing so because they are just plain fed up with the a-holes who don't give a bleep about anyone but themselves and their own drunken good time.

I think those few who are screaming at everyone else to stand, chanting 2-3-1, pretty much being completely obnoxious rather than actually WATCHING the game are not only wanna-be students, but wanna-be man-leaders down on the field.

Whatever JJB

We dont stand the whole game anyways. We stand on important plays and key plays. It was a really good time yesterday dont ruin for the people that come there to watch Gopher Football and have a good time. We were not yelling at some 70+ year old guy to stand. PULL YER HEAD OUT IDIOT!

We are all in 231 because we didn't have season tickets last year and we were down 700 to 900 spots on the waiting list. That includes you, so quit acting like ultra die-hard fans.

Speak for yourself. Our group sits in 231, row 5. We've had tickets for several years after having student tickets all through college. We chose to sit there and weren't forced, as you've implied, by the fact that we were late getting on queue for season tickets. I think there are plenty of people that chose 231. I'm not acting like an ultra die-hard here, I'm just saying that there are plenty of people who have poured years into attending Gopher games in 231 - it's not a section full of Johnny Come Latelys.

As for the standing thing though, for the first several games our group was of the ilk to sit unless it was a third down, fourth down, goal line defense, etc.

At yesterday's game though, the people directly behind us didn't show up until well into the 1st quarter and the benches were freezing, so we were standing. Frankly, standing kept my ass warmer (removed from the aluminum) and it kept my toes from going completely numb. When the people behind us showed up, we were never asked to sit, whether directly or through an overheard, typically Minnesotan passive-aggressive comment, by them or anyone else around us. If someone behind us ever asked us to sit, we'd oblige (with a few of the above marked exceptions where I think standing is appropriate).

I guess the point is, we stood because we were more comfortable and no one around us expressed that it was inhibiting their experience at all. If someone around you is asking you to sit down and it's 2nd and 7 (or any inconsequential play really) the easiest and most respectful thing to do is just sit down.

231 Rocks. I am the crazy guy in row 19. Our section is the best. We do have room to improve. We were trying to get more people to stand up and cheer. I love the chant we started with

2... 3.....1...

Its nice that you have fun at the game, but chanting your section number is easily the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Im in the top row of 208 so I dont have any one yelling at me to sit down! :)

I am the same in 212 for that very reason. Didn't want anyone to tell me to sit down. Had enough of that when I would only try on 3rd downs, big plays, etc at the Dome. Now I can stand all game if I want. Love it!

We are all in 231 because we didn't have season tickets last year and we were down 700 to 900 spots on the waiting list. That includes you, so quit acting like ultra die-hard fans.

We also chose 231 of our own device. We figured, first off, that it was a great view of the field. We also chose this section because, being close to the student section, we wouldn't have as big of an issue with standing as we would have had in other sections in other parts of the stadium.

We stood for the majority of the game for a number of reasons:

1. The bleacher is cold...very cold.

2. We enjoy standing during games...if you watch other college football games in other places (Texas A&M, SEC schools, etc.), a majority of people stand throughout.

3. The people in front of us stood the whole game. To ask us to sit down is fine, but that doesn't solve the problem. If everyone in the first 5-7 rows is standing, having me sit down only costs me a chance to watch the game, rather than someone behind me. That's just shifting the issue, not solving it.

I don't have a problem with sitting down, particularly if there are folks behind me who have an issue with standing for long periods of time...I get that. Having said that, the major issue here is that some like to stand, and others don't.

This is why I proposed, long ago, that there should have been a designated "young alumni" section for just such an issue. (Again, something other schools have implemented and has been very successful) If you want to be in this area, where folks are encouraged to stand and be more active participants in the game, this is where you should get your tickets...if not, better look at a different section. I can guarantee this section or sections would have been very popular, and it would have thinned out these issues in other sections. Instead, we have what we have.

Maybe it's still possible next year...slice a section or two off the student section, which it seems the students will have trouble filling, and create this. I would be more than happy to be a part of it.

We dont stand the whole game anyways. We stand on important plays and key plays. It was a really good time yesterday dont ruin for the people that come there to watch Gopher Football and have a good time. We were not yelling at some 70+ year old guy to stand. PULL YER HEAD OUT IDIOT!

So, you are implying that those who do not wish to stand through the entire game are "ruining it" for you by wishing you respect them by not standing up and blocking their view? However, at the same time it doesn't matter if you ruin it for them by sticking your a$$ in their face the entire game because you are a super-fan and want to stand up no matter what anyone else thinks? Do you understand the rediculousness of that thought?

And I'm the idiot here? Really?

I'm all for getting up and going nuts on 3rd and 4th downs, key plays, etc. I love to stand and cheer and I do when it's appropriate. I am just saying that standing all game every game is disrespectful to those behind you unless you are in the student section.

BTW, I saw someone yell at this poor old man to stand up who just had an uncomfortable laugh about it. I don't know if it was you because I don't know who you are but it happened and I felt bad for him.

Also, I know that's not everyone's situation in 231 (last section to sell out with for the wait list) but my point is that the argument of "that's what you get sitting so close to the student section" is stupid.

This is why I proposed, long ago, that there should have been a designated "young alumni" section for just such an issue. (Again, something other schools have implemented and has been very successful) If you want to be in this area, where folks are encouraged to stand and be more active participants in the game, this is where you should get your tickets...if not, better look at a different section. I can guarantee this section or sections would have been very popular, and it would have thinned out these issues in other sections. Instead, we have what we have.

Maybe it's still possible next year...slice a section or two off the student section, which it seems the students will have trouble filling, and create this. I would be more than happy to be a part of it.

GREAT suggestion! I think a designated alumni section next to the student section would be awesome! Maybe that's what 231 will eventually turn into.

Run the old farts out of the Bank I say.
If you can't stand and cheer go somewhere else!
I would rather have an empty seat. Having someone sitting there doing nothing absorbs the noise.
Go Gophers!

Run the old farts out of the Bank I say.
If you can't stand and cheer go somewhere else!
I would rather have an empty seat. Having someone sitting there doing nothing absorbs the noise.
Go Gophers!

Yes. Lets reward the fans who have stayed with the team through decades of mediocrity by pushing them out the door. You'd rather have empty seats? Holy jeebus...the stupid, it burns.

Lets not invite kids to the party either. Because we don't need Gopher fans in the future and those little f-ers poop more than the rest of us.

Greetings from section 231. I like to stand at football games, but I will not block the view of someone behind me if they are sitting. Yesterday, the two seats behind me were empty so I stood most of the game. For those of you in 231 that NEED to stand regardless of what the people behind you want, move ten steps to the right and stand in 230!! Also, the 2-3-1 chant was stupid as hell, and someone please take the whistle away from that jackass who was blowing the whistle. Other than that, 231 is good people!!

Run the old farts out of the Bank I say.
If you can't stand and cheer go somewhere else!
I would rather have an empty seat. Having someone sitting there doing nothing absorbs the noise.
Go Gophers!

Right. Kick our loyal fans who have been supporting the program much longer than you have to the curb. Lets have 300 people in the stadium that stand the whole game and 50,000 empty seats. That would be very impressive and definitely better for the program. I thought your previous post was the dumbest thing I have ever read but you have outdone yourself.

Run the old farts out of the Bank I say.
If you can't stand and cheer go somewhere else!
I would rather have an empty seat. Having someone sitting there doing nothing absorbs the noise.
Go Gophers!

Other than Go Gophers there is nothing in this post that makes any sense.

stand during appropriate times, otherwise sit down an enjoy the game and let everyone behind you enjoy it too.

I'm amazed at how much people talk about standing.
1. Stand the entire game if you are a student.
2. Stand only on crucial defensive downs if you are not. (3rd and 4th downs, goalline stands, etc)
3. Stand only on crucial offensive plays if you are not (goalline formations, after a big turnover, etc)


Run the old farts out of the Bank I say.
With a moniker like this, are you sure you're on the right board? And, now we apparently have Red McComb's protege advising us on admission criteria?!? ... :p

BTW, what is your cut-off age for becoming an "old fart?" You'll renounce your tickets when you reach that age, right?



Alright, I'm starting to get a little annoyed at this whole notion that if you're standing, you're automatically being inconsiderate. Again, part of the reason our group was standing was the people in front of us were standing, and the people behind us were standing...at that point, we have a choice:

A) Sit, and miss the games

B) Stand, which is more the norm than the exception in the area of the section I am in, and watch the game

The thing that really gets me on this is how everyone here seems to be an authority on sitting and standing, and the rules on which to abide by. I could care less whether I stand the whole game or not, but if everyone around me is standing, I'll stand as well. Why? I'm going to see the game. And if standing in the middle of a group of other people standing is being inconsiderate, than I guess it's the cross I'll have to bear.

I stand a lot (maybe too much) because I have found that I like to stand. I don't expect others to stand. And I sure hope I'm not ruining their experience. I would feel bad if I blocked someone's view or whatever. Especially someone old, or a kid. So far no one has said anything to me. If they don't stand, hopefully they at least enjoy the intensity of the atmosphere.

Things should cool down a bit and people will start sitting more after Minnesota goes to the Rose bowl and wins another NC. :)

Alright, I'm starting to get a little annoyed at this whole notion that if you're standing, you're automatically being inconsiderate. Again, part of the reason our group was standing was the people in front of us were standing, and the people behind us were standing...at that point, we have a choice:

A) Sit, and miss the games

B) Stand, which is more the norm than the exception in the area of the section I am in, and watch the game

The thing that really gets me on this is how everyone here seems to be an authority on sitting and standing, and the rules on which to abide by. I could care less whether I stand the whole game or not, but if everyone around me is standing, I'll stand as well. Why? I'm going to see the game. And if standing in the middle of a group of other people standing is being inconsiderate, than I guess it's the cross I'll have to bear.

Nobody is saying that you have to sit if people in front of you are standing. My goodness.

I just don't get why some sections have issues with this. In 212 it's been fine. We sit for most "normal" plays. When there is a big play we stand. There are a handful of people that don't and that's fine. They miss that play and deal with it.

Well since I was one of the ones on the aisle that the large silver bearded guy roared at, I feel somewhat obliged to answer.

I stood this game for a number of reasons, the foremost being that I prefer to stand and cheer on 3rd downs and it seemed like the whole game was a defensive third down, since they had what 20?

Further, sitting on a heat sink that is a large aluminum bench on a frigid fall day is just awful. Standing keeps me able to focus on the game and keeps the blood pumping. My section of bench had a ice slick that never did thaw, and I had no mind to thaw it by dumping all the heat of my body into the section of aluminum so it would be whisked away in the October breeze.

We are all in 231 because we didn't have season tickets last year and we were down 700 to 900 spots on the waiting list. That includes you, so quit acting like ultra die-hard fans.

And here you have struck upon the heart of why this post falls on a stubbornly deaf ear.

Actually our group chose to be up there because that is the section that imo opinion has the best view of the field, scoreboard, skyline, etc. I have had either student seasons or regular tickets for 10 years. And the big 60 year old drunk that came down to tell us that he paid too much when he scalped his ticket not to sit? Yeah I didn't exactly jump at the chance to satisfy that carpet bagger. The reality is I could have sat in the 5th row of the lower deck, but wanted to be up where I thought there might be some youthful energy. Is that trying to recapture my not-yet-forgoten student experience? I guess. I've been to plenty of other places that stand a lot more than the old dome crowd ever did. Is that what we want? To go back to a stale old dome with everybody nice and cozy sitting on their goddamm hands? And the reality is the people who complain the most are twenty five rows up 231 and were indeed dead last to decide that they wanted tickets or bought them through brokers and are here just on a whim. I know these are the same fans that wouldn't be back after a couple on the field disappointments no matter if we had sat or not. I was there in 2003 and saw them spring up from all over, the suddenly-a-Gopher-again lot. They will a be gone when the newness fades, with or with out somebody standing and cheering too much.

The reality is I have witnessed some pretty *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ing awful football in the last decade and I really don't feel like I need to sit in order to satisfy a bunch of silent johnny-come-lately's who refused to buy tickets until a neato stadium was built. If somebody would actually ask me rather than slur their smuggled-gut-rot-whisky into my face maybe I would sit for offensive series. You are too busy trying to figure out when you can leave to best beat the traffic to some soulless suburb.

Well since I was one of the ones on the aisle that the large silver bearded guy roared at, I feel somewhat obliged to answer.

I stood this game for a number of reasons, the foremost being that I prefer to stand and cheer on 3rd downs and it seemed like the whole game was a defensive third down, since they had what 20?

Further, sitting on a heat sink that is a large aluminum bench on a frigid fall day is just awful. Standing keeps me able to focus on the game and keeps the blood pumping. My section of bench had a ice slick that never did thaw, and I had no mind to thaw it by dumping all the heat of my body into the section of aluminum so it would be whisked away in the October breeze.

And here you have struck upon the heart of why this post falls on a stubbornly deaf ear.

Actually our group chose to be up there because that is the section that imo opinion has the best view of the field, scoreboard, skyline, etc. I have had either student seasons or regular tickets for 10 years. And the big 60 year old drunk that came down to tell us that he paid too much when he scalped his ticket not to sit? Yeah I didn't exactly jump at the chance to satisfy that carpet bagger. The reality is I could have sat in the 5th row of the lower deck, but wanted to be up where I thought there might be some youthful energy. Is that trying to recapture my not-yet-forgoten student experience? I guess. I've been to plenty of other places that stand a lot more than the old dome crowd ever did. Is that what we want? To go back to a stale old dome with everybody nice and cozy sitting on their goddamm hands? And the reality is the people who complain the most are twenty five rows up 231 and were indeed dead last to decide that they wanted tickets or bought them through brokers and are here just on a whim. I know these are the same fans that wouldn't be back after a couple on the field disappointments no matter if we had sat or not. I was there in 2003 and saw them spring up from all over, the suddenly-a-Gopher-again lot. They will a be gone when the newness fades, with or with out somebody standing and cheering too much.

The reality is I have witnessed some pretty *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ing awful football in the last decade and I really don't feel like I need to sit in order to satisfy a bunch of silent johnny-come-lately's who refused to buy tickets until a neato stadium was built. If somebody would actually ask me rather than slur their smuggled-gut-rot-whisky into my face maybe I would sit for offensive series. You are too busy trying to figure out when you can leave to best beat the traffic to some soulless suburb.

Funny. I think that I was at the same game as you. There were a lot of third downs but I believe each was proceeded by a first and and a second. Yet I was able to differentiate between the downs and stand for only the third. I would suggest checking out the gigantic scoreboard to see what down it is if you get confused.

I have never been to an away game where the the fans stand for the entire game, other than the student section. Never. That includes Ann Arbor, Madison, Iowa City, East Lansing, Champaign, Berkeley, Colorado Springs, Ames among others. It just doesn't happen, yet many of these places have a fabulous game day atmosphere and successful programs. I just don't see why this is an issue for some people.

Run the old farts out of the Bank I say.
If you can't stand and cheer go somewhere else!
I would rather have an empty seat. Having someone sitting there doing nothing absorbs the noise.
Go Gophers!

You are a complete idiot. I'd rather lose you as a fan than have to deal with people like you. Who do you think helped get TCF built? You? I'm going with the die hard fans who are now up there in age. I just don't get how stupid of a comment that was. Run out the actual fans that have stuck with this program for 40+ years just so some moron can stand on a first down and ten. These old farts, as you call them, have kept the very low flame alive. They are the ones who stayed through Salem-Wacker-the Big Fraud-etc.. Without their fan support there wouldn't have been support for a stadium. Respect your elders jerk.

The thing about standing vs. sitting I agree fully with what people have stated on here. Did I like blocking the view of the people behind me. No. However if people are standing in front of me, I am going to stand. I work PT at Target Center and this is an issue that always comes up with concerts with people that are standing vs. sitting. What we state is the customer pays for the seat and walkway in front of them.

So with that in mind I was not going to ask the people to sit in front of me as I fully believe that it is everyone's right to stand at the game.

I wish they would come up with a section that if people want to stand the whole game they can. I sat down in the 4th quarter and was far more colder sitting than standing.


I had season tickets last year and decided to sit up in sect. 231. Great view and by the student section.

Everyone in the two rows in front and behind have a great time. It is their day to relax and unwind from the work week. If people want to hoot and holla "231, 231..." what is the big deal?!?!?

We are the same as you

"... all for getting up and going nuts on 3rd and 4th downs, key plays, etc. I love to stand and cheer and I do when it's appropriate......"

Everyone paid the same amount of money for their seat and it is up to them how they want to enjoy the game.

You are a complete idiot. I'd rather lose you as a fan than have to deal with people like you. Who do you think helped get TCF built? You? I'm going with the die hard fans who are now up there in age. I just don't get how stupid of a comment that was. Run out the actual fans that have stuck with this program for 40+ years just so some moron can stand on a first down and ten. These old farts, as you call them, have kept the very low flame alive. They are the ones who stayed through Salem-Wacker-the Big Fraud-etc.. Without their fan support there wouldn't have been support for a stadium. Respect your elders jerk.

Well stated tikited.

I am one of the old farts who has hung in there for decades.

What concerns me is the "I will do what I damn well please and others can go to hell" attitude. Some have absolutely no respect or concern for others who have the paid for the right to watch the game and not some ones backside. I can cheer just as loud in a sitting position and am perfectly fine with standing when the situation warrants it.

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