"Inconsiderate" people in 231


Section 231
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
I wanted to say BRAVO :clap: to my fellow 231ers at the game today that STOOD THE WHOLE GAME!!! That old guy bitchin and moaning about us standing the whole game was so funny!! I dont know what the fuss was we all did sit down for like 2 or 3 plays and then stood up again.

I have a family of four that sits behind me and they have bitched the past two weeks. I finally turned around and told him this is not the opera. What did these people expect sitting right next to the student section?!?

I sat in the upper deck endzone in the dumpy dome and everyone sat the whole game. I HATED IT and the past two games have been awesome...


I wanted to say BRAVO :clap: to my fellow 231ers at the game today that STOOD THE WHOLE GAME!!! That old guy bitchin and moaning about us standing the whole game was so funny!! I dont know what the fuss was we all did sit down for like 2 or 3 plays and then stood up again.

I have a family of four that sits behind me and they have bitched the past two weeks. I finally turned around and told him this is not the opera. What did these people expect sitting right next to the student section?!?

I sat in the upper deck endzone in the dumpy dome and everyone sat the whole game. I HATED IT and the past two games have been awesome...


I agree!! I was at the Wisky game and I was standing most of the time. I had a family of 4, 3 gopher fans and one badger biatch. They were pissing and moaning about us standing!! If you want to sit stay home!!!!!!!!!

To each their own, but I do not understand this badge of honor when it comes to standing during the game. I don't care one way or another but I think you make it out to be a bigger deal than it is.

My $0.02.

Sitting in Section 135 today, security came down to talk to some guy sitting in around row 11-13 during a break in the 2nd quarter. They were supposedly told that if they didn't sit down, they'd be kicked out. Old fogie in row 16 yelled at some guy around the same area when he stood up for something like a 2nd and 12 a few minutes later.

I don't mind standing for some plays. Heck, I don't care if others stand and I sit, but when people complain to security about people standing, then I have a problem.

Interesting that you bring this up. Does anyone else sit in 215? Two people got kicked out today because one guy in the group stood for about the entire third quarter. The group behind him complained, and a heated verbal altercation ensued for several minutes (including a lot of "colorful" language). Anyway, it was pretty uncomfortable for my wife and I, as we had our 3 year old daughter along. That said, I didn't see the big deal with the guy standing in the first place...the whole thing got totally blown out of proportion. IMO, it shows the need for a "standing section" in the stadium.

It's time to Grow Up Guys... We are all Gopher Fans, look out for each other, compromise, It's not about being a better fan by standing, it's about getting along and show respect for other fans. Families belong at games just as much as you do. Your acting like babies in junior high not adults.

It's time to Grow Up Guys... We are all Gopher Fans, look out for each other, compromise, It's not about being a better fan by standing, it's about getting along and show respect for other fans. Families belong at games just as much as you do. Your acting like babies in junior high not adults.

Very well side.

goldygoon, I give you guys in sec 231 a lot of credit. I don't have the guts to stand during the entire game.

I do look over at your section from time to time and I am amazed at how many of you guys are standing. You stood out today because there were very few students in the section next to you.

An idea on the complainers...maybe you could offer to trade seats with them so they could sit while you stand behind them. That would cause less tension. It appears that the standers outnumber the sitters in 231 so maybe it could work.

You pay for the ticket. If you want to stand go ahead.
Where does it say that you must sit?
Stand and deliver Gopher fans!

Keep standing no matter what . . . old habits (and old people) die hard. STAND PROUD MINNESOTA!!! Don't give in to the old ways of the metrodome

I'm in 231 and I would like to stand the entire game but I try to be considerate to those who sit behind us so I stand on big plays and on defensive 3rd or 4th downs. That being said, I had the opportunity to stand a lot more this game due to the fact that the two rows of seats directly behind us were empty for most of the second half. The key is to talk to those behind you and figure out their opinion on the matter before it actually becomes an issue, just be nice unless they're an opposing fan because then they aren't real people anyway.

Positives for standing:
1) You tend to stay involved in the game and involved in the cheering... of course I'm fairly obnoxious already, sorry people in rows 1, 2, and 3 but I yell when we're on D until I lose my voice. No complaints from any of you yet though, much appreciated.
2) You stay warmer, no way did I want to settle down on those metal benches more than I had to.

Negatives for standing:
1) You block the view of the elderly gentleman or child behind you... because those are the only people not standing, right?

The people behind you paid for their tickets, too...

and you are blocking the view. Why is a game any different than a concert or movie or any other event where you paid for a SEAT. Sit in it.
Getting on your feet for key plays when you want to raise the intensity level is one thing. Standing for the entire game is stupid (unless the entire game is heart-stopping action... unlikely). If you want to stand, go hang out in the concourse.
Don't complain about older fans who don't stand. Let 'em sit. I'd be happy if they would just cheer. Raise your voice, not your a$$.

Watch games on TV. Even at Penn State that has a large student section, it is the students standing not the whole stadium. Most people in ALL stadiums do not stand for the whole game. Look at DUKE basketball. Again, the student section stands but the people who are paying for the big price tickets are sitting.

1. Stand on 3rd and 4th Downs.
2. Stand for the National Anthem.
3. Stand for the Flag.
4. Stand for the Rouser.
5. Stand for important plays late in the game.
6. Stand for Kickoffs.
7. Stand if you are in the Student Section.
8. Stand if your section agrees to stand all the time and you do not infringe on someone who doesn't want to or is not able to stand.

Recognize that Standing or Sitting does not make you a better fan.

The BEST fans are the ones who have faithfully had season tickets for 40, 50, 60 years or more. People who have not become gripers and complainers through all the lean years. People who through their time and dollars have supported the University and want to INCLUDE more people in supporting their UNIVERSITY. True Fans want to bring people IN, not eliminate them because they do cheer or sit/stand in the same way as they do. This is OUR University BE RESPECTFUL of OTHERS.

Watch games on TV. Even at Penn State that has a large student section, it is the students standing not the whole stadium. Most people in ALL stadiums do not stand for the whole game. Look at DUKE basketball. Again, the student section stands but the people who are paying for the big price tickets are sitting.

1. Stand on 3rd and 4th Downs.
2. Stand for the National Anthem.
3. Stand for the Flag.
4. Stand for the Rouser.
5. Stand for important plays late in the game.
6. Stand for Kickoffs.
7. Stand if you are in the Student Section.
8. Stand if your section agrees to stand all the time and you do not infringe on someone who doesn't want to or is not able to stand.

Recognize that Standing or Sitting does not make you a better fan.

The BEST fans are the ones who have faithfully had season tickets for 40, 50, 60 years or more. People who have not become gripers and complainers through all the lean years. People who through their time and dollars have supported the University and want to INCLUDE more people in supporting their UNIVERSITY. True Fans want to bring people IN, not eliminate them because they do cheer or sit/stand in the same way as they do. This is OUR University BE RESPECTFUL of OTHERS.

Agree. Way overblown topic. I've seen games at all but Northwestern, Indiana and Purdue. Typically people stand when the have poor seats and can't see. At Iowa and Wisconsin it's hard to see if you don't stand.

The guys standing in front of me at times (which doesn't bother me, I'm young enough to stand) had three Badger fans with them last week, what's worse bringing a Badger fan to the game or not standing?


That argument is bogus. You can make just as much noise yelling while sitting down versus standing. Also, the argument of "you paid for the ticket - you can do whatever you want" is bogus. Some people who want to sit paid just as much money for the ticket as you did.

Here's the deal. I used to be in band for 5 years and stood the whole game. Then I was on band staff for 5 years and stood the whole game. I am used to it. Now as a ticketholder I would prefer if everyone stood on every play.

But......it's not going to happen - and I can understand why.

That said - I will ALWAYS stand on every defensive third and fourth down. I will basically follow the standing rules posted above. It is a good list.

I am not an advocate of the one or two people who want to stand for every play. If you're the only one standing - please sit as a courtesy to others. Now - if everyone is up, then by all means, stand. Basically, follow the masses.

The game is not about YOU. If you're the only one standing in a section - you're just being selfish.


From Section 135 - The Best Section in College Football

During the Sconny game (bleeping badgers!), we had an altercation w/ a security guard who politely asked one person in our group to sit. He freaked out using all kinds of Mark Wahlberg language. She left and probably cried (kinda sad and hilarious at the same time). After 15 minutes, one of the head security guys (blue and black shirts) came down to talk to us. He said,


That was a relief to hear. I stand the whole game, and I love it. I think everyone should. It's college football! Get into it! Part of this return to campus and outdoor football is a change in culture. Joel Maturi wants it. Tim Brewster loves it. Our team needs it. I know there's a library on campus somewhere. I don't spend any time there. I won't bother you when you're there. If you want to sit, sit at home. Chill in your recliner. Lay on your couch. Get yourself a blanket. Mute the TV for all I care.

The way you get kicked out is for swearing at people. That you can't do, but you ARE allowed to stand the entire game if you like.

Watch games on TV. Even at Penn State that has a large student section, it is the students standing not the whole stadium. Most people in ALL stadiums do not stand for the whole game. Look at DUKE basketball. Again, the student section stands but the people who are paying for the big price tickets are sitting.

1. Stand on 3rd and 4th Downs.
2. Stand for the National Anthem.
3. Stand for the Flag.
4. Stand for the Rouser.
5. Stand for important plays late in the game.
6. Stand for Kickoffs.
7. Stand if you are in the Student Section.
8. Stand if your section agrees to stand all the time and you do not infringe on someone who doesn't want to or is not able to stand.

Recognize that Standing or Sitting does not make you a better fan.

Totally agree with this. I'm in 231 as well. I don't think the 70 year old man is "less of a fan" who sits in front of me because he doesn't stand on a 1st and 10 in the 2nd quarter. Does he stand on the big plays? Yes. That's all I ask.

Also, it's really sad that when I turn to my right, all I see is empty students section seats. I realize they pack the lower level student section, but something needs to be done. Get rid of the top 15 or so rows as students seats next year, and sell them to the public????

From Section 135 - The Best Section in College Football

During the Sconny game (bleeping badgers!), we had an altercation w/ a security guard who politely asked one person in our group to sit. He freaked out using all kinds of Mark Wahlberg language. She left and probably cried (kinda sad and hilarious at the same time). After 15 minutes, one of the head security guys (blue and black shirts) came down to talk to us. He said,


That was a relief to hear. I stand the whole game, and I love it. I think everyone should. It's college football! Get into it! Part of this return to campus and outdoor football is a change in culture. Joel Maturi wants it. Tim Brewster loves it. Our team needs it. I know there's a library on campus somewhere. I don't spend any time there. I won't bother you when you're there. If you want to sit, sit at home. Chill in your recliner. Lay on your couch. Get yourself a blanket. Mute the TV for all I care.

The way you get kicked out is for swearing at people. That you can't do, but you ARE allowed to stand the entire game if you like.

Amen, brother, though I respectfully disagree with 135 being the best section in the stadium. That honor clearly belongs to Section 105.

We're in Row 3, so we control what most of the other people in the section do, by virtue of blocking their view when we stand up. I'll sit down when play is on the other end of the stadium (105 is on the goal line, visitors side, open end), but we'll be very loud when we're on defense. When play is past the 50 yard line toward the open end, I'm up and yelling the nards off.

Also completely agree on the no swearing bit. We sit immediately adjacent to the visiting mascot/cheerleaders. We (read: I) make it a very long day for them with my commentary, but I never swear or cross the line by demeaning them. It's all about making TCF a hostile environment without dropping eff bombs and threatening to fight everyone.

BTW, if the male Purdue cheerleader with the sideburns reads this: Don't ever try and talk smack to the fans when you're in an opposing stadium. And I'm sorry about all the sideburns chants. :clap:

i find it odd that every game there seems to be an arguement in my section between people who want to sit and stand. especially because the people today complaining about the people standing were the same people complaining about how cold their seats were today.

i have been to many games at other stadiums involving cold weather. they have it all figured out. if its cold stand up and move around and get into the game and you stay much warmer.

we are just rookies here and many people dont understand that part of the equation but seem to have an answer to why certain plays dont work even though it is clear they dont have any real football experience or knowledge like 70% of the people on the board.

BTW, if the male Purdue cheerleader with the sideburns reads this: Don't ever try and talk smack to the fans when you're in an opposing stadium. And I'm sorry about all the sideburns chants. :clap:

Please refer to them as manleaders from here on out MBAGuy

my gawd.....get over yourselves

you have to be dumber than that tree in your backyard to be standing when people behind you cant see

congratulations you fools

those older people built this country and want to see the game.......but you fools need to block their view i guess

this country is going down the drain and it's as simple as stuff like this

i'm blocking people's view and they cant see the game........lets see, should i sit down so they can see the game or should i stand and block....if you put this question on a "U OF M QUIZ" half of these clowns would probably get it wrong and be confused by the question

well at least your blocking them is more than the gopher line can do

but again......get over yourselves

thought i'd post it twice since it was probably confusing to some

my gawd.....get over yourselves

you have to be dumber than that tree in your backyard to be standing when people behind you cant see

congratulations you fools

those older people built this country and want to see the game.......but you fools need to block their view i guess

this country is going down the drain and it's as simple as stuff like

i'm blocking people's view and they cant see the game........lets see, should i sit down so they can see the game or should i stand and block

well at least your blocking them is more than the gopher line can do

but again......get over yourselves

Me too!!

231 Rocks. I am the crazy guy in row 19. Our section is the best. We do have room to improve. We were trying to get more people to stand up and cheer. I love the chant we started with

2... 3.....1...

Last week I was wearing my suspenders with no shirt on if you remember seeing me.

Yesterday I had the gopher soft helmet on.

thought i'd post it twice since it was probably confusing to some

my gawd.....get over yourselves

you have to be dumber than that tree in your backyard to be standing when people behind you cant see

congratulations you fools

those older people built this country and want to see the game.......but you fools need to block their view i guess

this country is going down the drain and it's as simple as stuff like

i'm blocking people's view and they cant see the game........lets see, should i sit down so they can see the game or should i stand and block

well at least your blocking them is more than the gopher line can do

but again......get over yourselves

You are not blocking the view if you stand. Is it like people who stand are waving there hands in peoples faces?
If people want to see over people in front of them just stand up. How the hell did they get in the stadium? They didn't get delivered to there seats.
If people are unable to stand they should be in the handicap zone or a private sweet.

The people chanting 2-3-1 and screaming at everyone to stand up looked like a bunch of drunk obnoxious idiots. And turning around and screaming at that old man (70+) to stand up who was trying to enjoy the game with his son and grandson was real classy. Most of the section can't stand you guys.

It's been said before, if you aren't in the student section you are still allowed to be pumped for the game and cheer your hearts out but there is something called common courtesy. In other words, quit being pricks.

If you are so hellbent on trying to re-live the glory years of being a student, do us a favor and move to the student section. Looks like they need you over there.

One more thing, don't suggest that everyone in 231 should "expect this" behavior since we are so close to the student section. We are all in 231 because we didn't have season tickets last year and we were down 700 to 900 spots on the waiting list. That includes you, so quit acting like ultra die-hard fans.

Our group was in 231, and we didn't hear of this altercation that many of you speak of.

Standing the whole game yesterday had less to do with the game (although it certainly didn't hurt) and more to do with the fact that aluminum benches suck the warmth right out of you if seated on them for any length of time.

You are not blocking the view if you stand. Is it like people who stand are waving there hands in peoples faces?
If people want to see over people in front of them just stand up. How the hell did they get in the stadium? They didn't get delivered to there seats.
If people are unable to stand they should be in the handicap zone or a private sweet.

This might be the dumbest thing I have ever read. If you stand right in front of somebody you aren't blocking their view? I suppose the bought tickets because they want to stare at your ass.

Not everybody can stand all game. There also isn't enough handicap seating to accommodate every person who can't stand all game. Stand up for big third and fourth downs, the rouser and what not. If you stand all game you aren't putting any points on the board you are just being a jackass.

In my opinion the people who stand the entire game are that wish they were still a student in the student section. I will gladly stand on 3rd downs, key plays, goal-line stands, touchdowns, the rouser, but when I take my 80 year old Grandpa to a game because he used to take me games when I was a kid growing up, I DON'T like making him stand the entire game!!

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