Improving the Gameday Experience

We need MUCH LESS PA GUY. He's trying to make it about him. That's why I don't like the First Down chant. That's why the Ski U Mah chant sucks. This guy thinks it's the WWF. No, it's college football. This is student led, band led, crowd led cheering. This guy keeps forcing everything down our throats all game long. It kind of works when it's a close game and everyone's into it, but it's flat out embarrassing if we're losing, or if we barely are getting first downs against SDSU and he's yelling "and that's ANOTHER!!! GOAAAALLLL DDENN GOPPPPHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR!!!" Just embarrassing. The atmosphere has to develop organically. You cannot force traditions down our throats. It's not going to work. Just stop. Please, really I'm begging you to stop. The best PA guy ever is the guy who just died for the Yankees. Ask yourself why.

We need MUCH LESS PA GUY. He's trying to make it about him. That's why I don't like the First Down chant. That's why the Ski U Mah chant sucks. This guy thinks it's the WWF. No, it's college football. This is student led, band led, crowd led cheering. This guy keeps forcing everything down our throats all game long. It kind of works when it's a close game and everyone's into it, but it's flat out embarrassing if we're losing, or if we barely are getting first downs against SDSU and he's yelling "and that's ANOTHER!!! GOAAAALLLL DDENN GOPPPPHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR!!!" Just embarrassing. The atmosphere has to develop organically. You cannot force traditions down our throats. It's not going to work. Just stop. Please, really I'm begging you to stop. The best PA guy ever is the guy who just died for the Yankees. Ask yourself why.

I disagree with pretty much all of this. It seems as though there are a few people out there that don't like the first down announcement. It does come up pretty much every time the in-game atmosphere is discussed on the Gopher Hole. It is like clockwork... usually one person says it should be discontinued, and that is followed by about four or so others that counter about it being one of the few things most people actually participate with.

Count me among the people that like it, and I don't have a problem with the PA announcements.

I agree with several posters that the Athletic department just needs to go over to Target Field and copy pretty much everything the Twins do. Going to Target Field is a great experience rain/shine, win/lose. Concessions, ease of entry, staff, aucostics, it's all excellent.

One thing that really bugs me at TCF is they always think they need to have the band play AND someone sing the national anthem. What a mess! Pick one and let us enjoy the anthem rather than having to listen to the conflicting sound of the band (not through the sound system) and the singer (through the sound system).

It will be interesting to see what changes are made this year, after working at the stadium last year, I can hope it can't get worse than last. One big change is that the band is going to stay on the plaza and play their show after the team enters the stadium. That's a huge improvement in itself. I don't foresee and security changes, but when I was there for the DCI, in each line they had a guy/gal for patdowns instead of separate lines for gender. We'll see if they keep this on for football.
We have to remember that Aramark has a contract with the U, and yes their food sucks. After being spoiled at TF, they should try for an upgrade of some sort. Its clear the Delaware North has their act together on what quality should be.
Well just a few more weeks til the season, and its going to be a long one this year!!! GO GOPHERS

You can walk right in to Target Field without a patdown, so why must they do it at TCF. It's obvious many people are upset with it.

As far as stadium food; remember the Twins have 81 home dates vs. 7 home games for the Gophers. (Investment factor) Trying to keep some fancier food warm and fresh in a steam table/heat lamp doesn't work, think Murry's steak sandwich. Keep it simple, ball game food - hot dogs, brats, chicken breast on a bun etc. Make it high quality/efficient and charge a buck or two more. Even Mac & Dons doesn't have a store that seats 40-50 thousand people.

Let the band play.

A couple of things

I tailgate in the Maroon lot and it is fun yet barron. It's great to be that close but the atmosphere is ho-hum. Most of the people in that lot are older donars that have no interest in the tailgate and pull up 15 minutes prior to the kick.

The police are way to aggressive. They accept the logic that out of every 100 fans, one is going to be drunk and stupid, yet they treat us all like we are similar. They want to weed that one crap-fan out. It's the same logic with the pat downs. They practically strip my wife down while my three kids watch. Meanwhile I have the bottle of bourbon shoved in front of my crotch as we wait in the concourse. This attitude is soooooo transparent and irritating. I like to have some drinks before and during the games and I'm not a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# to any of the fans. If one or two people can't hack their sauce, kick them out, simple. I find the whole patdown thing demeaning.

Second, The Jumbotron is cool but way to big for TCF. My buddy had a great line. It's like putting a 70 inch TV in a mobile home. It should be used for replays and what-not, but the band needs to be more of a show as opposed to a Motley Crue tune. Keep the Viking and Dome traditions downtown. Strike up the band. USC, Florida, Penn ST. All good, traditional programs and the band dominates the game inbetween plays. I heard last year the band had to limit people from attending. Why not expand the band area with all the student no-shows and it will be louder.

I think the Twins pat people down that have coats on...if memory serves me. Of course many Gopher games are during coat weather though. Do the Vikings pat everyone down? (I haven't been to a Vikings game in a LONG time)

Count me as one of the few people that was thoroughly underwhelmed by Target field. Concessions lines were long, concourses were extremely crowded, and I thought the seats were small (and I'm not a big guy). The views from the field are fantastic and the concession options are great, but the building itself is nothing special. That being said I'm getting Twins season tickets next year :)

I think the biggest thing TCF bank stadium needs to build up some cheers, etc. is a student section that attends all the games (not just half of them) and that participates. The reason Mariucci used to be so much fun was all the student section-led cheers (of course that is gone now too...but that's a different topic).

There are very, very few people who object to "and that's another Golden Gopher... first down!" Sorry, it isn't going anywhere.

As far as the agressive security, I believe that got stared after 9/11, and while other places stepped things back, the U kept doing it. They probably should ratchet it down a bit. If someone really wants to sneak something in, they would have to be even more aggressive to find it, unless the person is a moron.

I think the Twins pat people down that have coats on...if memory serves me. Of course many Gopher games are during coat weather though. Do the Vikings pat everyone down? (I haven't been to a Vikings game in a LONG time)

Count me as one of the few people that was thoroughly underwhelmed by Target field. Concessions lines were long, concourses were extremely crowded, and I thought the seats were small (and I'm not a big guy). The views from the field are fantastic and the concession options are great, but the building itself is nothing special. That being said I'm getting Twins season tickets next year :)

I think the biggest thing TCF bank stadium needs to build up some cheers, etc. is a student section that attends all the games (not just half of them) and that participates. The reason Mariucci used to be so much fun was all the student section-led cheers (of course that is gone now too...but that's a different topic).

I was at the Cal game last year. Wore shorts and a polo shirt. Still had the pat down in the male line.(wouldn't let me in the female line).

Target Field is a tremendous Ball Park/Entertainment Venue, TCF is a classic and beautiful football stadium.

The only game I have been to at Target Field was the Gophers baseball game. It's a great baseball stadium, I tried sitting in seats all over the stadium, even in the nosebleed seats, it's still good. I'm kicking myself for not trying out the seats right behind home plate, that might be the only chance I ever get to sit in those seats. Maybe if the do another Gophers game there, because I am not paying what those seats would cost for a Twins game!

No disagreement here that the U could probably cool it a bit on all the pat downs.

How bout this scenario - the beautiful TCF bank stadium with the marketing expertise of the Twins? Think of how great the experience would be at TCF. I think it would be better than the Twins (all of this aside from the product on the field).

There are very, very few people who object to "and that's another Golden Gopher... first down!" Sorry, it isn't going anywhere.

As far as the agressive security, I believe that got stared after 9/11, and while other places stepped things back, the U kept doing it. They probably should ratchet it down a bit. If someone really wants to sneak something in, they would have to be even more aggressive to find it, unless the person is a moron.

I don't "object" to it per se, it's lame. It's corny. We're probably going to keep it, but I'm doing my best to argue that it should be tossed. And sorry "every team is going to make fun of us no matter what we do!" is a lame comeback and not true. Who makes fun of "jump around?" Certain things are cool, fun, get you excited, orginal, and certain things are forced and lame. This is forced and lame. We should try the Ski U Mah for awhile with just the people waving those banners. And not just for 30 seconds, do it for awhile until everyone gets into it. No PA guy. He should tell us who made the tackle, who scored the touchdown etc. He should be in the background. This guy tries to be the atmosphere. No place in the pageantry of college football for that. In 50 years you aren't going to be reminiscing about how awesome our PA guy was.

Because the Yankees win a lot of games?

No, he's great because he's very low key, classy, and understated. It's a lost breed. Everyone now wants to be Michael and Bruce Buffer.

I have a hard time comparing the situation at TCF with that of Target Field. The Twins have the money to employ a huge staff to run the stadium and market the team. Also, that staff consists of people who have been with the organization for years. The U's ticket office is staffed by students of varying degrees of knowledge working not only football, but more than a dozen different sports in multiple facilities. Sometimes you talk to someone who knows the score and sometimes you don't. Also, I think the trouble in Dinkytown after the hockey team won the national championship led to a more determined vigilance on the part of the U to mollify the neighborhood residents. We have to realize the U had to walk a thin line to get the stadium built. A repeat of something like that and people would be howling mad. Over time I think things will loosen up. It may not be Madison or Ann Arbor, but we should thankful we're no longer in the dome.

I disagree with pretty much all of this. It seems as though there are a few people out there that don't like the first down announcement. It does come up pretty much every time the in-game atmosphere is discussed on the Gopher Hole. It is like clockwork... usually one person says it should be discontinued, and that is followed by about four or so others that counter about it being one of the few things most people actually participate with.

Count me among the people that like it, and I don't have a problem with the PA announcements.

Quick question, do you like to line dance? Do you like achy breaky heart? Electric slide? These things are on par with "aNOTHER! Golden...GOOOPHHHHEEEEEERRRRR....!!!"

I understand that is the comparison as you see it in your head. You've been pretty clear on that (post after post after post...). At least you aren't comparing it to the holocaust or Darfur... yet.

Meanwhile as numbingly difficult as it is to get your mind wrapped around this, at least admit the majority of fans, like me, have no problem with the first down announcement.

I don't "object" to it per se, it's lame. It's corny. We're probably going to keep it, but I'm doing my best to argue that it should be tossed. And sorry "every team is going to make fun of us no matter what we do!" is a lame comeback and not true. Who makes fun of "jump around?" Certain things are cool, fun, get you excited, orginal, and certain things are forced and lame. This is forced and lame. We should try the Ski U Mah for awhile with just the people waving those banners. And not just for 30 seconds, do it for awhile until everyone gets into it. No PA guy. He should tell us who made the tackle, who scored the touchdown etc. He should be in the background. This guy tries to be the atmosphere. No place in the pageantry of college football for that. In 50 years you aren't going to be reminiscing about how awesome our PA guy was.

Can you give me an example of a first down cheer that isn't corny? Seriously, I'd like to see it. I listed a whole bunch earlier and every one of them is on par or worse than "Another GG 1st Down". Comparing the 1st down chant to Jump Around is asinine as its apples to oranges. Its like comparing the first down chant to "We Are...Penn State". Some traditions just mean more. The first down chant isn't one of them. That's why the vast majority of fans don't get riled up like you.

I do agree that Ski-U-Mah should happen without the PA. I've felt that way since the first time they did it. Ski-U-Mah is like I-O-W-A where it should be the crowd's energy that does it.

Were you this annoyed with the PA guy at the Dome btw? B/c its not like any of this is new (minus the Ski-U-Mah). Everything he's doing now was part of what he did while at the Dome.

I don't "object" to it per se, it's lame. It's corny. We're probably going to keep it, but I'm doing my best to argue that it should be tossed.

And I'll argue against your position until you're tired of making it.

And sorry "every team is going to make fun of us no matter what we do!" is a lame comeback and not true.

It's iron-clad fact, and a pretty strong position.

Who makes fun of "jump around?"

This isn't your first time here, who doesn't make fun of it? Michigan's tradition of jumping up and touching the banner is lame - unless you are a Michigan fan. The problem is that too many fold up like a house of cards as soon as someone runs some smack against us.

Certain things are cool, fun, get you excited, orginal, and certain things are forced and lame. This is forced and lame.

Most everyone disagrees with you. Most Gopher fans find it neither forced nor lame.

Put my family in the camp of liking it. I sometimes get an elbow in the ribs if I miss it.

To whoever said or believes that TCF shoud run things just like Target Field... I disagree to a certain extent. I agree that the lines to get in the stadium last year were long (mainly the opener), most games after that I had no problem entering in less than 5 minute wait, whether it was student entrance, regular season ticket entrance, or my lucky get in to one of the suites. As to concessions, I'm sorry but I have had just as long of waits at Target Field and they have multiple levels for concessions for 10,000 less people. Their food selection is really nothing to write home about - hotdogs/brats, hamburgers ($9??), soda, beer (ok, please DON'T start this argument), cheese curds (WAY more overpriced than at TCF), walleye and pork on a spear, and Murray's Steak Sandwiches. Compare to the standard fare at TCF plus Dino's, Palermo's, Mayslack's, Paninos (amazing deal IMO), corn dogs, and a few others cross my mind, and nothing was over $6.50. The lines could be cut WAY down by doing 2 things: cash registers and accepting credit cards at every station. But they don't need to run to Target Field to figure those 2 things out. Let's not make Target Field out to be god's gift to baseball stadiums, either... it has 1 scoreboard that isn't visible by nearly all the OF seats along with seats on the 1B and 3B line who are covered by the deck above them. The videoboard along center/right field plays replays maybe 1/5 times the one above it does, so roughly 10%+ of the fans are SOL for seeing any sort of replay or fun video they play during games. Egress from Target is a nightmare (light rail side being what, 12 feet from the park wall?) compared to TCF.

As to your complaints about the First Down chant and PA system... Last I checked when the student section is in attendance, all 10k of them participated in the darn thing. Like it or not, it's what they do, and the bouncing up and down while clapping to the drum portion is kinda cool, along with the hands in the air, fingers waving (copying the band director) before the PA announces it. Other people can make fun of it but I don't care. At Wisconsin, the student section says "WE got FIRST down" over and over again, without much enthusiasm, almost mocking-sounding. I thought it was dumb but they clearly like it, so whatever. As to the PA announcer, if I'm not mistaken, his name is Jamie and he also does hockey games and is well-beloved by nearly everybody.

And the band announcer has changed several times but right now the halftime shows are announced by a former bando (I believe). If you have a problem with marching band being an integral part of college football, then whatever. Their job isn't just to meagerly shuffle on to the field, play their show, then leave. There is always somewhat of a reason songs or drills were chosen for certain games, and the band likes to take a little credit for its hard work and support of the team/fans.

Wanna talk corny?? How about EVERY mascot ever (Goldy included). Or every pro/college game I've ever been to where they have dumb contests in between quarters for fans. Mascots always doing something dumb, PA announcer always being overly enthusiastic. There is nothing "un-classy" about this.

And as to the Yankees PA guy - yes, he was seen as the class of the industry because, well, he announced for the Yankees. If the Yankees had Harry Caray as their PA announcer he would have been treated in the same way.

As to concessions, I'm sorry but I have had just as long of waits at Target Field and they have multiple levels for concessions for 10,000 less people.

I missed an inning and half of baseball on my second trip there. I won't the mistake of trying to get food during the game again as the first and subsequent times after the second I get there early enough to get food before the game starts.

Can you give me an example of a first down cheer that isn't corny? Seriously, I'd like to see it. I listed a whole bunch earlier and every one of them is on par or worse than "Another GG 1st Down". Comparing the 1st down chant to Jump Around is asinine as its apples to oranges. Its like comparing the first down chant to "We Are...Penn State". Some traditions just mean more. The first down chant isn't one of them. That's why the vast majority of fans don't get riled up like you.

I do agree that Ski-U-Mah should happen without the PA. I've felt that way since the first time they did it. Ski-U-Mah is like I-O-W-A where it should be the crowd's energy that does it.

Were you this annoyed with the PA guy at the Dome btw? B/c its not like any of this is new (minus the Ski-U-Mah). Everything he's doing now was part of what he did while at the Dome.

Ok, I've settled down now. I would LOVE it if we reserved the another GG 1st down for drives when we're stringing together multiple first downs, or to get excited on big first downs. I strongly dislike it when it's our only 1st down of the game against SDSU and he uses the same hyperbolic voice. First down minnesota! Is just fine for the first 1st down of the game, or before we've built momentum, understand? I agree jump around is apples and oranges, but i'm pointing it out as a game day tradition that wasn't planned and orchestrated by the pa guy. It's the students that make it great. And I think we agree, based on what you said about ski u mah. Also, YES, I was even more annoyed in the dome because it was more pathetic with weak crowds and games when we were getting destroyed. I just want the guy to use his judgement of when we are really rolling and he can add some excitement.

The only reason that anyone goes to a baseball game is for the hot dogs. That's outdoor hot dogs, indoor hot dogs don't count. Ball game hot dogs have no calories and no cholesterol. At least none worth counting.

And if you load it up with enough onions, relish and saurkraut, it counts as a salad.

No, I adamantly oppose the compromise position of giving the PA announcer a Rube Goldberg checklist of when to say "That's another Golden Gopher... First Down!" Whether you like it or not, for most people, it is a core part of the game day experience. It's like saying I don't like this finger or this toe, let's chop it off.

And the band announcer has changed several times but right now the halftime shows are announced by a former bando (I believe). If you have a problem with marching band being an integral part of college football, then whatever. Their job isn't just to meagerly shuffle on to the field, play their show, then leave. There is always somewhat of a reason songs or drills were chosen for certain games, and the band likes to take a little credit for its hard work and support of the team/fans.

Wanna talk corny?? How about EVERY mascot ever (Goldy included). Or every pro/college game I've ever been to where they have dumb contests in between quarters for fans. Mascots always doing something dumb, PA announcer always being overly enthusiastic. There is nothing "un-classy" about this.

And as to the Yankees PA guy - yes, he was seen as the class of the industry because, well, he announced for the Yankees. If the Yankees had Harry Caray as their PA announcer he would have been treated in the same way.
I have no problem with the halftime/band shows. The band is a key part of college football, and I never complain about the band or students that show up. you've very badly misreading me there. My problem is ONLY with the PA guy. I love the band. And I also love the Goldy run stuff, and pretty much everything Goldy does. It's during timeouts, it doesn't detract from the game at all, easily ignored if you don't care for it, unlike the ear splitting 'And that's aNOTHER!!!" I don't get your Harry Carey point, first off, Harry was not the PA announcer, and b, are you saying whoever the Yankees had doing PA would be as well liked? That's just wrong. And I don't love everything the Yankees do, I hate that annoying "DAAAAAAY OH!" trend that they started as well. But that's pro vs college. College is very special on the sports landscape in that it's based on traditions, and it's about the students, band, mascots, etc, and it's not about PA, or piped in music, or basically artificial elements, and that's starting to change a bit, and I would prefer that we stay as traditional as possible. I can see people love the 1st down (although everyone I know hates it) so I would hope we could at least tweak it with some suggested changes.

No, I adamantly oppose the compromise position of giving the PA announcer a Rube Goldberg checklist of when to say "That's another Golden Gopher... First Down!" Whether you like it or not, for most people, it is a core part of the game day experience. It's like saying I don't like this finger or this toe, let's chop it off.

Checklist? Or best judgement. You don't think it's embarrassing when we're down 55-0 to Iowa and get a meaningless first down in the 4th quarter for him to belt it out the same as a drive saving first down with the game tied? You need a checklist to determine that? He can't change his inflection slightly based on the importance of the first down? You can't compromise at all huh? You are just a bully rampage. I don't like you one bit.

Nope, I can't compromise one bit on this. I'm not willing to let this go just because some Iowa fans might talk some smack. That's just like handing over your lunch money to the school bully, he'll just want more.

I'm not the one trying to take part of Gopher tradition away from the great majority.

If I had to summraize or rank them right now

1. Number one issue. Improve tailgating experience, for tailgators. Open lot's at least 1 hour early for 11:00 am games.
Some request for overnight stay, this would likely have to be real limited and limited to only a few specific lots. People want the empty looking lot's near the stadium to be sold on a per game basis. I could see this as being an issue because they really want the $1,000 donation. U has need to make revenue Maturi was complaining about being lowest revenue producer in Big10 or 9th recently on the radio. There needs to be a healthy balance from what I can tell on value and the tailgating experience.
2. Issue the PAT down. I think most can agree that the U could improve this by randomly checking people and not patting every person down. Time waits improved as season went a long but the waits can still be pretty long.
3. Number three issue the "that's another golden gopher first down cheer". I think the majority are in favor of this cheer but would like the PA guy to tone it down a little or not act overzealous when doing this cheer. Maybe someone can that knows the PA guy can pass this along.
4. Number four issue, Food waits or quality of food, This is likely not going to change as the U has a contract with Aramark. I think we are all in agreement that Cash registers could have been added by the U. I think this is still an issue at least it was at the 1 event this summer, still no cash registers.
5. Band needs to play louder or something needs to be done with band pit so sound is better for all, This likely will not be resolved as the pit is a concrete wall and the open end of the stadium allows no break for the sound to not travel out. Many suggestions for recruiting more brass, easier said then done, but the PA guy announcer being really loud with a bad voice could improve. Nothing wrong with touting the show or the music but the guy that does the announcing could tone down the voice a little or be replaced. Improved plaza show sounds like it might happen.
6. Ski -U Mah or other cheers a bit canned or shoved down our throats. People were asking for something like this so we at least try.
7. Winning would help gloss over some of this but you think the U could find a little balance and work on improving the fan experience. Better experence, means easier tickets sales and making people want to spend there money.
8. can anyone add if there are more. Can someone summarize or add to this and contact Maturi to see what can be done with the suggestions from the Gopherholers?

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