Improving the Gameday Experience

Don't play 'Jump Around" when the Badgers are visiting TCF. WTF was that last year?

Ok, so I must be spacing (or maybe just blotting another rivalry loss out of my brain) but when did this happen last year (like when during the game)?

Things that need to be improved:

1. Concessions - They were slow, had terrible selection, etc. Cash registers are obviously important, but how about some good food? It's unbelievable how much better Target Field is than TCF in this area.

2. Getting in - Look, I think it's ridiculous how much longer it takes to get into Gophers football games than ANY OTHER EVENT IN TOWN. I cruise right into Twins games, Gopher basketball games, even Vikings games. I don't get a patdown for basketball. Why for football? Just drop it, and get the people in the door. It's ridiculous.

3. Sell far less student tickets. The students (and I'm sure some were pushing down and squeezing in, but that can't possibly account for all the empties). Look, the students are the lifeblood of a college football experience, and I don't like the fogies who refuse to participate any more than any other red-blooded Gopher fan, but if you don't show up, that's ridiculous. Way too many open seats.

4. Less canned music. Way less.

Ok, so I must be spacing (or maybe just blotting another rivalry loss out of my brain) but when did this happen last year (like when during the game)?

I recall it being the end of the 3rd quarter.

I recall it being the end of the 3rd quarter.

Yes, that was the case, as I recall.

My only consolation from that day took place before the game. A group of guys and gals on fourth street, some wearing gold and some wearing red, were walking towards the bank doing the "Who hates Iowa?" chant together.

A truly beautiful thing. :clap:

I recall it being the end of the 3rd quarter.

This would explain why I blotted it out. They actually played Jump Around, the Wisky tradition, during the the Axe game, at the same time that Wisky would have played it at home? Yes, this is definitely why it struck it from my memory. WTF.

This would explain why I blotted it out. They actually played Jump Around, the Wisky tradition, during the the Axe game, at the same time that Wisky would have played it at home? Yes, this is definitely why it struck it from my memory. WTF.

I think the fans voted for that song by texting.

Sell all unused tailgate spots on a per game basis. Sell advance tickets for the spaces and charge $100 or whatever. The U said they were not set up to take money at the lots but if you just create a ticket for a spot it wouldn't be a problem. Because the spots are still sold at a premium it should not piss off those that bought preffered seating. This would get more action closer to the stadium and give everyone a chance to tailgate close by. And for those trying to protect all these empty spots (which is very sad and counter productive to promoting atmosphere)from the fans of the other team you are missing out. I have had many great times interacting with the opposing teams fans, buying beers back and forth and sharing stories. Most all have been great people and just add another layer to the experience. So if a few get in, big deal it just adds.

I agree with the people who said we need the tailgate lots to open earlier. My brother and I always loved being at the parking lot before the sun was even close to being up, that was our tradition. Also, it has been a tradition for our group to deep fat fry a turkey before the last home game of the year, it is very hard to do that with only about 3 hours before we have to get on the shuttle for the game. We have traditions for us that we loved to involve other people in and were very pumped to carry those over into a new era on campus, but the U is so worried about s*#t they have kind of taken them away. We will always have fun and tailgate but seriously, allow the people to enjoy themselves, thats the very essence of college football saturday!


Going off the tailgating lot thing...there HAS to be a better solution.

Our group has a spot in Lot #37 (I think that's the name of it. The big one across from Mariucci anyway.) It's a FANTASTIC spot to tailgate. We were so happy to be as close as we are. However, the empty spaces are embarrassing. It negatively affects OUR experience and I think the overall gameday experience near TCF.

Clearly there are issues. There would be people (us included probably) who would be ticked off if people could show up and pay $20-30 for a spot on game day, when we have to pay $1000 for the right to get a spot in that lot. Unfortunately...the U has kind of painted themselves into a corner on that.

On the other hand, what about this as a possible solution: allow those of us who donate at the predetermined levels to purchase multiple spots in the tailgating lots. This does a couple of things. First, it gives people a chance to park multiple vehicles together and have large tailgating groups. Second, it would allow those people who 'donate' $1000, or $2500 to park in those lots a chance to sell an additional pass or two to recoup part of their investment. If I could flip a couple of additional passes and make $100 each, it fills up the lot and helps reduce the cost of being in the lot.

Also, for those who just want to tailgate and have a spot near the stadium to park, they can pay $250-$350 for the season instead of $1140 to do so.

I could easily be missing something obvious as to why this would NOT work, but it seems like our University rarely thinks outside the box to solve issues that should be relatively easy to fix.

Why don't I like the first down cheer? I'll use last season as an example. I had the pleasure of having Cal, Wisconsin, Illinois and Jackrabbit fans sitting directly behind me. (Thanks to season ticket holders who scalped their seats) After every opponent first down, they did our "first down" cheer. It was annoying, embarrassing, and got pretty tiresome. It damn near caused a brawl at the Wisconsin game.

Things that need to be improved:

1. Concessions - They were slow, had terrible selection, etc. Cash registers are obviously important, but how about some good food? It's unbelievable how much better Target Field is than TCF in this area.

That might be true when comparing to Target Field, however, I will counter by saying that TCF Bank has better tailgating. I eat at my car before I go in and don't rely on concessions as I do at Target Field. I wish they would improve concessions over at Williams's embarrassing the quality of food they expect people to buy.

1. Security lines and pat-downs. I've posted on this many times but it's ridiculous to have to wait 30 minutes in line and have some guy pat my entire body and make me remove my hat. I've been to every Big Ten stadium (except MSU), US Cellular field, a couple bowl games and never been subjected to this type of scrutiny. It puts people in a bad mood before kickoff, which is never a good thing!

2. Concessions. The concession lines are so slow that I only dare buy anything before kickoff when they are reasonably short.

3. Video board. Others have mentioned this but we have the 2nd-3rd largest screen in the country and we rarely use it all on replays.

4. Band sound. They've got a figure out a way to make the band audible from their box.

Why don't I like the first down cheer? I'll use last season as an example. I had the pleasure of having Cal, Wisconsin, Illinois and Jackrabbit fans sitting directly behind me. (Thanks to season ticket holders who scalped their seats) After every opponent first down, they did our "first down" cheer. It was annoying, embarrassing, and got pretty tiresome. It damn near caused a brawl at the Wisconsin game.

I'm sorry you had annoying fans behind you. But take away that cheer and those idiots find some other way to be annoying. I'm sure you've got other examples, but if they involve opposing fans being dumb you prob should just get thicker skin. Because other teams fans will often be jerks anyhow. Also, why the hell is it embarrassing for us if other teams fans copy our chant?

Band sound

I second the comment that the band was not able to be heard very well. Maybe they could put some microphones over by the band box...I think it would help.

I second the comment that the band was not able to be heard very well. Maybe they could put some microphones over by the band box...I think it would help.

NO. They did that at the Dome and it was a huge part of the echo issue. Any mikes are going to have a slight delay and then you've got delayed sound going into the closed end of the bowl from the scoreboard while band's true sound heads the other way. They just need to emphasize brass, which hopefully will come over time.

It's the old "If I give the bully my lunch money, maybe he'll leave me alone" approach. It never works. No matter what we do, our opponents are going to mock it. The only way to avoid it is staying home. Our traditions are ours, you can take them out of my cold, dead hands. Opponents aren't supposed to respect our traditions. How much does the tradition of Michigan players jumping up and touching a banner mean to you? Probably not a lot, but should they dump it because it is meaningless to other team's fans?

It's the old "If I give the bully my lunch money, maybe he'll leave me alone" approach. It never works. No matter what we do, our opponents are going to mock it. The only way to avoid it is staying home. Our traditions are ours, you can take them out of my cold, dead hands. Opponents aren't supposed to respect our traditions. How much does the tradition of Michigan players jumping up and touching a banner mean to you? Probably not a lot, but should they dump it because it is meaningless to other team's fans?

Or "First and Ten Wisconsin!" (with the crowd repeating it). I think that's way lamer then our first down chant. Oddly my Badger friends don't give a s**t. Or I-O-W-A. Or OH-IO. Or the stupid Boiler Up chant. Or that train whistle. Or the NW wildcat roar. Or Indiana's rock. Etc, etc, etc. And yet none of their fans care what I think. Because its THEIRS.

Tailgate Parking Neare Stadium

Going off the tailgating lot thing...there HAS to be a better solution.

Our group has a spot in Lot #37 (I think that's the name of it. The big one across from Mariucci anyway.) It's a FANTASTIC spot to tailgate. We were so happy to be as close as we are. However, the empty spaces are embarrassing. It negatively affects OUR experience and I think the overall gameday experience near TCF.

Clearly there are issues. There would be people (us included probably) who would be ticked off if people could show up and pay $20-30 for a spot on game day, when we have to pay $1000 for the right to get a spot in that lot. Unfortunately...the U has kind of painted themselves into a corner on that.

On the other hand, what about this as a possible solution: allow those of us who donate at the predetermined levels to purchase multiple spots in the tailgating lots. This does a couple of things. First, it gives people a chance to park multiple vehicles together and have large tailgating groups. Second, it would allow those people who 'donate' $1000, or $2500 to park in those lots a chance to sell an additional pass or two to recoup part of their investment. If I could flip a couple of additional passes and make $100 each, it fills up the lot and helps reduce the cost of being in the lot.

Also, for those who just want to tailgate and have a spot near the stadium to park, they can pay $250-$350 for the season instead of $1140 to do so.

I could easily be missing something obvious as to why this would NOT work, but it seems like our University rarely thinks outside the box to solve issues that should be relatively easy to fix.

We tried this and wrote Maturi and one of his assistants. We wanted to "pool" our donations because with another couple, our dontations totalled $1000 and we only wanted one tailgate spot. they politely told us "no" . They sold out all those spots, and they said it wasn't their problem if people chose not to use the parking spots. No flexibility whatsoever.

Going off the tailgating lot thing...there HAS to be a better solution.

Our group has a spot in Lot #37 (I think that's the name of it. The big one across from Mariucci anyway.) It's a FANTASTIC spot to tailgate. We were so happy to be as close as we are. However, the empty spaces are embarrassing. It negatively affects OUR experience and I think the overall gameday experience near TCF.

Clearly there are issues. There would be people (us included probably) who would be ticked off if people could show up and pay $20-30 for a spot on game day, when we have to pay $1000 for the right to get a spot in that lot. Unfortunately...the U has kind of painted themselves into a corner on that.

On the other hand, what about this as a possible solution: allow those of us who donate at the predetermined levels to purchase multiple spots in the tailgating lots. This does a couple of things. First, it gives people a chance to park multiple vehicles together and have large tailgating groups. Second, it would allow those people who 'donate' $1000, or $2500 to park in those lots a chance to sell an additional pass or two to recoup part of their investment. If I could flip a couple of additional passes and make $100 each, it fills up the lot and helps reduce the cost of being in the lot.

Also, for those who just want to tailgate and have a spot near the stadium to park, they can pay $250-$350 for the season instead of $1140 to do so.

I could easily be missing something obvious as to why this would NOT work, but it seems like our University rarely thinks outside the box to solve issues that should be relatively easy to fix.

Yes, exactly right. I don't get to park in these spots, but have to walk by on my way in, it's really a downer to see all the open spaces right next to the stadium. Obviously, its too expensive for the masses.

Here's my free solution to the Ath/Marketing Dept:

Let those who paid big bucks for them(like 1976), get an assigned-reserved spot up front by the stadium, clearly these will not take the entire lot. Then make the rest of these spots that are close to the stadium first come first serve for everyone who has a pass in the NE side lots. In order to make it fair, the bigger donators get a either a cut of their donation money back or issue them vouchers for extra spots(as suggested above)

Also, I would open up selected lots the night before. Hard for anybody who lives outstate to tailgate much for 11am games unless you get up at 3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't many other schools have pretty liberal lot times, as in, you can get there the night before.

Yes, exactly right. I don't get to park in these spots, but have to walk by on my way in, it's really a downer to see all the open spaces right next to the stadium. Obviously, its too expensive for the masses.

Here's my free solution to the Ath/Marketing Dept:

Let those who paid big bucks for them(like 1976), get an assigned-reserved spot up front by the stadium, clearly these will not take the entire lot. Then make the rest of these spots that are close to the stadium first come first serve for everyone who has a pass in the NE side lots. In order to make it fair, the bigger donators get a either a cut of their donation money back or issue them vouchers for extra spots(as suggested above)

Also, I would open up selected lots the night before. Hard for anybody who lives outstate to tailgate much for 11am games unless you get up at 3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't many other schools have pretty liberal lot times, as in, you can get there the night before.

The issue is that many of the lots right by the stadium are technically sold out. Its just that a good number of the the spots (many of which were included in the purchase of a suite, loge box, or other premium seating) aren't being used. What you're suggesting isn't possible because of that fact. It might be possible in some of the nearby lots that are not sold out, but the majority of the close in lots are already "filled". As go4 noted, the dept's response to this has been no-dice. And frankly, WTF are they supposed to do? The error was in the original pricing. The only real way around it is to A) alter the pricing structure or B) make the lots withing the zone first come first serve for all who have spots within the zone so that people who want to use them fill up the closest lots.

As for opening lots the night before: I'd love it. But that also means the U is "responsible" for the people in those lots (if they get robbed while sleeping in their car for instance). I don't know if that's legally true, but you know the court of PR would hold them responsible for nonsense. Also, the sad fact is that many schools (MSU is a good example) are actually moving the way the U is. A more likely (but still very unlikely) move would be to open lots earlier on the same day and extend the post-game hours for everything except night games. That would put the U on par with most of the Big Ten.

We tried this and wrote Maturi and one of his assistants. We wanted to "pool" our donations because with another couple, our dontations totalled $1000 and we only wanted one tailgate spot. they politely told us "no" . They sold out all those spots, and they said it wasn't their problem if people chose not to use the parking spots. No flexibility whatsoever.

I love the U, but man, their collective stupidity drives me nuts....and once again we cater to gaining an immediate dollar, instead of creating a long term quality atmosphere that would have a better chance at making more money for the U in the long term.

I know its the same old story(but I just need to vent), what is it with our old rich people here in MN that makes them want to come to game barely before kickoff, park close, NOT tailgate, and then leave right away after? Old rich people in other parts of the country seem to find the time to dedicate their day to the full experience.

slowly but surely maybe we'll get there...a few winning seasons might trick people into having a good time.

I know its the same old story(but I just need to vent), what is it with our old rich people here in MN that makes them want to come to game barely before kickoff, park close, NOT tailgate, and then leave right away after? Old rich people in other parts of the country seem to find the time to dedicate their day to the full experience.

For some people, the allure of the “tailgating” lots has nothing to do with tailgating, they just want to have a sure place to park that’s close to the stadium. Those people aren’t all old–I know a guy about 40 who has four season tickets in the $250 donation section and a spot in a $1,000 lot. He arrived late to virtually every game (except the two he skipped altogether) and left at the final gun almost every week. I don’t think of him as less of a fan, he’s just a Dad with three boys in youth football who sometimes has to work weekends. He chose to remain a season ticket holder after the move to TCF in part because the assigned parking lots enabled him to arrive late and still park within a block of the stadium. When he needed to, he could get out of Dodge before the crowd hit the roads and get home within a half hour of the end of the game. It doesn’t bother me in the least that he wasn’t hanging out in the lot with me and my crew for hours before/after the game. He donated the money and he gets the spot in the lot, however he decides to use it.

We tried this and wrote Maturi and one of his assistants. We wanted to "pool" our donations because with another couple, our dontations totalled $1000 and we only wanted one tailgate spot. they politely told us "no" . They sold out all those spots, and they said it wasn't their problem if people chose not to use the parking spots. No flexibility whatsoever.

I'm not sure when you tried that, and believe me, I don't doubt that was the response. However, I have to say I was surprised when I emailed Maturi my proposal (nearly the same as my previous post) and not only did he reply within an hour, he admitted that he liked the proposal and was going to bring it up with the Golden Gopher Fund staff.

Certainly by no means any indication that something will in fact happen, but I did get the feeling that he was open to the idea. (Side note: for those who may be overly skeptical of his positive response...and I usually am a skeptic...I can say that in other instances where I've exchanged emails with Maturi, he's had NO PROBLEM telling me when he disagrees)

To address the overnight parking:

First of all, and most importantly, there is the fact that people do in fact go to classes and have jobs at the U. Yes, its strange. Even on Fridays, and even on Fridays before the games. Those people who have classes and jobs need places to park on Friday, yes, all the way until midnight or even later in some cases.

The Parking people have gone to great lengths to make sure that the people who study and work on campus on football Saturdays know where their contracts are valid on those particular games. To extend this to Fridays would be an absolute nightmare, given the amount of folks who use those lots every single weekday.

The people who pay $3.75 for regular day parking can't be mixed up with folks wanting to park overnight for football games. The U tows cars out after midnight or so before a gameday so that all the spaces are available. Otherwise people would just pay $3.75 and sleep near campus that night and not have to pay the actual gameday parking rate.

The U has a policy for basketball and hockey parking that has the parking lots and ramps start charging the event rate a good number of hours before the game starts. This angers many people who try to park at those lots, and there are constant complaints about this "why should I have to pay 15 bucks just to park to go to class?" and so on. Parking deals with those people, telling them that there are parking lots and ramps farther from Mariucci and Williams which still charge the normal rates. That works fine for ten thousand hockey fans, or fifteen thousand basketball fans. Football is an entirely different deal. It takes up the entire campus parking (and more) which makes it impossible to skirt around the issue.

----------------- Any other questions about parking... just ask!! :)

And by the way, there are three things that need to happen for the tailgating scene to really kick off.

1. The U makes sure that the tailgating rules need to be relaxed and the prices need to be dropped.
2. The fans need to make connections with other fans, carpool, and tailgate together so that their spot is affordable.
3. There needs to be more day-of-game tailgating space on the East Bank.

I'm not sure when you tried that, and believe me, I don't doubt that was the response. However, I have to say I was surprised when I emailed Maturi my proposal (nearly the same as my previous post) and not only did he reply within an hour, he admitted that he liked the proposal and was going to bring it up with the Golden Gopher Fund staff.

Certainly by no means any indication that something will in fact happen, but I did get the feeling that he was open to the idea. (Side note: for those who may be overly skeptical of his positive response...and I usually am a skeptic...I can say that in other instances where I've exchanged emails with Maturi, he's had NO PROBLEM telling me when he disagrees)

It was last Spring during our renewal process and here was the email reply I received:

Thank you for your email and support of Gopher Athletics. Our new reserved parking this past year was a great success, in fact we have expanded the program into both Men’s basketball and Hockey.

Our public perception challenge is for the vast majority of our parking the demand exceeds supply, but on game days a percentage of no-shows or late arrivals, in most cases, occur and therefore some lots appear to be less than full when in reality they are completely sold-out.

One solution would be to overselling lots, but we would have a PR nightmare on our hands for the big games that all of our season ticket holders show for the game. Another solution would be to sell the lots, but not guarantee spots, this would greatly diminish the benefit of having a reserved guaranteed spot.

We have studied and explored many options and feel that our current program and direction is the best of our alumni and fans and Gopher Athletics. With that being said, I will reach out to our ticket office and ask them to assess the supply and demand of each of the Zone 2 ($1,000 donation level) lots and see if we can possibly sell a one-year non-renewable pass to you and your group. Renewal each year would be based on the growth of our parking program and the supply and demand of each lot.

I hope this is helpful and will plan to reach back out to you in the next week, in the meantime please feel free to call or email me with any questions.

Go Gophers,
David A. Crum
Associate Athletics Director-Development
University of Minnesota Athletics
275 Bierman Athletics Offices
516-15th Ave. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 625-0806 (Office)
(612) 749-2020 (Cell)
[email protected]

I've been to college games and the band is critical to getting the fans jacked.


I know we talk here a lot and have a lot of good ideas, and some of us even take the time to email the athletic department with some of them. But here's the real question... Does the marketing department ever come on this board and read up and get some ideas? It may seem dumb but collectively we have come up with many great ideas and even done the work of hashing out the details of how they would/wouldn't work for many reasons (legal, logistics, etc). We've basically done a lot of work FOR the athletic department. I know if I worked there I'd check here for some ideas.

The PA guy talking during the marching band's halftime show is always the corniest damn thing of game day. I'm sure he's just reading what some moron with the band wrote for him, but do we really need him telling us why the band is playing a song with a loose connection to football. I don't care about the history of the song, the history of the band or why you chose to play it that day. Play your songs and be done.

Last year, the band played "Steal My Sunshine" or some equally annoying pop song. And that's fine. But the PA guy said something completely corny and contrived like, "In honor of the long tradition of people going outside in the sunshine to watch football, here is Steal My Sunshine."

Lame, lame, lame.

It will be interesting to see what changes are made this year, after working at the stadium last year, I can hope it can't get worse than last. One big change is that the band is going to stay on the plaza and play their show after the team enters the stadium. That's a huge improvement in itself. I don't foresee and security changes, but when I was there for the DCI, in each line they had a guy/gal for patdowns instead of separate lines for gender. We'll see if they keep this on for football.
We have to remember that Aramark has a contract with the U, and yes their food sucks. After being spoiled at TF, they should try for an upgrade of some sort. Its clear the Delaware North has their act together on what quality should be.
Well just a few more weeks til the season, and its going to be a long one this year!!! GO GOPHERS

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