If Tubby can't win at MN

Cheating, Cheating, Cheating, did everyone mention Cheating?

It will be highly entertaining when people descend on the Kentucky boards to let them know we all warned you about Calivacate and Cheating.

People keep saying that's going to happen like they can take it to the bank.
Kinda like betting you can pay your bills with the lottery your going to win.

Like it or not Cal has never been found guilty of anything by the NCAA
They are the ones who decide, not the media and anti Cal fans.
Nor has he ever been found of wrongdoing in a court of law, unlike some coaches.

If you have found something in your investigation of Cal please do share
otherwise I will assume you are going by "what you have heard "

I didn't realize NBA players don't play defense. That Kobe Bryant is one silly guy when he says that word, huh? I can't believe they insult Dwight Howard by giving him defensive awards or insult Ron artest by saying he is a shut down defender.

Defense wins championships. Ask the Boston celtics, who's starting PG played for ... Well, you know the answer.

The NBA is MOSTLY based on offense.
As for that Boston Celtics point guard you mentioned, He didn't develop worth a darn for Tubby, he left and then developed into
the player he is today. Again I ask, how much has Sampson improved and learned under Tubby?

nuggett said:
The NBA is MOSTLY based on offense.
As for that Boston Celtics point guard you mentioned, He didn't develop worth a darn for Tubby, he left and then developed into
the player he is today. Again I ask, how much has Sampson improved and learned under Tubby?

So when the analysts said Boston won because of defense they were lying? This is a conspiracy worth uncovering!

So when the analysts said Boston won because of defense they were lying? This is a conspiracy worth uncovering!

I'm sure having 3 future hall of famers helped. And, offenses can also win championships, just ask the 2006 Colts and maybe the Packers after this year.

Again I ask, how much has Sampson improved and learned under Tubby?

I'm so proud to finally have Ralph figured out. He'll never make it as a basketball player but he has a wonderful future ahead of him.

I'm sure having 3 future hall of famers helped. And, offenses can also win championships, just ask the 2006 Colts and maybe the Packers after this year.

And when KG went down, no one said they missed his offense, but that he was the anchor of that DEFENSE.

2010-2011 NBA Champions: Dallas Mavericks 10th Defense, 11th Offense
2009-2010 NBA Champions: Los Angelas Lakers 9th Defense, 12th Offense
2008-2009 NBA Champions: Los Angelas Lakers 14th Defense, 3rd Offense
2007-2008 NBA Champions: Boston Celtics 1st Defense, 11th Offense
2006-2007 NBA Champions: San Antonio Spurs 1st Defense, 14th Offense
2005-2006 NBA Champions: Miami Heat 13th Defense, 6th Offense
2004-2005 NBA Champions: Detroit Pistons 2nd Defense, 24th Offense
2003-2004 NBA Champions: San Antonio Spurs 1st Defense, 19th Offense

Yup ... Defense doesn't matter in the NBA, good thing all college players only care about offense.

Let's look at it this way too, actually.

2010-2011 Dallas Mavericks (10th Defense) Over Miami Heat (6th Defense)
2009-2010 Los Angelas Lakers (9th Defense) Over Boston Celtics (5th Defense)
2008-2009 Los Angelas Lakers (14th Defense) Over Orlando Magic (4th Defense)
2007-2008 Boston Celtics (1st Defense) Over Los Angelas Lakers (17th Defense)
2006-2007 San Antonio Spurs (1st Defense) Over Cleveland Cavaliers (4th Defense)
2005-2006 Miami Heat (13th Defense) Over Dallas Mavericks (7th Defense)
2004-2005 Detroit Pistons (2nd Defense) Over Los Angelas Lakers (26th Defense)
2003-2004 San Antonio Spurs (1st Defense) Over New Jersey Nets (4th Defense)

12 of the last 16 teams to make the NBA finals have been in the top 10 in defense. Half of the time, the better defensive team has won the finals and two of the times it didn't happen, both teams were in the top 10. So only twice in the last 8 years has an NBA team not in the top 10 defensivley won the championship.

But keep saying defense doesn't matter at all. Yeah, sometimes offensive teams win it too, its obviously not entirely defense, but to say it doesn't matter? You're crazy.

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