If reports are true may Maturi have no other choice?


Sep 11, 2010
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I was just thinking. Now I don't believe all the rumors I have been hearing, but after Barrerio's show today I got pretty depressed. Justin Gaard reported that Edsall, Cryst, Calhoun, Hoke and Golden have all turned us down. This is not the first person to report this.

Now maybe these coaches did turn us down, but that doesn't mean its over. It is all a matter of negotiation at this point between the U and their agents.

However, if this is true, that no acting coaches want this job Maturi may have to go to plan B. But my idea of plan B is most guys plan A.

I think we would all agree that Leach is very unattractive at this point because of the now pending lawsuit he has with ESPN. I think it is also obvious that Leach will take any job that is offered to him at the major level at this point.

Will Maturi pull the trigger on a guy like Leach in the event no one else wants this job? Maturi cannot afford to go get a FCS guy as it will only prove people right, that no one wanted this job. He also can't really go get a high end coordinator either. This hire has to be a head coach, so Leach may be his only option.

Its an absolute long shot and probably won't happen, but again if NO ONE wants this job he has to somehow bring in a quality guy.

No, not only are the obvious issues, but also reported repeatedly that Maturi got a bad taste in his mouth from the week or two he was around Leach. (Which is too bad, he's seemingly by far the best possible hire...)

OMG! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

Just because the pretty "girl" say's no the first time does not mean you quit asking

If they say "no" the first time and you just plain give up your not trying hard enough. They could just be playing hard to get and they could really be "saying" no. It's your job to keep trying to know if "no really means no. Saying "no" the first time is a negotiating stance for sitting head coaches.

Sitting head coaches they have jobs, heck we know some our using are interest to get raises. These coaches are in a position that they do not have to give them up, it is up to you to convince them your "job" is better.
The Minnesota job is not a "plum" like Miami they were likely talking to Gruden before piping Shannon. Minnesota it sure hell is not in a "nowhere" cow town or even nearly as bad as some of the fans at schools of coaches names mentioned make it out to be. It certainly is a better job then when we were courting Bob Stoops and Glen Mason. If Dr. Bob was excited about the candidate "pool" there are some good names on the list likely a name or two we do not know about. For all we know, it is negotiating and banging out the contract that hangs this up. Buyout's could cloud things. We are in the "mating" dance season, stage it is our Ad's job and Mona to convince the next coach that Minnesota can win and will be beneficial to this coaches career not just wallet. I don't believe Brackin and Barriero, and Gaard that the search is not going well just because the media is not getting information and there pissed about it. Just because we have not named a coach yet does not mean the search is in turmoil. Joel and the four amigos are not just going to settle, they want to be "sure" and do not want there legacy to be "Brewster" that is all. We all want information and are dying to get this over with but the guy's that make the decision have to be "right" it is there butts and reputations that will roll if otherwise. I am still fairly confident the U is going to hire a head football coach we will all really like.(This is opinion) We will have a name soon enough, that much confidence I have in the 3+1 group knows, that competition is heating up and recruiting is of the essence.

Who knows what to believe? One one hand we read that most of the coaches on our list said 'no' and people think that Maturi will get desperate. On the other hand both JM and Bruiniks have said that they have a good pool, and based on what Doogie was tweeting from the BB game last night Bruiniks made it sound like they were in the final stages of the process.

The signal/noise ratio is very, very low right now, and the few people that really know anything aren't saying much. While Minnesota may not be a top-tier coaching job, we still play in a great conference, have a brand-new stadium and are willing to pay very good money to the right candidate. The idea that no up-and-coming coaches would be willing to look at the UofM is ludicrous. Let's see who Maturi pulls out of his hat before we all go on suicide watch.

we'll know who the next coach is after this weekends games, just chill

While Minnesota may not be a top-tier coaching job, we still play in a great conference, have a brand-new stadium and are willing to pay very good money to the right candidate. The idea that no up-and-coming coaches would be willing to look at the UofM is ludicrous.

Agreed. Add to that the fact that we will have lower standards than many schools for the first couple years and Minnesota is a fairly attractive job.

I can't believe Vanderbilt is more attractive then Minnesota...

Do not put any weight in what KFAN was saying. They enjoy dumping on the Gophers and just created a laundry list of all the rumors they want to emphasize, with absolutely no basis on facts. It was just another case of them having fun at the Gophers expense, even Nanny told them they were crazy and that there are plenty of good coaches that want to come to the U.

Are you guys telling me that president B. And Maturi are goin to say "our pool is shallow and we will be looking for another coach in four years."? Also, just because the pool is deep doesn't mean that a coach has said yes or no. For all we know the search commitee considers the big 3 part of the pool.

What I'm saying is that the process of hiring a new football coach is more opaque than the process for electing a new pope. It sounds like Maturi and crew are involved in trying to poach a sitting coach from another D1 program, and if that's the case then both the U and the coaches being contacted will throw out a lot of misinformation to avoid either side getting in hot water.

Until the deal is signed or is close, we have no idea what's really going on and trying to use the various tweets for anything more than entertainment purposes right now will just drive you insane. It doesn't appear JM is bargain shopping this time so I'm going to wait and see who he ends up with and just enjoying the tweetstorm in the meantime.

Do not put any weight in what KFAN was saying. They enjoy dumping on the Gophers and just created a laundry list of all the rumors they want to emphasize, with absolutely no basis on facts. It was just another case of them having fun at the Gophers expense, even Nanny told them they were crazy and that there are plenty of good coaches that want to come to the U.

I can't believe anyone still listens to KFAN for Gopher information. It's a waste of time.

JG is not a reporter. He is a radio producer. He might hear things here and there, but let's keep in mind that job 1-A for him has nothing to do with following a specific team and getting to know the daily principal people involved with said team. If Phil Miller or Marcus Fuller had a report like that, it would obviously have much more credibility.

There are few facts that have emerged as of yet from the coaching search. Some people are taking that as, "No one wants to come here." No coach is going to leave their team mid-season and as others have posted, coaching buyouts are lower based on certain dates. If the Gophers still don't have a coach after teams play their bowl games, then start saying no one wants to come here.

Now? That argument is silly.

This isn't a Chicken Little scenario. Just because Joe Sixpack at the local VFW doesn't know the intricacies of the coaching search doesn't mean that Maturi and Co. don't have a plan or haven't been doing the work to get a new coach. Anytime people don't understand or can't define something, they automatically assume that it must be a botched operation.

Do not put any weight in what KFAN was saying. They enjoy dumping on the Gophers and just created a laundry list of all the rumors they want to emphasize, with absolutely no basis on facts. It was just another case of them having fun at the Gophers expense, even Nanny told them they were crazy and that there are plenty of good coaches that want to come to the U.

Agreed! Let's not rely on a washed up, overweight, Tennis player from Edina for our Gopher Coaching updates. Plus he is so busy washing Barreiro's blalls that he can't think straight. Ski u Mah!!

I do not listen to KFAN for Gopher information. I was listening and they were talking about it. What does Nanne really know at this point? He has been in Hawaii and Montreal for most of the search. I also wouldn't claim that everyone at KFAN doesn't know what they are talking about. That is just ignorant. I agree that Gopher coverage on KFAN is usually poor but im not about to say the biggest sports talk radio station in he state has no hands whatsoever on or near the pulse of Gopher athletics. It's not just KFAN who said this, someone posted a report just like this one from some other independent source as well a few says ago.

At the risk of sounding like a homer these reports that no good coaches are interested in the U are utter nonsense. You wanna tell me the top A list coaches aren't interested? Fine, I'll buy that.

But I refuse to believe someone coaching at Temple, UConn or San Diego State wouldn't consider moving to 1) the Big Ten conference to a team with 2) a brand new stadium for 3) $2M-$3M/year. I'm not saying every one of the B list coaches are interested but no way they've all declined.

The only "fact" that I am going by is that if they are talking to anyone, it is because said person has at one point expressed interest in the job. That's what the four weeks after Brewster was fired were for - to identify, via use of the search firm, coaches that may be interested. Beyond that, the only person who has admitted to having spoken to Maturi is Hoke - thus, he would have absolutely expressed interest in the job at one point in time.

Beyond that, noone on here or in the local media has any idea as to who they have or have not spoken to because none of these other coaches have admitted so. And again, If Maturi has in fact talked to them, then that person did in fact express interest, or at least a willingness to talk, sometime in the last few weeks. The search firm would have confirmed this before Maturi would have reached out.

You might be right, I think I just assumed we would have a coach by now. We are closing in on day 50. I understand academia moves slow, but things seem to be dragging on.

I still think we will have our coach by this time next week. Just a hunch.

You might be right, I think I just assumed we,Ed have a coach by now. We are closing in on day 50. I understand academia moves slow, but things seem to be dragging on.

True but only day 3 since the season ended.

True but only day 3 since the season ended.

This. The only way we were going to see movement before now was if we were getting Leach, Belotti, Fulmer, or someone else who isn't a current HC. If this starts dragging out past mid-next week when everyone is totally done then I'll have to agree. Until then, I think this is about right.

You might be right, I think I just assumed we would have a coach by now. We are closing in on day 50. I understand academia moves slow, but things seem to be dragging on.

You might want to remember that the U has has had to wait until the end of the season to formally contact a lot of the new coaching propects.

And as others have mentioned, perhaps the U's target is coaching in a game on Saturday.

Lol. It's KFAN. They have no idea what they're talking about.

And as others have mentioned, perhaps the U's target is coaching in a game on Saturday.
I believe that the regular season ends this week for Arizona (Mike Stoops), Northern Illinois (Jerry Kill), Rutgers (Greg Schiano), Boise St (Chris Petersen), Oregon St (Mike Riley) and UConn (Randy Edsall).

I believe that the regular season ends this week for Arizona (Mike Stoops), Northern Illinois (Jerry Kill), Rutgers (Greg Schiano), Boise St (Chris Petersen), Oregon St (Mike Riley) and UConn (Randy Edsall).

Oh dude. Don't get me hoping on Kill again.

I believe that the regular season ends this week for Arizona (Mike Stoops), Northern Illinois (Jerry Kill), Rutgers (Greg Schiano), Boise St (Chris Petersen), Oregon St (Mike Riley) and UConn (Randy Edsall).

It actually ends on Thursday for Arizona and Friday for NIU. In addition it ends for Navy on December 11.

JG is not a reporter. He is a radio producer. He might hear things here and there, but let's keep in mind that job 1-A for him has nothing to do with following a specific team and getting to know the daily principal people involved with said team. If Phil Miller or Marcus Fuller had a report like that, it would obviously have much more credibility.

There are few facts that have emerged as of yet from the coaching search. Some people are taking that as, "No one wants to come here." No coach is going to leave their team mid-season and as others have posted, coaching buyouts are lower based on certain dates. If the Gophers still don't have a coach after teams play their bowl games, then start saying no one wants to come here.

Now? That argument is silly.

This isn't a Chicken Little scenario. Just because Joe Sixpack at the local VFW doesn't know the intricacies of the coaching search doesn't mean that Maturi and Co. don't have a plan or haven't been doing the work to get a new coach. Anytime people don't understand or can't define something, they automatically assume that it must be a botched operation.

Couldn't have said it better.

I do not listen to KFAN for Gopher information. I was listening and they were talking about it. What does Nanne really know at this point? He has been in Hawaii and Montreal for most of the search. I also wouldn't claim that everyone at KFAN doesn't know what they are talking about. That is just ignorant. I agree that Gopher coverage on KFAN is usually poor but im not about to say the biggest sports talk radio station in he state has no hands whatsoever on or near the pulse of Gopher athletics. It's not just KFAN who said this, someone posted a report just like this one from some other independent source as well a few says ago.

You're taking the word, journalistic "skill" and Gopher knowledge of Justin Gaard over the advice of Lou Nanne because Nanne was out of town !:eek:

I am going to attribute this to the time of your posts; please get some sleep.:)

Finally got around to listening to the podcast last night: pretty good stuff hearing Nanne call out Gaard.

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