If It Is Hoke, I Like it


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Nov 23, 2008
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I had Mullen and Calhoun above him considering we weren't going to get Patterson, Petersen, or Harbaugh. He was on par with Bellotti for me. I think we got turned down by Mullen and Calhoun. Mullen is likely holding out for a perennial power school, and that is smart on his part. Colorado is home for Calhoun and if he leaves this year, I'm betting it'll be for Boulder.

That said, Brady Hoke almost coached himself above our job up to a Michigan level position. In an hour, he will have taken a 2-10 team two years ago to an 8-4 record. Those four losses:
3pt loss at Missouri
3pt loss at BYU
5pt loss at TCU
4pt loss at home to Utah.

He beat Calhoun and Air Force this year. Four losses, three on the road 15 total points at a school left for dead two years ago. If he wins two of those close games, is he out of our league?

We need to be realistic. Brady Hoke has potential and would be a good hire for Minnesota if we can get him at the present time.

Hoke is the best option for us. It is mind boggling reading the threads saying they will be pissed if we hire Hoke. Out of our realistic options (Hoke, Calhoun, Edsall, Golden), Hoke is the guy who I hope we get. He has had great success this year and has played some very highly ranked teams to very close loses. This is the type of guy we need to be ahead of the curve on. Plus, he knows the B10 landscape. Great hire if made!!

Clearly if we are hiring out of the aforementioned names we have already received word that guys like Harbaugh, Patterson, Peterson, Mullen, etc are NOT interested. I'm not even sure why people put hope into such candidates anyways. We should feel lucky to get a guy like Hoke if we can, I think he is going to be a good one.

Hoke is the best option for us. It is mind boggling reading the threads saying they will be pissed if we hire Hoke.

Is Hoke the best option, perhaps, perhaps not. That's all subjective at this point. No one will know until 2 or 3 years from now if the right man was hired. When I say I'll be pissed if Hoke is the guy, it really isn't a reflection of what I think of Hoke's abilities, I just want Calhoun badly. If he's already told us no, then a Hoke hire is fine with me.

Hoke is the best option for us. It is mind boggling reading the threads saying they will be pissed if we hire Hoke. Out of our realistic options (Hoke, Calhoun, Edsall, Golden), Hoke is the guy who I hope we get. He has had great success this year and has played some very highly ranked teams to very close loses. This is the type of guy we need to be ahead of the curve on. Plus, he knows the B10 landscape. Great hire if made!!

Clearly if we are hiring out of the aforementioned names we have already received word that guys like Harbaugh, Patterson, Peterson, Mullen, etc are NOT interested. I'm not even sure why people put hope into such candidates anyways. We should feel lucky to get a guy like Hoke if we can, I think he is going to be a good one.

Maturi's own words: "But we're out here to find a Tubby Smith. We're out here to find somebody that people can recognize, people have confidence in, and people are going to bring instant credibility and notoriety to the football program."

Brady Hoke is none of these, and his hiring would be an embarrassment of the U because of Maturi's quotes. If so many of these other coaches are out of reach for us, then Maturi should not have said what he did. I'm expecting someone bigger than Hoke.

I don't know enough about the second-tier guys to have a well-formed opinion, but he seems to have most of what we are looking for in a new coach. I was hoping for someone in their 40s, but I realize that someone in their 50s is probably more inclined to not treat this like a stepping stone. I know Hoke is a Big 10 guy, so that should help, at least at the margins.

Maturi's own words: "But we're out here to find a Tubby Smith. We're out here to find somebody that people can recognize, people have confidence in, and people are going to bring instant credibility and notoriety to the football program."

* I recognize Brady Hoke, he has a very nice body of work

* I have confidence in Brady Hoke, both in his ability to turn around a program and his knowledge of the B10

* I think he brings instant credibility and notoriety to the program, especially when his name is being talked about for possible openings at places who are currently better football schools that the U.

I think its BS that we are going to sit here and hold Maturi's "Tubby" comment against him. Who decides what constitutes a "Tubby-like" hire. The 5 guys mentioned above are realistically what we'll have to choose from, and out of those I like Hoke. We need to warm up to that reality, and also understand these are some very nice options. If the hire ends of being better than these guys, well thats just icing on the cake.

* I recognize Brady Hoke, he has a very nice body of work

* I have confidence in Brady Hoke, both in his ability to turn around a program and his knowledge of the B10

* I think he brings instant credibility and notoriety to the program, especially when his name is being talked about for possible openings at places who are currently better football schools that the U.

I think its BS that we are going to sit here and hold Maturi's "Tubby" comment against him. Who decides what constitutes a "Tubby-like" hire. The 5 guys mentioned above are realistically what we'll have to choose from, and out of those I like Hoke. We need to warm up to that reality, and also understand these are some very nice options. If the hire ends of being better than these guys, well thats just icing on the cake.

I'm not in favor or completely against Hoke but stop it...Hoke's name is virtually unknown to the fanbase & would not spark any kind of fear into any other Big Ten coaches...

Instant Credibility? Ha!

If it is to be a coach on this level and that is the best we can get, I am okay with it. How does anyone really know?

I am just still hoping for a WOW hire, I know it's a pipe dream, but one can hope.

I'm not in favor or completely against Hoke but stop it...Hoke's name is virtually unknown to the fanbase & would not spark any kind of fear into any other Big Ten coaches...

Instant Credibility? Ha!

I agree that Sonny is reaching there as well. The average fan and high schooler doesn't have a clue who Hoke even is. Now, having said that, I'm for Calhoun and he's probably not much more of a household name either. Should we hold the "Tubby Smith" comment against Joel? I'm not sure, but if Joel doesn't want it held against him, he shouldn't have said it. Perhaps we need him to define what his idea of a "Tubby" hire is....and quick!

Bring on Hoke. He should be able to get these guys back to a bowl next year.

Hoke, or someone that has not been talked about at all..

I think that they will announce someone that has not been talked about and is not included on "the list".

Maturi's own words: "But we're out here to find a Tubby Smith. We're out here to find somebody that people can recognize, people have confidence in, and people are going to bring instant credibility and notoriety to the football program."

Brady Hoke is none of these, and his hiring would be an embarrassment of the U because of Maturi's quotes. If so many of these other coaches are out of reach for us, then Maturi should not have said what he did. I'm expecting someone bigger than Hoke.

Seriously, though, what "Tubby Smith"-type hires are out there? Granted, we did not know Tubby was available before he came here. But, I find it hard to believe that we could lure a coach into taking a step down to come take over our program.

I agree that Maturi should have chosen his words more wisely. That being said, the only guys available that might bring "instant credibility and notoriety" are Leach and Bellotti, and it appears neither are coming here. Fulmer, and maybe Terry Bowden, would bring notoriety, but not so much credibility anymore.

Of those mentioned prominently recently, Mullen is likely the most recognizable due to coaching in the SEC and having a top-25 team, but even he is a bit of an unknown. Would many of us have any idea who Calhoun is had he not brought Air Force here last year?

Unless someone comes out of nowhere, we will end up with a coach without "instant credibility and notoriety" to most. I know many in this town (and on this board) will replay that statement over and over again, which is very frustrating. There is as much of a guarantee that a big name coach would be successful here as an up-and-comer. Big names don't necessarily equal success-recent examples of Dennis Erickson at ASU, Charlie Weis at Notre Dame, Rick Neuheisel at UCLA, etc.

Bellotti and Leach appear to be, as you say, the only guys immediately available who would have instant credibility and/or notoriety and it appears neither will be working next season. At least that's what I'm thinking. I frankly don't know what that says.

There's not a big market for home run hires in college sports. Tubby was a notable exception to the rule, but it's very, very rare.

I'm having a hard time getting excited about a coach that's 45-50 lifetime against mediocre competition & has been to 1 bowl game in 8 seasons. I've watched video of him speaking, thinking maybe he's a real dynamic guy in person or something, but he's not. I want to be excited, I really do. Will we as fans support him for four season if he fares the same as he did at Ball St? 4-8, 2-9, 4-7, 5-7?

Let's ignore the losing record, the lack of bowl games, the lack of quality competition, his reputation for not being a great recruiter & focus on the positives....

He had a great season at Ball St (In his 6th season) going 12-1. He had an overall winning conference record in the MAC of 27-20 & he's taken SD St to an 8-4 season in his 2nd year. What else?

The only hope for a Tubby hire was one of the power coaches from the SEC having enough of the pressure associated with those positions. I imagine Miles and Richt were the targets.

I like the Hoke hire if its him!

He was second (of realistic coaches) on my list behind Mullen although I don't know if Mullen was even realistic. Like the fact he has coaches in the Big Ten before and that he has a defensive line background. He probably will not pull in top 25 classes in recruiting but I think he will bring in tough, good tacking players. Good hire if it happens! Just for the record I think he and Calhoun would be 1A and 1B.

He cannot possibly be the best candidate

I'm having a hard time getting excited about a coach that's 45-50 lifetime against mediocre competition & has been to 1 bowl game in 8 seasons. I've watched video of him speaking, thinking maybe he's a real dynamic guy in person or something, but he's not. I want to be excited, I really do. Will we as fans support him for four season if he fares the same as he did at Ball St? 4-8, 2-9, 4-7, 5-7?

Let's ignore the losing record, the lack of bowl games, the lack of quality competition, his reputation for not being a great recruiter & focus on the positives....

He had a great season at Ball St (In his 6th season) going 12-1. He had an overall winning conference record in the MAC of 27-20 & he's taken SD St to an 8-4 season in his 2nd year. What else?

Marc Trestman has a much better resume than Brady Hoke. Trestman wins and Hoke loses. My point is to how inferior Hoke is because he is not superior to Trestman and Trestman is not the answer either. There has to be a better guy.

We are a Big Ten school. We have BTN money. We have bigger budget than lots of schools outside the Big Ten. We have a new stadium. We have players. We are willing to overpay.
It can't be a Brady hoke kinda guy.

Marc Trestman has a much better resume than Brady Hoke. Trestman wins and Hoke loses. My point is to how inferior Hoke is because he is not superior to Trestman and Trestman is not the answer either. There has to be a better guy.

We are a Big Ten school. We have BTN money. We have bigger budget than lots of schools outside the Big Ten. We have a new stadium. We have players. We are willing to overpay.
It can't be a Brady hoke kinda guy.
Who do you see as a realistic candidate that is better than Hoke?

Who do you see as a realistic candidate that is better than Hoke?

That's a cop out. You don't get married to an ugly chick who happened to be the only one hanging around the bar at last call.

Who do you see as a realistic candidate that is better than Hoke?

Agree. I'm betting a lot of people are warning Hoke and others not to touch the job. It's toxic in the eyes of many outside of Minnesota. Also, Mason was respected nationally and amongst his peers. He won coaching awards and had the Georgia job and was the runner-up at Ohio State, and yet he couldn't get it done here. I think it had to do with interpersonal skills causing him to lose recruits in his own backyard and alienating high school coaches, but that isn't necessarily the perception nationally.

Hey, watch your mouth! I'll have you knw her daddy was rich and she could cook Tai and Mexican!

That's a cop out. You don't get married to an ugly chick who happened to be the only one hanging around the bar at last call.
So you're suggesting that we hire no one? It's not a cop out at all. I was asking who the realistic candidates better than Hoke were. I just don't see anyone better than Hoke, Golden, or Calhoun willing to take the job.

Why are people talking about his career record? You guys know these teams play bcs conference teams in the non-conference schedule right? He is 33-29 in conference while consistently taking over rebuilding jobs. He is a defensive guy, and spent 8 years (i think) under Carr at Michigan. He had an effect on the SDSU offense from the start.

"Improved San Diego State's scoring margin by 129 points a year ago. That was the largest scoring margin improvement in the Mountain West Conference last season and ranked 14th nationally."

We need a guy who can coach football. Can Brady Hoke coach football? Tim Brewster could talk football and maybe could recruit a little. But the man couldn't make guys better. I don't care if its Brady Hoke or Vince Lombardi or the assistant coach at Fergus Falls, just give me someone who can coach and make guys better. I don't need a "name" or a "Tubby Smith type hire" (which was a dumb comment imo from Maturi).

We need a guy who can coach football. Can Brady Hoke coach football? Tim Brewster could talk football and maybe could recruit a little. But the man couldn't make guys better. I don't care if its Brady Hoke or Vince Lombardi or the assistant coach at Fergus Falls, just give me someone who can coach and make guys better. I don't need a "name" or a "Tubby Smith type hire" (which was a dumb comment imo from Maturi).

That's cute & all but Maturi had a big mouth about this Coaching Search & doesn't seem like he'll be living up to the expectations he put out there...

That's cute & all but Maturi had a big mouth about this Coaching Search & doesn't seem like he'll be living up to the expectations he put out there...

I'm not trying to be cute, I'm trying to express my opinion that I don't care if its a name coach or not. What I care about is that next year we show improvement and in a couple years we are contending. My opinion is that we don't need a "name" coach to do this. I agree that JM has run his mouth too much ... though I'm in the camp that didn't think he should be making this decision in the first place.

I'm not trying to be cute, I'm trying to express my opinion that I don't care if its a name coach or not. What I care about is that next year we show improvement and in a couple years we are contending. My opinion is that we don't need a "name" coach to do this. I agree that JM has run his mouth too much ... though I'm in the camp that didn't think he should be making this decision in the first place.

I understand and when Brewster was fired I would've been happy with nearly *ANY* HC with some real experience whether it was Sumlin or Hoke or Calhoun but I won't lie Maturi put it in a lot of fans heads that we were going to get a Jim Tressel/Lloyd Carr type hire out of this & it seems like we'll instead get another Glen Mason...

Tweet per Doogie a couple of hours ago after all of this was first reported. "@MVofDT @JeremySBN The... Hoke can have the MN job if he wants... talk is making the rounds among some coaches. I have confirmed nothing."

Tweet per Doogie a couple of hours ago after all of this was first reported. "@MVofDT @JeremySBN The... Hoke can have the MN job if he wants... talk is making the rounds among some coaches. I have confirmed nothing."

So basically it's another unconfirmed rumor put out without any confirmation. Par for the course with this search.

SIGH - please Maturi end this soon.

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