I stand by my previous point

The short game was there, we didn't execute as well as we could havel; drops, off passes etc. The run game was much better than I expected. I thought Streveler should have been given some more wildcat touches with as much success as we were having.

Leidner overthrew a 6'10" receiver on an average crossing throw when we needed a first down late in the game. I like Leidner ' s grit, but he is a below average B1G QB.

Leidner overthrew a 6'10" receiver on an average crossing throw when we needed a first down late in the game. I like Leidner ' s grit, but he is a below average B1G QB.

Oh FFS. It was high, but just over helmet high, not overthrown. It should have been caught.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

I know for certain that I don't believe you.

re-watch the game....end-over-f***** end. and yes, i've spoken with players. but you only believe what's in your little world.

I admit that I was wrong and the Gophers didn't get blown out.

However, the team has to address Leidner aka Christian Ponder 2.0. The sooner we move on from him, the better.

Just admit that he's holding us back from being great and start someone else!

1. Yes you were wrong.
2. If we had college christian ponder we would be a hands down favorite to win the west. You obviously know nothing about football. If this team could get over 60% completion and 2000+ yards from its QB we could be national contenders.

Leidner is taking too much heat from this game. He had zero time to throw the ball. Our OLine was terrible, hopefully just due to injuries. Fix the OL, start smith at RB and we are golden.

Leidner overthrew a 6'10" receiver on an average crossing throw when we needed a first down late in the game. I like Leidner ' s grit, but he is a below average B1G QB.
He didn't overthrow him. It went right between his hands. Should have been a catch and a first down.

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I haven't seen anything mentioned about how we were leaving behind the no-huddle, then proceeded to run it past on multiple drives. That wasn't vanilla limegrover play calling!

Directly before the game a buddy asked if we would go no huddle at all, and I confidently said "No chance... Kill said 3-4 times this week that we aren't going to."

Blatantly lied to try to throw off TCU, I love it.

Two questions for the experts...

1) On the 4th and 2 where we blew a timeout, who takes the blame: Leidner or Limegrover for not getting the play in quickly enough? Seems like that has happened a bunch in the past few years before big plays.

2) On the safety/fumble at our own five yard-line, why is Limegrover calling play-action on 2nd and 9 at our own five yard line??? I realize we needed a big play, but our offensive line was shaky at best all night and play-action makes more sense to me on 1st & 10 than 2nd & 9... just my two cents.

Overall, I realize Limegrover can only do so much with what he has and that the line play needs to be better for our playbook to be effective, but those two plays drove me crazy.

+1 There was nothing wrong with Leidner's play tonight. He was going against ONE OF THE BEST DEFENSES IN THE COUNTRY WITH OFFENSIVE LINE PLAY THAT SUCKED.

Plenty of things that went wrong tonight but Leidner wasn't one of them.

Yep, Mitch didn't have much protection or time, given the line play last night. Give him enough time and he will be fine.

Sorry, but Leidner killed us. Not saying there is a better option on the team, but he killed us. Even the good reads he made, the throws were ducks.

Its easy to look at Roderick's goal line fumble, or the bad pass protection on the turnover that lead to the first TCU TD, but Leidner touches the ball every offensive play, and in this game, he threw the ball every pass, and his passes are awful.

Sure, silver lining, we hung in there with the #2 team, but dammit, what happens in the game with an adequate QB?...Im not even talking about a great QB...Adam Weber, Marquis Gray, Asad Abdul Khaliq, Cupito, etc...with just those extremely average QB's, this TCU game is probably ours. The team is good enough to beat the TCU's and tO$U's, but the QB is not. Mitch hold's the team back.

Sorry, but Leidner killed us. Not saying there is a better option on the team, but he killed us. Even the good reads he made, the throws were ducks.

Its easy to look at Roderick's goal line fumble, or the bad pass protection on the turnover that lead to the first TCU TD, but Leidner touches the ball every offensive play, and in this game, he threw the ball every pass, and his passes are awful.

Sure, silver lining, we hung in there with the #2 team, but dammit, what happens in the game with an adequate QB?...Im not even talking about a great QB...Adam Weber, Marquis Gray, Asad Abdul Khaliq, Cupito, etc...with just those extremely average QB's, this TCU game is probably ours. The team is good enough to beat the TCU's and tO$U's, but the QB is not. Mitch hold's the team back.

Considering Mitch had no protection, no consistent running game and inexperienced WRs and TEs he played decently. He wasn't perfect but if he was he'd be a great QB and not a middle of the road one. Boykin missed 2 wide open WRs in the end zone way worse than NY of Mitch's misses. That's what happens in CFB for all but the very top QBs

Considering Mitch had no protection, no consistent running game and inexperienced WRs and TEs he played decently. He wasn't perfect but if he was he'd be a great QB and not a middle of the road one. Boykin missed 2 wide open WRs in the end zone way worse than NY of Mitch's misses. That's what happens in CFB for all but the very top QBs

It looks like Mitch doesn't have enough protection because he's molasses slow. He looks like a good B1G QB, but he doesn't play like one. Without Cobb running the ball 30 times a game, Mitch will be even more exposed. Quality opposing teams don't have to game plan against him because he can't beat them with his feet or his arm. Watching Mitch is like being a lousy golfer(I know!). You are out there for the intermittent gratification and to be with your friends. You aren't going to win much. He'll make the occasional good throw, but there's nothing sustainable against quality competition.

Anyone blaming Mitch Leidner tonight should just stop watching. People in this town expect every quarterback to be an all American or pro bowler. If they're not then they suck. It's getting ridiculous.

Leidner played find tonight. A couple miscues, but overall pretty good.

Good post.

Blaming this 6-pt loss on the QB is a mark of a foolish fan. Leidner missed some throws, but he made some good throws that were dropped, too. We couldn't defend Leidner on the backside (not his fault) and our starting halfback fumbled the ball as he crossed the goal line, resulting in a turnover instead of a score. Even Eric Murray, a great CB who will be drafted next summer, got burned twice and was called for pass interference at least twice.

Bottom line is our QB played well enough that if we could eliminate one fumble by Nugget without changing anything else, this would have been a one-point win.

Well, Brian Griese, a man who played at a pretty high level and has watched and studied hundreds of quarterbacks, thinks Leidner is the person who's holding this team back. I think I trust his evaluation a little more. Leidner literally threw two passes tonight end-over-end. He's not very athletic and has a very poor arm. We'd be better off with Streveler running the read-option or even the wishbone than having Leidner out there. Yes, he will have a few good games against lesser competition. And there will be times when he even kinda looks the part of a D-1 QB. But make no mistake, he is the reason this team isn't better. There's no question about it. Even when he audibles, he does so into plays that result in little or no yardage. He simply doesn't have what it takes. And finally, for whatever this is worth, I know for certain there are more than a few players in that locker room who believe Streveler is more effective than Leidner. Our coaches believe Leidner gives us the best chance to win, but that's taking into account the plays they want to call. If they designed an offense around Streveler, it would be interesting to see what would happen. He's a highly confident, very cocky, very athletic and extremely competitve kid. He's got that intangible attitude that Mitch just doesn't innately possess.

Well then couldn't I say I trust the coaches a little more about Liedner and Steveler? They know more about football than any of us and see both QBs every single day. If they think Leidner gives us the best chance to win, then I believe them.

Also, we already know what the offense will look like if it is designed around Streveler. We saw it last year against San Jose St. Remember when we scored just 24 points and completed just one pass against a very bad team?

I just don't get it. People complain about the passing game as it is. Then they want to play a QB who could be even worse. We become even more one dimensional with Streveler as QB.

It looks like Mitch doesn't have enough protection because he's molasses slow. He looks like a good B1G QB, but he doesn't play like one. Without Cobb running the ball 30 times a game, Mitch will be even more exposed. Quality opposing teams don't have to game plan against him because he can't beat them with his feet or his arm. Watching Mitch is like being a lousy golfer(I know!). You are out there for the intermittent gratification and to be with your friends. You aren't going to win much. He'll make the occasional good throw, but there's nothing sustainable against quality competition.

No, it is because he doesn't have enough time sometimes. I'm not sure how that isn't pretty obvious.

Many here are underestimating TCU. We have one of the best OLs in the B1G and they had a rough night. TCU isn't ranked #2 for nothing. This was a hard fought game and minus a couple (or even 1) miscue, we knock them off. Disappointed, but proud of the Gophers!

+1 There was nothing wrong with Leidner's play tonight. He was going against ONE OF THE BEST DEFENSES IN THE COUNTRY WITH OFFENSIVE LINE PLAY THAT SUCKED.

Plenty of things that went wrong tonight but Leidner wasn't one of them.

How do we know that TCU has one of the best defenses in the country? They lost 6 starters from last year's team and were down 2 injured starters last night. It will be interesting to see if they are really good and last night was a solid showing against them, or if they prove to be a step down from last year.

Well, Brian Griese, a man who played at a pretty high level and has watched and studied hundreds of quarterbacks, thinks Leidner is the person who's holding this team back. I think I trust his evaluation a little more. Leidner literally threw two passes tonight end-over-end. He's not very athletic and has a very poor arm. We'd be better off with Streveler running the read-option or even the wishbone than having Leidner out there. Yes, he will have a few good games against lesser competition. And there will be times when he even kinda looks the part of a D-1 QB. But make no mistake, he is the reason this team isn't better. There's no question about it. Even when he audibles, he does so into plays that result in little or no yardage. He simply doesn't have what it takes. And finally, for whatever this is worth, I know for certain there are more than a few players in that locker room who believe Streveler is more effective than Leidner. Our coaches believe Leidner gives us the best chance to win, but that's taking into account the plays they want to call. If they designed an offense around Streveler, it would be interesting to see what would happen. He's a highly confident, very cocky, very athletic and extremely competitve kid. He's got that intangible attitude that Mitch just doesn't innately possess.

I doubt that the coaches think Streveler is the answer.

Anyone blaming Mitch Leidner tonight should just stop watching. People in this town expect every quarterback to be an all American or pro bowler. If they're not then they suck. It's getting ridiculous.

Leidner played find tonight. A couple miscues, but overall pretty good.

And here is the problem. If the Gophers are going to be legit contenders in the West Division Leidner needs to play better than "fine". He has played enough football for the team to conclude he is what he is and that is a below average QB within the conference.

How do we know that TCU has one of the best defenses in the country? They lost 6 starters from last year's team and were down 2 injured starters last night. It will be interesting to see if they are really good and last night was a solid showing against them, or if they prove to be a step down from last year.

This is spot on. All we heard this summer on this board was TCU's D was not as good last year because of what they lost. That sure has changed in a hurry on this board but we need to explain away the poor offense performance by the Gophers.

After taking a night to sleep (just kidding, insomnia!) on last night's game, I was pretty happy with the overall performance. Honestly, I didn't enter the game thinking we had much of a chance and I was less than happy with Leidner on more than a few plays. Still, this looks like it could be a very good football team by the end of the year. The biggest factor, imo, is Leidner. The defense is there and the wideouts are going to have start making more plays as the season goes along. But I happen to agree with the assessment that this team will only go as far Leidner can take them.

Nevertheless, I thought for a season-opening matchup with the No. 2 team in the country, the boys acquitted themselves quite well.

And here is the problem. If the Gophers are going to be legit contenders in the West Division Leidner needs to play better than "fine". He has played enough football for the team to conclude he is what he is and that is a below average QB within the conference.

Sorry, but if he plays every game with 55% completion, 200 yards, and no interceptions with multiple dropped passes we'll be playing for the west title in November again.

Teach the receivers to run routes and catch and teach Rodrick how to ride the pine and we're in good shape.

If Leidner is below average, then there are a lot of good quarterbacks in the Big 10. Did you see Ruddock last night? I'll take Leidner.

Mitch Leidner was not the reason we lost last night, but as a redshirt junior having played a lot of football for the Gophers he certainly did not do anything to win us the game. It is frustrating as a Gophers fan to have watched a lot of bad football growing up and to now see a team that has so much potential be one average Big 10 QB away from being a serious contender. I 100% agree red-shirting Croft is the best thing for the long-term future of the program, but does anyone else get concerned that next year say Croft is better than Leidner yet yet Kill and Co. will continue to trot out Mitch due to him coming off 2 straight seasons as the undisputed starter?

My problem with Mitch is not that he misses the deep balls. He CONSTANTLY misses the easy two yards out routes that a 12 year old qb could make. It's unbelievable. He is not starting quality and needs to be sat. Give Croft the ball and lets see what he does with it.

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