I should probably wait to post this, but...

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Elite Poster
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
...what the hell.


Even if it doesn't turn out to be true, I spent a lot of time on this and wanted to share it.

Honest question: Why would you spend time on that?

Why would you spend time on podcasts with MV?

He's not #7.

I didn't know MV did podcasts.. I'll have to find 'em.

Either way, I like it. Now here's to hoping he signs with us.

MV hasn't done any for a while, but said he's gearing up to do them for the new season.

I knocked on wood. This should be fine. Looks good, and you probably saved someone over at gophersports.com a bit of time.

Nitpicking-but wouldn't the h.s. In parenthesis be blue earth area. Just saying for perfections sake

This is borderline creepy. I'm sorry.

Yeah this is a little weird. The kid is good but let's not go crazy for a every borderline 3/4 star recruit considering the Gophers. Don't get me wrong though, I hope he signs with Minnesota as much as the next guy.

Sorry, I should've had him bare-chested, wearing a satin shirt, oiled up, and in bikini briefs. I know that's how you like your men.

Coming from the adult who Photoshops underage boys in his spare time…

Coming from the adult who Photoshops underage boys in his spare time…

I don't typically go on to sports-themed internet message boards almost exclusively populated by men and post pictures of oiled-up men's nipples, but I do love being judged by people who do. Given the above, I'm not surprised that many of your posts are obsessed with me, given that I'm a male. I'll bet you're really glad the state government shutdown ended so they could get all the rest stops up and running again.

i said this on the other thread about him, but this is ridiculous. I like most Gopher fans hope he comes to the U of M but to devote this much time to a possibility is borderline creepy and just plain ridiculous.

Yeah this is a little weird. The kid is good but let's not go crazy for a every borderline 3/4 star recruit considering the Gophers. Don't get me wrong though, I hope he signs with Minnesota as much as the next guy.

Gotta agree, yes the kid has some great offers but I think you're getting a lil carried away, he hasnt even made his decision yet. God forbid he does choose Iowa or Wiscy, this thread will turn into an epic fail.

to devote this much time to a possibility is borderline creepy and just plain ridiculous

So it's safe to assume that you don't care if the Gophers win any games? After all, any time you spend following them is devoted to a possibility of winning. Given that the majority of college football rosters are populated with young men who can't even legally drink, I guess caring about how they do in football is borderline creepy and just plain ridiculous.

Remember, when you were a kid, being able to get a Wheaties box made with a picture of your Little League baseball team on it? Since you and all your teammates were underage boys, that is certifiably creepy, according to the GH experts.

Remember, when you were a kid, when you could get a novelty baseball card made with a picture of you in your Little League uniform? Since you were an underage boy, that is certifiably creepy, according to the GH experts.

And, lastly, if you work in graphic design for the University, it is ok for you to make the actual graphics for the Gopher Sports website like the one above. But, of course, only if the player you're doing the work for is of age. For example, since Marcus Jones was 17 when he got to campus, whoever did his mock-up should be designated as a child molester, be marked on sex offender websites, and preferably drug out in the street and shot. Also, since Amobi Okoye was 16 when he signed with Louisville, Bobby Petrino is a pedophile and should be thrown in jail for at least one life sentence.

I don't think you are helping your cause.

Remember, when you were a kid, being able to get a Wheaties box made with a picture of your Little League baseball team on it? Since you and all your teammates were underage boys, that is certifiably creepy, according to the GH experts.

Remember, when you were a kid, when you could get a novelty baseball card made with a picture of you in your Little League uniform? Since you were an underage boy, that is certifiably creepy, according to the GH experts.

And, lastly, if you work in graphic design for the University, it is ok for you to make the actual graphics for the Gopher Sports website like the one above. But, of course, only if the player you're doing the work for is of age. For example, since Marcus Jones was 17 when he got to campus, whoever did his mock-up should be designated as a child molester, be marked on sex offender websites, and preferably drug out in the street and shot. Also, since Amobi Okoye was 16 when he signed with Louisville, Bobby Petrino is a pedophile and should be thrown in jail for at least one life sentence.

I of all people can understand how frustrating GH can be, but the above response is just a huge swing and a miss. Too far buddy, too far.

Remember, when you were a kid, being able to get a Wheaties box made with a picture of your Little League baseball team on it? Since you and all your teammates were underage boys, that is certifiably creepy, according to the GH experts.

Remember, when you were a kid, when you could get a novelty baseball card made with a picture of you in your Little League uniform? Since you were an underage boy, that is certifiably creepy, according to the GH experts.

And, lastly, if you work in graphic design for the University, it is ok for you to make the actual graphics for the Gopher Sports website like the one above. But, of course, only if the player you're doing the work for is of age. For example, since Marcus Jones was 17 when he got to campus, whoever did his mock-up should be designated as a child molester, be marked on sex offender websites, and preferably drug out in the street and shot. Also, since Amobi Okoye was 16 when he signed with Louisville, Bobby Petrino is a pedophile and should be thrown in jail for at least one life sentence.


Get this thread deleted!!! Please! Let's concentrate on college football and the upcoming season. This thread is downright embarrassing.

I of all people can understand how frustrating GH can be, but the above response is just a huge swing and a miss. Too far buddy, too far.


What's too far is people calling out a fan as being 'creepy' because he did a photoshop of a recruit in Gopher colors. I did a photoshop of Leach in Gopher gear.. does that make ME creepy? Especially since we didn't have a CHANCE of landing him? Where is the Creepy Line drawn? Heaven forbid I, or another unsuspecting GHer, accidentally steps on or across it.

This thread is much ado about nothing. Just harmless fun by the OP.

What's the deal with you guys? The OP is a freakin' harmless photoshop of what Pirsig's player profile might look like. DPO is excited about the possibility that he will be a Gopher and gawddammit so am I. You guys calling this a sick, twisted, perverted thing need to seriously step back and chill the F out. Ridiculous.....grow up. As for the picture in the OP, excellent work, can't wait for him to be bulldozing badgers in the coming years.

Nice work dpodoll and I mean that sincerely. I've read a lot of stupid stuff on this website but the complaints about you putting the image of one of the highest ranked recruits in the state, if not the highest, in a gopher outfit is perplexing. Most kids would be honored by the flattery, as would my kid. Do the complainers have kids? Pictures of recruits are posted everywhere.

I would prefer you create a picture of him in a Gopher uniform running over a Wisconsin linebacker in the secondary. That would be even more awesome. But make sure you don't show the grass stains on the back of the Wisconsin player because you don't want to promote too much violence in the picture.

Not a big deal. I love how certain people love to throw their all mightier than opinions around, as if you are a perfect individual who does everything by the books. And what books or codes are we going by anyways? wow some people just need to let others have their harmless fun and move on. Can we not entertain ourselves anymore in this society? Sheesh

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