I really miss the Mason offenses!

Wife made the same comment tonight after the first three plays: " Same stuff as last year, I miss the Mason years. Two Gopher fans at the Commons: " Coyle should have been at the media door as Mason came out and offer him 5 years and keep Claeys on as Special A'sst DC.
This was total garbage tonight"

Wife made the same comment tonight after the first three plays: " Same stuff as last year, I miss the Mason years. Two Gopher fans at the Commons: " Coyle should have been at the media door as Mason came out and offer him 5 years and keep Claeys on as Special A'sst DC.
This was total garbage tonight"

Again, what were you expecting to be different on offense?

Mason always coached to not lose. It never seemed like he coached to win. I really like his commentary, but his takes at the end of the game were representative of how he coached...to not lose. That said, I really like him as the color commentator. He has great insight and really knows the game.

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Mason actually said last night that there are two kinds of coaches; those that play to win and those that play not to lose. He never said which he was and unfortunately his broadcasting partner never asked him which he was.

I thought Jay Johnson was the breath of fresh air we needed and ML7 was a first round draft pick.....Tracy and his coaching staff had all offseason to come up with a more dynamic scheme and we get this debacle tonight.
Relax. 1st games are always ugly. Look at TCU vs us last year. They weren't super impressive but by the end of the year they bad an elite offense. Don't read too much into game one.

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With Maroney and Barber, the Gophers certainly did trounce Tulsa, Troy State, Ohio, Louisiana-Lafayette, Toledo, Illinois State and Colorado State.
Didn't mason lose to Toledo once? By a lot?

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Gimme a break, a good Mason team would have smoked this garbage OSU team we played tonight...get real
The 99 and 03 teams would have, those were the only years we were competent on defense, Mason had some out of conference clunkers too. He managed to lose to Ohio the same year he beat Ohio State. can't remember the year 03 or 04 Illinois State was a little close for comfort. I know in 01 Toledo won 10 games but to get blown out like they did to a MAC team was just embarrassing. Had the NDSU kicker made the field goal Mason probably would've been fired on the spot in 06.

We need to remember that Mason had the benefit of Gordy Shaw as his offensive line coach. When Kill came in, Limey was already with him. so he passed on Shaw. which was to bad. No question our offensive production would have been sufficiantly better under Shaw. Shaw is recognized as one of the best offensive line coaches in college football. To be real honest, I was very disappointed in our offensive line play last night. Poor snaps, at least five illegal motion penalties. Can't say that the line was that more physical. Maybe the Beavers were tougher up front than expected.

Did we lose tonight?

Moral loss. Gophers always have the moral opposite of the actual result. When we win it's a moral loss, when we lose it's a moral victory.
I don't know why so many Gopher fans can't figure this out.

As I wrote elsewhere. Mason had the benefit of Gordy Shaw as his offensive line coach. Recognized as one of the best. Kill had Limey when he came, so he passed on Shaw. To bad. Gopher offensive production would have improved.

As I wrote elsewhere. Mason had the benefit of Gordy Shaw as his offensive line coach. Recognized as one of the best. Kill had Limey when he came, so he passed on Shaw. To bad. Gopher offensive production would have improved.

Yeah, that someplace else you wrote this nonsense was 3 posts up in the same thread. 25 minutes earlier.

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It's year 6 of Kill/Claeys. He has to win at least 8 games if not 9 to keep his job. I don't know why so many Gopher fans can't figure this out.

Don't agree with first sentence. Clarify the second one...regular season?

Only time will tell. If Claeys is fired for winning 7 or 8 games, the last 5 years will absolutely be a factor.

Unless there is something scandalous going on, I don't think there is any chance he is fired after winning 8 games. 7 maybe, but I doubt that either.

Relax. 1st games are always ugly. Look at TCU vs us last year. They weren't super impressive but by the end of the year they bad an elite offense. Don't read too much into game one.

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One big difference between TCU and Minnesota. TCU had elite offensive talent.


Would anyone like to borrow some of my blood-pressure medication?

I'm not going to waste time re-arguing Mason vs. anyone. Tracy Claeys is the Gopher FB coach. You have two choices - support him or not. I choose to support him- and I will not spend every week of the season nit-picking every decision and every play call. The Gophers won. Game over. Another game next week.

As I wrote elsewhere. Mason had the benefit of Gordy Shaw as his offensive line coach. Recognized as one of the best. Kill had Limey when he came, so he passed on Shaw. To bad. Gopher offensive production would have improved.

Agree Jones. The run blocking was marginal at best last night. Smith made a lot of those yards on his own.

As I wrote elsewhere. Mason had the benefit of Gordy Shaw as his offensive line coach. Recognized as one of the best. Kill had Limey when he came, so he passed on Shaw. To bad. Gopher offensive production would have improved.

Brewster passed on Shaw. Kill didn't. He didn't leave gracefully either.

Since then he has bounced all over the pace (South Dakota State, Hawaii, Idaho, Texas State, Houston). Usually "one of the best position coaches" ends up in a BCS school

Only time will tell. If Claeys is fired for winning 7 or 8 games, the last 5 years will absolutely be a factor.

I would bet you a million dollars that Claeys will not be fired for winning 8 games. Kids are doing well in school, program has good continuity, no off field issues, Claeys is an easy person to get along with. No way. Zero chance. Turn off Barreiro. I think it would need to be like a 3 win season to be fired in year one. Coyle has bigger fish to fry.

Mason running offense yes passing offense though I don't miss much.

One big difference between TCU and Minnesota. TCU had elite offensive talent.

I think that only proves my point further. We scored 30 points even by playing horribly. Let's not freak out about it (not that you are, but some others are).

Brewster passed on Shaw. Kill didn't. He didn't leave gracefully either.

Since then he has bounced all over the pace (South Dakota State, Hawaii, Idaho, Texas State, Houston). Usually "one of the best position coaches" ends up in a BCS school

I wouldn't call the University of Houston a BCS school. I see they are rated. He didn't have a job after Brewster, did interview with Kill. Kill missed the boat.

Yes the Mason years had plenty of debacles and I was there for many....However, win or lose the running game (no matter who the RB and/or OL) it was entertaining for fans to watch....I don't what kind of Charlie Brown Cluster-f&*% offense we have been running these last few years but it is neither GOOD and/or entertaining.
Try giving the o staff maybe four weeks, even five, before figuring you know what this o will look like. There were all kinds of mistakes out there tonight besides the obvious ones. Missed calls by Leidner, missed cut by Smith and they still won.

I'd be interested to see what the point differential is by year for Power 5 teams vs. non power 5 FBS teams and vs. FCS teams. My guess is it has steadily declined since the 90's and early 2000's. Maybe I'm wrong, it just seems that the talent level gap has decreased over the last 20 years or so.

I wouldn't call the University of Houston a BCS school. I see they are rated. He didn't have a job after Brewster, did interview with Kill. Kill missed the boat.

Wrong he stayed on until brewster was hired and brew let him go

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