I have a confession to make......

Does she think she is the best girlfriend in the country even though she is only the 4th best girlfriend in the conference?

Does she think she is the best girlfriend in the country even though she is only the 4th best girlfriend in the conference?

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.


That's ok ... my g/f of a year and a half is a Michigan grad. We give each other a lot of crap when our teams play.

I would welcome sammyhawk's contributions.

Well, I for one am disappointed :( and somewhat angry :mad: that sammyhawk hasn't been over here to congratulate you yet.

Still, congratulations to you and your Hawkeye girlfriend. May your relationship last as long as you want it to. ;)

I went to High School in Minnesota and work for the student news media down in Iowa City. Staying abreast of the news, information and sentiments coming out of other big10 schools is a prerogative for my job. I apologize if that seems to be outside of the norm.

Looks like Minnesota and Iowa are statistically similar with regard to Obesity. 26% in Iowa and 24.3% in Minnesota. This is not a significant difference but I attend school at the University of Iowa so what would I know about anything.

The 26% for Iowa is just for those that they feel are of the human form . Many times it is hard to tell the difference between livestock and humans in Iowa:pig:.

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