I have a confession to make......


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
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I've been holding off on telling you guys this as I'm pretty embarrassed. I don't know how it happened, it just did. The rumors have been all over the internet for weeks, and yes they are true. That's right fellow g'holers, my girlfriend is an iowa hawkeyes fan! :eek:

I've been holding off on telling you guys this as I'm pretty embarrassed. I don't know how it happened, it just did. The rumors have been all over the internet for weeks, and yes they are true. That's right fellow g'holers, my girlfriend is an iowa hawkeyes fan! :eek:

Just as long as you don't have children...

If you like bacon so much why don't you marry it! :p

I don't see anything wrong with that......my brother is a chubby chaser also!

I don't see anything wrong with that......my brother is a chubby chaser also!

Believe it or not, she's not overweight at all and is very good looking. But she isn't from Iowa originally, just going to grad school there.

Not all Hawkeye fans are bad, many of us are quite civil (A shocker to many on this board I know). It must be have been difficult over the last decade for you.

I'm married to a Packers fan. We all have our faults. :D

Would it make you feel any better if I said she actually is pretty normal?
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Most of us actually are (Another shocker to many yes). Get out of the "bubble!" The main quarrel I have with the state of Iowa is the high corporate tax rate (13.5%- highest in the nation).

Would it make you feel any better if I said she actually is pretty normal?

There's nothing "normal" about hawkeye fans. Do not defend her -- CORRECT her! Look -- she said she's a hawkeye fan. She's overcome denial -- don't you see? It's a cry for help! Do the right thing and convert her before it's too late!!

Gopherin Iowa you know what need's to be done

GophersInIowa, Your mission should you choose to accept it is to convert her to a Gopher fan. Then and only then will her soul be cleansed of all things Black and Gold and Hawkeye related. This will take daily viewing of monumental collapse's in football, heartbreaking defeats like the blocked punt against Wisconsin in 2004, playing the rouser in the car, and of course Gopher gear to wear to school. It's a tough task but if your up for it we can always use more fan's. Being a Hawks fan is easy only the truly "dedicated" football fan can cut it as a Gopher fan. We Gopher fans are all "down" with the sickness that is Gopher football and probably a little masochistic for following this team. I for one wear Gopher gear at least once a week to work, to many Badger and Hawkeye fan's to irritate not to.

Don't let her drink too much wine when you come to the game at the BANK or she will be with another Iowa fan and he will be leaving a deposit for you inside one of the restrooms! LOL!

I've been holding off on telling you guys this as I'm pretty embarrassed. I don't know how it happened, it just did. The rumors have been all over the internet for weeks, and yes they are true. That's right fellow g'holers, my girlfriend is an iowa hawkeyes fan! :eek:

Lois Feldman? :D


Not all Hawkeye fans are bad, many of us are quite civil (A shocker to many on this board I know). It must be have been difficult over the last decade for you.

I guess they are normal if you consider being a regular poster on a different team's message board to be normal. For those of us outside the land of cornfields and fat chicks find that to be obsessive and odd. But to each their own...

GophersInIowa, Your mission should you choose to accept it is to convert her to a Gopher fan. Then and only then will her soul be cleansed of all things Black and Gold and Hawkeye related. This will take daily viewing of monumental collapse's in football, heartbreaking defeats like the blocked punt against Wisconsin in 2004, playing the rouser in the car, and of course Gopher gear to wear to school. It's a tough task but if your up for it we can always use more fan's. Being a Hawks fan is easy only the truly "dedicated" football fan can cut it as a Gopher fan. We Gopher fans are all "down" with the sickness that is Gopher football and probably a little masochistic for following this team. I for one wear Gopher gear at least once a week to work, to many Badger and Hawkeye fan's to irritate not to.

I accept!!

Actually, I've already been working on converting her. I plan on bringing her to at least one game at TCF this fall.

I guess they are normal if you consider being a regular poster on a different team's message board to be normal. For those of us outside the land of cornfields and fat chicks find that to be obsessive and odd. But to each their own...

I went to High School in Minnesota and work for the student news media down in Iowa City. Staying abreast of the news, information and sentiments coming out of other big10 schools is a prerogative for my job. I apologize if that seems to be outside of the norm.

Looks like Minnesota and Iowa are statistically similar with regard to Obesity. 26% in Iowa and 24.3% in Minnesota. This is not a significant difference but I attend school at the University of Iowa so what would I know about anything.

How long have you been in Iowa? It's probably only natural over time for procreation urges to cloud your judgement :D

Can you give us a sense of how 'normal' she is? Unless you're willing to post a pic she can't pass the eye-test, so we'll need some further proof of her normalcy.

Looks like Minnesota and Iowa are statistically similar with regard to Obesity. 26% in Iowa and 24.3% in Minnesota. This is not a significant difference but I attend school at the University of Iowa so what would I know about anything.

I wouldn't doubt that the statistics aren't relatively accurate. The fine print that you're missing is all those people who move from Iowa to Minnesota for jobs are negatively padding our stats.

I've been holding off on telling you guys this as I'm pretty embarrassed. I don't know how it happened, it just did. The rumors have been all over the internet for weeks, and yes they are true. That's right fellow g'holers, my girlfriend is an iowa hawkeyes fan! :eek:

If you have a kid, he or she might become a Badger fan to get back at the 2 of you;)

Been married to an Iowa girl for nine years

She is more of a Cyclone and Drake Bulldog fan.

We have a young God-daughter who i try to see dresses in Goldy Gopher stuff. Beleive it or not, it is available down here, although the Tiger-hawk stuff of course is :) ubiquitous....

Doesn't matter what she is, really. All that matters is the loyalties of any potential offspring. If you successfully prevent her from ever making little hogeye-babies, you will have done a saintly job indeed!

Look at it this way. If you have kids, you'll have a good use for all those Hawkeye sweaters: They are great as burp cloths for babies! When the baby spits up all over it, it only makes the Hawkeye sweater look better. :D

Doesn't matter what she is, really. All that matters is the loyalties of any potential offspring. If you successfully prevent her from ever making little hogeye-babies, you will have done a saintly job indeed!

That's the plan.

Actually, you might be on to something. If every Gopher fan marries a wisconsin or iowa fan, and can make sure all offspring become Gopher fans, that could be the demise of our two biggest rivals fanbase. I like it!

That's the plan.

Actually, you might be on to something. If every Gopher fan marries a wisconsin or iowa fan, and can make sure all offspring become Gopher fans, that could be the demise of our two biggest rivals fanbase. I like it!

Just sneak the kid a cookie every time he or she plays with the stuffed Goldy Gopher doll. Play with the Hawkeye doll, no cookie. :D

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