How This NCAA Ref Knows We Are Doomed As A Society


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Nov 11, 2008
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Per Heather:

Sometimes all it takes to check on the pulse of society is to attend a youth sporting event, or in this case, a freshman basketball game at an AAU tournament.

John Higgins has the resume, and the reputation, to be considered one of the top referees in NCAA basketball. He's officiated multiple Final Fours, been downwind of the outrage spittle from the likes of Bobby Knight, Bob Huggins, and Mike Krzyzewski, and gotten doxxed by angry Kentucky fans. In other words...he's pretty much seen it all. Or Higgins thought he had seen it all, before he offered to referee an AAU tournament in Council Bluffs, Iowa, with his 15 year old son.

John's son was actually supposed to call the game with another 15 year old friend of his, but his buddy couldn't make it at the last minute, so that's how a highly qualified, Final Four referee found himself blowing the whistle at a freshman AAU game. And, by Higgins' description, not even "the high level freshman teams...this is probably mid-level maybe, at best. And I'm being really kind, I believe."

The tournament director was thrilled just to have some officials, as they are hard to find these days, despite lowering requirements to having a pulse, a whistle, and a tolerance for being berated by irate parents. Higgins said the first game went smoothly, and his son was quickly learning that refereeing a game isn't "just blowing a whistle and running". But game two quickly started to go downhill when, as HIggins described it, one of the teams started playing really physical. A double flagrant foul, and a double technical foul were issued. One player in particular, number 38, stood out as not only overly physical, but mouthy. Not surprisingly, the kid with an attitude fouled out. Somewhat surprisingly, his team also managed to win the game.

But this wouldn't be a story about how our society is doomed, or maybe just devolving into a cesspool of stupidity, if the story ended there. The overly aggressive coach of this overly-aggressive team used language so foul during a timeout, to his own team, that Higgins wasn't comfortable repeating what the coach said on the radio. Higgins said he probably should have teed the coach up right then, or maybe even stopped the game, but "I was trying to be kind. I wasn't trying to be the Division I official coming in to a freshman AAU game. I was just trying to fit in". Unfortunately, Higgins was about to find out how much he was, in fact, fitting in.

After the game, Attitude Kid (aka # 38) walked up to Higgins, "put his middle finger up, and tells me 'You f**ing suck'". Higgins ejected him from the rest of the tournament. Then the coach came after Higgins, and he was also ejected from the tournament. The tournament organizers were fully behind these ejections. They also interviewed the coach to get his take about what happened, and when asked who number 38 is, Higgins said the coach told them, "I coach a lot of kids, I don't know who number 38 is".

Ready to fill in the obvious blanks? Number 38 is the coach's son. The coach had no idea it was NCAA referee John Higgins working his game under after it was over. In fact, during the game, Higgins said when he talked to the coach about his own behavior, he "pulled out his cell phone, and took my picture. I said 'Fine, take my picture. Tell your guy who's running this tournament Higgins worked your game'".

Higgins is still surprised that at the end of the day, when he changed his shoes and put down his whistle, THIS was his experience working (basically volunteering) at an AAU basketball tournament. When asked to rank where this coach and his behavior ranks in the all-time ranks of pissed off coaches, Higgins said, "He's probably close to the top. I mean, I've had situations where we've ran (Bob) Huggins, (John) Calipari, I mean big time coaches...Bob Knight. This guy...he's way up there, and unfortunately he's coaching the youth of today. Which is sad. It's just sad."

No story about AAU sports would be complete without an ancedote about parents berating Higgins' 15 year old son and his friend at the next game they officiated, all under the blanket of entitlement they called "WE PAY A LOT OF MONEY FOR OUR KID TO PLAY THIS SPORT". Higgins was at the game to help teach his son and his friend about the basics of refereeing- positioning, how to call fouls vs. out of bounds, etc. Willing kids, wanting to learn. Higgins told us 80 to 85 percent of first-time officials never come back because of fan/parent behavior.

Go Gophers!!

Time to keep the parents out of the gyms. If their hearts are set on seeing the games streaming is pretty easy. That won’t eliminate the idiot coaches but it could lower the temperature of the whole place.

Time to keep the parents out of the gyms. If their hearts are set on seeing the games streaming is pretty easy. That won’t eliminate the idiot coaches but it could lower the temperature of the whole place.
Nope, time to keep the parents out of the gym who ruin it for the rest of us. Sit in your chair or seat, cheer for your child and his team. Be glad they were able to find enough refs that weekend just so they could play. Oh and on the soccer pitch, quit walking up and down the sideline coaching your kid what to do. Let them fail instead of berating them, life’s lessons are learned that way.

Nope, time to keep the parents out of the gym who ruin it for the rest of us. Sit in your chair or seat, cheer for your child and his team. Be glad they were able to find enough refs that weekend just so they could play. Oh and on the soccer pitch, quit walking up and down the sideline coaching your kid what to do. Let them fail instead of berating them, life’s lessons are learned that way.
It is unfortunate that the actions of a small percentage of parents/coaches ruin it for everyone. I have coached youth sports for years, most of the parents/coaches at the lower levels are great but there are always a few that just can't figure it out and act like morons.

The really sad part is that they can't figure out that their complaining and yelling is only making the issue they are complaining and yelling about worse and worse.

As far as I'm concerned, Higgins is the best ref in the NCAA. Rarely have I seen him make a bad call.
Too bad he left the B10, there are some really bad ones now.

As far as I'm concerned, Higgins is the best ref in the NCAA. Rarely have I seen him make a bad call.
Too bad he left the B10, there are some really bad ones now.
Couldn‘t disagree more. I have been to several games where John Higgins officiated. Maybe he just had several bad nights but he was the official that made most of the really questionable calls. He reminded me of Eddie Hightower, who was famous for taking over the game the last 4 minutes. Things not called for 36 minutes suddenly became fouls at the end of the game. Or as an out official calling a foul under the basket with an official standing 3 feet from the supposed infraction. That’s the John Higgins I saw. Never one to miss an opportunity to be in the spot light.

It seems many refs are now shorter stature wise. That could be a problem.

Done as a society...#1 Problem is absolutely the parents. My gosh.

Good point made that nobody wants to continue reffing because of the abuse.
So, the result is typically guys doing it for the money ....nobody else will do it so they have all day shifts and just do not care at all, especially on their 9th game of the day. You get two guys going from half court to baseline...meaning you got the same guy for a half on one end calling no fouls and on the other end the guy is calling fouls for touching people and your people foul out by halftime. Then they rotate so you get the same guy the whole's a long day

Add some guys coaching who absolutely should not be coaching anything and it can be a pretty miserable experience. Pretty easy, often times in AAU especially, that the most physical team is going to win. It often quickly escalates to tackle football on hardwood. It gets real loud just as described....fairly common, I do believe.

Couldn‘t disagree more. I have been to several games where John Higgins officiated. Maybe he just had several bad nights but he was the official that made most of the really questionable calls. He reminded me of Eddie Hightower, who was famous for taking over the game the last 4 minutes. Things not called for 36 minutes suddenly became fouls at the end of the game. Or as an out official calling a foul under the basket with an official standing 3 feet from the supposed infraction. That’s the John Higgins I saw. Never one to miss an opportunity to be in the spot light.
When you say the “out” official makes a call you demonstrat that you know nothing about how officials position themselves and who has the primary responsibility for the call. So your complaint about Higgins loses credibility. All these D1 officials get critiqued on every games. Higgins works the Final Four because he is a top rated official.

When you say the “out” official makes a call you demonstrat that you know nothing about how officials position themselves and who has the primary responsibility for the call. So your complaint about Higgins loses credibility. All these D1 officials get critiqued on every games. Higgins works the Final Four because he is a top rated official.
Higgins may have the “disadvantage” of working a lot of high profile games too. His alleged mistakes are available for a lot more people to see. I think he must be pretty good because I don’t recall being aghast at calls in games I’ve seen him. The terrible refs are easily remembered.

Higgins is an awful referee, Ask Kentucky fans what they think of Higgins.

Higgins is an awful referee, Ask Kentucky fans what they think of Higgins.
One whining complaint by snowflake Kentucky fans doesn’t exactly proves the point about Higgins as an official. With all the scrutiny of officials, who are evaluated every game, Higgins is highly rated. Mistake free official? Nope. But a very good one. Fans are pretty clueless when it comes to referees.

Higgins is biased and holds grudges. The Kentucky fans , I believe, went after Higgins and tried to shut down his business! Not sure about that though, and I thought he doesn't do Kentucky games anymore. Just read there were death threats involved.....sick. I still can't stand that guy.

Higgins is biased and holds grudges. The Kentucky fans , I believe, went after Higgins and tried to shut down his business! Not sure about that though, and I thought he doesn't do Kentucky games anymore. Just read there were death threats involved.....sick. I still can't stand that guy.
Would you hold a grudge against a group of people who go after you, your business, and make death threats against you?

Time to keep the parents out of the gyms. If their hearts are set on seeing the games streaming is pretty easy. That won’t eliminate the idiot coaches but it could lower the temperature of the whole place.

Refs need police body camera's and permanent bans should be liberally handed out.

When you say the “out” official makes a call you demonstrat that you know nothing about how officials position themselves and who has the primary responsibility for the call. So your complaint about Higgins loses credibility. All these D1 officials get critiqued on every games. Higgins works the Final Four because he is a top rated official.
B.S. 3 officials - 1 out front ,1 on the side sliding under with the ball in his direction - 1 under the basket sliding side to side with ball movement. Higgins as the OUT official called Fouls under the basket. Apparently he had better eyes than the official standing 3 feet away from the player fouling. I wouldn’t hire John Higgins to officiate my sons junior high games. Not hard to see why the B1G eliminated him.

B.S. 3 officials - 1 out front ,1 on the side sliding under with the ball in his direction - 1 under the basket sliding side to side with ball movement. Higgins as the OUT official called Fouls under the basket. Apparently he had better eyes than the official standing 3 feet away from the player fouling. I wouldn’t hire John Higgins to officiate my sons junior high games. Not hard to see why the B1G eliminated him.
The Big Ten coordinator of officials is in your future.

B.S. 3 officials - 1 out front ,1 on the side sliding under with the ball in his direction - 1 under the basket sliding side to side with ball movement. Higgins as the OUT official called Fouls under the basket. Apparently he had better eyes than the official standing 3 feet away from the player fouling. I wouldn’t hire John Higgins to officiate my sons junior high games. Not hard to see why the B1G eliminated him.
Kinda reminds me of the idea that I can't see the mountain lion stalking me from 10 feet away because of the big tree right in front of me or because I'm focused the snake I almost stepped on. But my buddy, who is standing 60 feet away, can clearly see the mountain lion because he's farther away and not blocked by the tree, so he warns me.

Not sure how many posters here have actually officiated much basketball in their lives, but with three officials looking at three different things at three different angles, we all know that different officials with a different sight line can easily spot things missed by one of the other officials. It happens all the time.

B.S. 3 officials - 1 out front ,1 on the side sliding under with the ball in his direction - 1 under the basket sliding side to side with ball movement. Higgins as the OUT official called Fouls under the basket. Apparently he had better eyes than the official standing 3 feet away from the player fouling. I wouldn’t hire John Higgins to officiate my sons junior high games. Not hard to see why the B1G eliminated him.

Silly. And Higgins has more FF the last decade vs. any other ref. Yeah, I'm sure they chose him cuz he's a just a really good guy.

Not sure how many posters here have actually officiated much basketball in their lives, but with three officials looking at three different things at three different angles, we all know that different officials with a different sight line can easily spot things missed by one of the other officials. It happens all the time.
Can pretty much guarantee that 99% of the people who complain about officials have never done it before. If they had they would understand just how difficult it is and would not complain nearly as much.

Kinda reminds me of the idea that I can't see the mountain lion stalking me from 10 feet away because of the big tree right in front of me or because I'm focused the snake I almost stepped on. But my buddy, who is standing 60 feet away, can clearly see the mountain lion because he's farther away and not blocked by the tree, so he warns me.

Not sure how many posters here have actually officiated much basketball in their lives, but with three officials looking at three different things at three different angles, we all know that different officials with a different sight line can easily spot things missed by one of the other officials. It happens all the time.
If the game went to a single ref, we could end all this controversy.

Would you hold a grudge against a group of people who go after you, your business, and make death threats against you?
He holds grudges against others besides Kentucky. He needs to go away

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