How much playing time will Bryant Allen get in the 76 classic?

None. He hasn't stepped on a basketball court in over 6 months, much less practiced a single play with the team.

It's going to take a little while to get in the swing of things...

With how much PT Cobbs has been getting against crappy teams, it's hard to believe Allen would get much when as someone already said he hasn't played bball and he will remain with the football team for a while. Kind of random, but I've been noticing that Nolen seems to refuse to put a hand up when he knows the player is shooting. As good as he is at staying with his man and getting steals, it's getting frustrating watching him let shots go pretty much uncontested fairly often.

the coaches haven't spent one second thinking about Allen, if he shows up, fine, but most football players who talk about playing basketball never even make it one year.

He reminds me of Charles Barkley

Seems like he'll be on the team pretty soon.


Barring Michigan defeating OSU (ha), there will be 7 bowl eligible teams (including the Gophers) for 7 bowl slots.

Allen will still be with the football team when the 76 Classic takes place.


Barring Michigan defeating OSU (ha), there will be 7 bowl eligible teams (including the Gophers) for 7 bowl slots.

Allen will still be with the football team when the 76 Classic takes place.

At least someone got the football reference.


While I look forward to seeing him on the court I think the answer to your question is ZERO.


Barring Michigan defeating OSU (ha), there will be 7 bowl eligible teams (including the Gophers) for 7 bowl slots.

Allen will still be with the football team when the 76 Classic takes place.

Actually the possibility exists that he would (briefly) play Gophers basketball about that time, then return to the football team for practice afterwards.

Actually the possibility exists that he would (briefly) play Gophers basketball about that time, then return to the football team for practice afterwards.

Boy, I doubt that. The Gopher football regular season ends on November 21st. The Gophers leave for the 76 Classic on November 24th. I would highly doubt he could play Gopher basketball for a week and then go back to football.

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