How much is the Axe worth to you?

Keokolo Gopher

Nov 20, 2008
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First off, I want to say I have no affiliation to GH other then I love the site and visit it multiple times per day. I am pledging $25.00 to GH. Now if the Gophers recapture the Axe after 6 long years without it, I will glady donate another $200.00. What would you donate to GH if the Gophers win? Go Gophers!

First off, I want to say I have no affiliation to GH other then I love the site and visit it multiple times per day. I am pledging $25.00 to GH. Now if the Gophers recapture the Axe after 6 long years without it, I will glady donate another $200.00. What would you donate to GH if the Gophers win? Go Gophers!

I will donate $100 if the Badgers keep it.

I will donate $100 if the Badgers keep it.

You either have more money than sense or are trying to make friends here. Now don't get me wrong, this board has many worthy posters and I read it often during the season, but a C-Note?

Personally, the Axe game has been a pain in the a$$ to me having to chase that thing around the field trying to get shots of the players with it. A Gopher win will be a welcome rest for me, but in the end, I hope to be chasing it again on Saturday. If the Gophers win, I'll take a few shots of them, but not nearly as important to my editors. Heck, If the Gophers win, I would probably give the Mods over here a few shots.

You either have more money than sense or are trying to make friends here. Now don't get me wrong, this board has many worthy posters and I read it often during the season, but a C-Note?

Personally, the Axe game has been a pain in the a$$ to me having to chase that thing around the field trying to get shots of the players with it. A Gopher win will be a welcome rest for me, but in the end, I hope to be chasing it again on Saturday. If the Gophers win, I'll take a few shots of them, but not nearly as important to my editors. Heck, If the Gophers win, I would probably give the Mods over here a few shots.

I will donate $100 if the Badgers keep it.

And all that on septic pumpers wages!

Great fundraising ask. I'll chip in $10 without an axe... $40 with one on our back. If GH has emails of members or can direct message all of the people with an account, this would be a good way of raising the funds for the fall donation drive... just a suggestion.

great idea. count me in for $15 no matter what and $40 if the gophs win.

I'll give $30.00 either way and chip in another $100.00 if the Axe stays in Minneapolis! Love this site and all the great articles. The quality of GH has been amped up bigtime in the past year.

Great fundraising ask. I'll chip in $10 without an axe... $40 with one on our back. If GH has emails of members or can direct message all of the people with an account, this would be a good way of raising the funds for the fall donation drive... just a suggestion.

Thanks for starting this up, Keokola, and all of your donations. This would be huge for us as fan, and the site if we do win!

Great idea, fej - but we don't want to send out too many emails so you guys get sick of us ;)

i already donated, but i'll put an extra $50 in if we win. it's at least worth that much to me

Thank you GV Badger!

You are a man of your word - GV donated to GopherHole, and that's very big of you. Thank you!

Looking forward to receiving the rest of your donations, unfortunately, it won't be nearly as much as it would have been if we won the Axe - but we appreciate it all. Thanks for adding this fun component to our heated rivalry!

You are a man of your word - GV donated to GopherHole, and that's very big of you. Thank you!

Looking forward to receiving the rest of your donations, unfortunately, it won't be nearly as much as it would have been if we won the Axe - but we appreciate it all. Thanks for adding this fun component to our heated rivalry!

No problem. You run a great site.

Great entertainment.

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