How good is Wolters

I played with the same AAU program as he did last year and 5 of the 10 guys went D1 so I wouldn't be calling it a mom and pop AAU program, I agree its not to the level of pulley and 43 hoops, but net gain?? we beat them twice

Yes Net Gain. Where their players go to Arizona St., Gonzaga, Santa Clara, Iowa, real D1 programs. I'd rather go to St. Cloud State then Texas-Pan American. Did any of them get any mid-high major scholarships? Were any of them good enough to go mid-high?

Again, if Wolters played for one of the top AAU programs he would've been a mid-high major player and not a low D!/D2 player. Sorry that I offended you or the program that you played for that had 5 D1 players.

Can't use the off-hand and no defense. Just because he scores doesn't make him a better player.

After all of the wide open threes this team has allowed over the last four plus seasons, he would be at least one level up on our defenders. He won't play in the NBA but he was the best guard on the floor last night, not even close.

After all of the wide open threes this team has allowed over the last four plus seasons, he would be at least one level up on our defenders. He won't play in the NBA but he was the best guard on the floor last night, not even close.
For all the ripping on Wolters and Schilling,if they would have been the Gophers guard tandem last season,they would have finished higher in the Big Ten than they did running with what they had.

Wolters is a really nice player. If the question is would he get minutes with the Gophers, the answer is yes. He certainly could play at a higher level of Division I.

The comparison I'd make is to Ben Woodside. Fun players to watch, with a lot of shake & bake in their games. Both very confident players, not timid. Gophers simply wore him down in the second half.

Draft Express rates him 28th best NBA prospect in junior class only THREE BIG TEN players rated higher in his class . Sometimes it is better to be silent rather then letting people know how dumb you are!

Draft Express rates him 28th best NBA prospect in junior class only THREE BIG TEN players rated higher in his class . Sometimes it is better to be silent rather then letting people know how dumb you are!

I guess that settles this thread.

Wolters is a really nice player. If the question is would he get minutes with the Gophers, the answer is yes. He certainly could play at a higher level of Division I.

The comparison I'd make is to Ben Woodside. Fun players to watch, with a lot of shake & bake in their games. Both very confident players, not timid. Gophers simply wore him down in the second half.

That kid can flat out play, it if wasn't for our substitutions absolutely winding him he could have scored in the high 30's. At one point when I noticed he was zapped and we switched Austin on him, he was in his face and didn't let him go anywhere with the ball. That and Rodney and Mbakwe dealt them some deflating stuffs, the game was over.

Problem is that isn't going to work against a better team with a deeper bench.


Draft Express rates him 28th best NBA prospect in junior class only THREE BIG TEN players rated higher in his class . Sometimes it is better to be silent rather then letting people know how dumb you are!

Here's the article from Joey Whelan, described on the website as an "NCAA Scout"

Some good and bad in there but the same issues come up that we are discussing - whether he can handle more talented athletes, quickness, and defense.

Again, he might end up being a nice player by the time he graduates, but based on the game I saw last night, I didn't see a starting B1G point guard. He puts up some points but also shoots a lot of shots for a less than impressive career shooting percentage. Plus, Chip stole the ball from him twice in a row and Mav made him look very ordinary -- imagine what the more talented B1G guards would do to him.

1) I didn't think Wolters had any issue going to his left. In fact, I was impressed with his ability to handle the ball with both hands effectively. His very first drive of the game into the lane was with the left hand. I thought he was a terrific ball-handler.

2) I wouldn't exactly say that Maverick schooled Wolters. Wolters scored 11 points in the 2nd half, Mav scored 8. Mav hit a long three point basket, a decent two-point basket, and got to the line by beating his man once (I'm not even sure Wolters was guarding him then).

3) Wolters - against Big Ten competition - scored 20 points, handed out six assists, grabbed five rebounds, had three turnovers and two steals. That is a pretty good line.

4) Not that my opinion matters, but if he had transfered to the U this past August, I believe he would be the starting PG for us right now.

I understand why people might disagree and I understand why I could well be wrong. But, after watching him, that's what I think.

1) I didn't think Wolters had any issue going to his left. In fact, I was impressed with his ability to handle the ball with both hands effectively. His very first drive of the game into the lane was with the left hand. I thought he was a terrific ball-handler.

2) I wouldn't exactly say that Maverick schooled Wolters. Wolters scored 11 points in the 2nd half, Mav scored 8. Mav hit a long three point basket, a decent two-point basket, and got to the line by beating his man once (I'm not even sure Wolters was guarding him then).

3) Wolters - against Big Ten competition - scored 20 points, handed out six assists, grabbed five rebounds, had three turnovers and two steals. That is a pretty good line.

4) Not that my opinion matters, but if he had transfered to the U this past August, I believe he would be the starting PG for us right now.

I understand why people might disagree and I understand why I could well be wrong. But, after watching him, that's what I think.


People keep saying he would struggle against Big Ten teams because he wouldn't be able to handle the athleticism. Last I checked Minnesota is a Big Ten team and are arguably the most athletic team in the conference. In regards to the shooting percentage, if he played for Minnesota he wouldn't be forced to shoot as much as he is for SDSU and thus would be able to take more shots within the offense and make a higher percentage of them. Given Tubby's obsession with length/athleticism/defense Wolters might not start for the Gophers, but it wouldn't necessarily be because of a lack of overall talent. At the very least he would be a good scorer off the bench.

This thread is silly. Wolters would absolutely start for the Gophers and be their leading scorer. In fact, if they had him this is definitely a top 5 B10 team and be tourney bound.

Count me as one that has been impressed by Wolters both time I have seen him play. His shot is a bit unique, but he is pretty accurate. He was effective with a floater in the lane and had several excellent passes off his drive. Several of his missed shots were the result of blocks by the Gopher big men. He appeared to have more skill and court awareness than any of the Gopher guards. I do think the constant pressure wore him out by the end of the game.

Wolters is a lottery pick. lol, enough.He will never play in the NBA.He's a good college player.Why can't that be enough?It's pointless to ramble on about local kids who went away to school.There's a ton of kids like Wolters,Schilling, and a bevy of other good local talents who are nice players.ButI'm more concerned with not getting the Royce Whites,Trent Locketts,Jon Leaurs,Jordan Taylors of the world.Even going back to Cam Taylor.Jake Sullivan,Johnny Gilberts.I tire of how every kid who goes to the Dakota schools in hoops or football is perceived as better than what we have.It's a bunch of bs and if you look at their offers out of high school it bears out they belong were they are.

Wolters is a lottery pick. lol, enough.He will never play in the NBA.He's a good college player.Why can't that be enough?It's pointless to ramble on about local kids who went away to school.There's a ton of kids like Wolters,Schilling, and a bevy of other good local talents who are nice players.ButI'm more concerned with not getting the Royce Whites,Trent Locketts,Jon Leaurs,Jordan Taylors of the world.Even going back to Cam Taylor.Jake Sullivan,Johnny Gilberts.I tire of how every kid who goes to the Dakota schools in hoops or football is perceived as better than what we have.It's a bunch of bs and if you look at their offers out of high school it bears out they belong were they are.

It annoys me when people think that every low/mid-major kid and even D2 kids who puts up decent numbers would somehow automatcally be starters at the high-major level, but that statement is definitely not always the case. Plenty of kids go under the radar otherwise mid-major players would never go to the NBA. But they do. By the way, is your spacebar broken?

OMG if we had Wolters, he would be average 40 pts. a game, and we'd go undefeated this year he is that good.

Seriously, who cares? He's not on the team and the game against him has passed, move on.

Wolters is a lottery pick. lol, enough.He will never play in the NBA.He's a good college player.Why can't that be enough?It's pointless to ramble on about local kids who went away to school.There's a ton of kids like Wolters,Schilling, and a bevy of other good local talents who are nice players.ButI'm more concerned with not getting the Royce Whites,Trent Locketts,Jon Leaurs,Jordan Taylors of the world.Even going back to Cam Taylor.Jake Sullivan,Johnny Gilberts.I tire of how every kid who goes to the Dakota schools in hoops or football is perceived as better than what we have.It's a bunch of bs and if you look at their offers out of high school it bears out they belong were they are.

Wolters has the talent to play for a BIG school. He is one of the MN/Dakota kids that would make the Gophers a better team. Same with some of the other MN kids that end up in the Dakota schools.

Recruiting is not an exact science.

first off, Ben Woodside would of LOVED to play for MINNESOTA, but no offer, not even a walk on offer. Woodside is best guard in the last 10-15 years in Minnesota and at the gophers since bobby jackson.

Wolters is solid, but if the crowd gets on him, he folds like a chair. (see his 33% shooting at NDSU, who he is 0-4 against.)

MWILL was the star point guard at Hopkins, the best HS basketball team around the nation that year, clemson coach said he'd be in the NCAA' if he had a better jump shot. MWILL balls with the NDSU team and could start for them, but NFL is in his sights.

so the answer is NOOO Wolters would be an Eric Harris, Russ Archambeault type at the U of Minn.

ps--- NDSU is 4-0 this year.

if we was good enough to start for us don't you think he'd be here?
No. This assumes that markets operate with perfect efficiency. But markets are not perfectly efficient, certainly not the recruiting market. IOW coaches make mistakes, lots of 'em.

wolters listed at 6'4" vs woodside 5'11" wolters had clearly better sophmore years at SD vs woodside at NDSU. Comparing their first 2 years in college Wolters scored more and was well ahead in assists and more importantly assists to turnover ratio. Woodside is a better shooter but does not have woodside size or point guards skills. The gophs came very close to offering Woodside coaching staff was split on him and a kid from Ca. They unfortunately signed the Ca. kid.

Why everytime someone sees a good shooter, they say "oh he's like Blake!" People don't realize how good and highly rated Blake really was.

Nate Wolters, Isiah Zierden, etc. are not even close to Blake Hoffarber.

Blake had an automatic jump shot, an extremely quick release, a step back jump shot, etc. His talent was recognized by TWO BCS schools outside of MN. You can't tell me that Wolters, Zierden, etc. are the same as Blake yet managed to trick schools into thinking they suck or Blake tricked schools into thinking he was good. Everyone says, "How come Tubby doesn't get shooters like Blake???" Well, the answer is because Blake has very few shooters like him.

Minnesota fans have started thinking Blake is just another white guy who can shoot and is the same player as any other white guy who can shoot and that is 110% false.

People say Wolters didn't get a MN offer because he was not athletic enough, but sure is talented enough. So why no Wisconsin offer? The unathletic, MN college to the east?

4) Not that my opinion matters, but if he had transfered to the U this past August, I believe he would be the starting PG for us right now.

tjgopher - How would this work? If he transferred to the U this past August wouldn't he have had to sit out a year?

yes he would sit out . hoff only shot very good his junior year 41.5%fgp as a senior 41% as a soph. hoff was an effective player but a deadly in game shooter not supported by the facts.

yes he would sit out . hoff only shot very good his junior year 41.5%fgp as a senior 41% as a soph. hoff was an effective player but a deadly in game shooter not supported by the facts.

Below is the overall career 3pt % for Wolters and Hoff. Which is which? One shot their % against Big10 competition, one shot it against low D1 competition.

Player A: 38.5%
Player B: 41.0%

yes he would sit out . hoff only shot very good his junior year 41.5%fgp as a senior 41% as a soph. hoff was an effective player but a deadly in game shooter not supported by the facts.
Take into account senior year his effectiveness was lowered by playing pg.

midway through is career nate is 16ppg in 7 games vs high major teams hoff is WAY lower vs high major teams throwing out most of the pre season games vs low to mid majors playing on the gophs home court no less. sure hoff is a better pure shooter from 3pt land but thats is about it. Hoff was an effective very versitile player solid at the 3, very nice at the 2 and ok fill in at the point. THE SCOUT!

Wolters was the best guard and the second best player on the floor. He could be the starting pg for most teams in the big ten. He might have trouble on the defensive end, meaning who knows with Tubby.

IF he really is 6'3" or 6'4" he could guard the opposing teams worst guard or wing. He would be at least as good as HOff on defense, and he was rarely our worst defender.

His point guard skills are miles ahead of our pg's. Plus he can shoot outside, other than defensive quickness I don't get the hate.

Woodside is best guard in the last 10-15 years in Minnesota and at the gophers since bobby jackson

This is just plain stupid.

J. Coleman
Jordan Taylor
Anthony Tucker
Kammron Taylor
D. Joseph
Shane Schilling

There are also other borderline candidates:

Jacob Thomas
Cody Schilling
Travis Busch
Brandon Smith
J. Cobbs

And there are probably several others who I'm forgetting.

This is easily one of the stupidest things anyone has ever said on GopherHole. Offense intended.

midway through is career nate is 16ppg in 7 games vs high major teams hoff is WAY lower vs high major teams throwing out most of the pre season games vs low to mid majors playing on the gophs home court no less. sure hoff is a better pure shooter from 3pt land but thats is about it. Hoff was an effective very versitile player solid at the 3, very nice at the 2 and ok fill in at the point. THE SCOUT!

PPG? Really?

Look at the teams they play for.

During the 2009-2010 season, the #1 scorer in CBB was Aubrey Coleman from the University of Houston. He was not the NBA's #1 draft choice, in fact, he has only bounced around Europe since not even being drafted. I would guess it is because averaging more PPG on mid-major doesn't automatically make you a better player.

Wolters was the best guard and the second best player on the floor. He could be the starting pg for most teams in the big ten. He might have trouble on the defensive end, meaning who knows with Tubby.

IF he really is 6'3" or 6'4" he could guard the opposing teams worst guard or wing. He would be at least as good as HOff on defense, and he was rarely our worst defender.

His point guard skills are miles ahead of our pg's. Plus he can shoot outside, other than defensive quickness I don't get the hate.

He is much skinnier than Hoff. And yes, Hoff was easily the Gophers worst deffender on a team with Trevor Mbakwe, Rodney, Ralph, and Nolen. Most guys won't crack that unit though. He is a good passer and gets a nice number of assists on that team, but when the offense is run through you, you put up better numbers. The MN offense has never been run through Hoff.

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