House passes bill allowing beer sales at TCF; Dayton likely to sign

Delusional. This is an activity by (mostly) underage children intended for the entertainment of (mostly) underage children. It has been bastardized and misappropriated by the infusion of corporate money over the past few decades. Adults who think that college football exists for them and not for the college kids are missing the entire point.

And clearly, the only reason to not like alcohol being served at a college football game is because we're worried about our "child getting puked on". Yup, you've really cut to the core of the issue, Baxter.

Obviously, I was talking out of my ass a little bit. I always enjoy your posts, so I don't really want to get in a fight here but 'what is the core of the issue' according to you? I just don't see the angst in regard to beer being served during games. Anyone who wants to get wasted during the games will find a way to do so...why not make some money along the way from the people that don't plan ahead. I also would take issue with your point about the audience of this entertainment. True, most of the athletes on the roster are under 21...but I would wager that the vast majority of people in attendance are over 21 and should be allowed to enjoy a watered down alcoholic beverage if they so choose.

Delusional. This is an activity by (mostly) underage children intended for the entertainment of (mostly) underage children. It has been bastardized and misappropriated by the infusion of corporate money over the past few decades. Adults who think that college football exists for them and not for the college kids are missing the entire point.

I'm indifferent on the beer garden but I completely disagree that college football is for the entertainment of mostly underage children. Now, or a few decades ago.

I'm indifferent on the beer garden but I completely disagree that college football is for the entertainment of mostly underage children. Now, or a few decades ago.

My bad on the word choice. I'm not sure what I was thinking, honestly. What I meant was underage adults, i.e., 18-20 year olds.

Who cares if they sell beer at the game or not. I would like to buy a beer or two at the game. However, they will probably be expensive enough where I won't. If it brings more money in for the university, good. Like someone already mentioned, the people who want to get drunk at the game, won't do it by buying beers at the game. They will get drunk before or during by sneaking liquor in.

I say ban everything Wisconsin and that includes Wisconsin Brats and Wisconsin Beer. No Miller no Leinies. Plenty of good beers brewed with out tainted Wisconsin water.

Grain Belt, Summit, Surly, et al...

I guess I'm more of a traditionalist(older).



harrys ghost said:
From Tom Dienhart yesterday, "RISKY MOVE: The legislature has approved alcohol sales at Minnesota’s TCF Bank Stadium. I’m just gonna say this: Not a good thing. Sets a bad example. The only reasons—and I mean ONLY reasons—this is being done is to make money and attract fans. I dare someone to spin it differently."

Isn't this the same reason they sell hot dogs, coffee, cokes, hats, footballs...what a dumb statement.

I say ban everything Wisconsin and that includes Wisconsin Brats and Wisconsin Beer. No Miller no Leinies. Plenty of good beers brewed with out tainted Wisconsin water.

Grain Belt, Summit, Surly, et al...

Who gives a damn where the beer is made. It all just turns to pi$$ anyway.

Who gives a damn where the beer is made. It all just turns to pi$$ anyway.

Since there are so many pissing matches here I would prefer that they be of a higher quality.

Since there are so many pissing matches here I would prefer that they be of a higher quality.

I am not one to judge whether a pissing contest is of a higher quality or not. I just referee them. The pay is the same.

Who cares if they sell beer at the game or not. I would like to buy a beer or two at the game. However, they will probably be expensive enough where I won't. If it brings more money in for the university, good. Like someone already mentioned, the people who want to get drunk at the game, won't do it by buying beers at the game. They will get drunk before or during by sneaking liquor in.

Stocker makes a good point here. For those who want to imbibe there are alternatives to the university sanctioned beer sales. I must say, however, come next fall, I'm looking forward to enjoying my hand-sanitizer with a beer back.

Stocker makes a good point here. For those who want to imbibe there are alternatives to the university sanctioned beer sales. I must say, however, come next fall, I'm looking forward to enjoying my hand-sanitizer with a beer back.

I guess I've been to enough Vikings and Twins games where I HAVE seen people pay $6.50+ 4-5 times during the course of a game for beer. Young and old. There isn't a big enough tailgating/bar-gating scene near the Metrodome to explain the many, MANY fans who come relatively sober (maybe a beer or 2 on the plaza?) and leave completely trashed.

I think the ability to buy a beer at a game will be NICE, but certainly not a necessity. I also tend to agree with the U's stance on not selling beer in a stadium filled 1/5 with students and geared more towards a family-friendly environment than an NFL game, but it's not a huge deal if they go the other way. Ultimately I was angry that the legislators made the U look bad for doing something that EVERY on-campus, D1 college stadium does, which is ban alcohol in public seating areas. I have been approached or overheard many conversations from casual MN fans, Vikings fans, non-UMN fans all saying how extremely dumb the University of Minnesota is for banning it, etc. Not realizing that a) it's extremely commonplace, b) not a big deal to spend 50% or less for beer somewhere else before the game, and c) the legislators overstepping their bounds simply because they wanted to pander to their constituents to point to something they've done "for the people"

I think you can still get Mickey's Malt in big mouth bottles.

I don't agree with dpdoll on much on this issue, but he is spot on with college games are suppose to be, well, for college students. Not that the current students are aware of this.

I don't agree with dpdoll on much on this issue, but he is spot on with college games are suppose to be, well, for college students. Not that the current students are aware of this.

The Brickhouse sure had a large student section in the 1960's


I think you can still get Mickey's Malt in big mouth bottles.

I don't agree with dpdoll on much on this issue, but he is spot on with college games are suppose to be, well, for college students. Not that the current students are aware of this.

And college students like beer.

Maybe the student ticket sales will improve or at least the students may show up. Couldn't hurt.

/tries to break up pi$$ing match
//probably will fail to do so and start another one.

I'll still be bringing in my flasks of captain morgan, regardless.

Hell, I'd probably rather my 19 year old have a beer or two than a Coke filled with all that sugar. #whyiprobablyshouldnthavekids

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- Gov. Mark Dayton has signed a bill that's likely to be a big hit with Gopher football fans who will now be able to drink a beer at TCF Bank Stadium.

Dayton signed the bill Friday, a few days after it passed the state House and Senate by large majorities. It lets the university obtain a liquor license for the stadium as long as sales are open to the general public.

Bill sponsors say they expect the legislation will result in a beer garden at the stadium's open west end that operates each game until the end of halftime.

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- Gov. Mark Dayton has signed a bill that's likely to be a big hit with Gopher football fans who will now be able to drink a beer at TCF Bank Stadium.

Dayton signed the bill Friday, a few days after it passed the state House and Senate by large majorities. It lets the university obtain a liquor license for the stadium as long as sales are open to the general public.

Bill sponsors say they expect the legislation will result in a beer garden at the stadium's open west end that operates each game until the end of halftime.

Well, it's now official. I don't want to hear anyone on this board ever criticize the SEC, because we're more redneck than they are.... our very own beer garden.

from the pioneer press, "Under the compromise they reached, beer could be sold in suites as well as to the public in what has been described as a stadium beer garden. In addition, the deal says at least one Minnesota-brewed beer must be sold there."

The marketing dept better improve or the U may be breaking the law.:)

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