Home field advantage?

I don't have a band answer other than. Mike them up to get some sound balance.

In 214- Cal's pepband was not a whisper on the wind

For halftime. The band needs to do more formations with approx half the band facing each sideline. The difference between have some facing the vistors bench and none facing the vistors bench? I'd say approximately is about 75% reduced sound with half the stadium ignored.

BTW Sweet Caroline?????-- THIS SONG SUCKS!!! At least that is what my bride thinks.

The student section seemed to like it (when the band was in a position to be heard). I for one think it's a great song along with songs like Living on a Prayer that the student section can get into...

This student section kicks all kinds of crap out of, I dare say ALL other Student sections in the previous 6 years of student sections. As present at the dome.

The few pockets left in the corners of the section. Those bodies must be somewhere. . .

Does anyone know if the attendence is scanner clicks or tickets sold?

Probably down in the lower bowl. Some have stated already that they had over 35 people in their row, even though there is only 30 "seats".

Probably down in the lower bowl. Some have stated already that they had over 35 people in their row, even though there is only 30 "seats".

It also appeared from section 141 that there were A LOT of bodies watching from the concourse behind the lower student sections, maybe enough to account for a significant portion of the empty bench space in the upper corners.

Students have been great so far

No one, absolutely no one, should be complaining about the students after the first two games this year. I sit in 117 (right next to the student section) and I love the energy and enthusiasm we've seen thus far. It's very obvious that they are packed in really tight in the lower level, so you're going to have open seats in the upper deck. It's never going to look full unless the U sells more tickets than they have seats. Can't see that happening, though. There will be a day to complain about attendance and timeliness, but today is not that day.

I am still amazed at how loud it gets in there. The 03 Michigan game is still the gold standard for me, but today's game had one of the best crowds we've seen in recent memory.

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